traditional song attributed to Hedy West, based on the traditional song "I'm Nine Hundred Miles Away from Home"
English traditional folk song
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
traditional English carol tune
Christmas carol
Mozambican Christian hymn
trad. arr. by Enrique Morente
Chilean Christian hymn with lyrics by Ulises Torres, as translated into Portuguese by Jaci Maraschin
Chilean Christian hymn with lyrics by Ulises Torres
alpine folk song
trad. arr. by Jonathan Boden
hymn 2 from the Roman Catholic section of The Army and Navy Hymnal; harmonized by Carl Hauser
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
trad. arr. by Bob Dylan
trad. arr. by Bob Dylan
Nigerian Christian hymn
alpine folk song
hymn tune arrangement of a Javanese melodic motif
trad. arrangement by Rory and Calum Macdonald; recorded and released by Runrig
alpine folk song
traditional breton song (gwerz)
French carol text, as translated into English by James Chadwick
hymn tune from English melody
Argentine folk melody used as a hymn tune
hymn tune and traditional Welsh melody
German soldier's song
Robert Burns poem set to traditional melody
Turkish traditional folk song
translated song; Esperanto language version of "Nesem vám noviny", lyrics adapted by Roel Haveman
trad. arr. by Bob Dylan
arrangement by Shel Talmy on a traditional song
traditional song; African American chain gang song
arrangement by Harry Belafonte
song by Israeli singer Shimi Tavori
camp meeting melody; familiar for its use in Julia Ward Howe's Battle Hymn of the Republic
Ancient Irish Christian hymn text, as translated into English by Mary E. Byrne and versified by Eleanor Hull
musical arrangement by Simple Minds, based on She Moved Through the Fair
trad. arr. by Bob Dylan
trad. arr. by Simon & Garfunkel
Swedish melody also used as a hymn tune
Italian military folk song
French folk melody also used as a hymn tune
1980 song performed by Manna Dey
trad. arrangement by Oskorri and Miguel Ángel Campos, lyrics by Gabriel Aresti
Malawi melody also used as a hymn tune
Christian hymn by David Mowbray, set to the tune LEONI as adapted by Meyer Lyon and Thomas Olivers
Appalachian folk melody; also used as a hymn tune
traditional Christian liturgical hymn text
alpine folk song
French melody
traditional song originating from the West Indies
Scottish traditional hymn tune
Balinese melody also used as a hymn tune
traditional gospel blues song
trad. arr. by Alan Price
Tanzanian Christian hymn
song; version of "Rivers of Babylon" adapted by Frank Farian and George Reyam
Danish song written and recorded by Kim Larsen in 1973
Bunun rice-pounding song adapted into a hymn tune by I-to Loh
Brazilian Christian hymn text, as translated into Spanish by Gerhard Cartford
Brazilian Christian hymn text
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
Zambian Christian hymn
Russian comic folk song
trad. arr. by Jimmy Kennedy
Christian hymn by Richard Leach, set to the tune NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND as adapted by Martin Luther
South African hymn, as translated into English by Barbara Clark, Mairi Munro, and Martine Stemerick
tune to African American spiritual
Christian hymn; Northern Sami version of "Den store hvide flok vi se"
English folk tune also used as a hymn tune
English folk tune and hymn tune, as harmonized by Arthur Hutchings
German song
Mozambican Christian hymn, as translated into German
Tamil Christian traditional song
traditional melody of Seram Island, Indonesia, as adapted to a hymn tune by Christian I. Tamaela
