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List of works by Robert A. Creaser

187Re-187Os geochronology of Precambrian organic-rich sedimentary rocks


A Cretaceous back-arc basin in the Coast Belt of the northern Canadian Cordillera: evidence from geochemical and neodymium isotope characteristics of the Kluane metamorphic assemblage, southwest Yukon


A U‐Pb zircon study of the Mesoproterozoic Charleston Granite, Gawler Craton, South Australia


A model for the oceanic mass balance of rhenium and implications for the extent of Proterozoic ocean anoxia

scholarly article by Alex I. Sheen et al published April 2018 in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

A petrological and geochemical study of the volcanic rocks of the Crowsnest Formation, southwestern Alberta, and of the Howell Creek suite, British Columbia

scholarly article

A petrological and geochronological study of a 360 Ma metallogenic event in Maritime Canada with implications for lithophile-metal mineralization in the Canadian Appalachians


A whiff of oxygen before the great oxidation event?

scientific article

Absolute timing of sulfide and gold mineralization: A comparison of Re-Os molybdenite and Ar-Ar mica methods from the Tintina Gold Belt, Alaska

scholarly article by David Selby et al published 2002 in Geology

Age and source constraints for the giant Muruntau gold deposit, Uzbekistan, from coupled Re-Os-He isotopes in arsenopyrite

scholarly article

Age and tectonomagmatic setting of the Eocene Çöpler–Kabataş magmatic complex and porphyry-epithermal Au deposit, East Central Anatolia, Turkey

An Example of Synorogenic Sediment-Hosted Copper Mineralization: Geologic and Geochronologic Evidence from the Paleoproterozoic Nussir Deposit, Finnmark, Arctic Norway


Ancient (Meso- to Paleoarchean) crust in the Rae Province, Canada: Evidence from Sm–Nd and U–Pb constraints


Application of Radiogenic Isotopes in Geosciences: Overview and Perspectives

Archean high-Mg monzodiorite–syenite, epidote skarn, and biotite–sericite gold lodes in the Granny Smith–Wallaby district, Australia: U–Pb and Re–Os chronometry of two intrusion-related hydrothermal systems


Assessment of the 187Re decay constant by cross calibration of Re–Os molybdenite and U–Pb zircon chronometers in magmatic ore systems

scholarly article

Assimilation, differentiation, and thickening during formation of arc crust in space and time: The Jurassic Bonanza arc, Vancouver Island, Canada


Besshi-Type VMS Deposits of the Rudny Altai (Central Asia)


Characterising the southern part of the Hearne Province: A forgotten part of Canada’s shield revisited


Colombian-style emerald mineralization in the northern Canadian Cordillera: integration into a regional Paleozoic fluid flow regime


Comment and Reply on "A-type granites revisited: Assessment of a residual-source model": COMMENT


Comment and Reply on "Depth and mineralogy of the magma source or pause region for the Carboniferous Liberty Hill pluton, South Carolina"

scholarly article

Constraining the depositional history of the Neoproterozoic Shaler Supergroup, Amundsen Basin, NW Canada: Rhenium-osmium dating of black shales from the Wynniatt and Boot Inlet Formations


Constraints on the genesis of gold mineralization at the Homestake Gold Deposit, Black Hills, South Dakota from rhenium–osmium sulfide geochronology


Constraints on the timing of Marinoan “Snowball Earth” glaciation by 187Re–187Os dating of a Neoproterozoic, post-glacial black shale in Western Canada


Correlation of Sturtian diamictite successions in southern Australia and northwestern Tasmania by Re–Os black shale geochronology and the ambiguity of “Sturtian”-type diamictite–cap carbonate pairs as chronostratigraphic marker horizons


Correlation of mid-Cretaceous granites with source terranes in the northern Canadian Cordillera


Corrigendum to “Temporal trends of pollution Pb and other metals in east-central Baffin Island inferred from lake-sediment geochemistry” [Science of the Total Environment 407 (2009) 5653–5662]


Cretaceous oceanic anoxic event 2 triggered by a massive magmatic episode

scientific article published in July 2008

Crustal recycling during subduction at the Eocene Cordilleran margin of North America: a petrogenetic study from the southwestern Yukon

scientific article

Depositional age of the early Paleoproterozoic Klipputs Member, Nelani Formation (Ghaap Group, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa) and implications for low-level Re–Os geochronology and Paleoproterozoic global correlations


