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List of works by Zbigniew Sierota

An approach to calculate CO2 release through Norway spruce wood decay by Heterobasidion parviporum

An evaluation of selected chemical, biochemical, and biological parameters of soil enriched with vermicompost

scientific article published on 13 October 2020

Antrodia gossypium,Phlebiopsis giganteaandHeterobasidion parviporum:in vitrogrowth and Norway spruce wood block decay

Armillaria Pathogenesis under Climate Changes

Changes in nitrogen level and mycorrhizal structure of Scots pine seedlings inoculated with Thelephora terrestris

article by Dorota Hilszczańska et al published January 2008 in Annals of Forest Science

Characterisation of somePhlebiopsis giganteaisolates with respect to enzymatic activity and decay of Norway spruce wood

Coarse woody debris and wood-colonizing fungi differences between a reserve stand and a managed forest in the Taborz region of Poland


Colonization of Fungi and Bacteria in Stumps and Roots of Scots Pine after Thinning and Treatment with Rotstop

article by Katarzyna Kubiak et al published 26 December 2016 in Journal of Phytopathology

Decay indices for evaluating wood decomposition activity

Effects of sawdust amendment on forest soil fungal community and infestation by cockchafers

Fibroporia gossypium in northeastern Poland – a preliminary study


Mycobiota of Fine Roots of Pseudotsuga menziesii Introduced to the Native Forest Environment

scientific article published on 14 December 2021

New Tuber species found in Poland


Picea abies–Armillaria–Ips: A Strategy or Coincidence?

scientific article published on 22 September 2020

Pine sawdust as stimulator of the microbial community in post-arable afforested soil

Remote sensing semi-automatic measurements approach for monitoring bioenergetic crops of Miscanthus spp.

scientific article published in 2019

Slow sand filtration for elimination of phytopathogens in water used in forest nurseries

The plasticity of fungal interactions

article by Marta Wrzosek et al published 26 December 2016 in Mycological Progress

Variation of bud flushing in Larix decidua clones