song from Kiowa oral tradition; also used as a hymn tune
traditional Jamaican folk song
trad. arr. by Bob Dylan
American traditional spiritual song
Danish song by Ole Wivel, recorded by Kim Larsen & Bellami in 1988
Lied by Gustav Mahler
collection of German folk poems and songs edited by Achim von Arnim and Clemens Brentano
Tamil Christian traditional song
1980 song performed by Manna Dey
Klezmer traditional arranged by Gabriel Paquin-Buki
American bawdy song
1975 single by Mike Oldfield (with David Bedford)
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
traditional country-blues American folk song
traditional song with lyrics from a poem by Ben Jonson
trad.arr. by Bascom Lamar Lunsford
trad. arr. by Livingston Gearhart
instrumental trad. arr. by Bill Black
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
English traditional song; Roud Index #12682
American traditional blus song; Roud Index #10056
translated song; Nynorsk-language version of "Jag hade en gång en båt"
Christian hymn; Norwegian translation of "Ich weiss ein ewiges Himmelreich"
Mozambican Christian hymn, as translated into Spanish
traditional song from Mexico
Tamil Christian traditional song
alpine folk song
translated song; Norwegian-language version of "Så bister kall sveper nordanvinden"
traditional German folk song
Hungarian folk song
Cambodian folk melody used as a hymn tune
Klezmer traditional arranged by Guillaume Martineau
traditional song; Irish ballad
African American spiritual tune
hymn tune; trad. arrangement by Ralph Vaughan Williams
musical arrangement by Sam Cooke
musical arrangement by Jerry Lee Lewis
musical arrangement by Alex Gottlieb, Fred Karger, Ben Weisman
musical arrangement by Johnny Cash
arrangement of a klezmer traditional by Gabriel Paquin-Buki
English traditional folk ballad
translated song; Italian-language version of "Geordie", adapted by Fabrizio De André; trad. arr.
Israeli folk tune; also used as a hymn tune
alpine folk song
French carol tune
African American spiritual tune
tune for the African American spiritual Go, Tell It on the Mountain
English traditional Christmas carol
musical arrangement by Brian May; first recorded by Queen
Christian hymn by James Montgomery, set to the tune Wedlock, as harmonized by Austin C. Lovelace
Christian hymn by Carl P. Daw Jr., set to the Irish tune ST. PATRICK as adapted by Charles Villiers Stanford
American folk song
trad. arr. by Bob Dylan
traditional Indian devotional song arranged by Mukunda Das Adhikary
arrangement on a work of the public domain; traditional Indian devotional song arranged by Mukunda Das Adhikary
traditional Indian devotional song
traditional Italian military song
traditional song arrangement by Andrew Loog Oldham; recorded by Marianne Faithfull
16th-century English ballad tune also used as a hymn tune
trad. arrangement by Natxo de Felipe, lyrics by Gabriel Aresti
Taiwanese melody; also used as a hymn tune
Israeli melody; also used as a hymn tune
Shona Christian hymn text, as translated into English by Gracia Grindal
trad. arrangement by Bob Dylan
Chilean Christian hymn with lyrics by Ulises Torres, as translated into English by Fred Kaan
traditional mystical Turkish folk song
Cameroon melody also used as a hymn tune
tune to African American spiritual
traditional African-American spiritual
trad. arr. by Burl Ives
Johnny & Orquesta Rodrigues song
participation song and dance
Sun Valley Trio song from 1950
arrangement of a klezmer traditional by Gabriel Paquin-Buki
Song recorded by Kim Larsen & Kjukken in 2001
translated song; Norwegian-language version of "Vem kan segla förutan vind?"
