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List of works by Giacomo D. Gatta

A comparative study of fibrous zeolites under pressure

A comparison betweenab initiocalculated and measured Raman spectrum of triclinic albite (NaAlSi3O8)

A high-pressure cubic-to-tetragonal phase-transition in melanophlogite, a SiO2 clathrate phase

A low temperature X-ray single-crystal diffraction and polarised infra-red study of epidote

A multi-methodological study of the (K,Ca)-variety of the zeolite merlinoite

A neutron/X-Ray diffraction, IR, and1H/29Si NMR Spectroscopic investigation of armenite: behavior of extra framework Ca cations and H2O molecules in microporous silicates

A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of elbaite

A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of pezzottaite, Cs(Be2Li)Al2Si6O18

A single-crystal neutron diffraction study of wardite, NaAl3(PO4)2(OH)4·2H2O

AlPO4-5 zeolite at high pressure: Crystal–fluid interaction and elastic behavior

Albertiniite, Fe2+(SO3)·3H2O, a new sulfite mineral species from...

scientific paper

AlSi ordering in albite: A combined single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy study

Anisotropic elastic behaviour and structural evolution of zeolite phillipsite at high pressure: A synchrotron powder diffraction study

article published in 2007

Armstrongite at non-ambient conditions: An in-situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study

article published in 2019

Behavior of epidote at high pressure and high temperature: a powder diffraction study up to 10 GPa and 1,200 K

Cancrinite-group minerals: Crystal-chemical description and properties under non-ambient conditions—A review


Characterization of lead sorption by the natural and Fe(III)-modified zeolite

Compressibility and crystal–fluid interactions in all-silica ferrierite at high pressure

Compression behaviour and flexibility window of the analcime-like feldspathoids: experimental and theoretical findings

Crystal chemistry and temperature behavior of the natural hydrous borate colemanite, a mineral commodity of boron

Crystal-chemistry of phillipsites from the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff

article by Giacomo D. Gatta et al published 1 December 2010 in European Journal of Mineralogy

Crystal-fluid interactions in laumontite

Dimensional reduction in zirconium phosphate; from layers to ribbons to chains

scholarly article by Giacomo D. Gatta et al published 5 March 2003 in Journal of Materials Chemistry

Does porous mean soft? On the elastic behaviour and structural evolution of zeolites under pressure

Dolomite-IV: Candidate structure for a carbonate in the Earth’s lower mantle

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 102 no. 8, August 2017

Effect of non-hydrostatic conditions on the elastic behaviour of magnetite: an in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction study

Effective hydrostatic limits of pressure media for high-pressure crystallographic studies

Effects of pressure on the structure of bikitaite

Effects of temperature on the crystal structure of epidote: a neutron single-crystal diffraction study at 293 and 1,070 K

Elastic behavior and pressure-induced structural modifications of the microporous Ca(VO)Si4O10·4H2O dimorphs cavansite and pentagonite

Elastic behavior of vanadinite, Pb10(VO4)6Cl2, a microporous non-zeolitic mineral

Elastic behaviour and phase stability of pyrophyllite and talc at high pressure and temperature

Elastic behaviour and structural evolution of topaz at high pressure

Equation of state and structure of prehnite to 9.8 GPa

Extreme deformation mechanisms in open-framework silicates at high-pressure: Evidence of anomalous inter-tetrahedral angles


Grazing incidence synchrotron X-ray diffraction of marbles consolidated with diammonium hydrogen phosphate treatments: non-destructive probing of buried minerals

Green andradite stones: gemmological and mineralogical characterisation

H-bonding in lazulite: a single-crystal neutron diffraction study at 298 and 3 K

H-bonding scheme and cation partitioning in axinite: a single-crystal neutron diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopic study

H-bonding scheme in allactite: a combined single-crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction, optical absorption spectroscopy, FTIR and EPMA-WDS study

High temperature structural and thermoelastic behaviour of mantle orthopyroxene: an in situ neutron powder diffraction study

High-Pressure Behavior and Phase Stability of Al5BO9, a Mullite-Type Ceramic Material

High-brilliance X-ray system for high-pressure in-house research: applications for studies of superhard materials

article by Leonid Dubrovinsky et al published June 2006 in High Pressure Research

High-pressure Raman spectroscopy on low albite

High-pressure X-ray and Raman study of a ferrian magnesian spodumene

High-pressure behavior and P -induced phase transition of CaB3 O4 (OH)3 ·H2 O (colemanite)

article published in 2017

High-pressure behavior and crystal–fluid interaction under extreme conditions in paulingite [PAU-topology]

High-pressure behavior of (Cs,K)Al4 Be5 B11 O28 (londonite): A single-crystal synchrotron diffraction study up to 26 GPa

article published in 2017

High-pressure behavior of davyne [CAN-topology]: An in situ single-crystal synchrotron diffraction study

High-pressure behavior of synthetic mordenite-Na: an in situ single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction study

High-pressure structural behaviour of heulandite

High-pressure structural behaviour of scolecite

High-temperature and high-pressure behavior of carbonates in the ternary diagram CaCO3-MgCO3-FeCO3

