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List of works by Marco Madami

Analysis of collective spin-wave modes at different points within the hysteresis loop of a one-dimensional magnonic crystal comprising alternative-width nanostripes

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 82 no. 18, November 2010

Angular Dependence of Magnetic Normal Modes in NiFe Antidot Lattices With Different Lattice Symmetry

Anisotropic Propagation and Damping of Spin Waves in a Nanopatterned Antidot Lattice

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Anisotropic dynamical coupling for propagating collective modes in a two-dimensional magnonic crystal consisting of interacting squared nanodots

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 82 no. 2, July 2010

Anisotropy effects on the magnetic excitations of epitaxial ultrathin films below and above the Curie temperature

article by S. Tacchi et al published September 2006 in Surface Science

Application of Microfocused Brillouin Light Scattering to the Study of Spin Waves in Low-Dimensional Magnetic Systems

Asymmetry of spin wave dispersions in a hexagonal magnonic crystal

Band Diagram of Spin Waves in a Two-Dimensional Magnonic Crystal

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Biomechanics of fibrous proteins of the extracellular matrix studied by Brillouin scattering

scientific article

Bragg diffraction of spin waves from a two-dimensional antidot lattice

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 85 no. 1, January 2012

Brillouin light scattering studies of planar metallic magnonic crystals

article by Gianluca Gubbiotti et al published 17 June 2010 in Journal of Physics D

Brillouin light scattering study of the spin dynamics in nanoscale permalloy stripes: Theory and experiment

Collective spin modes in chains of dipolarly interacting rectangular magnetic dots

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 83 no. 5, February 2011

Collective spin waves in a bicomponent two-dimensional magnonic crystal

Collective spin waves on a nanowire array with step-modulated thickness

article by Gianluca Gubbiotti et al published 19 February 2014 in Journal of Physics D

Control of spin-wave transmission by a programmable domain wall

scientific article published in Nature Communications

Coupled spin waves in trilayer films and nanostripes of permalloy separated by nonmagnetic spacers: Brillouin light scattering and theory

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 87 no. 9, March 2013

Dipolar interaction in dense chains of submicrometric rectangular dots

Direct observation of a propagating spin wave induced by spin-transfer torque.

scientific article

Effect of Interdot Separation on Collective Magnonic Modes in Chains of Rectangular Dots

Effect of dipolar interaction on the magnetization state of chains of rectangular particles located either head-to-tail or side-by-side

article published in 2011

Effect of eccentricity on the spin-wave spectrum of NiFe∕Cu∕NiFe pillars with elliptical cross section

Effect of interdot dipolar coupling on the magnetic properties of permalloy nano-cylinders

Epitaxial Fe films on ZnSe(001): effect of the substrate surface reconstruction on the magnetic anisotropy

scientific article published on 11 May 2012

Erratum: Magnetic Fe stripes created by self-organized MnAs template: Stripe edge pinning and high-frequency properties [Phys. Rev. B80, 155427 (2009)]

scholarly article published in Physical Review B

Erratum: Splitting of Spin Excitations in Nanometric Rings Induced by a Magnetic Field [Phys. Rev. Lett.97, 247203 (2006)]

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Exchange coupling in FeTaN-FeSm-FeTaN multilayers: a Kerr effect study

Exchange-dominated eigenmodes in sub-100 nm permalloy dots: A micromagnetic study at finite temperature

Experimental Evidence of Field-Induced Localization of Spin Excitations in NiFe Elliptical Rings by Micro-Focused Brillouin Light Scattering

Field dependence of collective spin modes in transversely magnetized stripes with homogeneous and alternating width

Field dependence of spin excitations inNiFe∕Cu∕NiFetrilayered circular dots

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 73 no. 14, April 2006

Field dependence of the magnetic eigenmode frequencies in layered nanowires with ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic ground states: experimental and theoretical study

Field evolution of the magnetic normal modes in elongated permalloy nanometric rings

scientific article published on 21 September 2007

Forbidden Band Gaps in the Spin-Wave Spectrum of a Two-Dimensional Bicomponent Magnonic Crystal

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

From micro- to nanomagnetic dots: evolution of the eigenmode spectrum on reducing the lateral size

In situ Brillouin scattering investigation of thin Fe/Cu(111) films

In situ brillouin scattering investigation of spin waves during the fcc to bcc transition of Fe/Cu[100] films

In situ investigation of ultrathin Fe/Cu(110) films by Brillouin light scattering

In situBrillouin scattering study of the thickness dependence of magnetic anisotropy in uncovered and Cu-covered Fe/GaAs(100) ultrathin films

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 69 no. 14, April 2004

Influence of interlayer dipolar coupling on magnetization reversal and high-frequency dynamics in asymmetric NiFe/Cu/NiFe circular nanorings

Intrinsic magnetic anisotropy versus coupling in arrays of closely spaced circular Fe/GaAs(110) dots, patterned by focused ion beam

Magnetic Fe stripes created by self-organized MnAs template: Stripe edge pinning and high-frequency properties

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 80 no. 15, October 2009

Magnetic Normal Modes in Squared Antidot Array With Circular Holes: A Combined Brillouin Light Scattering and Broadband Ferromagnetic Resonance Study

