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List of works by Christa Peters-Lidard

A Central Asia hydrologic monitoring dataset for food and water security applications in Afghanistan

scientific article published on 08 July 2022

A Comparison of Microwave Window Channel Retrieved and Forward-Modeled Emissivities Over the U.S. Southern Great Plains

A Modeling and Observational Framework for Diagnosing Local Land–Atmosphere Coupling on Diurnal Time Scales


A Multiscale Modeling System: Developments, Applications, and Critical Issues


A Real-Time MODIS Vegetation Product for Land Surface and Numerical Weather Prediction Models

A Remote Sensing-Based Tool for Assessing Rainfall-Driven Hazards.

scientific article

A Semi-Empirical Model for Computing Land Surface Emissivity in the Microwave Region

A comparison of geographical information systems-based algorithms for computing the TOPMODEL topographic index

scholarly article by Feifei Pan et al published June 2004 in Water Resources Research

A comparison of methods for a priori bias correction in soil moisture data assimilation


A global map of uncertainties in satellite-based precipitation measurements

article by Yudong Tian & Christa Peters-Lidard published December 2010 in Geophysical Research Letters

A land data assimilation system for sub-Saharan Africa food and water security applications.

scientific article

A land surface data assimilation framework using the land information system: Description and applications


A prototype physical database for passive microwave retrievals of precipitation over the US Southern Great Plains

scholarly article

A re-examination of modeled and measured soil moisture spatial variability and its implications for land surface modeling

article by Christa Peters-Lidard et al published November 2001 in Advances in Water Resources

A remote sensing observatory for hydrologic sciences: A genesis for scaling to continental hydrology


A soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer scheme for modeling spatially variable water and energy balance processes

scholarly article

Advances in landslide nowcasting: evaluation of a global and regional modeling approach


Advancing Drought Understanding, Monitoring, and Prediction

An Evaluation of Microwave Land Surface Emissivities Over the Continental United States to Benefit GPM-Era Precipitation Algorithms

scholarly article by Ralph R. Ferraro et al published January 2013 in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

An Integrated Hydrologic Modeling and Data Assimilation Framework

An analytical method for predicting surface soil moisture from rainfall observations

An evaluation of NEXRAD precipitation estimates in complex terrain


An examination of methods for estimating land surface microwave emissivity


An integrated high-resolution hydrometeorological modeling testbed using LIS and WRF

article published in 2008

Application of USDM statistics in NLDAS-2: Optimal blended NLDAS drought index over the continental United States

scholarly article by Youlong Xia et al published 21 March 2014 in Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

Appropriate scale of soil moisture retrieval from high resolution radar imagery for bare and minimally vegetated soils

scientific article published in 2008

Assessing the Impact of L-Band Observations on Drought and Flood Risk Estimation: A Decision-Theoretic Approach in an OSSE Environment

Assimilating satellite-based snow depth and snow cover products for improving snow predictions in Alaska

scholarly article by Yuqiong Liu et al published April 2013 in Advances in Water Resources

Assimilation of Gridded GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Estimates in the North American Land Data Assimilation System


Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture and Snow Depth Retrievals for Drought Estimation

Assimilation of vegetation optical depth retrievals from passive microwave radiometry

scientific article

Assimilation of vegetation optical depth retrievals from passive microwave radiometry

Attribution of Flux Partitioning Variations between Land Surface Models over the Continental U.S

scientific article

Automated model integration at source code level: An approach to implementing models into the NASA Land Information System

scientific article published in 2023

Basin-scale assessment of the land surface energy budget in the National Centers for Environmental Prediction operational and research NLDAS-2 systems

Basin-scale assessment of the land surface water budget in the National Centers for Environmental Prediction operational and research NLDAS-2 systems

scientific article

Benchmarking NLDAS-2 Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration to Separate Uncertainty Contributions.

scientific article

Blending satellite-based snow depth products with in situ observations for streamflow predictions in the Upper Colorado River Basin

article published in 2015

Calculating Crop Water Requirement Satisfaction in the West Africa Sahel with Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture


Calibration to improve forward model simulation of microwave emissivity at GPM frequencies over the U.S. Southern Great Plains.

scientific article

Comment on ‘Shang S. 2012. Calculating actual crop evapotranspiration under soil water stress conditions with appropriate numerical methods and time step. Hydrological Processes 26: 3338-3343. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8405’

Component analysis of errors in satellite-based precipitation estimates


Decomposition of sources of errors in seasonal streamflow forecasting over the U.S. Sunbelt

scholarly article

Development of High-Resolution Dynamic Dust Source Function -A Case Study with a Strong Dust Storm in a Regional Model

scientific article published on 29 March 2017

Development of a parameterization for simulating the urban temperature hazard using satellite observations in climate model


