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List of works by Philippe De Smedt

A floating sensing system to evaluate soil and crop variability within flooded paddy rice fields

article by Mohammad Monirul Islam et al published 29 April 2011 in Precision Agriculture

A multidisciplinary approach to reconstructing Late Glacial and Early Holocene landscapes

An efficient calibration procedure for correction of drift in EMI survey data

Application of the topographic position index to heterogeneous landscapes

Beyond the unknown: understanding prehistoric patterns in the urbanised landscape of Flanders

Combining EMI and GPR for non-invasive soil sensing at the Stonehenge World Heritage Site: the reconstruction of a WW1 practice trench

article by T. Saey et al published 2 December 2014 in European Journal of Soil Science

Comparing Apparent Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements of a Multi-receiver EMI Sensor with Topsoil and Profile Magnetic Susceptibility Data over Weak Magnetic Anomalies

Comparing apparent electrical conductivity measurements on a paddy field under flooded and drained conditions

article published in 2011

Comparing one- and two-dimensional EMI conductivity inverse modeling procedures for characterizing a two-layered soil

scholarly article

Delineating water management zones in a paddy rice field using a Floating Soil Sensing System

Depth slicing of multi-receiver EMI measurements to enhance the delineation of contrasting subsoil features

scholarly article

Electrical Conductivity Depth Modelling with a Multireceiver EMI Sensor for Prospecting Archaeological Features

Evaluating corrections for a horizontal offset between sensor and position data for surveys on land

Evaluating the potential of topsoil magnetic pollution mapping across different land use classes

scientific article published on 29 May 2019

Exploring the potential of multi-receiver EMI survey for geoarchaeological prospection: A 90ha dataset

scholarly article

Frequency domain electromagnetic induction survey in the intertidal zone: Limitations of low-induction-number and depth of exploration

article by Samuël Delefortrie et al published January 2014 in Journal of Applied Geophysics

Frequency-Domain Electromagnetic Forward and Sensitivity Modeling: Practical Aspects of Modeling a Magnetic Dipole in a Multilayered Half-Space

Hunter-gatherer responses to the changing environment of the Moervaart palaeolake (Nw Belgium) during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene


Identifying Soil Patterns at Different Spatial Scales with a Multi-Receiver EMI Sensor

Identifying and removing micro-drift in ground-based electromagnetic induction data

Imaging a Polygonal Network of Ice-Wedge Casts with an Electromagnetic Induction Sensor

Integrating EMI and GPR data to enhance the three-dimensional reconstruction of a circular ditch system

Integrating cone penetration testing into the 1D inversion of multi-receiver EMI data to reconstruct a complex stratigraphic landscape

Integrating multi-receiver electromagnetic induction measurements into the interpretation of the soil landscape around the school of gladiators at Carnuntum

article by T. Saey et al published 12 July 2013 in European Journal of Soil Science

Key variables for the identification of soil management classes in the aeolian landscapes of north–west Europe

scholarly article

Low signal-to-noise FDEM in-phase data: Practical potential for magnetic susceptibility modelling

Mapping depth-to-clay using fitted multiple depth response curves of a proximal EMI sensor

scholarly article

Measuring the relative topographic position of archaeological sites in the landscape, a case study on the Bronze Age barrows in northwest Belgium


Multiple oscillations during the Lateglacial as recorded in a multi-proxy, high-resolution record of the Moervaart palaeolake (NW Belgium)


Novel insights into prehistoric land use at Stonehenge by combining electromagnetic and invasive methods with a semi-automated interpretation scheme

scientific article published in 2022

On introducing an image-based 3D reconstruction method in archaeological excavation practice

article by Jeroen De Reu et al published January 2014 in Journal of Archaeological Science

Reconstructing Phreatic Palaeogroundwater Levels in a Geoarchaeological Context: A Case Study in Flanders, Belgium


Removal of sensor tilt noise in fluxgate gradiometer survey data by applying one-dimensional wavelet filtering

Spatio-temporal modeling of soil characteristics for soilscape reconstruction

scholarly article by Ann Zwertvaegher et al published October 2013 in Geoderma

The 3-D reconstruction of medieval wetland reclamation through electromagnetic induction survey

scientific article published on January 2013

The Younger Dryas and Preboreal landscape in the Moervaart area (northwestern Belgium) and the apparent decrease in human occupation


Towards a three-dimensional cost-effective registration of the archaeological heritage

article by Jeroen De Reu et al published February 2013 in Journal of Archaeological Science

Unveiling the prehistoric landscape at Stonehenge through multi-receiver EMI

scholarly article by Philippe De Smedt published in October 2014

Urban soil exploration through multi-receiver electromagnetic induction and stepped-frequency ground penetrating radar

scientific article published on July 2015

Using a multi-receiver survey of apparent electrical conductivity to reconstruct a Holocene tidal channel in a polder area

article published in 2012

Weichselian Lateglacial environmental and vegetation development in the Moervaart palaeolake area (NW Belgium); implications for former human occupation patterns
