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List of works by Ashish Sharma

A Comparison of Australian Open Water Body Evaporation Trends for Current and Future Climates Estimated from Class A Evaporation Pans and General Circulation Models

scientific article

A Nearest Neighbor Bootstrap For Resampling Hydrologic Time Series

A Novel Spatial Downscaling Approach for Climate Change Assessment in Regions With Sparse Ground Data Networks

scientific article published on 18 November 2021

A comparison of methods for estimating climate change impact on design rainfall using a high-resolution RCM


A comparison of methods to estimate future sub-daily design rainfall


A conditional disaggregation algorithm for generating fine time-scale rainfall data in a warmer climate


A framework for combining multiple soil moisture retrievals based on maximizing temporal correlation

scientific article

A global assessment of climate-water quality relationships in large rivers: an elasticity perspective.

scientific article

A global comparison of alternate AMSR2 soil moisture products: Why do they differ?

scientific article

A method for combining SRTM DEM and ASTER GDEM2 to improve topography estimation in regions without reference data

scientific article

A nesting model for bias correction of variability at multiple time scales in general circulation model precipitation simulations

scientific article

A new framework for monitoring flood inundation using readily available satellite data

scientific article

A quasi‐global assessment of changes in remotely sensed rainfall extremes with temperature

scientific article published in 2016

A rank-based approach for correcting systematic biases in spatial disaggregation of coarse-scale climate simulations

scientific article

A software toolkit for correcting systematic biases in climate model simulations

scientific article

A space and time scale-dependent nonlinear geostatistical approach for downscaling daily precipitation and temperature

article by Sanjeev Kumar Jha et al published August 2015 in Water Resources Research

Accounting for interannual variability: A comparison of options for water resources climate change impact assessments

scientific article

Addressing Spatial Dependence Bias in Climate Model Simulations-An Independent Component Analysis Approach

scientific article

Addressing the mischaracterization of extreme rainfall in regional climate model simulations – A synoptic pattern based bias correction approach


An Assessment of GCM Skill in Simulating Persistence across Multiple Time Scales

An Improved Covariate for Projecting Future Rainfall Extremes?

scientific article published in 2020

An Upper Limit to Seasonal Rainfall Predictability?

Anthropogenic intensification of short-duration rainfall extremes

scientific article

Assessing GCM Convergence for India Using the Variable Convergence Score

Assessing Severe Drought and Wet Events over India in a Future Climate Using a Nested Bias-Correction Approach


Assessing atmospheric bias correction for dynamical consistency using potential vorticity


Assessing the extent of non-stationary biases in GCMs

scientific article

Atmospheric Moisture Measurements Explain Increases in Tropical Rainfall Extremes

scientific article published in 2019

Building a Flood-Warning Framework for Ungauged Locations Using Low Resolution, Open-Access Remotely Sensed Surface Soil Moisture, Precipitation, Soil, and Topographic Information

scientific article

Can Bias Correction of Regional Climate Model Lateral Boundary Conditions Improve Low-Frequency Rainfall Variability?


Can Regional Climate Modeling Capture the Observed Changes in Spatial Organization of Extreme Storms at Higher Temperatures?

article by J. Li et al published 12 May 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters

Characterizing Drought Using the Reliability-Resilience-Vulnerability Concept

Comparing and Combining Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature Products for Improved Hydrological Applications

scientific article

Continuous rainfall simulation: 1. A regionalized subdaily disaggregation approach

Continuous rainfall simulation: 2. A regionalized daily rainfall generation approach

article by Rajeshwar Mehrotra et al published January 2012 in Water Resources Research

Correcting Systematic Bias in Climate Model Simulations in the Time‐Frequency Domain

scientific article published in 2022

Correcting bias in radar Z – R relationships due to uncertainty in point rain gauge networks

scientific article

Deriving daily water levels from satellite altimetry and land surface temperature for sparsely gauged catchments: A case study for the Mekong River

scientific article

Development of a formal likelihood function for improved Bayesian inference of ephemeral catchments


Disaggregating Soil Moisture to Finer Spatial Resolutions: A Comparison of Alternatives

Does storm duration modulate the extreme precipitation-temperature scaling relationship?

scientific article

Dominant modes of interannual variability in Australian rainfall analyzed using wavelets


