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List of works by Giuseppina Anzivino

A comparison of two-particle rapidity correlations in antiproton-proton and proton-proton interactions at 31 GeV centre-of-mass energy

scientific article published in 1984

A measurement of the CP-conserving component of the decay K S 0 → π + π − π 0

A measurement of σtot(γp) at

A new measurement of the K ± → π ± γ γ decay at the NA48/2 experiment

A new measurement of the branching ratio of KS → γγ

A precision measurement of direct CP violation in the decay of neutral kaons into two pions

A search for excited fermions in electron-proton collisions at HERA

scientific article published in 1995

AcoplanarDi-leptons andMixed events on the basis of two supergravity model predictions

Advances in technology for high-energy subnuclear physics Contribution of the LAA project


Angular dependence of quartz fiber calorimeter response

CP Violation Results from the NA48 experiments

CP Violation results from the NA48 experiments

Comparison of energy flows in deep inelastic scattering events with and without a large rapidity gap

Construction and test of a RICH prototype for the NA62 experiment

Detailed study of the K ± → π 0 π 0 e ± ν (K e4 00 ) decay properties

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 8, August 2014

Determination of the S-wave π π scattering lengths from a study of K ±→π ± π 0 π 0 decays

Determination of the relative decay rate

Diffractive hard photoproduction at HERA and evidence for the gluon content of the pomeron

Dijet cross sections in photoproduction at HERA

Empirical parameterization of the K+- -> π+-π0π0 decay Dalitz plot

scientific article

Evidence of a rise in the antiproton-proton total cross section at the CERN intersecting storage rings

Exclusive ϱ0 production in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering at HERA

Extraction of the gluon density of the proton at x

Failure modes of large surface avalanche photo diodes in high-energy physics environments

First observation and branching fraction and decay parameter measurements of the weak radiative decay Ξ 0 → Λ e + e −

First observation and measurement of the decay K ± → π ± e + e − γ

First observation of high-energy cosmic-ray events obtained in coincidence between EAS-TOP and LVD at Gran Sasso

First observation of the KS→π0γγ decay

First results from a silicon-strip detector with VLSI readout

First results of a search for neutrinos from collapsing stars with the LVD at Gran Sasso

Hadron distributions in the final state of DIS at HERA

Hadronic energy distributions in deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering

scientific article published in 1993

Inclusive jet differential cross sections in photoproduction at HERA

Inclusive transverse momentum distributions of charged particles in diffractive and non-diffractive photoproduction at HERA

scientific article published in 1995

Initial study of deep inelastic scattering with ZEUS at HERA

Jet production in highQ 2 deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA

scientific article published in 1995

Kaons at CERN: recent results and prospects

Kaons at CERN: status and prospects

LFV and exotics at the NA62 experiment

LVD at Gran Sasso

Latest results from silicon microstrip detectors with VLSI readout for the delphi microvertex detector

Leading proton production in e+p collisions at HERA

Limited streamer chambers for the large volume detector

Measurement of Charged and Neutral Currente−pDeep Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections at HighQ2

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of K e 3 0 form factors

Measurement of K μ 3 0 form factors

Measurement of elastic scattering in antiproton-proton collisions at 52.8 GeV centre-of-mass energy

Measurement of elasticρ 0 photoproduction at HERA

Measurement of multiplicity and momentum spectra in the current fragmentation region of the Breit frame at HERA

scientific article published in 1995

Measurement of the Dalitz plot slope parameters of the K ± → π ± π + π − decay

Measurement of the K L → e + e − e + e − decay rate

Measurement of the antiproton-proton total cross section and elastic scattering at the CERN intersecting storage rings

Measurement of the branching ratio and form factors for the decay KL→π±π0e∓νe(ν̄e)

Measurement of the branching ratio of the decay and extraction of the CKM parameter

Measurement of the branching ratios of the decays Ξ 0 → Σ + e − ν ¯ e and Ξ 0 ¯ → Σ + ¯ e + ν e

Measurement of the cross section for the reaction γp → J/ψ p with the ZEUS detector at HERA

Measurement of the diffractive structure function in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

scientific article published in 1995

Measurement of the direct emission and interference terms and search for CP violation in the decay K ±→π ± π 0 γ

Measurement of the polarization of the Ξ 0 ( Ξ 0 ¯ ) hyperon beam by the NA48/1 experiment

Measurement of the proton structure function F 2 in ep scattering at HERA

Measurement of the proton structure functionF 2 at lowx and lowQ 2 at HERA

Measurement of the proton structure functionF 2 from the 1993 HERA data

article published September 1995 in European Physical Journal C

Measurement of the quadratic slope parameter in the KL→3π0 decay Dalitz plot

Measurement of the radiative K e 3 branching ratio

Measurement of the ratio Γ ( K L → π + π − ) / Γ ( K L → π ± e ∓ ν ) and extraction of the CP violation parameter | η + − |

