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List of works by John Mingers

A classification of the philosophical assumptions of management science methods

A critique of statistical modelling in management science from a critical realist perspective: its role within multimethodology

A review of the recent contribution of systems thinking to operational research and management science

A review of theory and practice in scientometrics


A systemic method for organisational stakeholder identification and analysis using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM)

Abduction: the missing link between deduction and induction. A comment on Ormerod's ‘rational inference: deductive, inductive and probabilistic thinking’

article published in 2012

An empirical comparison of selection measures for decision-tree induction

An evaluation of the limitations of, and alternatives to, the Co-Plot methodology

An integrative semiotic framework for information systems: The social, personal and material worlds

An integrative semiotic methodology for IS research

An introduction to autopoiesis: A reply to Fenton Robb's comment

An introduction to autopoiesis?Implications and applications

Back to the future: A critique of Demetis and Lee's “Crafting theory to satisfy the requirements of systems science”

Beyond rigour and relevance: A critical realist approach to business education

Can Social Systems Be Autopoietic? Assessing Luhmann's Social Theory

article published in 2002

Can Social Systems be Autopoietic? Bhaskar's and Giddens' Social Theories

Combining PSMs with hard OR methods: the philosophical and practical challenges

Counting the citations: a comparison of Web of Science and Google Scholar in the field of business and management

scholarly article by John Mingers & Evangelia A. E. C. G. Lipitakis published 11 July 2010 in Scientometrics

Critical realism and information systems: brief responses to Monod and Klein


Criticizing the phenomenological critique?Autopoiesis and critical realism

Developing a performance management system using soft systems methodology: A Chinese case study


Embodying information systems: the contribution of phenomenology

Erratum to: Normalizing Google Scholar data for use in research evaluation

scholarly article by John Mingers & Martin Meyer published 3 June 2017 in Scientometrics

Estimating Business and Management journal quality from the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise in the UK


Ethics and OR: Operationalising discourse ethics

Evaluating a department’s research: Testing the Leiden methodology in business and management

Evaluating journal quality: A review of journal citation indicators and ranking in business and management

Exploring the dynamics of journal citations: Modelling with s-curves


Fuenmayor's interpretive systemology?A critical comment

Management knowledge and knowledge management: realism and forms of truth

Measuring the research contribution of management academics using the Hirsch-index

Modeling citation behavior in Management Science journals

Normalizing Google Scholar data for use in research evaluation

scientific article published on 22 May 2017

Operational research: the science of better?

Paradigm Wars: Ceasefire Announced who Will set up the New Administration?†

Pluralism, Realism, and Truth

Problem structuring methods in action

Ranking academic impact of world national research institutes--by the Chinese Academy of Sciences


Ranking journals in business and management: a statistical analysis of the Harzing data set


Real-izing information systems: critical realism as an underpinning philosophy for information systems

Response from the author: Intelligence and realism in OR

Should you stop investing in a sinking fund when it is sinking?

Soft OR comes of age—but not everywhere!

Taylorizing business school research: On the ‘one best way’ performative effects of journal ranking lists

The 3E methodology for developing performance indicators for public sector organizations

The cognitive theories of Maturana and Varela

The drivers of citations in management science journals

The paucity of multimethod research: a review of the information systems literature


The philosophical implications of Maturana's cognitive theories

The use of the concept autopoiesis in the theory of viable systems

Using Google Scholar institutional level data to evaluate the quality of university research

scientific article

Using SSM to structure the identification of inputs and outputs in DEA

article published in 2009

Using the h-index to measure the quality of journals in the field of business and management

Why things happen – Developing the critical realist view of causal mechanisms

‘More dangerous than an unanswered question is an unquestioned answer’: a contribution to the Ulrich debate