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List of works by John Boardman

(A. C.) Smith The Architecture of Chios: Subsidiary Buildings, Implements and Crafts. Ed. P. P. Argenti. London: A. Tiranti. 1962. Pp. viii + 171. 7 maps. 226 plates. £4 10s. 0d

(A.) Rumpf. Archäologie, II. Die Archäologensprache. Die antiken Reproduktionen [Sanunlung Göschen, Band 539]. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1956. Pp. 136, with 12 plates and 7 text figures. DM. 2.40

(C.) Clairmont. Greek Pottery from the Near East [Berytus XI]. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1955. Pp. 57, with 13 plates. Price not stated

(C.C.) Mattusch Classical Bronzes. The art and craft of Greek and Roman statuary. Cornell UP, 1996. Pp. xvii + 241, ill. £35.50. 0801431824

(D.) Harden The Phoenicians. (Ancient Peoples and Places, 26.) London: Thames and Hudson. 1962. Pp. 336. 82 text figures. 115 illustrations in plates. £1 10s. 0d

(E.) Kunze. V. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia. Mit Beiträgen von H. Volkmar-Herrmann and H. Weber. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1956. Pp. 176, with 82 plates and 74 text figures. DM. 44

(E.A.) Tees La Collection des antiquités gréco-romaines de l'Université McGill 2. The ancient and classicizing finger-rings and gems. Amsterdam: Gieben, 1993. Pp. xv + 82 + illus. Fl. 90

article published in 1995

(F.) Brommer Vasenlisten zur griechischen Heldensage. Herakles, Theseus, Aigeus, Erechtheus, Erichthonios, Kekrops, Kodros, Perseus, Bellerophon, Meleager, Peleus. Marburg/Lahn: N.G. Elwert Verlag, 1956. Pp.xvi + 190. DM 19.60

(F.) Villard La céramique grecque de Marseille (VIe–IVe siècle): essai d'histoire économique. (Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, cxcv.) Paris: E. de Boccard. 1960. Pp. 177. 58 plates. Price not stated

(G. T. W.) Hooker Ed. Parthenos and Parthenon. (Greece and Rome, supp. to vol. x.) Oxford: the Clarendon Press for the Classical Association. 1963. Pp. viii + 87. 12 plates. 2 text fierures. 7s. 6d

(H.) Goldman Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus, iii. The Iron Age. Text and plates. Princeton: University Press (London: Oxford U.P.). 1963. Pp. vii + 426. 7 plans. 181 illus. £16

article by John Boardman published November 1965 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

(K.) Schefold Ed. Die Griechen und ihre Nachbarn. (Propyläen Kunstgeschichte, 1.) Berlin: Propyläen Verlag. 1967. Pp. 373. 5 maps. 464 plates (incl. 32 in colour). 74 text figures. Price not stated

(K.J.) Dover Greek homosexuality. London: Duckworth. 1978. Pp. x + 244, col. frontis., [56] plates. £15.00

article published in 1980

(O.) Rubensohn Das Delion von Paros. Wiesbaden: F. Steiner. 1962. Pp. viii + 185. 2 folding plans. 39 plates. 13 text figures. DM 58

article published in 1965

(P.) Jacobsthal. Greek Pins and their connexions with Europe and Asia. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956. Pp. xvi + 250, with 650 illustrations. £8 8s


(R. F.) Willetts Everyday life in ancient Crete. London: B. T. Batsford. 1969. Pp. 191. 103 illus. £1 5s

(R.) Hampe and (E.) Simon Griechische Sagen in der frühen etruskischen Kunst. Mainz: P. von Zabern. 1964. Pp. xii + 71. 31 plates. 12 text figures. DM 48

(U.) Hausmann Griechische Weihreliefs. Berlin: De Gruyter. 1960. Pp. 113. 60 text figures. DM 18.50

A Catalogue of Cyrenaican Portrait Sculpture. By Elisabeth Rosenbaum. 11½ × 8½. Pp. xviii + 140 + 108 pls. Published for the British Academy by the Oxford University Press, 1960. £4. 4s

A Greek Vase from Egypt

scholarly article by John Boardman published November 1958 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

A Greek painting at Persepolis

A Hellenic Fortification Tower on the Kefala Ridge at Knossos

A Name for the Cerberus Painter?

