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List of works by Denis-Didier Rousseau

(MIS3 & 2) millennial oscillations in Greenland dust and Eurasian aeolian records – A paleosol perspective


15. Estimates of temperature and precipitation variations during the Eemian interglacial: New data from the grande pile record (GP XXI)


40. Chronology and climate forcing of the last four interglacials


A 350,000-year climatic record from the loess sequence of Achenheim, Alsace, France


A new Paleogene micropaleontological and palaeogeographical data in the Petchora Depression, northeastern European Russia

scholarly article by Alina I Iakovleva et al published April 2000 in Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Earth & planetary sciences. Série II, Sciences de la terre et des planètes =

A new molluscan record of the monsoon variability over the past 130 000 yr in the Luochuan loess sequence, China


A remarkable Late Saalian (MIS 6) loess (dust) accumulation in the Lower Danube at Harletz (Bulgaria)

scientific article published in March 2019

Abrupt climate changes and the astronomical theory: are they related?

scientific article published in 2022

Abrupt climate changes recorded in loess sequences

Abrupt retreat of summer monsoon at the S1/L1 boundary in China


Aegopinella bourdieri nov. sp. (Gastropoda: Zonitidae),une espèce nouvelle du Pléistocène normand (France)


Analyse multivariée des associations malacologiques d'Achenheim. Implications climatiques et environnementales

Approaches and challenges to the study of loess—Introduction to the LoessFest Special Issue

Biogeography of the Pleistocene pleniglacial malacofaunas in Europe. Stratigraphic and climatic implications

scholarly article by Denis-Didier Rousseau et al published September 1990 in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

British late glacial and Holocene climatic history reconstructed from land snail assemblages

scholarly article

Challenges in understanding past and present eolian dust dynamics


Changements environnementaux et climatiques en Bourgogne à l'Holocène à partir de l'étude des mollusques continentaux , [ Environmental and climatic changes derived from Holocene malacofaunas from Burgundy, France ]


Chronology of the Last Climatic Cycle (Upper Pleistocene) of the Surduk loess sequence, Vojvodina, Serbia

Clarifications about the concept and review process of Climate of the Past


Climatic interpretation of terrestrial malacofaunas of the last interglacial in southeastern France


Climatic transfer function from quaternary molluscs in European loess deposits

article published in 1991

Continental climatic changes in Normandy (France) between 3.3 and 2.3 Myr B.P


Continental late Pliocene paleoclimatic history recorded in the Bresse Basin (France)


Dynamics and sources of last glacial aeolian deposition in southwest France derived from dune patterns, grain-size gradients and geochemistry, and reconstruction of efficient wind directions

scholarly article

Early Weichselian dust storm layer at Achenheim in Alsace, France


Echelles des variations chronoclimatiques quaternaires et réponses des environnements : introduction au colloque [ Scales and timing of the Quaternary climatic variations and responses of the environments : an introduction to the conference. ]


Echelles des variations chronoclimatiques quaternaires et réponses des environnements. Introduction au colloque [ Scales and timing of the quaternary climatic variations and responses of the environments : an introduction to the volume 2.]


Eurasian contribution to the last glacial dust cycle: how are loess sequences built?

European glacial dust deposits: Geochemical constraints on atmospheric dust cycle modeling

scientific article published on 12 November 2014

Evènements éoliens rapides dans les Loess du Pléniglaciaire supérieur Weichselien : l'exemple de la séquence de Nussloch (vallée du Rhin-Allemagne)

High- to mid-latitude northern atmospheric circulation changes

High-resolution record of the environmental response to climatic variations during the Last Interglacial–Glacial cycle in Central Europe: the loess-palaeosol sequence of Dolní Věstonice (Czech Republic)


High-resolution record of the last Interglacial–glacial cycle in the Nussloch loess–palaeosol sequences, Upper Rhine Area, Germany


