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List of works by Kainam Thomas Wong

A Lower Bound of DOA-Estimates by an Array Randomly Subject to Sensor-Breakdown


A Lower Bound of Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for an Acoustic Vector Sensor Subject to Sensor Breakdown

article by Yang Song et al published October 2012 in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

A Triad of Cardioid Sensors in Orthogonal Orientation and Spatial Collocation—Its Spatial-Matched-Filter-Type Beam-Pattern

A directionally tunable but frequency-invariant beamformer on an acoustic velocity-sensor triad to enhance speech perception.

scientific article published in May 2012

A geometrical model for the toa distribution of uplink/downlink multipaths, assuming scatterers with a conical spatial density

Acoustic Near-Field Source-Localization by Two Passive Anchor-Nodes

Acoustic Vector-Sensor FFH "Blind" Beamforming & Geolocation

Acoustic direction finding using a pressure sensor and a uniaxial particle velocity sensor

Acoustic direction finding using a spatially spread tri-axial velocity sensor

Adaptive source localisation and blind beamforming for underwater acoustic wideband fast frequency-hop signals of unknown hop sequences and unknown arrival angles using a vector-hydrophone

An Hybrid Cramér-Rao Bound in Closed Form for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation by an “Acoustic Vector Sensor” With Gain-Phase Uncertainties

article by Ping Kwan Tam et al published May 2014 in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

An Integrated Overview of the Open Literature's Empirical Data on the Indoor Radiowave Channel's Delay Properties

An L-Shaped Array With Nonorthogonal Axes—Its Cramér–Rao Bound for Direction Finding

Analytical derivation of finite-data-record performance of Wong-Lok-Lehnert-Zoltowski's DS-CDMA "Blind" space-time receiver

Analytically Derived Uplink/Downlink TOA and 2-D-DOA Distributions With Scatterers in a 3-D Hemispheroid Surrounding the Mobile

Analytically derived TOA-DOA distributions of uplink/downlink wireless-cellular multipaths arisen from scatterers with an inverted-parabolic spatial distribution around the mobile

Analytically derived TOA-DOA statistics of uplink/downlink wireless multipaths arisen from scatterers on a hollow-disc around the mobile

Analytically-derived explicit closed-form spatial-correlation function for the landmobile uplink with scatterers located stochastically as nonhomogeneous Poisson

Azimuth-elevation direction finding using a microphone and three orthogonal velocity sensors as a non-collocated subarray.

scientific article published in April 2013

Azimuth-elevation direction finding, using one four-component acoustic vector-sensor spread spatially along a straight line

Beacon-Aided Adaptive Localization of Noise Sources Aboard a Pass-By Railcar Using a Trackside Microphone Array

Beacon-aided adaptive azimuth-elevation localization of sound-sources aboard a pass-by rail-car using a track-side acoustic microphone planar array

scholarly article published November 2008

Beam patterns of an underwater acoustic vector hydrophone located away from any reflecting boundary

Blind beamforming/geolocation for wideband-FFHs with unknown hop-sequences

CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) direction finding with multi-scale array

CRB: Sinusoid-Sources' Estimation using Collocated Dipoles/Loops

Closed-Form Direction Finding Using Collocated but Orthogonally Oriented Higher Order Acoustic Sensors

Closed-form direction finding and polarization estimation with arbitrarily spaced electromagnetic vector-sensors at unknown locations

article published in 2000

Closed-form eigenstructure-based direction finding using arbitrary but identical subarrays on a sparse uniform Cartesian array grid

Closed-form underwater acoustic direction-finding with arbitrarily spaced vector hydrophones at unknown locations

Closed-form underwater acoustic direction-finding with arbitrarily spaced vector hydrophones at unknown locations

Color-Shift Keying—How Its Largest Obtainable “Minimum Distance” Depends on Its Preset Operating Chromaticity and Constellation Size