Estimating design hydrologic extremes in a warming climate: alternatives, uncertainties and the way forward

scientific article published in 2021

Evaluating global reanalysis datasets for provision of boundary conditions in regional climate modelling

Evaluating the effect of climate change on areal reduction factors using regional climate model projections

scholarly article by Jingwan Li et al published September 2015 in Journal of Hydrology

Evaluation of downscaled daily rainfall hindcasts over Sydney, Australia using statistical and dynamical downscaling approaches


Fluvial Flood Losses in the Contiguous United States Under Climate Change

scientific article published in 2023

Global Sea Surface Temperature Forecasts Using an Improved Multimodel Approach

Global assessment of flood and storm extremes with increased temperatures

scientific article published on 11 August 2017

How reliable are GCM simulations for different atmospheric variables?

scientific article

How well do general circulation models represent low-frequency rainfall variability?


Identifying Sustained Drought Anomalies in Hydrological Records: A Wavelet Approach

scientific article

If Precipitation Extremes Are Increasing, Why Aren't Floods?

scientific article published on 05 November 2018

Impact of bias-corrected reanalysis-derived lateral boundary conditions on WRF simulations


Impact of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation, Indian Ocean Dipole, and Southern Annular Mode on Daily to Subdaily Rainfall Characteristics in East Australia


Improved water allocation utilizing probabilistic climate forecasts: Short-term water contracts in a risk management framework

Improving radar rainfall estimation by merging point rainfall measurements within a model combination framework

scientific article

Increases in temperature do not translate to increased flooding

scientific article published on 12 December 2019

Influence of reanalysis datasets on dynamically downscaling the recent past

Intensification of Convective Rain Cells at Warmer Temperatures Observed from High-Resolution Weather Radar Data


Interpreting variability in global SST data using independent component analysis and principal component analysis


Kernel bandwidth selection for a first order nonparametric streamflow simulation model


Measurement of GCM Skill in Predicting Variables Relevant for Hydroclimatological Assessments

scientific article

Merging Alternate Remotely-Sensed Soil Moisture Retrievals Using a Non-Static Model Combination Approach

scientific article

Merging radar and in situ rainfall measurements: An assessment of different combination algorithms

scientific article

Modeling multivariable hydrological series: Principal component analysis or independent component analysis?


Modeling residual hydrologic errors with Bayesian inference

Modelling precipitation uncertainties in a multi-objective Bayesian ecohydrological setting

Multivariate streamflow forecasting using independent component analysis


Observed relationships between extreme sub-daily precipitation, surface temperature, and relative humidity


On the divergence of potential and actual evapotranspiration trends: An assessment across alternate global datasets

scientific article published in 2017

On the non-stationarity of hydrological response in anthropogenically unaffected catchments: an Australian perspective


Predicting hydrologic response through a hierarchical catchment knowledgebase: A Bayes empirical Bayes approach

Preliminary Analysis of Trends in Australian Flood Data


Probabilistic Estimation of Multivariate Streamflow Using Independent Component Analysis and Climate Information

article published in 2009

Quantifying the sources of uncertainty in upper air climate variables

scientific article

Reconstructing hydro-climatological data using dynamical downscaling of reanalysis products in data-sparse regions – Application to the Limpopo catchment in southern Africa

Rectifying low-frequency variability in future climate sea surface temperature simulations: are corrections for extreme change scenarios realistic?

scientific article published in 2023

Refining Predictor Spectral Representation Using Wavelet Theory for Improved Natural System Modeling

scientific article

Rethinking Satellite Data Merging: From Averaging to SNR Optimization

scientific article published in 2022

Seasonal to interannual rainfall probabilistic forecasts for improved water supply management: Part 2 — Predictor identification of quarterly rainfall using ocean-atmosphere information

Spatial Disaggregation of Coarse Soil Moisture Data by Using High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Vegetation Products

scientific article

Towards advancing scientific knowledge of climate change impacts on short-duration rainfall extremes

scientific article published on 01 March 2021

Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective

scientific article published on 10 June 2019

Using second-order approximation to incorporate GCM uncertainty in climate change impact assessments

scientific article

Water resources climate change projections using supervised nonlinear and multivariate soft computing techniques

scientific article

What are the impacts of bias correction on future drought projections?

scientific article

Why continuous simulation? The role of antecedent moisture in design flood estimation

article by S. Pathiraja et al published June 2012 in Water Resources Research