High-resolution record of the last climatic cycle in the southern Carpathian Basin (Surduk, Vojvodina, Serbia)

scholarly article

Holocene Environmental Signals from Mollusk Assemblages in Burgundy (France)


Holocene climate as reflected by a malacological sequence at Verrières, France


Imprint of North-Atlantic abrupt climate changes on western European loess deposits as viewed in a dust emission model

scientific article published in December 2009

Inverse stochastic–dynamic models for high-resolution Greenland ice core records

scholarly article by Niklas Boers et al published 15 December 2017 in Earth System Dynamics ESD

Is causal ecological biogeography a progressive research program?

scholarly article by Denis-Didier Rousseau published 1992 in Quaternary Science Reviews

La retouche Quina : une mise au point

La stratigraphie des loess et formations fluviatiles d'Achenheim (Alsace) : nouvelles données bioclimatiques et corrélations avec les séquences pléistocènes de la France du Nord-Ouest


Last interglacial-glacial climatic cycle in loess-palaeosol successions of north-western France

Last interglacial-glacial climatic cycle in loess-palaeosol successions of north-western France

Late Neogene evolution of the East Asian monsoon revealed by terrestrial mollusk record in Western Chinese Loess Plateau: From winter to summer dominated sub-regime


Late Pleistocene Climate Record in the Eustis Loess Section, Nebraska, Based on Land Snail Assemblages and Magnetic Susceptibility

Late Pleistocene Climatic Variations at Achenheim, France, Based on a Magnetic Susceptibility and TL Chronology of Loess


Late Pleistocene Environments of the Central Ukraine

Late Pleistocene Environments of the Central Ukraine: Volume 56, Number 3 (2001), pages 349–356

Late miocene-pliocene paleoclimatic evolution documented by terrestrial mollusk populations in the western Chinese Loess Plateau

scientific article (publication date: 2014)

Le cycle climatique du Pléistocene supérieur dans les loess d'Alsace à Achenheim

Le gisement paléolithique moyen et les séquencess pléistocènes de Villiers-Adam (Val-d 'Oise) : chronostratigraphie, environnement et implantations humaines

Les formations carbonatées du Dortan (Ain) : premières observations

Les formations quaternaires de la France du Nord-Ouest : Limites et corrélations [The quaternary formations of North-West France : Boundaries and correlations]


Les isotopes du carbone dans les coquilles de gastéropodes terrestres de la série Loessique de Eustis (Nebraska, USA) : un indicateur de changements rapides de l'environnement entre 20 et 12 KA BP

Link between European and North Atlantic abrupt climate changes over the last glaciation

scholarly article

Loess Records

Loess biostratigraphy: new advances and approaches in mollusk studies

Long distance transport of pollen to Greenland

scholarly article by Denis-Didier Rousseau et al published July 2003 in Geophysical Research Letters

Long-distance pollen transport from North America to Greenland in spring

scholarly article

Malacological records from the Upper Pleistocene at Portelet (Jersey, Channel Islands): comparisons with western and central Europe

Methods and concepts in European Quaternary Stratigraphy

scholarly article

Methods and concepts in European quaternary stratigraphy — introduction to methods for the study of stratigraphical records

scientific article

Millennial-timescale record in European eolian deposits: Data-model comparison (ACTES & EOLE projects)

scholarly article

Mineral magnetic characterization of the Upper Pleniglacial Nussloch loess sequence (Germany): an insight into local environmental processes


Mise en évidence d'évènements climatiques rapides par les faunes de mollusques terrestres des Loess Weichseliens de Nussloch (Allemagne)


Mollusk Record of Monsoon Variability during the L2–S2 Cycle in the Luochuan Loess Sequence, China


Mollusques terrestres et températures : une nouvelle fonction de transfert quantitative

scientific article published in 2002

Méthodes et concepts en stratigraphie du Quaternaire européen. Introduction au thème «Valeur et signification de l'enregistrement stratigraphique

