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List of works by Peter Brang

Ammonia monitoring in Switzerland with passive samplers: patterns, determinants and comparison with modelled concentrations

scientific article published in November 2004

Bewertung von Handlungsstrategien in Schutzwäldern: Ein integraler Modellansatz | Valuation of management strategies in protection forests: an integrative modeling approach

Climate change adaptation with non-native tree species in Central European forests: early tree survival in a multi-site field trial

scientific article published on 28 August 2019

Contrasting patterns of natural mortality in primary Picea forests of the Carpathian Mountains

scientific article published on 05 December 2019

Crown defoliation improves tree mortality models

scientific article published in 2001

Decay of Picea abies snag stands on steep mountain slopes

Developing indicators for the sustainable management of mountain forests using a modelling approach

Distinct genecological patterns in seedlings of Norway spruce and silver fir from a mountainous landscape.

scientific article

Does increment coring enhance tree decay? New insights from tomography assessments

Does one model fit all? Patterns of beech mortality in natural forests of three European regions.

scientific article

Drought response of five conifer species under contrasting water availability suggests high vulnerability of Norway spruce and European larch

scientific article

Early seedling establishment of Picea abies in small forest gaps in the Swiss Alps


Effekte des Klimawandels auf Windwurf, Waldbrand und Walddynamik im Schweizer Wald | Effects of climate change on windthrow, forest fire and forest dynamics in Swiss forests


Eichenrückgang in Schweizer Naturwaldreservaten

Ein schriftlicher Thinktank wird praxisnäher

Einfluss wildlebender Huftiere auf die Waldverjüngung: ein Überblick für die Schweiz

European Mixed Forests: definition and research perspectives


Fifty years of natural succession in Swiss forest reserves: changes in stand structure and mortality rates of oak and beech


Forests as Protection from Natural Hazards

Forests of mountainous regions: gaps in knowledge and research needs

scientific article published in 2000

Forschung zu Wald und Klimawandel in Mitteleuropa: eine Werkschau

Grow slowly, persist, dominate—Explaining beech dominance in a primeval forest

scientific article published on 08 July 2021

Growth and quality of young oaks (Quercus robur and Quercus petraea) grown in cluster plantings in central Europe: A weighted meta-analysis


Growth response of five co-occurring conifers to drought across a wide climatic gradient in Central Europe


How to close the science-practice gap in nature conservation? Information sources used by practitioners

scholarly article

How to kill a tree - Empirical mortality models for eighteen species and their performance in a dynamic forest model

scientific article published on 21 December 2017

Impacts of salvage-logging on the status of deadwood after windthrow in Swiss forests


Improving the establishment submodel of a forest patch model to assess the long-term protective effect of mountain forests


Klimawandel als Prüfstein für die Waldbewirtschaftung | Climate change as a touchstone for forest management

Klimawandel als waldbauliche Herausforderung | Climate change as a challenge for silviculture

Konkurrenz zwischen Stieleiche und Buche auf Lothar-Sturmflächen | Competition between pedunculate oak and European beech on Lothar windthrow areas


Langzeitforschung auf Sturmflächen zeigt Potenzial und Grenzen der Naturverjüngung

Lehren aus Vivian für den Gebirgswald – im Hinblick auf den nächsten Sturm

article published in 2015

Long-term biomass dynamics of temperate forests in Europe after cessation of management

scholarly article published in February 2024

Managing Alpine Forests in a Changing Climate

Microsite patterns of conifer seedling establishment and growth in a mixed stand in the southern Alps

scientific article published in 2005

Morning, noon, or afternoon: does timing of direct radiation influence the growth of Picea abies seedlings in mountain forests?

Möglichkeiten zur Holzmobilisierung im Tessiner Kastaniengürtel

article published in 2015

Non-Native Forest Tree Species in Europe: The Question of Seed Origin in Afforestation

scientific article published on 09 February 2022

Participatory modelling of upward shifts of altitudinal vegetation belts for assessing site type transformation in Swiss forests due to climate change

scientific article published in 2021

Post-windthrow management in protection forests of the Swiss Alps


Predicting tree regeneration in Picea abies snag stands

Quantifying the relative influence of terminal shoot browsing by ungulates on tree regeneration

scientific article published in 2019

Radial growth changes in Norway spruce montane and subalpine forests after strip cutting in the Swiss Alps


Regeneration of Picea engelmannii and Abies lasiocarpa in high-elevation forests of south-central British Columbia depends on nurse logs

Resistance and elasticity: promising concepts for the management of protection forests in the European Alps

scientific article published in 2001

Risk of genetic maladaptation due to climate change in three major European tree species.

scientific article

Räumliche Verteilung der Naturverjüngung auf grossen Lothar-Sturmflächen | Spatial distribution of natural regeneration on large windthrow areas created by the hurricane Lothar in 1999(reviewed paper)


Réponse à la sécheresse de conifères indigènes et exotiques : une étude dendroécologique

Réponse à la sécheresse de conifères indigènes et exotiques: une étude dendroécologique

Schutzwaldmanagement in den Alpen – eine Übersicht | Management of protection forests in the Alps – an overview

Sheltered or suppressed? Tree regeneration in unmanaged European forests

scientific article published in 2023

Simulating effects of forest management on selected public forest goods and services: A case study

scientific article published in 2005

Sind Naturwaldreservate naturnäher als der Schweizer Wald?

Site factors are more important than salvage logging for tree regeneration after wind disturbance in Central European forests


Slit-shaped gaps are a successful silvicultural technique to promote Picea abies regeneration in mountain forests of the Swiss Alps


Special section: Disturbances in Mountain Forests: Implications for Management

scientific article published in 2009

Stand inventory data from the 10-ha forest research plot in Uholka: 15 yr of primeval beech forest development

scientific article published on 22 August 2019

Structural changes in a primeval beech forest at the landscape scale

scientific article published in 2022

Structure of mountain forests

scientific article published in 2001

Successional pathways in Swiss mountain forest reserves


Suitability of close-to-nature silviculture for adapting temperate European forests to climate change


Timber mobilization and habitat tree retention in low-elevation mixed forests in Switzerland: an inventory-based scenario analysis of opportunities and constraints

scientific article published on 19 July 2017

Totholzvolumen und -qualität in ausgewählten Schweizer Naturwaldreservaten

Tracing the origin of Oriental beech stands across Western Europe and reporting hybridization with European beech – Implications for assisted gene flow

scientific article published in 2023

Tree size distribution and abundance explain structural complexity differentially within stands of even-aged and uneven-aged structure types

Tree species dynamics in Swiss forests as affected by site, stand and management: A retrospective analysis

scholarly article

Tree-life history prior to death: two fungal root pathogens affect tree-ring growth differently

scientific article published in 2002

What is the potential of silver fir to thrive under warmer and drier climate?

scientific article published on 10 April 2019

Wie Waldfachleute die Nachhaltigkeit der Waldnutzung in der Schweiz einschätzen

Zu wenig Verjüngung im Schweizer Gebirgs-Fichtenwald: Nachweis mit einem neuen Modellansatz | A new modelling approach suggests insufficient regeneration in Swiss Norway spruce mountain forests