Diagnosing the Nature of Land–Atmosphere Coupling: A Case Study of Dry/Wet Extremes in the U.S. Southern Great Plains

Diagnosing the Sensitivity of Local Land–Atmosphere Coupling via the Soil Moisture–Boundary Layer Interaction

Distributed assimilation of satellite-based snow extent for improving simulated streamflow in mountainous, dense forests: An example over the DMIP2 western basins

Earth observations and integrative models in support of food and water security

scientific article published on 01 February 2019

Effect of land cover on atmospheric processes and air quality over the continental United States – a NASA Unified WRF (NU-WRF) model study

scholarly article

Estimating evapotranspiration with land data assimilation systems


Estimating storm areal average rainfall intensity in field experiments


Estimating water discharge from large radar altimetry datasets


Evaluating Clouds in Long-Term Cloud-Resolving Model Simulations with Observational Data


Evaluating ESA CCI soil moisture in East Africa.

scientific article

Evaluating hourly rainfall characteristics over the U.S. Great Plains in dynamically downscaled climate model simulations using NASA-Unified WRF

scientific article

Evaluating the utility of satellite soil moisture retrievals over irrigated areas and the ability of land data assimilation methods to correct for unmodeled processes

Evaluation of GSMaP Precipitation Estimates over the Contiguous United States


Evaluation of NU-WRF Rainfall Forecasts for IFloodS

scientific article published on 14 April 2016

Global Distribution of Extreme Precipitation and High-Impact Landslides in 2010 Relative to Previous Years


High-Resolution Numerical Simulation of the Extreme Rainfall Associated with Typhoon Morakot. Part I: Comparing the Impact of Microphysics and PBL Parameterizations with Observations

scholarly article by Wei-Kuo Tao published in January 2011

High-performance Earth system modeling with NASA/GSFC’s Land Information System


High-performance land surface modeling with a Linux cluster

High-resolution NU-WRF simulations of a deep convective-precipitation system during MC3E: Further improvements and comparisons between Goddard microphysics schemes and observations

scientific article published on 11 January 2016

Hyperresolution global land surface modeling: Meeting a grand challenge for monitoring Earth's terrestrial water


Impact of Assimilated Precipitation-Sensitive Radiances on the NU-WRF Simulation of the West African Monsoon

Impact of Land Model Calibration on Coupled Land–Atmosphere Prediction


Impact of Soil Moisture Assimilation on Land Surface Model Spinup and Coupled Land–Atmosphere Prediction


Impact of Urban Growth on Surface Climate: A Case Study in Oran, Algeria

scholarly article by Lahouari Bounoua et al published February 2009 in Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology

Impacts of High-Resolution Land Surface Initialization on Regional Sensible Weather Forecasts from the WRF Model


Impacts of aerosol–monsoon interaction on rainfall and circulation over Northern India and the Himalaya Foothills

scientific article published on 04 November 2016

Implementation of an aerosol-cloud-microphysics-radiation coupling into the NASA unified WRF: Simulation results for the 6-7 August 2006 AMMA special observing period

scholarly article by J. J. Shi et al published 12 February 2014 in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

Improving early warning of drought-driven food insecurity in southern Africa using operational hydrological monitoring and forecasting products

scientific article published on 30 April 2020

Information theoretic evaluation of satellite soil moisture retrievals

scientific article published on 21 October 2017

Integrated modeling of aerosol, cloud, precipitation and land processes at satellite-resolved scales


Introducing multisensor satellite radiance-based evaluation for regional Earth System modeling

scholarly article

Inverse Method for Estimating the Spatial Variability of Soil Particle Size Distribution from Observed Soil Moisture


Invigorating Hydrological Research through Journal Publications

Invigorating hydrological research through journal publications

Invigorating hydrological research through journal publications

Invigorating hydrological research through journal publications

Joint Editorial Invigorating Hydrological Research through Journal Publications

Joint Editorial: Invigorating Hydrological Research through Journal Publications

scientific article published in 2018

Joint Editorial: Invigorating hydrological research through journal publications

Joint editorial: Invigorating hydrological research through journal publications

Joint editorial: Invigorating hydrological research through journal publications

Land surface Verification Toolkit (LVT) – a generalized framework for land surface model evaluation


Land surface microwave emissivity dynamics: Observations, analysis and modeling

Multiscale Evaluation of the Improvements in Surface Snow Simulation through Terrain Adjustments to Radiation

Multitemporal Analysis of TRMM-Based Satellite Precipitation Products for Land Data Assimilation Applications


NCA-LDAS: Overview and Analysis of Hydrologic Trends for the National Climate Assessment

scientific article published on 30 July 2019

On the Relationship Between Mean and Variance of Soil Moisture Fields1

On the Relationship Between Temperature and MODIS Snow Cover Retrieval Errors in the Western U.S