A Sam Wide Group Cup in Oxford

A. R. Burn: The Warring States of Greece, from their Rise to the Roman Conquest. London: Thames and Hudson, 1968. 144 pp., 136 figs. (21 in colour). 30s. (cloth), 15s. (paper)


scientific article (publication date: July 1990)


scholarly article by John Boardman published in November 1982

ANCIENT ITALY. By G. M. A. Richter. University of Michigan Press, 1955. pp. 138 with 305 figures. £6


ARCHÄOLOGIEII: DIE ARCHÄOLOGENSPRACHE, DIE ANTIKEN REPRODUKTIONEN. By A. Rumpf. Sammlung Göschen Band 539, Berlin, 1956. pp. 136 + 12 plates. DM. 2.40; English price 4s. 6d

ART AND LITERATURE IN FOURTH-CENTURY ATHENS. By T. B. L. Webster. University of London, 1956. pp. xvi + 160 + 16 plates. 25s

article by John Boardman published June 1957 in Antiquity

ATTIC BLACK-FIGURE VASE-PAINTERS. By J. D. Beazley. Oxford University Press (London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, 1956. pp. xvi + 852. 6 guineas

ATTIC VASE PAINTINGS IN THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON. Part II by J. D. Beazley, with 104 pages and 12 plates, and a separate portfolio of 34 plates. Oxford University Press, 1954. £8 8s

An Anatolian Greek Belt Handle

article by John Boardman published December 1966 in Anatolian Studies

Ancient Crete. By S. Alexiou, N. Platon, and H. Guanella, with photographs by L. von Matt, 12¼ × 9½. Pp. 238 + 183 pls. (30 in colour) + 1 map. London: Thames & Hudson, 1968. £7.7s

Ancient Mycenae. The Capital City of Agamemnon. By George E. Mylonas. 9½ × 6. Pp. xx + 202 + figs. 87. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957. 45s

Antike Gemmen in deutschen Sammlungen. Band 1. Staatliche Münzsammlung München. Teil 1. Griechische Gemmen von minoischer Zeit bis zum späten Hellenismus. Ed. E. Brandt. Munich: Prestel Verlag. 1968. Pp. 183. 68 plates. DM 120

Archaeology in Greece, 1953

scholarly article by J. M. Cook published in November 1954

Archaic finds at Knossos

Art and Archaeology (R.) Bol and (D.) Kreikenbom Eds. Sepulkralund Votivdenkmäler östlicher Mittelmeergebiete (7. Jh. v. Chr. - 1. Jh. n. Chr.). Mainz: Bibliopolis, 2004. Pp. 242, illus. £69.50. 3933925517

scholarly article by John Boardman published in November 2007

Artemis Orthia and chronology

Athenian Black Figures Vases. A Handbook

Book by John Boardman

Athenian Red Figure Vases: The Archaic Period: A Handbook

Book by John Boardman

Athenian Red Figure Vases: The Classical Period: A Handbook

Book by John Boardman

Attic Geometric Vase Scenes, Old and New

article published in 1966


scholarly article by John Boardman published in July 1982

Bronze Age Greece and Libya

article published in 1968

C. C. Vermeule, The Dal Pozzo-Albani Drawings of Classical Antiquities in the British Museum (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society n.s. 50, part 5). Philadelphia, 1960. Pp. 78, 103 figures. $2.

scientific article published on 07 May 2006

CATALOGUE OF THE TERRACOTTAS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES, BRITISH MUSEUM. Volume 1: Greek, 730-330.B.C. By R. A. Higgins. Separates volumes of text and plates: VII and 432 pages, and 208 plates. London, British Museum, 1954. £15


scholarly article by John Boardman published in November 1984


scholarly article by John Boardman published in November 1990

CORINTH, Vol. I, PART IV. The South Stoa and its Roman Successors. By Oscar Broneer. 167 pages with 54 plates, 22plans and numerous text drawings. American School of Classical Studies (Princeton, New Jersey), 1954. $15.00