Direct radiometric dating of hydrocarbon deposits using rhenium-osmium isotopes

scientific article

Direct radiometric dating of the Devonian-Mississippian time-scale boundary using the Re-Os black shale geochronometer

scholarly article

Discovery of pre-3.5 Ga exotic crust at the northwestern Superior Province margin, Manitoba

scholarly article

Domestic cattle mobility in early farming villages in southern Africa: harvest profiles and strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotope analyses from Early Iron Age sites in the lower Thukela River Valley of South Africa


Early Mesoproterozoic intrusive breccias in Yukon, Canada: the role of hydrothermal systems in reconstructions of North America and Australia


Early Proterozoic magmatism in Yukon, Canada: constraints on the evolution of northwestern Laurentia


Early and Middle Proterozoic evolution of Yukon, Canada


Eocambrian granite clasts in southern British Columbia shed light on Cordilleran hinterland crust


Evidence for a nonmagmatic component in potassic hydrothermal fluids of porphyry cu-Au-Mo systems, Yukon, Canada


Examining potential genetic links between Jurassic porphyry Cu–Au ± Mo and epithermal Au ± Ag mineralization in the Toodoggone district of North-Central British Columbia, Canada


Extending the ancient margin outboard in the Canadian Cordillera: record of Proterozoic crust and Paleocene regional metamorphism in the Nicola horst, southern British Columbia


Formation of cratonic subcontinental lithospheric mantle and complementary komatiite from hybrid plume sources

scientific article

Further evaluation of the Re-Os geochronometer in organic-rich sedimentary rocks: a test of hydrocarbon maturation effects in the Exshaw Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin


Genesis of the Au–Bi–Cu–As, Cu–Mo ± W, and base–metal Au–Ag mineralization at the Mountain Freegold (Yukon, Canada): constraints from Ar–Ar and Re–Os geochronology and Pb and stable isotope compositions


Genesis of the Paleoproterozoic NICO iron oxide–cobalt–gold–bismuth deposit, Northwest Territories, Canada: Evidence from isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusions


Geochemical and Nd isotopic constraints for the origin of Late Archean turbidites from the Yellowknife area, Northwest Territories, Canada


Geochemical and Nd-Pb-O isotope systematics of granites from the Taltson Magmatic Zone, NE Alberta: implications for early Proterozoic tectonics in western Laurentia

Geochemistry and tectonic significance of alkalic mafic magmatism in the Yukon-Tanana terrane, Finlayson Lake region, Yukon


Geochronology and Geochemistry of the MAX Porphyry Mo Deposit and its Relationship to Pb-Zn-Ag Mineralization, Kootenay Arc, Southeastern British Columbia, Canada


Geochronology of the Tumpangpitu Porphyry Au-Cu-Mo and High-Sulfidation Epithermal Au-Ag-Cu Deposit: Evidence for Pre- and Postmineralization Diatremes in the Tujuh Bukit District, Southeast Java, Indonesia

scholarly article by Rachel L. Harrison et al published 1 January 2018 in Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists

Geologic History and Timing of Mineralization at the Haile Gold Mine, South Carolina

Geologic and Structural Setting of Gold Mineralization in the Kirkland Lake-Larder Lake Gold Belt, Ontario


Geology and Genesis of the Cerro la Mina Porphyry-High Sulfidation Au (Cu-Mo) Prospect, Mexico

article published in 2017

Geology and Geochronology of the Golpu Porphyry and Wafi Epithermal Deposit, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea

scholarly article by Marc L. Rinne et al published 1 January 2018 in Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists

Geology, geochemistry, geochronology, and economic potential of Neogene volcanic rocks in the Laguna Pedernal and Salar de Aguas Calientes segments of the Archibarca lineament, northwest Argentina


Global correlation of the Vazante Group, São Francisco Basin, Brazil: Re–Os and U–Pb radiometric age constraints


Granulite sulphides as tracers of lower crustal origin and evolution: An example from the Slave craton, Canada


Hunter-gatherer mobility strategies and resource use based on strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) analysis: a case study from Middle Holocene Lake Baikal, Siberia


Identifying foreigners versus locals in a burial population from Nasca, Peru: an investigation using strontium isotope analysis


Implications of high-precision Re-Os molybdenite dating of the Navachab orogenic gold deposit, Namibia

Integrated Nd isotopic and U–Pb detrital zircon systematics of clastic sedimentary rocks from the Slave Province, Canada: evidence for extensive crustal reworking in the early- to mid-Archean


Investigating a child sacrifice event from the Inca heartland

article by Valerie A. Andrushko et al published February 2011 in Journal of Archaeological Science

Isotopic Re-Os age of molybdenite from the Szklarska Poręba Huta Quarry (Karkonosze, SW Poland)