Corrections to “Vector Cross-Product Direction-Finding’ With an Electromagnetic Vector-Sensor of Six Orthogonally Oriented But Spatially Noncollocating Dipoles/Loops” [Jan 11 160-171]

article published in 2014

Cramer-Rao bounds for estimation of pure-tone signals' Azimuth-elevation arrival angles & polarization parameters & frequencies using a dipole-triad or a loop-triad

CramÉr-Rao Bounds for Direction Finding by an Acoustic Vector Sensor Under Nonideal Gain-Phase Responses, Noncollocation, or Nonorthogonal Orientation


Cramér-Rao Bounds for direction finding by an acoustic vector-sensor under unknown gain / phase uncertainties

Direction finding with the sensors' gains suffering bayesian uncertainty —hybrid CRB and MAP estimation

Direction finding/polarization estimation-dipole and/or loop triad(s)

Direction-finding with sparse rectangular dual-size spatial invariance array

ESPRIT-based 2-D direction finding with a sparse uniform array of electromagnetic vector sensors

Electrically “Long” Dipoles in a Collocated/Orthogonal Triad—for Direction Finding and Polarization Estimation

Errata: Recursive least-squares source tracking using one acoustic vector sensor

article by Mohamad Khattar Awad & Kainam Thomas Wong published January 2013 in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

Extended-aperture underwater acoustic multisource azimuth/elevation direction-finding using uniformly but sparsely spaced vector hydrophones

Fast-polarization-hopping transmission diversity to mitigate prolonged deep fades in indoor wireless communications


Fourth-Order Spatial Correlation-Coefficient Across the Uplink Receiver's Spatial Aperture — Analytically Derived in Closed Form

article by Cheng-Siang Wang et al published March 2012 in IEEE Transactions on Communications

Higher-order figure-8 sensors in a pair, skewed and collocated-Their azimuthal "spatial matched filter" beam-pattern

scientific article published on 01 February 2020

Inexpensive upgrade of base-station dumb antennas by two magnetic loops for "blind" adaptive downlink beamforming

article published in 2005

Interference Suppression for OFDM Systems With Insufficient Guard Interval Using Null Subcarriers

article published in 2009

Landmobile Radiowave Multipaths' DOA-Distribution: Assessing Geometric Models by the Open Literature's Empirical Datasets

Linear MMSE Estimation of Large-Magnitude Symmetric Levy-Process Phase-Noise

Linearly constrained minimum-"geometric power" adaptive beamforming using logarithmic moments of data containing heavy-tailed noise of unknown statistics

article by Jin He et al published 2007 in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters

Low-rate sampling technique for range-windowed radar/sonar using nonlinear frequency modulation

MMSE recursive estimation of high phase-noise that is Wiener non-stationary

scholarly article published 2009

Mismatch of Near-Field Bearing-Range Spatial Geometry in Source-Localization by a Uniform Linear Array

Multilinear direction finding for sensor-array with multiple scales of invariance

Narrowband PPM semi-‘blind’ spatial-rake receiver & co-channel interference suppression

Near-field source-Localization (over azimuth /elevation / distance) using a single spatially extended acoustic vector-sensor

Near-field/far-field array manifold of an acoustic vector-sensor near a reflecting boundary

scientific article published in June 2016

Near-field/far-field azimuth and elevation angle estimation using a single vector hydrophone

article published in 2001

New pre-processing technique to enhance single-user-type DS-CDMA detectors in "blind" space-time rake receivers

Noise Statistics of a Higher Order Directional Sensor, Realized by Computing Finite Differences Spatially Across Multiple Isotropic Sensors

Noise statistics across the three axes of a tri-axial velocity sensor constructed of pressure sensors

Polarization Estimation With a Dipole-Dipole Pair, a Dipole-Loop Pair, or a Loop-Loop Pair of Various Orientations

article published in 2012

Quasi-Fluid-Mechanics-Based Quasi-Bayesian CramÉr–Rao Bounds for Deformed Towed-Array Direction Finding

