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List of works by Michael Renton

A New Approach to Inform Restoration and Management Decisions for Sustainable Apiculture

scientific article published on 31 May 2021

A functional-structural model of ephemeral seagrass growth influenced by environment

scientific article published on 23 January 2018

Above- and below-ground interactions of grass and pasture legume species when grown together under drought and low phosphorus availability


Accounting for spatially heterogeneous conditions in local-scale surveillance strategies: case study of the biosecurity insect pest, grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch))

scientific article published on 28 June 2018

Acoustic and magnetic communication in plants: Is it possible?

scientific article

Adaptive shoot and root responses collectively enhance growth at optimum temperature and limited phosphorus supply of three herbaceous legume species

scientific article

An Herbicide-Susceptible Rigid Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) Population Made Even More Susceptible

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus-mediated interspecific nutritional competition of a pasture legume and grass under drought-stress

Arid Australia as a source of plant diversity: the origin and climatic evolution of

scientific article published on 14 September 2021

Aristotle and adding an evolutionary perspective to models of plant architecture in changing environments

scientific article published on July 31, 2013

Assembly and comparison of two closely related Brassica napus genomes.

scientific article published on 12 April 2017

Assessing eradication strategies for rain-splashed and wind-dispersed crop diseases.

scientific article published on 28 January 2013

Biodiversity change in heathland and its relationships with shifting local fire regimes and native species expansion


Biogenic ethylene promotes seedling emergence from the sediment seed bank in an ephemeral tropical rock pool habitat

Biserrula and subterranean clover can co-exist during the vegetative phase but are out-competed by capeweed

Can mechanistically parameterised, anisotropic dispersal kernels provide a reliable estimate of wind-assisted dispersal?


Community patterns and environmental drivers in hyper-diverse kwongan scrub vegetation of Western Australia


Computational botany: advancing plant science through functional–structural plant modelling


Conservation biology of two endemic Beyeria species (Euphorbiaceae) from southern Western Australia


Considering long-term ecological effects on future land-use options when making tactical break-crop decisions in cropping systems

Constructing a new individual-based model of phosphine resistance in lesser grain borer (Rhyzopertha dominica): do we need to include two loci rather than one?


Creating periodic orbits in chaotic systems

Critical factors driving aphanomyces damping-off and root disease in clover revealed and explained using linear and generalized linear models and boosted regression trees

Describing and mapping diversity and accessibility of the urban food environment with open data and tools

scientific article published on 21 October 2020

Development and testing of a standardized method to estimate honeydew production

scientific article published in PLoS ONE

Disentangling the response of fishes to recreational fishing over 30 years within a fringing coral reef reserve network

Do an invasive organism's dispersal characteristics affect how we should search for it?

scientific article published on 21 March 2018

Does cutting herbicide rates threaten the sustainability of weed management in cropping systems?

Does the need to drink influence nest site selection in a wide-ranging threatened cockatoo?

scientific article published in 2022

Dosage consistency is the key factor in avoiding evolution of resistance to phosphine and population increase in stored-grain pests

scientific article published on 3 January 2013

Ecologically sustainable weed management: How do we get from proof-of-concept to adoption?

scientific article published on July 2016

Effects of leaf development and phosphorus supply on the photosynthetic characteristics of perennial legume species with pasture potential: modelling photosynthesis with leaf development


Establishing alighting preferences and species transmission differences for Pea seed-borne mosaic virus aphid vectors.

scientific article published on 10 April 2017

Establishment, survival, and herbage production of novel, summer-active perennial pasture legumes in the low-rainfall cropping zone of Western Australia as affected by plant density and cutting frequency


Expanding the eco-evolutionary context of herbicide resistance research

scientific article published on 09 April 2014

Experience teaches plants to learn faster and forget slower in environments where it matters

scientific article published on 5 January 2014

Fine root endophytes under scrutiny: a review of the literature on arbuscule-producing fungi recently suggested to belong to the Mucoromycotina

scientific article published on 7 June 2017

Forecasting model for Pea seed-borne mosaic virus epidemics in field pea crops in a Mediterranean-type environment

scientific article published on 27 May 2017

Frequent hydrodynamic disturbances decrease the morphological diversity and structural complexity of 3D simulated coral communities

scientific article published on 02 June 2020

From controlled environments to field simulations: Developing a growth model for the novel perennial pasture legume Cullen australasicum


Functional–structural plant modelling using a combination of architectural analysis, L-systems and a canonical model of function

scientific article published in 2005

Gaining insight into the risks, returns and value of perfect knowledge for crop sequences by comparing optimal sequences with those proposed by agronomists