Catherine Johns: Sex or symbol. Erotic images of Greece and Rome. London: Colonnade: British Museum Publications, 1982. 160 pp., 38 col. figs., 124 figs. £14.95

Chian and Early Ionic architecture

Chian and Naucratite

Chios Excavations, 1954

article by M. S. F. Hood & J. Boardman published March 1955 in Antiquity

Classical archaeology: whence and whither?

scholarly article by John Boardman published in December 1988

Clay Analyses of Archaic Greek Pottery

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: Frankfurt am Main i (Deutschland xxv). Ed. K. Deppert. 10 × 13. Pp. 33 + 40 pls. Munich, 1964. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: Cyprus Museum i (Cyprus i). Ed. V. Karageorghis. 10 × 13. Pp. 49 + 40 pls. Cyprus, 1964

scholarly article by John Boardman published September 1965 in Antiquaries Journal

Cynthia Jones Eiseman & Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway. The Porticello shipwreck: a Mediterranean merchant vessel of 415–385 BC. xii + 126 pages, 4 plans, 166 illustrations, 9 tables. 1987. College Station (TX): Texas A&M University Press; ISBN 0-89096-

Cypriot Finger Rings

D. E. Strong: Catalogue of the Carved Amber in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities. London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1966, 116 pp., 43 pls., 2 figs. 70s

Delos. Etudes Déliennes publiées à l'occasion du centième anniversaire du début des fouilles de l'École française d'Athènes à Délos. (Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique Suppl. I.) Paris: E. de Boccard (for École française d'Athènes).

Delphinion in Chios

E.) Meyer Heinrich Schliemann Briefwechsel. II. Band: von 1876 bis 1890. Berlin: Verlag Gebr. Mann. 1958. Pp. 488, with 15 plates


scientific article published in May 2006


scholarly article by John Boardman published in November 1991

EARLY ROME II: THE TOMBS. By E. Gjerstad. pp. 328, with 249 text figures. Lund, 1956

EXCAVATIONS AT OLYNTHUS. Part XIV. Terracottas, Lamps and Coins found in 1934 and 1938. By David M. Robinson, xx + 534 pages, and 174 plates. John Hopkins University Studies in Archaeology, no. 39, Baltimore, 1952

scholarly article by John Boardman published in June 1955

Early Euboean Pottery and History

Early Greek Vase Painting. 11th to 6th Century BC. A Handbook

Book by John Boardman

Early Iron Age tombs at Knossos: (Knossos Survey 25)

Eretria. Ausgrabungen und Forschungen: fouilles et recherches. 5. (A.) Hurst Ombres de l'Eubée? (J. P.) Descoeudres Die vorklassische Keramik aus dem Gebiet des Westtors. (P.) Auberson Le temple de Dionysos. Bern: Francke. 1976. Pp. 67, [24] plates,

Etruscan and South Italian Finger Rings in Oxford


Evidence for the Dating of Greek Settlements in Cyrenaica


Excavation on the Kofinà Ridge, Chios

article by J. K. Anderson et al published November 1954 in Annual of the British School at Athens

GREECE BEFORE HOMER: ANCIENT CHRONOLOGY AND MYTHOLOGY. By Sir John Forsdyke. pp. 176, with 8 plates. Max Parrish, London, 1956. 18s. 6d

GREEK PAINTED POTTERY. By R. M. Cook. London: Methuen, 1960. pp. 391, 56 plates, 43 text figures. 63s

Ganymed. Mythos und Gestalt in der antiken Kunst. By H. Sichtermann. Pp. 126, 16 pll. Berlin: Mann, 1953. DM. 10

Greek Bronzes. By J. Charbonneaux. 8½ × 5½. Pp. 164 + 32 pls. including 8 in colour + 21 figs. Translated by Katherine Watson. London: Elek Books, 1962. 30s

article published in 1963

Greek Gods and Heroes. By Ann Birchall and P. E. Corbett. 10 × 7½. PP. 32 + 73 figs. London: British Museum Publications Ltd.., 1974. £2 (£1, paperback).