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 101 no. 6, June 2016

Huenite, Cu4Mo3O12(OH)2, a New Copper-molybdenum Oxy-hydroxide Mineral from the San Samuel Mine, Carrera Pinto, Cachiyuyo De Llampos District, Copiapó Province, Atacama Region, Chile

scientific article published on 15 July 2019

New Mineral Names (2013)

scientific article

New Mineral Names (Apr. 2014)

scientific article

New Mineral Names (Jan. 2014)

scientific article

New data on Cu-exchanged phillipsite: a multi-methodological study



On the P-induced behavior of the zeolite phillipsite: an in situ single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction study

On the crystal structure and compressional behavior of talc: a mineral of interest in petrology and material science

scholarly article by Giacomo D. Gatta et al published 6 December 2012 in Physics and Chemistry of Minerals

On the crystal structure and low-temperature behaviour of davyne: A single-crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction study

On the elastic behaviour of zeolite mordenite: a synchrotron powder diffraction study

On the elastic behaviour of zeolite mordenite: a synchrotron powder diffraction study

On the high-pressure behavior of gobbinsite, the natural counterpart of the synthetic zeolite Na–P2

On the labyrinthine world of arsenites: a single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of cafarsite

On the low-temperature behavior of the zeolite gobbinsite: A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study

Order of [6]Ti4+ in a Ti-rich calcium amphibole from Kaersut, Greenland: a combined X-ray and neutron diffraction study

scholarly article by Giacomo D. Gatta et al published 1 October 2016 in Physics and Chemistry of Minerals

Pargasite at high pressure and temperature

Phase stability and thermo-elastic behavior of CsAlSiO4 (ABW): A potential nuclear waste disposal material

Plagioclase composition by Raman spectroscopy


Pressure-induced structural evolution and elastic behaviour of Na6Cs2Ga6Ge6O24·Ge(OH)6 variant of cancrinite: A synchrotron powder diffraction study

Raman and structural comparison between the new gemstone pezzottaite Cs(Be2Li)Al2Si6O18and Cs-beryl

Removal of lead from aqueous solutions by using the natural and Fe(III)-modified zeolite

Single-crystal diffraction at the Extreme Conditions beamline P02.2: procedure for collecting and analyzing high-pressure single-crystal data.

scientific article

Single-crystal elastic properties of (Cs,Na)AlSi2O6⋅H2O pollucite: A zeolite with potential use for long-term storage of Cs radioisotopes

Single-crystal neutron diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopic study of hureaulite, (Mn,Fe) 5 (PO 4 ) 2 (HPO 4 ) 2 (H 2 O) 4

Single-crystal polarized FTIR spectroscopy and neutron diffraction refinement of cancrinite

article published in 2008

Stability and transformation mechanism of weddellite nanocrystals studied by X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy.

scientific article published on 7 October 2010

Stability at high pressure, elastic behavior and pressure-induced structural evolution of “Al5BO9”, a mullite-type ceramic material

Stability at high-pressure, elastic behaviour and pressure-induced structural evolution of CsAlSi5O12, a potential host for nuclear waste

article published in 2008

Stability of (Cs, K)Al4Be5B11O28 (londonite) at high pressure and high temperature: a potential neutron absorber material

Structural evolution of a 2M 1 phengite mica up to 11 GPa: an in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction study

article published in 2010

Structural evolution of a 3T phengite mica up to 10 GPa: an in-situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction study


Structural evolution of zeolite levyne under hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic pressure: geometric modelling

Structural homologies in benzylamino-N,N-bis methylphosphonic acid and its layered zirconium derivative

scholarly article by Riccardo Vivani et al published November 2004 in Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Structure alterations in microporous (Mg,Fe)2Al4Si5O18 crystals induced by energetic heavy-ion irradiation

article published in 2010

Synchrotron radiation μ X-ray diffraction in transmission geometry for investigating the penetration depth of conservation treatments on cultural heritage stone materials

scientific article published on 01 March 2020

Synthesis of calcium oxalate trihydrate: New data by vibrational spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray diffraction.

scientific article

The devitrification of artificial fibers: a multimethodic approach to quantify the temperature-time onset of cancerogenic crystalline phases

scientific article published on 20 August 2010

The high-pressure behavior of balliranoite: a cancrinite-group mineral

The low-temperature behavior of balliranoite (CAN topology): An in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction study

The low-temperature behaviour of cancrinite:an in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction study

The real topological configuration of the extra-framework content in alkali-poor beryl: A multi-methodological study

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 91 no. 1, January 2006

The thermoelastic behavior of clintonite up to 10 GPa and 1,000°C

article published in 2012

Thermal expansion and high temperature structure evolution of zoisite by single-crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction

article published in 2011

Thermo-elastic behavior and P/T phase stability of TlAlSiO4 (ABW)

Thermo-elastic behaviour of Be2BO3OH (hambergite) up to 7 GPa and 1,100 K

Topotactic and reconstructive changes at high pressures and temperatures from Cs-natrolite to Cs-hexacelsian

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 100 no. 7, July 2015

What's underneath? A non-destructive depth profile of painted stratigraphies by synchrotron grazing incidence X-ray diffraction

scientific article published on 01 September 2018