Generating species assemblages for restoration and experimentation: A new method that can simultaneously converge on average trait values and maximize functional diversity

scientific article published in 2018

Germination characteristics and the relationship between population structure, soil seed bank density and fire response in the rare endemic Stachystemon vinosus (Halford & R.J.F.Hend.) (Euphorbiaceae) from southern Western Australia

scientific article

Growth and carbon sequestration by remnant Eucalyptus camaldulensis woodlands in semi-arid Australia during La Niña conditions


Growth, carboxylate exudates and nutrient dynamics in three herbaceous perennial plant species under low, moderate and high phosphorus supply


Habitat restoration will help some functional plant types persist under climate change in fragmented landscapes


Herbicide resistance modelling: past, present and future

scientific article published on 28 April 2014

Herbicide-resistant weeds: from research and knowledge to future needs.

scientific article

High level of resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in introgression lines derived from hybridization between wild crucifers and the crop Brassica species B. napus and B. juncea


How do spatial heterogeneity and dispersal in weed population models affect predictions of herbicide resistance evolution?


How much detail and accuracy is required in plant growth sub-models to address questions about optimal management strategies in agricultural systems?

scientific article published on February 20, 2011

How will climate variability interact with long-term climate change to affect the persistence of plant species in fragmented landscapes?


Identifying optimal solutions between competing economic and conservation land use objectives for species that require widely distributed resources

scientific article published on 17 December 2021

Incorporating biophysical ecology into high-resolution restoration targets: insect pollinator habitat suitability models

article by Sean Tomlinson et al published 6 September 2017 in Restoration Ecology

Individual tree growth in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest is explained by size and distance of neighbouring trees in thinned and non-thinned plots

scientific article published on 21 May 2021

Individual-based modelling of the efficacy of fumigation tactics to control lesser grain borer (Rhyzopertha dominica) in stored grain


Influence of leaf dry mass per area, CO2, and irradiance on mesophyll conductance in sclerophylls

scientific article

Interspecific hybridisation in tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala, Myrtaceae): a conservation management issue?


Investigating above- vs. below-ground competition by accounting for azimuth of competitors in native eucalypt forests

scientific article published in 2023

Investigating the effect of neighbour competition on individual tree growth in thinned and unthinned eucalypt forests

scientific article published in 2021

Light Extinction in Spring Wheat Canopies in Relation to Crop Configuration and Solar Angle


Links between soil texture and root architecture of Eucalyptus species may limit distribution ranges under future climates

Love thy neighbour: facilitation through an alternative signalling modality in plants

scientific article published on May 7, 2013

MAppleT: simulation of apple tree development using mixed stochastic and biomechanical models


Mobile traps are better than stationary traps for surveillance of airborne fungal spores


Modeling Effects of Temperature, Soil, Moisture, Nutrition and Variety As Determinants of Severity of Pythium Damping-Off and Root Disease in Subterranean Clover

scientific article published on 14 November 2017

Modeling disturbance-based native invasive species control and its implications for management

scientific article

Modeling the Impact of Harvest Weed Seed Control on Herbicide-Resistance Evolution

Modelling crop-weed competition: Why, what, how and what lies ahead?


Modelling mortality of a stored grain insect pest with fumigation: probit, logistic or Cauchy model?

scientific article published on 5 March 2013

Modelling seagrass growth and development to evaluate transplanting strategies for restoration

scientific article

Models of long‐distance transport: how is carrier‐dependent auxin transport regulated in the stem?

scientific article published on March 22, 2012

Molecular Assessment of the Introduction and Spread of Potato Cyst Nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, in Victoria, Australia

scientific article published on 04 March 2019

Multiple adaptive responses of Australian native perennial legumes with pasture potential to grow in phosphorus- and moisture-limited environments

scientific article

Nestedness patterns reveal impacts of reduced rainfall on seedling establishment in restored jarrah forest

scientific article published in 2018

Numerical algorithms for estimation and calculation of parameters in modeling pest population dynamics and evolution of resistance

scientific article

Occasional mouldboard ploughing slows evolution of resistance and reduces long-term weed populations in no-till systems


Optimising seed broadcasting and greenstock planting for restoration in the Australian arid zone


Orientation and speed of wind gusts causing abscission of wind-dispersed seeds influences dispersal distance

scientific article published in 2014

Out of sight but not out of mind: alternative means of communication in plants

scientific article (publication date: 2012)

Overcoming restoration thresholds and increasing revegetation success for a range of canopy species in a degraded urban Mediterranean-type woodland ecosystem


Patterns and drivers of structure, diversity, and composition in species‐rich shrublands restored after mining

scientific article published on 19 February 2021

Pea seed-borne mosaic virus Pathosystem Drivers under Mediterranean-Type Climatic Conditions: Deductions from 23 Epidemic Scenarios

scientific article published on 28 March 2017

Pea seed-borne mosaic virus: Stability and Wind-Mediated Contact Transmission in Field Pea