Greek Potters at Al Mina?

HANDBOOK OF THE GREEK COLLECTION. The metropolitan Museum of Art. By Gisela M. A. Richter, 322 pages including 130 with collotype plates. Harvard University Press (London: Geoffrey Cumberlege), 1953. English Price, £5

Herakles, Peisistratos and the Unconvinced

Herakles. Die zwölf Taten des Helden in antiker Kunst und Literatur. By F. Brommer. Pp. 103, with 32 plates and 10 text figures. Münster/Köln: Böhlau-Verlag, 1953. DM 12.80

article published in 1955

Island Gems Aftermath

Kerameikos: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen. Band VI, 1. Teil: Die Nekropolen des späten 8. bis frühen 6. Jahrhunderts. By Karl Kübler. 11 × 8. Pp. 198 + 101 figs.; 69 pls. + 49 Beilagen in separate folder. Published for the Deutsches Archäologische

Knossos. Archaeological survey of the Knossos area. Comp. by M. S. F. Hood. Map by D. Smollett and P. de Jong. London: the British School at Athens. 1958. Pp. 24. Map 1: 5,000. 3 text figures. 17s. 6d

scholarly article by John Boardman published in November 1961

Martin Robertson: A history of Greek art. Cambridge: University Press, 1975 (1976). 858 pp., 192 pls., 4 figs., in two volumes. £25.00

Michael Grant: The Ancient Mediterranean. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969. 394 pp., 71 figs., 19 maps. 55s

Minoan Cultures - Fritz Schachermeyr: Die minoische Kultur des alien Kreta. Pp. 366; 68 plates, 166 figs. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1964. Cloth, DM. 65.

scientific article published in 1965

Myth and Legend in Early Greek Art. By Karl Schefold. 10½ × 9. Pp. 202 + 80 pl + 46 figs. London: Thames and Hudson, 1966. 84s

Neue Ausgrabungen in Griechenland. (Antike Kunst, Beiheft 1.) Olten: Urs Graf—Verlag. 1963. Pp. 55. 24 plates. 17 text figures. Sw. fr. 37. (members of the Vereinigung de Freunde antiker Kunst. Sw. fr. 19)

Olympia. VI. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia, von E. Kunze. Winter 1953–1954 und 1954–1955. [Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.] Berlin: W. de Gruyter. 1958. Pp. 225. 138 text figures, 7 plans. 76 plates. DM 48


Opfernde Götter. By E. Simon. Pp. 139, with 4 plates. Berlin: Gebr. Mann (for Deutsches Archäologisches Institut), 1953. Price not stated

Painted Funerary Plaques and some Remarks on Prothesis

Painted Votive Plaques and an Early Inscription from Aegina

Paradeigmata—three mid-fourth-century main works of Hellenic architecture reconsidered. By Kristian Jeppesen. 11¾ × 8¼. Pp. xviii + 162 + 88 figs. Aarhus University Press, 1958. (Jutland Archaeological Society Publications Vol. IV.) D.Kr. 50.---

Pottery from Eretria

Protogeometric graves at Agios Ioannis near Knossos: (Knossos Survey 3)

R. M. Cook: Greek painted pottery (2nd ed.). London: Methuen, 1972. 414 pp., 56 pls., 44 figs. £10.00

Raccolta R.H.: Aus einer privaten Antiken-sammlung. By R. Hess. 8 × 5. Pp. 38 + 74 plates. Basel and Stuttgart. Birkhäuser Verlag, 1963. Sw. Fr. 15.