Radiowave PPM "blind" spatial-rake receiver & amp; Co-channel interference suppression

Recursive Least-Squares Source Tracking using One Acoustic Vector Sensor

article by Mohamad Khattar Awad & Kainam Thomas Wong published October 2012 in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

Root-MUSIC-based azimuth-elevation angle-of-arrival estimation with uniformly spaced but arbitrarily oriented velocity hydrophones

article published in 1999

Root-MUSIC-based direction-finding and polarization estimation using diversely polarized possibly collocated antennas

SPC04-4: Distribution of "Bad Urban" Uplink Multipaths' Arrival Delay & Azimuth-Elevation Arrival Angles, with Scatterers Distributed Cylindrically Above the Mobile

Self-initiating MUSIC-based direction finding and polarization estimation in spatio-polarizational beamspace

Self-initiating MUSIC-based direction finding in underwater acoustic particle velocity-field beamspace

Snapshot-instantaneous ||. ||infin normalization against heavy-tail noise

Source Tracking with Multiple-Forgetting-Factor RLS Using a Vector-Hydrophone Away From or Near a Reflecting Boundary

Spatial-correlation-coefficient at the basestation, in closed-form explicit analytic expression, due to heterogeneously Poisson distributed scatterers

Spatial-polarizational correlation-coefficient function between receiving-antennas in radiowave communications - geometrically modeled, analytically derived, simple, closed-form, explicit formulas


Special Section on Channel Modeling and Estimation

Speckle-noise reduction via "rotated elliptical-thresholding" in an homomorphic complex-wavelet domain

The Acoustic Vector-Sensor's Near-Field Array-Manifold

The Probability Distribution of the Carrier-to-Interference Ratio (CIR) of a CSMA/CA Ad Hoc Wireless Network

The TOA-distribution of multipaths between an omni-directional transceiver and a mis-oriented directional transceiver

The state of the art in propagation and mobile channel modeling [From the Guest Editors]

The statistical average carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of an ad hoc CSMA/CA wireless network providing multiple service-classes

Three-Dimensional Localization of a Near-Field Emitter of Unknown Spectrum, using an Acoustic Vector Sensor Corrupted by Additive Noise of Unknown Spectrum

Three-dimensional dislocations in a uniform linear array's isotropic sensors-Direction finding's hybrid Cramér-Rao bound

scientific article published on 01 May 2020

Two-Branch Selection in Wireless Space-Diversity Reception: An Upper Bound for its Output Power

article published in 2012

Uni-vector-sensor ESPRIT for multisource azimuth, elevation, and polarization estimation

Various Compositions to Form a Triad of Collocated Dipoles/Loops, for Direction Finding and Polarization Estimation

scientific article published in June 2012

Viable/Inviable Polynomial-Phase Modulations for "Stretch Processing"

Virtual-manifold ambiguity in HOS-based direction-finding with electromagnetic vector-sensors

Σ-Separability of the far-field beam-pattern of an arbitrary excitation- function over an elliptical-rim aperture

“Bad urban” uplink multipaths’ distribution in azimuth-elevation DOA, with scatterers modeled as inside a cylinder above the mobile & as more sparse with height

scholarly article published October 2007

“Blind” calibration of vector sensors whose dipole/loop triads deviate from their nominal gains/phases/orientations/locations

“Fractional Self-Decorrelation” to Enhance Single-User-Type DS-CDMA Detectors' Output SINR in Blind Space-Time RAKE Receivers

“Quasi-Blind” Calibration of an Array of Acoustic Vector-Sensors That Are Subject to Gain Errors/Mis-Location/Mis-Orientation

article by Yang Song et al published May 2014 in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

“Vector Cross-Product Direction-Finding” With an Electromagnetic Vector-Sensor of Six Orthogonally Oriented But Spatially Noncollocating Dipoles/Loops

article published in 2011