African American spiritual text
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
African American spiritual text
American traditional song
African American spiritual lyrics
traditional German children's song
traditional Yoruba folk song
Italian folk song
2012 single by Morgana Giovannetti
instrumental piece, short text, adapted by Nini Rosso and Willy Brezza; 1986 - 2012 RAI - TV transmissions ending theme
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
traditional French Christmas carol
alpine folk song
Italian traditional folk song
alpine folk song
14th-century German folk tune also used as a hymn tune
German traditional folk song
trad. arr. by Bob Dylan
trad. arr. by Bob Dylan
alpine folk song
1966 a cappella choral composition by Veljo Tormis
Christian hymn by Michael Morgan, as set to the tune Danby
arrangement by Gordon Jenkins
generic arrangement; Christmas carol arranged by Arthur Sullivan, lyrics by Edmund Sears
Spanish melody and hymn tune
Danish song written and recorded by Kim Larsen in 1973
song with lyrics by Cornelis Vreeswijk
French traditional folk song
traditional song
trad. arrr. by Josh White
trad. arr. by Blind Willie Johnson
trad. arr. by Elvis Presley
traditional song; African-American spiritual
traditional English May-Day carol also used as a hymn tune
Kalinga melody from the Philippines; also used as a hymn tune
Karen melody from Myanmar, also used as a hymn tune
Latvian traditional melody; also used as a hymn tune
tune to African American spiritual
Scottish melody also used as a hymn tune
Thai folk melody, as adapted into a hymn tune
traditional Breton song with lyrics by Prosper Proux
English melody; also used as a hymn tune
traditional English tune used as a hymn tune
Indonesian melody also used as a hymn tune, as transcribed by Hanoch Tanatty
traditional yodelling song
African American spiritual tune
Mozambican Christian hymn, as translated into French
traditional Catalan song
alpine folk song
Jewish melody, as adapted by Meyer Leon and Thomas Olivers
French traditional folk song
traditional song from Mexico
translated song; French adaptation of "This Old Man"
Mexican traditional song
traditional song arrangement by Andrés Henestrosa
traditional song arrangement by Paul Cohen
French traditional folk song
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
traditional Christmas song
traditional French folk song
translated song; French version of "House of the Rising Sun", lyrics adapted by Hugues Aufray, Vline Buggy; first recorded by Johnny Hallyday
French traditional folk song
Klezmer traditional arranged by Gabriel Paquin-Buki
traditional Christmas song with lyrics by Eduard Ebel
African American spiritual melody
African American spiritual text
trad. arr. by Giora Feidman
alpine folk song
traditional Irish folk song
trad. arr. by Eileen Davies Mure and James N. Peterson
Jamaican folk melody; adapted to a hymn tune by Doreen Potter
American folk ballad
trad. arr. by Bob Dylan
traditional Welsh melody also used as a hymn tune
Welsh folk tune also used as a hymn tune
tune to African American spiritual
traditional Spanish Christmaas song
traditional Cameroon melody
Christian hymn
traditional melody attributed to Spain; also used as a hymn tune
musical arrangement of the traditional song Maggie May; arranged by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Richard Starkey a.k.a. Ringo Starr
traditional folk song from Liverpool, England
trad. arr. by Judy Collins
traditional American folk song first published by Dick Burnett
trad. arr. by Bob Dylan
traditional Burmese melody also used as a hymn tune
traditional Breton song (gwerz)
trad. arr. by Bob Dylan
Klezmer traditional arranged by Gabriel Paquin-Buki
song performed by Mikail Aslan
German melody
song performed by Alan Stivell
alpine folk song
Tanzanian melody; also used as a hymn tune
Danish song written and recorded by Gasolin' in 1972
arrangement of a Greek traditional by Gabriel Paquin-Buki
Christmas hymn
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
Albanian folk song
Australian folk ballad
Christian Hymn with lyrics by Eleanor Farjeon
trad. arr. by Cat Stevens
trad. arr. by Paddy Moloney
trad. arr. by Rick Wakeman
English nursery rhyme
Christmas hymn; Northern Sami version of "Mitt hjerte alltid vanker"