Recent Discoveries at Olympia

Robert and Kathleen Cook: Southern Greece: an Archaeological Guide. London, Faber, 1968. 217 pp., 15 pls., 31 plans. 35s

scholarly article by John Boardman published in December 1968

Répertoire des Gigantomachies figurées dans l'art grec et romain. By F. Vian. Pp. 136, 60 pll. Paris: Klincksieck, 1951. Fr. 2000.La guerre des géants. Le mythe avant l'époque hellénistique. By F. Vian. Pp. xii + 306. Paris: Klincksieck, 1952. P

SAMOTHRACE. A GUIDE TO THE EXCAVATIONS AND THE MUSEUM. By Karl Lehmann. New York University Press, 1955. 102pp., 51 figures and plan. $2.50

article by John Boardman published March 1957 in Antiquity


scholarly article by John Boardman published in November 1996

Sarah U. Wisseman: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. United States of America, <i>Fasc. 24</i>: World Heritage Museum, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Krannert Art Museum, College of Fine and Applied Arts. University of Illinois, <i>Fasc 1.</i> (U

scientific article published in 1991

Schwarzfigurige Vasen aus Athen

German book on ancient Greek whiteware

Sickles and Strigils

Signa tabulae priscae artis

Some Attic Fragments: Pot, Plaque, and Dithyramb

Studi miscellanei, 2 (1959/60): (P.) Bocci Ricerche sulla ceramica cicladica. Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider. 1962. Pp. vii + 22. 12 plates. L. 3,500

THE ATHENIAN AGORA. Volume 1. Portrait Sculpture. By Evelyn B. Harrison, XIV+114 pages, and 49 plates. The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton, 1953. 6 dollars

THE ATHENIAN AGORA: A Guide to the Excavations. 110 pages, 8plates, 19 text figures and a folding plan. Athens (American School of Classical Studies), 1954. $1.00

article by John Boardman published June 1956 in Antiquity

THE ETRUSCANS. Vol. 7 in the series ‘Ancient Peoples and Places’. By Raymond Bloch. Thames and Hudson, 1958. pp. 260, with 79 plate figures and 41 figures in the text. 25s

THE GREEK STONES SPEAK. By Paul MacKendrick, London, Methuen and Co. Ltd, 1962. 470 pp., 176 test-figs. 42s


scholarly article by John Boardman published in March 1991

THE SCULPTURE OF THE HELLENISTIC AGE. By M. Bieber. 232 pages and 712figures. Columbia University Press, 1955. (London: Geoffrey Cumberlege). £7


scholarly article by John Boardman published in November 1988


scholarly article by John Boardman published in March 1988

Tarsus, Al Mina and Greek Chronology

The Amasis Painter

The Early Greek Sherd at Nineveh

scholarly article by John Boardman published in November 1997

The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya. Volume II: The East Greek, Island, and Laconian Pottery. By Schaus Gerald P.. 128 pages + 12 pages, Arabic summary. 8 illustrations, 2 plans, 10 figures and 34 plates (one colour).

scientific article published in 1986

The Greek House. By B. C. Rider. 8½ × 6¾. Pp. xii+272+53 figs. Cambridge University Press. £1. 5s

The Hague Royal Coin Cabinet. Classification of ancient engraved gems: a study based on the collection in the Royal Coin Cabinet, The Hague, with a history of that collection. By M. Maaskant-Kleibrink. [Diss.] Leiden: Boerhaavezalen. 1975. Pp. 267, [

The Khaniale Tekke Tombs

The Khaniale Tekke Tombs, II

The Knossos Tablets

The Knossos Tablets: Again

The Knossos Tablets: An Answer

The Multiple Brush

article published in 1960

The Olive in the Mediterranean: Its Culture and Use [and Discussion]


The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature. Edited by M. C. Howatson. 240 × 160mm. Pp. vii + 615 + 10 pp. maps. Second edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989. ISBN 0-19-866121-5. £25·00

The Religion of the Greeks and Romans. By C. Kerényi. 9½ × 7. Pp. 304 + 124 figures in plates. London, Thames & Hudson, 1962. 42s

The Struggle for the Tripod and the First Sacred War

The karchesion of Herakles

Travelling rugs

scholarly article

Troy. The Terracotta Figurines of the Hellenistic Period. Supplementary Monograph 3. By Dorothy Burr Thompson. 12×9. Pp. 160 + 63 pls. Princeton University Press, 1963. No price given

Underwater reconnaissance off the island of Chios, 1954

f. canciani,Bronzi orientali e orientalizzanti a Creta nell' VIII e VII Sec. A.C

Řecké umění

book edition published in 1975