Isotopic evidence for geochemical decoupling between ancient epeiric seas and bordering oceans: Implications for secular curves

scholarly article



Linking the Timing of Disseminated Granite-Hosted Gold-Rich Deposits to Paleoproterozoic Felsic Magmatism at Alta Floresta Gold Province, Amazon Craton, Brazil: Insights from Pyrite and Molybdenite Re-Os Geochronology


Lithosphere-asthenosphere mixing in a transform-dominated late Paleozoic backarc basin: Implications for northern Cordilleran crustal growth and assembly

scholarly article

Lu–Hf, in-situ Sr and Pb isotope and trace element systematics for mantle eclogites from the Diavik diamond mine: Evidence for Paleoproterozoic subduction beneath the Slave craton, Canada


Macrocrystal phlogopite Rb–Sr dates for the Ekati property kimberlites, Slave Province, Canada: evidence for multiple intrusive episodes in the Paleocene and Eocene


Macroscale NTIMS and microscale LA-MC-ICP-MS Re-Os isotopic analysis of molybdenite: Testing spatial restrictions for reliable Re-Os age determinations, and implications for the decoupling of Re and Os within molybdenite


Magmatic and structural controls on porphyry-style Cu–Au–Mo mineralization at Kemess South, Toodoggone District of British Columbia, Canada


Mantle Exhumation in an Early Paleozoic Passive Margin, Northern Cordillera, Yukon

scientific article

Meso- and Neoarchean evolution of the Island Lake greenstone belt and the northwestern Superior Province: Evidence from lithogeochemistry, Nd isotope data, and U–Pb zircon geochronology


Metallogenesis at the Carris W–Mo–Sn deposit (Gerês, Portugal): Constraints from fluid inclusions, mineral geochemistry, Re–Os and He–Ar isotopes


Metallogeny of the Marco zone, Corvet Est, disseminated gold deposit, James Bay, Quebec, Canada


Mid- to late Paleozoic K-feldspar augen granitoids of the Yukon-Tanana terrane, Yukon, Canada: Implications for crustal growth and tectonic evolution of the northern Cordillera


Mid-Paleozoic initiation of the northern Cordilleran marginal backarc basin: Geologic, geochemical, and neodymium isotope evidence from the oldest mafic magmatic rocks in the Yukon-Tanana terrane, Finlayson Lake district, southeast Yukon, Canada


Migration in the Nile Valley during the New Kingdom period: a preliminary strontium isotope study


Mineralogical constraints on the paleoenvironments of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation

scientific article (publication date: 11 August 2009)

Mississippian volcanic assemblage conformably overlying Cordilleran miogeoclinal strata, Turnagain River area, northern British Columbia, is not part of an accreted terrane

scholarly article

Multiple age components in individual molybdenite grains

scholarly article

Nature of assean lake ancient crust, Manitoba: a combined SHRIMP–ID-TIMS U–Pb geochronology and Sm–Nd isotope study


Negative thermal ion mass spectrometry of osmium, rhenium and iridium

scholarly article by Robert A. Creaser et al published January 1991 in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold Events at the Sossego Deposit, Carajas Province, Brazil: Re-Os and U-Pb Geochronological Evidence


Neoarchean convergent margin Ni-Cu mineralization? Axis Lake and Nickel King Ni-Cu deposits in the south Rae craton of the Canadian Shield


Neodymium isotope geochemistry of felsic volcanic and intrusive rocks from the Yukon Tanana Terrane in the Finlayson Lake Region, Yukon, Canada


No evidence for Hadean continental crust within Earth’s oldest evolved rock unit

North American margin origin of Quesnel terrane strata in the southern Canadian Cordillera: Inferences from geochemical and Nd isotopic characteristics of Triassic metasedimentary rocks


Origin and evolution of mid- to late-Archean crust in the Hanikahimajuk Lake area, Slave Province, Canada; evidence from U–Pb geochronological, geochemical and Nd–Pb isotopic data


Origin of eclogite and pyroxenite xenoliths from the Victor kimberlite, Canada, and implications for Superior craton formation


Petrogenesis of a Mesoproterozoic quartz latite-granitoid suite from the Roxby Downs area, South Australia


Petrogenesis of the Cretaceous Cassiar batholith, Yukon-British Columbia, Canada: Implications for magmatism in the North American Cordilleran Interior


Petrogenesis of the Late Cretaceous northern Alberta kimberlite province


Planar defects as Ar traps in trioctahedral micas: A mechanism for increased Ar retentivity in phlogopite

