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List of works by Rainer Wanke

A Measurement of the Michel Parameters in Leptonic Decays of the Tau

scientific article

A Search for NonresonantB+→h+h−h+Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

A measurement of

A measurement of the CP-conserving component of the decay K S 0 → π + π − π 0

A measurement of the KS lifetime

A measurement of |Vcb| from

A new measurement of the branching ratio of KS → γγ

A precise measurement of the average b hadron lifetime

A precise measurement of ΓZ→bb/ΓZ→hadrons

A precision measurement of direct CP violation in the decay of neutral kaons into two pions

A study of production in semileptonic B decay

An evaluation of |V us | and precise tests of the Standard Model from world data on leptonic and semileptonic kaon decays

An investigation of Bd0 and Bs0 oscillation

An investigation of the very rare 𝐾+→𝜋+𝜈𝜈⎯⎯⎯ decay

scholarly article

An upper limit for the τ neutrino mass from τ → 5π(π0)ντ decays

Analyses ofD+→KS0K+andD+→KS0π+

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Cluster shapes and cluster sizes in the HERA-B silicon vertex detector

Correlation measurements in Z→τ+τ− and the τ neutrino helicity

Design of the online PC farm for the high level trigger of the NA62 experiment at CERN

Determination of the Michel parameters and the τ neutrino helicity in τ decay

scientific article

Determination of the S-wave π π scattering lengths from a study of K ±→π ± π 0 π 0 decays

Determination of the relative decay rate

Empirical parameterization of the K+- -> π+-π0π0 decay Dalitz plot

scientific article

Experimental tests of lepton universality in τ decay

scientific article

First Measurement of the B → π ℓ ν and B → ρ ( ω ) ℓ ν Branching Fractions

scientific article

First Observation of τ → 3 π η ν τ and τ → f 1 π ν τ Decays

scientific article

First Observation of InclusiveBDecays to the Charmed Strange BaryonsΞc0andΞc+

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First Observation of the Decay τ − → K − η ν τ

scientific article

First experience and results from the HERA-B vertex detector system

First measurement of the BS meson mass


First measurement of the quark-to-photon fragmentation function

First observation and branching fraction and decay parameter measurements of the weak radiative decay Ξ 0 → Λ e + e −

First observation and measurement of the decay K ± → π ± e + e − γ

First observation of the KS→π0γγ decay

First search for K+→π+νν¯ using the decay-in-flight technique

scientific article published in April 2019

Flavor-Specific InclusiveBDecays to Charm

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Hadronic transitionsΥ(2S)→Υ(1S)

scholarly article

Heavy flavour production and decay with prompt leptons in the ALEPH detector

scientific article published in 1994

Improved tau polarisation measurement

Inclusive decaysB→DXandB→D*X

scholarly article

Inclusive production of neutral vector mesons in hadronic Z decays

Inclusive π±, K± and (p,p¯) differential cross-sections at the Z resonance

scientific article published in 1995

Investigation of SemileptonicBMeson Decays top-Wave Charm Mesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

J/ψ production via χc decays in 920 GeV pA interactions

K0 production in one-prong τ decays

Limit on B0s oscillation using a jet charge method

Limit on the Two-Photon Production of the Glueball Candidate f J ( 2220 ) at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring

scientific article

Limits on Flavor Changing Neutral Currents inD0Meson Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of K e 3 0 form factors

Measurement of K μ 3 0 form factors

Measurement of the Bs0 lifetime and production rate with Ds−ℓ+ combinations in Z decays

Measurement of the Dalitz plot slope parameters of the K ± → π ± π + π − decay

Measurement of the Decay Amplitudes and Branching Fractions ofB→J/ψK*andB→J/ψKDecays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the D∗± cross section in two photon collisions at LEP

Measurement of the Form Factors forB¯0→D*+ℓ−ν¯

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the K L → e + e − e + e − decay rate

Measurement of the and B− meson lifetimes

Measurement of the b hadron lifetime with the dipole method

Measurement of the branching fraction for Ds− → Φπ−

Measurement of the branching fractions ofΛc+→pK¯n(π)

scholarly article

Measurement of the branching ratio and an upper limit on

Measurement of the branching ratio and form factors for the decay KL→π±π0e∓νe(ν̄e)

