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List of works by Darren J Kriticos

A Common View of the Opportunities, Challenges, and Research Actions for Pongamia in Australia


A general trait‐based modelling framework for revealing patterns of airborne fungal dispersal threats to agriculture and native flora

scientific article published in 2021

A perspective on management of Helicoverpa armigera: transgenic Bt cotton, IPM, and landscapes.

scientific article published on 17 October 2016

A preliminary assessment of the presence and distribution of invasive and potentially invasive alien plant species in Laikipia County, Kenya, a biodiversity hotspot

scientific article published on 09 September 2020

A process-based population dynamics model to explore target and non-target impacts of a biological control agent


A structured war-gaming framework for managing extreme risks

scientific article published in 2015

A suite of models to support the quantitative assessment of spread in pest risk analysis

scientific article

Advances in modelling and decision support systems for vegetation management in young forest plantations

article by Brian Richardson et al published 15 December 2005 in Forestry

An assessment of biomass for bioelectricity and biofuel, and for greenhouse gas emission reduction in Australia


An assessment of the benefits of yellow Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella musicola) control in the Queensland Northern Banana Pest Quarantine Area

scientific article published on 13 September 2013

Assessing and Managing the Current and Future Pest Risk from Water Hyacinth, (Eichhornia crassipes), an Invasive Aquatic Plant Threatening the Environment and Water Security

scientific article

Biological introduction risks from shipping in a warming Arctic


Biology of Invasive Plants: a new series within <i>Invasive Plant Science and Management</i>

scientific article published in 2020

Black Sigatoka in bananas: Ecoclimatic suitability and disease pressure assessments

scientific article published on 14 August 2019

CliMond: global high-resolution historical and future scenario climate surfaces for bioclimatic modelling


Climate Change and the Potential Distribution of an Invasive Shrub, Lantana camara L

scientific article published on April 19, 2012

Climate Change and the Potential Global Distribution of Serrated Tussock (Nassella trichotoma)


Climate matching techniques to narrow the search for biological control agents

Combining Inferential and Deductive Approaches to Estimate the Potential Geographical Range of the Invasive Plant Pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum

scientific article published on May 7, 2013

Combining a climatic niche model of an invasive fungus with its host species distributions to identify risks to natural assets: Puccinia psidii Sensu Lato in Australia

scientific article

Comment on “Climatic Niche Shifts Are Rare Among Terrestrial Plant Invaders”

scientific article published on October 12, 2012

Considering biology when inferring range-limiting stress mechanisms for agricultural pests: a case study of the beet armyworm

scientific article published on 17 January 2018

Correction: The Potential Distribution of Invading Helicoverpa armigera in North America: Is It Just a Matter of Time?

scientific article published on 16 July 2015

Current and future potential distributions of <i>Helicoverpa punctigera</i> (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): is this the next FAW?

scientific article published on 03 January 2022

Daily mapping of Australian Plague Locust abundance

scientific article published on 09 October 2020

Distribution and Relative Abundance of Bean Leaf Beetles (Ootheca spp.) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Uganda

scientific article published in 2021

Dothistroma needle blight and pitch canker: the current and future potential distribution of two important diseases of Pinus species


Downscaling Pest Risk Analyses: Identifying Current and Future Potentially Suitable Habitats for Parthenium hysterophorus with Particular Reference to Europe and North Africa

scientific article published on September 2015

Essential elements of discourse for advancing the modelling of species' current and potential distributions


Estimating the potential geographical range of Sirex noctilio: comparison with an existing model and relationship with field severity

scientific article published on 19 April 2018

Global establishment threat from a major forest pest via international shipping: Lymantria dispar

scientific article published in Scientific Reports

Global population genomic signature of Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) supports complex introduction events across the Old World

scientific article published on 07 April 2022

Improving climate suitability for Bemisia tabaci in East Africa is correlated with increased prevalence of whiteflies and cassava diseases

scientific article published on 16 December 2020

Including climate change in pest risk assessment: the peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata (Diptera: Tephritidae).

scientific article

Including irrigation in niche modelling of the invasive wasp Vespula germanica (Fabricius) improves model fit to predict potential for further spread.

scientific article published on 17 July 2017

Incorporating uncertainty and social values in managing invasive alien species: a deliberative multi-criteria evaluation approach


Increased risk of pitch canker to Australasia under climate change

scholarly article by Rebecca J. Ganley et al published 23 March 2011 in Australasian Plant Pathology

Individual-based modelling of moth dispersal to improve biosecurity incursion response


Integrating ecoclimatic niche modelling methods into classical biological control programmes

scientific article published on 14 May 2021

Interactions between a leafhopper and rust fungus on the invasive plant Asparagus asparagoides in Australia: A case of two agents being better than one for biological control


Invasive alien species in the food chain: Advancing risk assessment models to address climate change, economics and uncertainty

scientific article

Invasiveness, biology, ecology, and management of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda

scientific article published in 2023

Linking climate suitability, spread rates and host-impact when estimating the potential costs of invasive pests.

scientific article

Major sex pheromone components of the Australian gum leaf skeletonizer Uraba lugens: (10E,12Z)-hexadecadien-1-yl acetate and (10E,12Z)-hexadecadien-1-ol

scientific article published on 5 August 2008

Management and population dynamics of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella): planting regimes, crop hygiene, biological control and timing of interventions

scientific article published on 22 June 2018

Modelling a forest lepidopteran: phenological plasticity determines voltinism which influences population dynamics