Precise age of Bangiomorpha pubescens dates the origin of eukaryotic photosynthesis


Preservation of Re-Os isotope signatures in pyrite throughout low-T, high-Peclogite facies metamorphism

scientific article published in 2014

Preserved initial in apatite from altered felsic igneous rocks: A case study from the Middle Proterozoic of South Australia


Pre‐Alpine Crust in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania: Insights from Sm‐Nd and U‐Pb Data

scholarly article

Provenance of Jurassic sedimentary rocks of south-central Quesnellia, British Columbia: implications for paleogeography


Queen Maud block: A newly recognized Paleoproterozoic (2.4–2.5 Ga) terrane in northwest Laurentia

article by Michael E.J. Schultz et al published 2007 in Geology

Radiogenic isotope characteristics of the Mesoproterozoic intrusive rocks of the Nipigon Embayment, northwestern Ontario

scientific article

Rb–Sr and U–Pb geochronology and setting of the Buffalo Head Hills kimberlite field, northern Alberta

scholarly article by D. Roy Eccles et al published May 2008 in Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences

Re Os and U Pb geochronology of the Clear Creek, Dublin Gulch, and Mactung deposits, Tombstone Gold Belt, Yukon, Canada: absolute timing relationships between plutonism and mineralization


Re-Os Geochronology and Systematics in Molybdenite from the Endako Porphyry Molybdenum Deposit, British Columbia, Canada


Re-Os Molybdenite Ages from the Archean Yellowknife Greenstone Belt: Comparison to U-Pb Ages and Evidence for Metal Introduction at 2675 Ma

scientific article (publication date: May 2007)

Re-Os Sulfide Geochronology of the Red Dog Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb-Ag Deposit, Brooks Range, Alaska

scholarly article by R. M. Morelli et al published 1 November 2004 in Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists

Re-Os dating of pyrite confirms an early diagenetic onset and extended duration of mineralization in the Irish Zn-Pb ore field

scholarly article

Re-Os geochronological constraints on the mineralizing events within the Mount Pleasant Caldera: implications for the timing of sub-volcanic magmatism

article published in 2013

Re-Os geochronology of gold mineralization in the Fawakhir area, Eastern Desert, Egypt

scientific article published on 24 July 2014

Re-Os geochronology of postglacial black shales in Australia: Constraints on the timing of “Sturtian” glaciation


Retrogression of eclogite-facies shear zones by short-lived fluid infiltration during the Caledonian orogeny, Lofoten islands, Norway

scholarly article by H. W. Fournier et al published 24 October 2013 in Geological Society Special Publication

Re–Os and Mo isotope systematics of black shales from the Middle Proterozoic Velkerri and Wollogorang Formations, McArthur Basin, northern Australia


Re–Os and U–Pb constraints on gold mineralisation events in the Meso- to Neoarchaean Storø greenstone belt, Storø, southern West Greenland

scholarly article by Anders Scherstén et al published April 2012 in Precambrian Research

Re–Os depositional ages and seawater Os estimates for the Frasnian–Famennian boundary: Implications for weathering rates, land plant evolution, and extinction mechanisms

Re–Os elemental and isotopic systematics in crude oils

scholarly article

Re–Os geochronology of organic rich sediments: an evaluation of organic matter analysis methods

scholarly article

Re–Os isotope study of Indian kimberlites and lamproites: Implications for mantle source regions and cratonic evolution

scholarly article

Rhenium-Osmium Geochronology of Arsenopyrite in Meguma Group Gold Deposits, Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada: Evidence for Multiple Gold-Mineralizing Events


Sm Nd fluorite dating of Proterozoic low-sulfidation epithermal Au Ag deposits and U Pb zircon dating of host rocks at Mallery Lake, Nunavut, Canada


Sm-Nd Isotope Technique as An Exploration Tool: Delineating the Northern Extension of the Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba, Canada


Squaw Peak, Arizona: Paleoproterozoic Precursor to the Laramide Porphyry Copper Province

Standardizing Re–Os geochronology: A new molybdenite Reference Material (Henderson, USA) and the stoichiometry of Os salts

scholarly article

Strontium isotope composition of runoff from a glaciated carbonate terrain


Sulfide and whole rock Re–Os systematics of eclogite and pyroxenite xenoliths from the Slave Craton, Canada


Sulphide survival and diamond genesis during formation and evolution of Archaean subcontinental lithosphere: A comparison between the Slave and Kaapvaal cratons