Measurement of the branching ratio of the decay and extraction of the CKM parameter

Measurement of the branching ratios for the decays ofDs+toηπ+,η′π+,ηρ+,andη′ρ+

scholarly article

Measurement of the branching ratios of the decays Ξ 0 → Σ + e − ν ¯ e and Ξ 0 ¯ → Σ + ¯ e + ν e

Measurement of the direct emission and interference terms and search for CP violation in the decay K ±→π ± π 0 γ

Measurement of the direct photon spectrum inΥ(1S)decays

scholarly article

Measurement of the effective b quark fragmentation function at the Z resonance

Measurement of the form factors of charged kaon semileptonic decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 10, October 2018

Measurement of the inclusive semielectronicD0branching fraction

scientific article published on 01 September 1996

Measurement of the polarization of the Ξ 0 ( Ξ 0 ¯ ) hyperon beam by the NA48/1 experiment

Measurement of the quadratic slope parameter in the KL→3π0 decay Dalitz plot

Measurement of the radiative K e 3 branching ratio

Measurement of the ratio using event shape variables

Measurement of the ratio Γ ( K L → π + π − ) / Γ ( K L → π ± e ∓ ν ) and extraction of the CP violation parameter | η + − |

Measurement of the strong coupling constant using τ decays

Measurement of the tau lepton lifetime

Measurement of the tau polarisation at the Z resonance

scientific article published in 1993

Measurement of the total cross section fore+e−→hadrons ats=10.52GeV

article by R. Ammar et al published 1 February 1998 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the Λb polarization in Z decays

Measurement of the Ξ0→Λγ decay asymmetry and branching fraction

Measurement of theB¯→Dlν¯Partial Width and Form Factor Parameters

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of αs from scaling violations in fragmentation functions in e+e− annihilation

Measurement of ππ Scattering Lengths from and Decays

Measurement ofB(D0→K−π+)Using Partial Reconstruction ofB¯→D*+Xℓ−ν¯

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement ofD s + meson production inZ decays and of theB s 0 lifetime

Measurements of charged kaon semileptonic decay branching fractions K±→π0μ±ν and K±→π0e±ν and their ratio

Measurements of the b baryon lifetime

Measurements of the charged particle multiplicity distribution in restricted rapidity intervals

Measurements of the meson-photon transition form factors of light pseudoscalar mesons at large momentum transfer

article by J. Gronberg et al published 1 January 1998 in Physical Review D

Michel parameters and τ neutrino helicity from decay correlations in Z → τ+τ−

Neutral pion form factor measurement by the NA62 experiment

New Measurement ofB→D*πBranching Fractions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

New high statistics measurement of Ke4 decay form factors and ππ scattering phase shifts

New limits for neutrinoless tau decays

scholarly article

New measurement of the K ± → π + π − e ± ν ( K e 4 ) decay branching ratio and hadronic form factors

New measurement of the K ± → π ± μ + μ − decay

New measurements of the η and K0 masses

New precise measurements of the and decay asymmetries

New upper limit on the decayη→e+e−

scholarly article

Observation of Exclusive B Decays to Final States Containing a Charmed Baryon

scientific article

Observation of Exclusive Two-Body B Decays to Kaons and Pions

scientific article

Observation of Two Excited Charmed Baryons Decaying into Λ c + π ±

scientific article

Observation of a cusp-like structure in the π 0 π 0 invariant mass distribution from K ± → π ± π 0 π 0 decay and determination of the ππ scattering lengths

Observation of an Excited Charmed Baryon Decaying into Ξ c 0 π +

scientific article

Observation of monojet events and tentative interpretation

Observation of new decay modes of the charmed-strange baryon Ξc+

article by K.W. Edwards et al published April 1996 in Physics Letters B

Observation of the Decay D s + → ω π +

scientific article

Observation of the Radiative DecayD*+→D+γ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of the rare decay K S → π 0 μ + μ −

