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List of works by Fatiha Nejjari

A Fault-Hiding Approach for the Switching Quasi-LPV Fault Tolerant Control of a Four-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robot

A GMDH neural network-based approach to passive robust fault detection using a constraint satisfaction backward test

A bank of virtual sensors for active Fault Tolerant Control of LPV systems

A virtual actuator and sensor approach for fault tolerant control of LPV systems

A virtual actuator approach for the fault tolerant control of unstable linear systems subject to actuator saturation and fault isolation delay

article by Damiano Rotondo et al published 2015 in Annual Reviews in Control

Abnormal quality detection and isolation in water distribution networks using simulation models

Actuator multiplicative fault estimation in discrete-time LPV systems using switched observers

scholarly article by Damiano Rotondo et al published September 2016 in Journal of the Franklin Institute

An Interval NLPV Parity Equations Approach for Fault Detection and Isolation of a Wind Farm

article published in 2014

An LMI approach to robust fault estimation for a class of nonlinear systems

Automated generation and comparison of Takagi–Sugeno and polytopic quasi-LPV models

Chlorine Decay Model Calibration and Comparison: Application to a Real Water Network

Clustering techniques applied to sensor placement for leak detection and location in water distribution networks

Combining Health Monitoring and Control


Design of parameter-scheduled state-feedback controllers using shifting specifications

scholarly article by Damiano Rotondo et al published January 2015 in Journal of the Franklin Institute

Diagnosability Analysis using Quasi-Static Models

Dilated LMI characterization for the robust finite time control of discrete-time uncertain linear systems

Equitable Noise Abatement Departure Procedures

Event-based approach for supply chain fault analysis

scholarly article by Ramon Sarrate et al published 2005 in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering

Event-based process monitoring

Extended Luenberger Observer-Based Fault Detection for an Activated Sludge Process

FDI and FTC of wind turbines using the interval observer approach and virtual actuators/sensors

FTC design for polytopic LPV systems subject to actuator saturations

scholarly article published July 2012

FTC of LPV systems using a bank of virtual sensors:Aapplication to wind turbines

Fault Diagnosis Based on Causal Computations

Fault Estimation and Virtual Actuator FTC Approach for LPV Systems*

Fault Tolerant Control design for polytopic uncertain LPV systems: Application to a quadrotor

Fault Tolerant Control of a PEM Fuel Cell using qLPV Virtual Actuators

Fault Tolerant Control of the Wind Turbine Benchmark using Virtual Sensors/Actuators

Fault diagnosability utilizing quasi-static and structural modelling

Fault estimation and virtual sensor FTC approach for LPV systems

Fault tolerant control design for polytopic uncertain LPV systems

Fault tolerant control of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell using Takagi–Sugeno virtual actuators

Fault tolerant control of an omnidirectional robot using a switched Takagi-Sugeno approach

Fault tolerant control of unstable LPV systems subject to actuator saturations using virtual actuators ★ ★This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the projects CICYT ECOCIS (Ref. DPI2013-48243-C2-1-R) an


Heading control system design for an unmanned helicopter

Health Aware Control and model-based Prognosis


Hierarchical and Sensitivity Analysis for Noise Abatement Departure Procedures

Icing detection in unmanned aerial vehicles with longitudinal motion using an LPV unknown input observer

Identification and switching quasi-LPV control of a four wheeled omnidirectional robot

LPV modelling and control of a Twin Rotor MIMO System

scholarly article published June 2011

Leakage isolation in water distribution networks: A comparative study of two methodologies on a real case study

Lexicographic optimisation for optimal departure aircraft trajectories

Linear quadratic control of LPV systems using static and shifting specifications

MPC Framework for System Reliability Optimization

MPC design based on a DBN reliability model: Application to drinking water networks ★ ★The authors would like to express their thanks to V. Puig (Automatic Control Department, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya) and C. Simon (Université de Lo

Model Reference Gain Scheduling Control of a PEM Fuel Cell Using Takagi-Sugeno Modelling

Model reference FTC for LPV systems using virtual actuators and set-membership fault estimation

Model reference quasi-LPV control of a quadrotor UAV

Model-Based Fault Detection using Adaptive Observer


Model-based Optimal Sensor Placement Approaches to Fuel Cell Stack System Fault Diagnosis*

Modelling and adaptive backstepping control for TX-1570 UAV path tracking

Multi-objective optimisation for aircraft departure trajectories minimising noise annoyance

On the analogies in control design of non-linear systems using LPV and Takagi-Sugeno models

On-line model-based fault detection and isolation for PEM fuel cell stack systems

Optimal Pressure Sensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks Minimizing Leak Location Uncertainty

Optimal Sensor Placement for Leakage Detection and Isolation in Water Distribution Networks*

Optimal sensor placement For Fuel Cell System diagnosis using BILP formulation

Passive Robust Fault Detection of Dynamic Processes Using Interval Models

Passive robust fault detection using interval observers: Application to the DAMADICS benchmark problem

Quasi-LPV modeling, identification and control of a twin rotor MIMO system

article by Damiano Rotondo et al published June 2013 in Control Engineering Practice

Quasi-LPV modelling and non-linear identification of a Twin Rotor System

scholarly article published July 2012

Reliable control of a twin rotor MIMO system using actuator health monitoring


Robust Fault Tolerant Control Framework Using Uncertain Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Models

Robust Quasi–LPV Model Reference FTC of a Quadrotor Uav Subject to Actuator Faults

article by Damiano Rotondo et al published 1 March 2015 in International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Robust fault detection and isolation of wind turbines using interval observers

Robust fault detection for LPV systems using interval observers and zonotopes

Robust state-feedback control of uncertain LPV systems: An LMI-based approach

scholarly article by Damiano Rotondo et al published May 2014 in Journal of the Franklin Institute

Robust unknown input observer for state and fault estimation in discrete-time Takagi–Sugeno systems

Robustness Analysis of Sensor Placement for Leak Detection and Location under Uncertain Operating Conditions

Sensor placement for fault diagnosis performance maximization in Distribution Networks

Sensor placement for leak detection and location in water distribution networks

Shifting finite time stability and boundedness design for continuous-time LPV systems

Shifting linear quadratic control of constrained continuous-time descriptor LPV systems**This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the projects CICYT ECOCIS (ref. DPI2013-48243-C2-1-R) and CICYT HARCRICS (ref


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