traditional song adapted by Friedrich Silcher
song to a traditional Irish air collected in 1903 in northern Donegal
variant of a traditional Irish song, adapted with new lyrics by Kate Bush
traditional English ballad
tune to African American spiritual
traditional English melody also used as a hymn tune
German plainsong melody, as adapted to a hymn tune by Martin Luther
Congolese Christian hymn by Mwenze Kabemba
Assamese folk song
song by 'Galway Joe' Dolan
Czech Christmas hymn
traditional song in Gallurese and Logudorese
trad. arr. by Domenico Modugno and Franco Nebbia; from the 1952 film "Heroic Charge"
traditional song with lyrics by Trilussa
hymn tune; trad. arrangement by Arthur Sullivan
tune from 15th century French carol
traditional song; Roud Index #1044
Christian hymn by Mary Louise Bringle, as set to the tune JUNKANOO
translated song; English language adaptation of "Adeste fideles", lyrics adapted by Frederick Oakeley
alpine folk song
15th-century French melody
Christian hymn by Carl P. Daw Jr., set to the English melody NOEL as arranged by Arthur S. Sullivan
generic arrangement; Christmas carol arranged by Ralph Vaughan Williams with lyrics by Phillips Brooks
trad. arrangement by Gordon Jenkins
Brazilian Christian hymn text as translated into English by Gerhard Cartford
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
traditional Indonesian melody also used as a hymn tune
Swedish traditional folk song
traditional folk tune, reel
traditional children's song; Roud Index #745
traditional English children's song
alpine folk song
traditional poem about counting and collecting wild cherries originating in the French language
klezmer traditional arranged by Gabriel Paquin-Buki
Chilean Christian hymn with lyrics by Ulises Torres, as translated into French by Marc Chambron
traditional melody with lyrics in Italian by Anton Francesco Menchi
trad. arr. by Simon & Garfunkel
African American spiritual tune
Danish song recorded by Kim Larsen & Bellami in 1989
traditional American folk song and work song
translated song; Czech-language version of "Geordie", lyrics adapted by Vladimír Křešnička
traditional English folk dance tune
trad. arr. by Mike Oldfield
trad. arr. by Bob Dylan
song; lyrical adaptation of "Geordie", lyrics in Catalan by Groggy Rude
traditional Italian folk song
Algerian traditional folk song
Welsh melody; also used as a hymn tune
English melody used as a hymn tune
Klezmer traditional arranged by Gabriel Paquin-Buki
traditional Swiss melody also used as a hymn tune
traditional English hymn tune
arrangement on a work of the public domain; adaptation by Mike Oldfield of The Sailor's Hornpipe
Latvian folk tune
traditional song
trad. arr. by Papa Charlie Jackson
American folk melody also used as a hymn tune
trad. arr. by Bob Dylan
traditional folk song
English traditional folk song; variant of "The Elfin Knight" (Roud index #12)
trad. arr. by Simon & Garfunkel
German folk ballad
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
alpine folk song
Irish folk song
musical arrangement by Van Morrison, Paddy Moloney
translated song; Hebrew-language version of "Morenika", lyrics adapted by Mosheh-Giyora Elimelekh
traditional Nguni song sung by the mixed tribes of miners mining gold in South Africa
American folk ballad
song recorded by Kim Larsen & Kjukken in 2001
hymn tune from a Chinese folk melody
traditional arrangement by Ralph Blane and Hugh Martin
traditional Breton song (gwerz)
musical setting by Hugo Alfvén, based on Swedish folk song "Skön Anna"
traditional Scottish lament
traditional Thai melody also used as a hymn tune
Thai folk melody also used as a hymn tune
popular trade union song
musical setting composed by Hugo Alfvén, based on Swedish folk song
Spanish melody also used as a hymn tune
Irish melody also used as a hymn tune
Irish melody and hymn tune, as adapted by Charles Villiers Stanford
Danish song written and recorded by Gasolin' in 1974
alpine folk song
Irish melody also used as a hymn tune
African American spiritual tune
Austrian melody
original song written and composed by Franz Xaver Gruber (music) and Joseph Mohr (words); Christmas song of Austrian origin
official antifeudal anthem of Sardinia
Italian military song
Tamil Christian traditional song