Pea seed-borne mosaic virusin Field Pea: Widespread Infection, Genetic Diversity, and Resistance Gene Effectiveness


Phenotypic variation for productivity and drought tolerance is widespread in germplasm collections of Australian Cullen species


Photosynthesis at an extreme end of the leaf trait spectrum: how does it relate to high leaf dry mass per area and associated structural parameters?

scientific article

Plant Responses to Limited Moisture and Phosphorus Availability


Plant adaptations to severely phosphorus-impoverished soils

scientific article published on 22 April 2015

Plant migration and persistence under climate change in fragmented landscapes: Does it depend on the key point of vulnerability within the lifecycle?


Plant-soil feedback and the maintenance of diversity in Mediterranean-climate shrublands

scientific article published on January 2017

Positive heterospecific interactions can increase long‐term diversity of plant communities more than negative conspecific interactions alone

scientific article published in 2021

Rapid Evolution of Herbicide Resistance by Low Herbicide Dosages

Requirements, design and implementation of a general model of biological invasion


Reviewing research priorities in weed ecology, evolution and management: a horizon scan


Rotating and stacking genes can improve crop resistance durability while potentially selecting highly virulent pathogen strains

scientific article published on 12 November 2020

Rotations and mixtures of soil-applied herbicides delay resistance

scientific article published on 27 July 2019

Seasonal and diurnal patterns of spore release can significantly affect the proportion of spores expected to undergo long-distance dispersal

scientific article published on 4 October 2011

Sediment tolerance mechanisms identified in sponges using advanced imaging techniques

scientific article published on 16 November 2017

Seed dormancy and persistent sediment seed banks of ephemeral freshwater rock pools in the Australian monsoon tropics

scientific article published on 7 February 2015

Seed fractionation as a phytosanitary control measure for Pea seed-borne mosaic virus infection of field pea seed-stocks

Sesquiterpene Variation in West Australian Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum).

scientific article published on 06 June 2017

Shallow environmental gradients put inland species at risk: Insights and implications from predicting future distributions ofEucalyptusspecies in South Western Australia


Shifting focus from the population to the individual as a way forward in understanding, predicting and managing the complexities of evolution of resistance to pesticides

scientific article published on June 22, 2012

Similarities and gradients in growth unit branching patterns during ontogeny in "Fuji" apple trees: a stochastic approach

scientific article published on 25 August 2006

Simulation modelling identifies polygenic basis of herbicide resistance in a weed population and predicts rapid evolution of herbicide resistance at low herbicide rates

Simulation of optimal rooting strategies: What's the best way to find a wet crack?


Simulation of the evolution of root water foraging strategies in dry and shallow soils

scientific article published on September 2014

Statistical emulators of a plant growth simulation model


Structure-from-motion reveals coral growth is influenced by colony size and wave energy on the reef slope at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia

scientific article published on 31 July 2020

Temporal patterns of ascospore release in Leptosphaeria maculans vary depending on geographic region and time of observation

scientific article published on 28 December 2012

The Land Use Sequence Optimiser (LUSO): A theoretical framework for analysing crop sequences in response to nitrogen, disease and weed populations


The Role of Habitus in the Maintenance of Traditional Noongar Plant Knowledge in Southwest Western Australia


The ecophysiology of seed persistence: a mechanistic view of the journey to germination or demise

scientific article published on 12 March 2014

The impact of seed head age and orientation on seed release thresholds

scientific article published in 2012

The influence of environmental drivers and restoration intervention methods on postmine restoration trajectories

scientific article published on 13 August 2021

The role of extreme rain events in driving tree growth across a continental‐scale climatic range in Australia

scientific article published in 2021

Timing of propagule release significantly alters the deposition area of resulting aerial dispersal


Toward more robust plant-soil feedback research: Comment


Trait-based formal definition of plant functional types and functional communities in the multi-species and multi-traits context

scientific article published on 04 October 2019

Transdisciplinary weed research: new leverage on challenging weed problems?

Tuned in: plant roots use sound to locate water.

scientific article published on 5 April 2017

Using log-log scaling slope analysis for determining the contributions to variability in biological variables such as leaf mass per area: why it works, when it works and how it can be extended


Using the canonical modelling approach to simplify the simulation of function in functional-structural plant models

scientific article published in June 2005

Vegetation patterns and hydro-geological drivers of freshwater rock pool communities in the monsoon-tropical Kimberley region, Western Australia


Weed Seed Wizard: A tool that demonstrates the value of integrated weed management tactics such as harvest weed seed destruction

Why was resistance to shorter-acting pre-emergence herbicides slower to evolve?

scientific article published on 26 December 2016