New chronology and organic matter paleoclimatic significance of Nußloch loess sequence (Rhine Valley, Germany)


Ocean circulation, ice shelf, and sea ice interactions explain Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles

article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Palaeotemperature reconstruction during the Last Glacial from δ 18 O of earthworm calcite granules from Nussloch loess sequence, Germany


Paleoclimatic Reconstruction Using Mutual Climatic Range on Terrestrial Mollusks

Paleoclimatology of the Achenheim series (middle and upper pleistocene, Alsace, France) A. malacological analysis


Paléoenvironnements pléistocènes et peuplements paléolithiques dans le bassin de la Somme (nord de la France)

scientific article published in 2003

Phylogenèse et biogéographie deRetinella (Lyrodiscus) Pilsbry (Gasteropoda: Zonitidae)

scientific article published in 1990

Pollen record of rapidly changing air trajectories to the North Pole

scholarly article

Preliminary study of mollusk fossils in the Qinan Miocene loess-soil sequence in western Chinese Loess Plateau


Processus explicatifs des changements de végétation intervenus depuis 14 000 ans en Europe occidentale au voisinage de 48° de latitude nord [ Explicative processes of vegetation changes that occurred in western Europe since 140000 years BP at arou

Rapid and cyclic aeolian deposition during the Last Glacial in European loess: a high-resolution record from Nussloch, Germany

scholarly article

Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of the Last Pleniglacial in the Kyiv Loess Region (Ukraine)

Temperature oscillations over the last 10,000 years in western Europe estimated from terrestrial mollusc assemblages


Terrestrial molluscan records of Weichselian Lower to Middle Pleniglacial climatic changes from the Nussloch loess series (Rhine Valley, Germany): the impact of local factors

Terrestrial molluscan records of Weichselian Lower to Middle Pleniglacial climatic changes from the Nussloch loess series (Rhine Valley, Germany): the impact of local factors

Terrestrial molluscs as indicators of global aeolian dust fluxes during glacial stages

Terrestrial mollusk records from Chinese loess sequences and changes in the East Asian monsoonal environment


The Buzzard's Roost and Eustis mollusc sequences: comparison between the paleoenvironments of two sites in the Wisconsinan loess of Nebraska, USA

The Buzzard's Roost and Eustis mollusc sequences: comparison between the paleoenvironments of two sites in the Wisconsinan loess of Nebraska, USA

The continental record of stage 11: A review

scientific article published in 2003

The impact of Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles on the loessic environment and malacofauna of Nussloch (Germany) during the Upper Weichselian


The impact of Last Glacial climate variability in west-European loess revealed by radiocarbon dating of fossil earthworm granules.

scientific article

The loess sequence of Dolní Věstonice, Czech Republic: A new OSL-based chronology of the Last Climatic Cycle


The terrestrial mollusks as new indices of the Asian paleomonsoons in the Chinese loess plateau


The weight of internal and external constraints on Pupilla muscorum L. (Gastropoda:Stylommatophora) during the Quaternary in Europe

Top-class, new generation sediment coring on Research Vessel Marion Dufresne

article published in 2016

Variations de Pupilla muscorum L. (Gastropoda) dans le quaternaire d'achenheim (Alsace): Une analyse de l'interaction entre espèce et milieu

scientific article published in 1984

West-European terrestrial molluscs assemblages of isotopic stage 11 (Middle Pleistocene): climatic implications

scientific article

Wind-blown origin of Dongwan late Miocene–Pliocene dust sequence documented by land snail record in western Chinese Loess Plateau


δ 13 C signal of earthworm calcite granules: A new proxy for palaeoprecipitation reconstructions during the Last Glacial in western Europe

scholarly article

δ13C of Loess Organic Matter as a Potential Proxy for Paleoprecipitation


δ13C variations of loess organic matter as a record of the vegetation response to climatic changes during the Weichselian