Observation of the rare decay KS→π0e+e−

One-prong τ decays into charged kaons

Performance of the ALEPH detector at LEP


Precise measurement of the K ± → π ± e + e − decay

Precise measurement of the decay KL→π0γγ

Precise measurements of the KS→γγ and KL→γγ decay rates

Precise tests of low energy QCD from $\mbox {$\mathrm {K}_{\mathrm {e}4}$}$ decay properties

Precision measurement of the ratio BR ( K S → π + π − e + e − ) / BR ( K L → π + π − π D 0 )

Precision measurement of the ratio of the charged kaon leptonic decay rates

Production of charmed mesons inZ decays

article published March 1994 in European Physical Journal C

Production of excited beauty states inZ decays

scholarly article published December 1995

Production ofK 0 and Λ in hadronic Z decays

scientific article published in 1994

Search for CP violation in K 0 → 3 π 0 decays

article published in 2005

Search for CP violation in the decay Z → τ+τ−

Search for Inclusiveb→sl+l−

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for K+ decays to a muon and invisible particles

scholarly article

Search for NeutrinolessτDecays Involvingπ0orηMesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for a feebly interacting particle X in the decay K+ → π+X

scientific article published in March 2021

Search for a non-minimal Higgs boson produced in the reaction

scholarly article by D. Buskulic et al published August 1993 in Physics Letters B

Search for color-suppressedBhadronic decay processes at theΥ(4S)resonance

article by B. Nemati et al published 1 May 1998 in Physical Review D

Search for contact interactions in the reactionse + e −→l + l − ande + e −→γγ

scientific article published in 1993

Search for direct CP violating charge asymmetries in K±→π±π+π- and K±→π±π0π0 decays

Search for direct CP violation in the decays K ± → 3 π ±

Search for heavy neutral lepton production in K + decays

Search for heavy neutrinos in K + → μ + ν μ decays

Search for high mass photon pairs in (f= e, μ, τ, v, q) at LEP

Search for neutrinolessτdecays:τ→eγandτ→μγ

scholarly article

Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays

Search for supersymmetric particles with R-parity violation in Z decays

Search for the DecaysB0→D(*)+D(*)−

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for the decay KS→π0e+e−

Search for the decay KS→π0γγ

Search for the decayB→Ds1+(2536)X

scholarly article

Search for the decayτ−→4π−3π+(π0)ντ

scholarly article

Search for the standard model Higgs boson

scholarly article by D. Buskulic et al published August 1993 in Physics Letters B

Search for φ mesons in τ lepton decay

scholarly article

Search forB→μν¯μγandB→eν¯eγ

scholarly article

Status of the HERA-B vertex detector

Studies of the Cabibbo-suppressed decays D+ → π0ℓ+ν and D+ → ηe+νe

Study of B → ψϱ

Study of flavor-tagged baryon production inBdecay

scholarly article

Study of gluon versus quark fragmentation inΥ→ggγande+e−→qq¯γevents ats=10 GeV

scholarly article

Study of semileptonic decays ofBmesons to charmed baryons

article by G. Bonvicini et al published 1 June 1998 in Physical Review D

Study of the B0 semileptonic decay spectrum at the ϒ (4S) resonance

Study of the Decayτ−→2π−π+3π0ντ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of the K ± → π ± γ γ decay by the NA62 experiment

Study of the four-fermion final state at the Z resonance

scientific article published in 1995

Study of the subjet structure of quark and gluon jets

Tau Decays into Three Charged Leptons and Two Neutrinos

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Test of lepton flavour universality in K + → ℓ + ν decays

Test of the flavour independence of αs

The DAQ system for CLEO III

The HERA-B vertex detector

The HERA-B vertex detector system

The beam and detector for the NA48 neutral kaon CP violation experiment at CERN

The beam and detector of the NA62 experiment at CERN

The forward-backward asymmetry for charm quarks at the Z pole

article by D. Buskulic et al published June 1995 in Physics Letters B

Update of electroweak parameters fromZ decays

scientific article published in 1993

Z production cross sections and lepton pair forward-backward asymmetries

scientific article published in 1994

Λ Λ ¯ production in two-photon interactions

scientific article

ντhelicity fromh±energy correlations

scholarly article