Operational hydrological forecasting during the IPHEx-IOP campaign – Meet the challenge

Performance Metrics, Error Modeling, and Uncertainty Quantification

article by Yudong Tian et al published February 2016 in Monthly Weather Review

Performance of the Goddard multiscale modeling framework with Goddard ice microphysical schemes

article published in 2016

Precipitation intensity and variation during MC3E: A numerical modeling study


Prospects for Advancing Drought Understanding, Monitoring, and Prediction

Quantifying Uncertainties in Land-Surface Microwave Emissivity Retrievals

article published in 2014

Quantifying the Added Value of Snow Cover Area Observations in Passive Microwave Snow Depth Data Assimilation

Quantifying the change in soil moisture modeling uncertainty from remote sensing observations using Bayesian inference techniques



Raindrop Signature from Microwave Radiometer Over Deserts

scientific article published in 2020

Real-Time Bias Reduction for Satellite-Based Precipitation Estimates


Regional Flux Estimation in a Convective Boundary Layer Using a Conservation Approach

Regionalizing Africa: Patterns of Precipitation Variability in Observations and Global Climate Models


Reply to comment by Keith J. Beven and Hannah L. Cloke on “Hyperresolution global land surface modeling: Meeting a grand challenge for monitoring Earth's terrestrial water”

Representation of Soil Moisture Feedbacks during Drought in NASA Unified WRF (NU-WRF)

Role of Subsurface Physics in the Assimilation of Surface Soil Moisture Observations

article by Sujay V. Kumar et al published December 2009 in Journal of Hydrometeorology

Role of forcing uncertainty and background model error characterization in snow data assimilation

article published in 2017

Role of precipitation uncertainty in the estimation of hydrologic soil properties using remotely sensed soil moisture in a semiarid environment

Scaling, Similarity, and the Fourth Paradigm for Hydrology

scientific article published on 20 July 2017

Scaling, similarity, and the fourth paradigm for hydrology

scholarly article by Christa Peters-Lidard et al published 20 July 2017 in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Sensitivity of CONUS Summer Rainfall to the Selection of Cumulus Parameterization Schemes in NU-WRF Seasonal Simulations


Similarity Assessment of Land Surface Model Outputs in the North American Land Data Assimilation System

Simulation of a Flash Flooding Storm at the Steep Edge of the Himalayas*


Spatial interpolation of precipitation in a dense gauge network for monsoon storm events in the southwestern United States


Systematic anomalies over inland water bodies in satellite-based precipitation estimates


Terrestrial water and energy systems for water resource applications

The Goddard Cumulus Ensemble model (GCE): Improvements and applications for studying precipitation processes


The Goddard multi-scale modeling system with unified physics

scholarly article by W.-K. Tao et al published 6 August 2009 in Annales Geophysicae

The Instantaneous Retrieval of Precipitation Over Land by Temporal Variation at 19 GHz

scientific article published on 23 August 2018

The NASA hydrological forecast system for food and water security applications

The NASA-Goddard Multi-scale Modeling Framework–Land Information System: Global land/atmosphere interaction with resolved convection

The Plumbing of Land Surface Models: Benchmarking Model Performance


The evolution of process-based hydrologic models: Historical challenges and the collective quest for physical realism

The evolution of process-based hydrologic models: historical challenges and the collective quest for physical realism

scientific article published on 11 July 2017

The impact of microphysical schemes on hurricane intensity and track

The role of low-level terrain-induced jets in rainfall variability in Tigris-Euphrates Headwaters.

scientific article published in March 2017

Towards effective drought monitoring in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region: implications from assimilating leaf area index and soil moisture into the Noah-MP land surface model for Morocco

scientific article published on 06 May 2022

Tracing hydrologic model simulation error as a function of satellite rainfall estimation bias components and land use and land cover conditions


Tradeoff between cost and accuracy in large-scale surface water dynamic modeling



Uncertainties, Correlations, and Optimal Blends of Drought Indices from the NLDAS Multiple Land Surface Model Ensemble


Upper Blue Nile basin water budget from a multi-model perspective

scientific article published on 24 October 2017

Using Air Temperature to Quantitatively Predict the MODIS Fractional Snow Cover Retrieval Errors over the Continental United States

scholarly article by Jiarui Dong et al published April 2014 in Journal of Hydrometeorology

Using remotely-sensed estimates of soil moisture to infer soil texture and hydraulic properties across a semi-arid watershed


WRF Simulations of the 20–22 January 2007 Snow Events over Eastern Canada: Comparison with In Situ and Satellite Observations


Water Balance in the Amazon Basin from a Land Surface Model Ensemble