Modelling and mapping spread in pest risk analysis: a generic approach*


Modelling horses for novel climate courses: insights from projecting potential distributions of native and alien Australian acacias with correlative and mechanistic models


Modelling the Geographical Range of a Species with Variable Life-History

scientific article published on July 11, 2012

Modelling the Potential Geographic Distribution of Two Trissolcus Species for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys

scientific article published on 25 May 2021

Paddock-scale patterns of seed production and dispersal in the invasive shrub Acacia nilotica (Mimosaceae) in northern Australian rangelands

scientific article

Parameter estimation for functional-structural plant models when data are scarce: using multiple patterns for rejecting unsuitable parameter sets

scientific article published on 31 January 2020

Pest Risk Maps for Invasive Alien Species: A Roadmap for Improvement


Plant Population Ecology and Biological Control: Acacia nilotica as a Case Study


Population dynamics and management of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) in China: the relative contributions of climate, natural enemies and cropping patterns

scientific article published on 23 December 2015

Potential global distribution of Aleurocanthus woglumi considering climate change and irrigation

scientific article published on 20 December 2021

Practical guidelines for modelling post-entry spread in invasion ecology

scientific article published on 13 September 2013

Predicted economic impact of black Sigatoka on the Australian banana industry


Predicting the benefits of banana bunchy top virus exclusion from commercial plantations in Australia

scientific article

Predictions of summer diapause in the redlegged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor (Acari: Penthaleidae), in Australia.

scientific article published in June 2005

Pretty (and) invasive: The potential global distribution of <i>Tithonia diversifolia</i> under current and future climates

scientific article published in 2021

Publisher Correction: Daily mapping of Australian Plague Locust abundance

scientific article published on 15 December 2020

Regional climate-matching to estimate current and future sources of biosecurity threats


Research investment implications of shifts in the global geography of wheat stripe rust

scientific article published on 14 September 2015

Risk posed by the invasive defoliator Uraba lugens to New Zealand native flora


SPAnDX: a process-based population dynamics model to explore management and climate change impacts on an invasive alien plant, Acacia nilotica


Scientific critique of the paper “Climatic distribution of citrus black spot caused by Phyllosticta citricarpa. A historical analysis of disease spread in South Africa” by Martínez-Minaya et al. (2015)


Seedling establishment, mortality, tree growth rates and vigour of Acacia nilotica in different Astrebla grassland habitats: Implications for invasion

scientific article published in June 2002

Taxonomic uncertainty in pest risks or modelling artefacts? Implications for biosecurity policy and practice

scientific article

Taxonomic uncertainty in pest risks or modelling artefacts? Implications for biosecurity policy and practice

scientific article published in 2014

Temporal limits to simulating the future spread pattern of invasive species: Buddleja davidii in Europe and New Zealand


The Potential Geographic Range of Pyrenophora semeniperda

scientific article published in August 2004

The current and future potential geographical distribution of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae).

scientific article

The effects of climate data precision on fitting and projecting species niche models


The fundamental and realized niche of the Monterey Pine aphid, Essigella californica (Essig) (Hemiptera: Aphididae): implications for managing softwood plantations in Australia


The geographical distribution of Yellow dwarf viruses and their aphid vectors in Australian grasslands and wheat

scientific article published on 5 April 2012

The hosts and potential geographic range of Dothistroma needle blight

scientific article published in 2009

The potential distribution of Bactrocera dorsalis: considering phenology and irrigation patterns

scientific article published on 21 October 2015

The potential distribution of cassava mealybug (Phenacoccus manihoti), a threat to food security for the poor

scientific article

The potential distribution of invading Helicoverpa armigera in North America: is it just a matter of time?

scientific article

The potential geographical distribution and phenology of Bemisia tabaci Middle East/Asia Minor 1, considering irrigation and glasshouse production

scientific article published on 12 March 2020

The potential global distribution of Chilo partellus, including consideration of irrigation and cropping patterns.

scientific article published on 04 August 2016

The potential global distribution of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, a critical threat to plant biosecurity


The potential global distribution of the invasive weed Nassella neesiana under current and future climates

The potential global distribution of the papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus, a polyphagous pest

scientific article published on 21 October 2020

Tools for Defusing a Major Global Food and Feed Safety Risk: Nonbiological Postharvest Procedures To Decontaminate Mycotoxins in Foods and Feeds.

scientific article published on 18 November 2016

Updating the global occurrence of Culicoides imicola, a vector for emerging viral diseases

scientific article published on 30 September 2019

Using seasonal measurements to inform ecophysiology: extracting cardinal growth temperatures for process-based growth models of five Eucalyptus species/crosses from simple field trials

scholarly article by Michael S Watt et al published 11 June 2014 in New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science

Using species niche models to inform strategic management of weeds in a changing climate


Whether the weather drives patterns of endemic amphibian chytridiomycosis: a pathogen proliferation approach.

scientific article

Worldwide niche and future potential distribution of Culicoides imicola, a major vector of bluetongue and African horse sickness viruses

scientific article