Synvolcanic and Younger Plutonic Rocks from the Blake River Group: Implications for Regional Metallogenesis

article by S. J. Piercey et al published 1 September 2008 in Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists

Temporal Evolution of the Western Porphyry Cu-Au Systems at Reko Diq, Balochistan, Western Pakistan

scholarly article by A. Razique et al published 27 August 2014 in Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists

Temporal evolution of mineralization events in the Bohemian Massif inferred from the Re–Os geochronology of molybdenite

scholarly article by Lukáš Ackerman et al published 27 October 2016 in Mineralium Deposita

Temporal trends of pollution Pb and other metals in east-central Baffin Island inferred from lake sediment geochemistry

scientific article published on 7 August 2009

The Bear River dykes (1265–1269 Ma): westward continuation of the Mackenzie dyke swarm into Yukon, Canada


The Carolina kimberlite, Brazil — Insights into an unconventional diamond deposit

The Churchill kimberlite field, Nunavut, Canada: petrography, mineral chemistry, and geochronology


The Distribution and Timing of Molybdenite Mineralization at the El Teniente Cu-Mo Porphyry Deposit, Chile


The Mesoproterozoic Abra polymetallic sedimentary rock-hosted mineral deposit, Edmund Basin, Western Australia


The Timing of Yellowknife Gold Mineralization: A Temporal Relationship with Crustal Anatexis?

The affinity of Archean crust on the Yilgarn—Albany–Fraser Orogen boundary: Implications for gold mineralisation in the Tropicana Zone


The geochemical composition of serpentinites in the Mesoarchaean Tartoq Group, SW Greenland: Harzburgitic cumulates or melt-modified mantle?


The geology and genesis of the iron skarns of the Turgai belt, northwestern Kazakhstan

The late Oligocene Cevizlidere Cu-Au-Mo deposit, Tunceli Province, eastern Turkey

The late- to postorogenic transition in the Apiaí domain, SE Brazil: Constraints from the petrogenesis of the Neoproterozoic Agudos Grandes Granite Batholith


The late- to postorogenic transition in the Neoproterozoic Agudos Grandes Granite Batholith (Apiaí Domain, SE Brazil): Constraints from geology, mineralogy, and U–Pb geochronology


The nature of Mesoarchaean seawater and continental weathering in 2.85 Ga banded iron formation, Slave craton, NW Canada


The origin of Late Devonian (Frasnian) stratiform and stratabound mudstone-hosted barite in the Selwyn Basin, Northwest Territories, Canada


The origin of Triassic/Jurassic kimberlite magmatism, Canada: Two mantle sources revealed from the Sr-Nd isotopic composition of groundmass perovskite


The role of Indian and Tibetan lithosphere in spatial distribution of Cenozoic magmatism and porphyry Cu–Mo deposits in the Gangdese belt, southern Tibet

The temporal evolution of North American kimberlites


Timing and thermochemical constraints on multi-element mineralisation at the Nori/RA Cu–Mo–U prospect, Great Bear magmatic zone, Northwest Territories, Canada


Timing of Iron Oxide Cu-Au-(U) Hydrothermal Activity and Nd Isotope Constraints on Metal Sources in the Gawler Craton, South Australia


Timing of kimberlite, carbonatite, and ultramafic lamprophyre emplacement in the alkaline province located 64°–67° N in southern West Greenland

scholarly article by K. Secher et al published November 2009 in Lithos

Timing of multiple hydrothermal events in the iron oxide–copper–gold deposits of the Southern Copper Belt, Carajás Province, Brazil


Trace-element and multi-isotope geochemistry of Late-Archean black shales in the Carajás iron-ore district, Brazil

scholarly article

Transient episodes of mild environmental oxygenation and oxidative continental weathering during the late Archean

scientific article

Uranium and molybdenum isotope evidence for an episode of widespread ocean oxygenation during the late Ediacaran Period


U–Pb geochronology and Sr/Nd isotope compositions of groundmass perovskite from the newly discovered Jurassic Chidliak kimberlite field, Baffin Island, Canada


U–Pb zircon dating by laser ablation-MC-ICP-MS using a new multiple ion counting Faraday collector array


Yardea Dacite—Large-volume, high-temperature felsic volcanism from the Middle Proterozoic of South Australia


Zircon U–Pb age and Sr–Nd–Hf–O isotope geochemistry of the Paleocene–Eocene igneous rocks in western Gangdese: Evidence for the timing of Neo-Tethyan slab breakoff


“Kimberlite” from Wekusko Lake, Manitoba: Actually a diamond-indicator-bearing dolomite carbonatite