Welsh melody; also used as a hymn tune
English carol tune
traditional spiritual song, humorous variation of "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot"
trad. arr. by Elvis Presley
African American spiritual text
Csángó folk ballad
song, lyrics by Anders G Bergh
1985 song performed by Kim Larsen with lyrics by Eddie Russell
English carol tune
African American spiritual tune
Maori melody also used as a hymn tune
Thai melody also used as a hymn tune
Tamil Christian traditional song
1717 song by Henry Carey
arrangement of a song in the popular domain
traditional song; English broadside ballad
Scottish folk song; Roud Index #545
Christian hymn by Adam M. L. Tice, set to the tune MCKEE
American traditional song; Roud Folk Song Index #401
traditional folk song
traditional song
trad. arrangement by Gordon Jenkins
trad. arrangement by Bob Dylan
hymn tune; trad. arrangement by John Stainer
traditional English Christmas carol arranged by John Stainer, additional lyrics by Davies Gilbert
traditional English folk song
Mozambican Christian hymn, as translated into English
traditional/folk song
American traditional folk song
traditional song arrangement by Alan Price; first recorded by The Animals
traditional song arrangement by Dolly Parton and Mike Post
song written to commemorate Andrew Jackson's victory over the British at the Battle of New Orleans
Bahamian folk song
traditional Irish folk melody
American spiritual
musical setting of the biblical Lord's Prayer, composed by Albert Hay Malotte
traditional folk song
trad. arr. by Paul Weston
song written, composed, and recorded by Dominic Behan
English traditional folk song; Roud Index #1545
traditional English folk song
traditional English folk song; Scottish border ballad
traditional song; English folk song; Roud Folk Song Index #330
traditional hornpipe melody
trad. arr. by Tony Sheridan
traditional British and Irish folk ballad
traditional English folk song
English traditional Christmas carol
African American spiritual text
nursery rhyme (Roud 1613)
traditional folk song
nursery rhyme (Roud 19682)
English language children's song, counting and nursery rhyme
arrangement by Malcolm Arnold
alpine folk song
Yiddish folk song also used as a hymn tune
campaign song of the Whig Party's Log Cabin Campaign
Christian hymn by Judith A. Fetter, as set to the Welsh melody LLANFYLLIN
Polish folk song
Christian hymn by H. Kenn Carmichael, set to the tune KINGSFOLD as harmonized by Ralph Vaughan Williams
ryukyuan folk song
alpine folk song
trad. arr. by Edward Boatner
Klezmer traditional arranged by Gabriel Paquin-Buki
alpine folk song
plainsong tune
song with lyrics by Antoine Gérin-Lajoie, based on a traditional folk melody
16th-century French folk tune also used as a hymn tune
Rwandan melody also used as a hymn tune
Italian folk song
alpine folk song
Swedish-Finnish traditional folk song
alpine folk song
Italian folk melody also used as a hymn tune
Dutch melody; also used as a hymn tune
traditional Polish carol melody
Scottish melody arranged by Lowell Mason into a hymn tune
traditional English melody, as arranged by William B. Blake into a hymn tune
African American spiritual tune, as arranged by Alfred Brumley
Nigerian melody; also used as a hymn tune
American spiritual
trad. arr. by Avery Robinson
American traditional folk song
African American slave spiritual based in part on the Biblical story of Jacob's Ladder
tune to African American spiritual
traditional English ballad also used as a hymn tune
traditional English ballad also used as a hymn tune, as harmonized by Austin C. Lovelace
tune to African American spiritual
West Indian folk melody; also used as a hymn tune
American gospel hymn
Irish melody also used as a hymn tune
Chilean Christian hymn with lyrics by Ulises Torres, as translated into German by Fritz Baltruweit
African American tune
American folk melody, also used as a hymn tune
trad. arr. by Lillian Bowles and Winifred O'Hoyle
Christian hymn from South Africa
Urdu melody also used as a hymn tune
Welsh traditional melody also used as a hymn tune
alpine folk song
traditional polka melody from Tyrol
Klezmer traditional arranged by Gabriel Paquin-Buki
Indian Christian hymn
Irish folk song
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