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List of works by Nubia Velasco

A GRASP with evolutionary path relinking for the truck and trailer routing problem

A Memetic Algorithm for a Pick-Up and Delivery Problem by Helicopter

A column generation approach to extend lifetime in wireless sensor networks with coverage and connectivity constraints

article published in 2014

A matheuristic for the truck and trailer routing problem

A memetic algorithm for the multi-compartment vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands

A multi population memetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and stochastic travel and service times

A network-based approach to the multi-activity combined timetabling and crew scheduling problem: Workforce scheduling for public health policy implementation


A relax-and-price heuristic for the inventory-location-routing problem

An evolutionary-based decision support system for vehicle routing: The case of a public utility

Constructive Heuristics for the Multicompartment Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands

Exact approaches for lifetime maximization in connectivity constrained wireless multi-role sensor networks

GRASP/VND and multi-start evolutionary local search for the single truck and trailer routing problem with satellite depots

Generation of Pop-Rock Chord Sequences Using Genetic Algorithms and Variable Neighborhood Search

Hybrid heuristic for the inventory location-routing problem with deterministic demand

article published in 2013

Maximización de la Vida Útil en Redes de Sensores Inalámbricos con Rangos de Sensibilidad Ajustables mediante Generación de Columnas

Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model for Vehicle Routing Problem for Hazardous Materials Transportation**Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Universite de Technologie de Troyes

scholarly article by Gustavo Alfredo Bula et al published 2016 in IFAC Proceedings Volumes

Network Modeling of Biochemical Transport Phenomena

On the Generalized Elementary Shortest Path Problem: A heuristic approach

scholarly article by W.J. Guerrero et al published June 2013 in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics

On the use of multiple sinks to extend the lifetime in connected wireless sensor networks

scholarly article by Fabian Castaño et al published June 2013 in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics

Optimal sectioning of hydrocarbon transport pipeline by volume minimization, environmental and social vulnerability assessment

Optimization of the laundry service in a public hospital in Bogotá D.C., Colombia: A case of vehicle routing with split delivery

scholarly article published April 2008

Partial target coverage to extend the lifetime in wireless multi-role sensor networks

Potenciando la contribución de la logística hospitalaria: tres casos, tres trayectorias

Shortest path algorithm for optimal sectioning of hydrocarbon transport pipeline

Variable neighborhood search to solve the vehicle routing problem for hazardous materials transportation

scientific article published on 9 November 2016