Magnetic dot clusters for application in magneto-electronics

Magnetic normal modes of bicomponent permalloy/cobalt structures in the parallel and antiparallel ground state

scholarly article by Gianluca Gubbiotti et al published 24 July 2014 in Physical Review B

Magnetic normal modes of elliptical NiFe nanoring studied by micro-focused Brillouin light scattering

Magnetization Configurations in NiFe Slotted Rings Studied by Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect and Magnetic Force Microscopy

Magnetization Reversal of Rectangular Particles: Closure States and Effect of Dipolar Coupling

Magnetization reversal and soft modes in nanorings: Transitions between onion and vortex states studied by Brillouin light scattering

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 78 no. 10, September 2008

Magnetization reversal and spin waves in exchange coupled NiFe/Cu/Co nanodisks

Magnetization reversal in exchange-coupled FeTaN/FeSm/FeTaN multilayers

Magnetization reversal process in elliptical Permalloy nanodots

Magnetodynamical response of large-area close-packed arrays of circular dots fabricated by nanosphere lithography

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 87 no. 17, May 2013

Magnonic band structures in two-dimensional bi-component magnonic crystals with in-plane magnetization

Magnonic minibands in antidot lattices with large spin-wave propagation velocities

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 84 no. 9, September 2011

Measurement of spin waves and activation volumes in superparamagnetic Fe films on GaAs(100)

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 74 no. 13, October 2006

Mechanical mapping with chemical specificity by confocal Brillouin and Raman microscopy

article by Francesca Palombo et al published 21 February 2014 in Analyst

Micro-focused Brillouin light scattering study of the magnetization dynamics driven by Spin Hall effect in a transversely magnetized NiFe nanowire

Micromagnetic simulation of energy consumption and excited eigenmodes in elliptical nanomagnetic switches

Mode conversion from quantized to propagating spin waves in a rhombic antidot lattice supporting spin wave nanochannels

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 86 no. 1, July 2012

Multiplets of Collective Spin-Wave Modes During Magnetization Reversal in a One-Dimensional Magnonic Crystal Consisting of Alternating-Width Nano-Stripes

Nanopatterning reconfigurable magnetic landscapes via thermally assisted scanning probe lithography.

scientific article

Normal mode splitting in interacting arrays of cylindrical permalloy dots

Propagating spin waves excited by spin-transfer torque: A combined electrical and optical study

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 92 no. 2, July 2015

Propagation of Spin Waves Excited in a Permalloy Film by a Finite-Ground Coplanar Waveguide: A Combined Phase-Sensitive Micro-Focused Brillouin Light Scattering and Micromagnetic Study

Rotatable magnetic anisotropy in a Fe0.8Ga0.2thin film with stripe domains: Dynamics versus statics

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 89 no. 2, January 2014

Setup of a new Brillouin light scattering apparatus with submicrometric lateral resolution and its application to the study of spin modes in nanomagnets

Shape and thickness effects on the magnetization reversal of Py/Cu/Co nanostructures

Simultaneous existence of two spin-wave modes in ultrathinFe∕GaAs(001)films studied by Brillouin light scattering: Experiment and theory

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 70 no. 9, September 2004

Spatial control of spin-wave modes in Ni80Fe20 antidot lattices by embedded Co nanodisks

Spatial profile of spin excitations in multilayered rectangular nanodots studied by microfocused Brillouin light scattering

Spin Modes in Elliptical Nanorings in the Vortex State: Two-Dimensional Mapping by Micro-Focused Brillouin Light Scattering

Spin Wave Band Structure in Two-Dimensional Magnonic Crystals

Spin Wave Dispersion in Permalloy Antidot Array With Alternating Holes Diameter

Spin dynamics of multilayered nanoelements with different shapes studied by Brillouin light scattering technique

Spin wave eigenmodes in single and coupled sub-150 nm rectangular permalloy dots

Spin wave eigenmodes of square permalloy dots studied by Brillouin light scattering

Spin wave excitations in exchange-coupled [Co/Pd]-NiFe films with tunable tilting of the magnetization

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 87 no. 14, April 2013

Spin waves in exchange-biased NiFe∕IrMn circular nanorings


Spin waves in perpendicularly magnetized Co/Ni(111) multilayers in the presence of magnetic domains

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 86 no. 1, July 2012

Splitting of Spin Excitations in Nanometric Rings Induced by a Magnetic Field

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Static and dynamical properties of circular NiFe∕Cu∕Co nanodisks

Structural and magnetic properties of exchange-spring FeTaN/FeSm/FeTaN multilayers


Structure and magnetism of Fe/Cu() thin films

article published in 2002

Study of spin waves in ultrathin Fe/Cu() films by in situ Brillouin light scattering

Study of the spin excitations in antidot lattices with line defects

Temperature evolution of self-organized stripe domains in ultrathin Fe films on MnAs/GaAs(001)

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 82 no. 9, September 2010

Thickness dependence of magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin Co/GaAs(001) films

Thickness dependence of magnetic anisotropy in uncovered and Cu-covered Fe∕GaAs(110) ultrathin films studied by in situ Brillouin light scattering

Towards zero-power ICT.

scientific article published on 11 May 2015

Universal dependence of the spin wave band structure on the geometrical characteristics of two-dimensional magnonic crystals

scientific article

[Co/Pd]-CoFeB exchange spring magnets with tunable gap of spin wave excitations