Measurement of the Ξ0→Λγ decay asymmetry and branching fraction

Measurement of total and partial photon proton cross sections at 180 GeV center of mass energy

article published September 1994 in European Physical Journal C

Measurement of αs from jet rates in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

Measurements of charged kaon semileptonic decay branching fractions K±→π0μ±ν and K±→π0e±ν and their ratio

Measurements of charged kaon semileptonic decay branching fractions K±→π0μ±ν and K±→π0e±ν and their ratio

Measurements of elastic scattering in alpha-alpha and alpha-proton collisions at the CERN intersecting storage rings

Multi-jet rates in deep inelastic scattering and in e+e− annihilation

Multiple muon events observed in the LVD experiment

Neutral strange particle production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

scientific article published in 1995

New high statistics measurement of Ke4 decay form factors and ππ scattering phase shifts

New measurement of the K ± → π + π − e ± ν ( K e 4 ) decay branching ratio and hadronic form factors

New measurement of the K ± → π ± μ + μ − decay

New measurements of the η and K0 masses

New precise measurements of the and decay asymmetries

New results on charmed and beautiful baryon production at the ISR

article by Luisa Cifarelli et al published March 1988 in Nuclear Physics, Section B, Proceedings Supplements

Observation of a cusp-like structure in the π 0 π 0 invariant mass distribution from K ± → π ± π 0 π 0 decay and determination of the ππ scattering lengths

Observation of direct processes in photoproduction at HERA

Observation of double-Pomeron exchange in alpha-alpha collisions at the CERN intersecting storage rings

scientific article published in 1985

Observation of events with a large rapidity gap in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

Observation of hard scattering in photoproduction at HERA

Observation of hard scattering in photoproduction events with a large rapidity gap at HERA

Observation of jet production in deep inelastic scattering with a large rapidity gap at HERA

Observation of the decay KS→π+π−e+e−

Observation of the rare decay K S → π 0 μ + μ −

Observation of the rare decay KS→π0e+e−

Observation of two-jet production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

Pion–Muon separation with a RICH prototype for the NA62 experiment

Precise measurement of the K ± → π ± e + e − decay

Precise measurements of proton-antiproton and proton-proton total cross sections at the CERN intersecting storage rings

Precise measurements of the KS→γγ and KL→γγ decay rates

Precise tests of low energy QCD from $\mbox {$\mathrm {K}_{\mathrm {e}4}$}$ decay properties

Precision measurement of the ratio BR ( K S → π + π − e + e − ) / BR ( K L → π + π − π D 0 )

Precision measurement of the ratio of the charged kaon leptonic decay rates

Precision tests of the Standard Model with Kaon decays at CERN

Preliminary radiation damage results on a scintillating fibres and lead calorimeter

article published in 1993

Prospects for observation at CERN in NA62

Quartz fiber calorimetry

Quartz fibers: A new calorimetry for multi-tev, very forward physics

Quartz fibre calorimetry — Monte Carlo simulation

Radiation induced effects on lead and scintillating fiber calorimeters at the LHC

Rapidity gaps between jets in photoproduction at HERA

Recent developments in quartz fibre calorimetry

Results on lead/scintillating fibres calorimetry

Review of the hybrid photo diode tube (HPD) an advanced light detector for physics

Search for CP violation in K 0 → 3 π 0 decays

article published in 2005

Search for New Physics and QCD tests with Kaon decays

Search for direct CP violating charge asymmetries in K±→π±π+π- and K±→π±π0π0 decays

Search for direct CP violation in the decays K ± → 3 π ±

Search for direct CP-violation in K ± → π ± π 0 π 0 decays

Search for excited electrons using the ZEUS detector

Search for leptoquarks with the ZEUS detector

Search for the dark photon inπ0decays

Search for the decay KS→π0γγ

Single and multiple muon events in the LVD detector

Single muon angular distributions observed in the LVD particle astrophysics experiment

Studies of the Effects of CO$_2$ Contamination of the Neon Gas Radiator on the Performance of the NA62 RICH Detector

Study of D∗ (2010)± production in ep collisions at HERA

Study of the K ± → π ± γ γ decay by the NA62 experiment

Study of the photon remnant in resolved photoproduction at HERA

Test of lepton flavour universality in K + → ℓ + ν decays

Testing and installation of ZEUS Leading Proton Spectrometer detector planes

The LAA project

The LVD tracking system chambers

The NA62 RICH Detector


The NA62 RICH detector

The NA62 RICH detector

article published in 2011

The RICH detector of the NA62 experiment at CERN

The ZEUS vertex detector: design and prototype

article by C. Alvisi et al published July 1991 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

The beam and detector for the NA48 neutral kaon CP violation experiment at CERN

The delphi silicon strip microvertex detector

The large-volume detector (LVD) - a multipurpose underground detector at Gran Sasso

The most powerful scintillator supernovae detector: LVD

The ring imaging Cherenkov detector of the NA62 experiment at CERN

Total, elastic, and inclusive single-diffractive cross sections in alpha-alpha collisions at the cern intersecting storage rings