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List of works by Luís Narciso

A rearing system for the culture of ornamental decapod crustacean larvae


Allometric Growth in Red Porgy Larvae: Developing Morphological Indices for Mesocosm Semi-Intensive Culture


Amino acids in the octocoral Veretillum cynomorium: the effect of seasonality and differences from scleractinian hexacorals

scholarly article in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vol. 93 no. 4, April 2012

An Inexpensive Baited Trap for Collecting Cryptic Decapod Crustacaens

Biochemical changes during the embryonic development of Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus


Can larvae produced from stored sperm in the ornamental crab Mithraculus forceps (A. Milne Edwards, 1875) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Majidae) be used in aquaculture?

Coastal versus estuarine nursery grounds: Effect of differential temperature and heat waves on juvenile seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax

scientific article published in August 2012

Contrasting impacts of climate change across seasons: effects on flatfish cohorts

scientific article published on 16 November 2012

Effect of handling, confinement and crowding in HSP70 production in Pachygrapsus marmoratus, a model species for climate change experiments

scientific article published in August 2012

Effect of temperature on oxidative stress in fish: Lipid peroxidation and catalase activity in the muscle of juvenile seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax

scientific article published in December 2012

Effects of temperature, density, and diet on development, survival, settlement synchronism, and fatty acid profile of the ornamental shrimp Lysmata seticaudata


Efficiency of using emerald crabs Mithraculus sculptus to control bubble alga Ventricaria ventricosa (syn. Valonia ventricosa) in aquaria habitats

scholarly article in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vol. 88 no. 1, February 2008

Egg volume, energy content and fatty acid profile of Maja brachydactyla (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majidae) during embryogenesis

article by Joana Figueiredo & Luís Narciso published 8 July 2008 in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

Embryogenesis of decapod crustaceans with different life history traits, feeding ecologies and habitats: a fatty acid approach

scientific article published in 2006

Fecundity and brood loss in four species of fiddler crabs, genus Uca (Brachyura: Ocypodidae), in the mangroves of Inhaca Island, Mozambique

scholarly article by Paulo Torres et al published March 2009 in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

Gonad development and fatty acid composition of Patella depressa Pennant (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) populations with different patterns of spatial distribution, in exposed and sheltered sites


Growth and cuttlebone microstructure of juvenile cuttlefish, Sepia Qfficinalis L., under controlled conditions

scientific article published in 1994

HSP70 production patterns in coastal and estuarine organisms facing increasing temperatures

scientific article published in October 2012

Impact of climate change on coastal versus estuarine nursery areas: cellular and whole-animal indicators in juvenile seabass Dicentrarchus labrax

scientific article published on 19 September 2012

Influence of temperature in thermal and oxidative stress responses in estuarine fish.

scientific article published on 14 June 2013

Lipid-based indicators of nutritional condition in juvenile soleSolea solea

scientific article published on 13 September 2012

Potential Fertility and Egg Development (Volume, Water, Lipid, and Fatty Acid Content) through Embryogenesis of Uca Rapax (Decapoda: Brachyura: Ocypodidae)


Reproduction in Octocorallia: Synchronous spawning and asynchronous oogenesis in the pennatulidVeretillum cynomorium

scientific article published in 2012

Role of thermal niche in the cellular response to thermal stress: Lipid peroxidation and HSP70 expression in coastal crabs

scientific article published in January 2014

Spatial and temporal variation of the fatty acid composition of Patella spp. (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) soft bodies and gonads

scientific article published in November 2003

Stylet (vestigial shell) size in Octopus vulgaris (Cephalopoda) hatchlings used to determine stylet nucleus in adults

scholarly article in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vol. 95 no. 6, May 2015

The Consumption of DHA during Embryogenesis as an Indicative of the Need to Supply DHA during Early Larval Development: A Review


The larval development of the partner shrimp Periclimenes sagittifer (Norman, 1861) (Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae: Pontoniinae) described from laboratory-reared material, with a note on chemical settlement cues


Thermal sensitivity of native and invasive seabreams

scientific article published in 2013

Thermal tolerance and potential impacts of climate change on coastal and estuarine organisms

scientific article published in May 2012

Thermal tolerance of the crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus: intraspecific differences at a physiological (CTMax) and molecular level (Hsp70).

scientific article published on 22 May 2012