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List of works by Gérard Mourou

0.2-TW laser system at 1kHz

scientific article

100-fs pulse generation and amplification in Ti:AI2O3.

scientific article

Accelerating Plasma Mirrors to Investigate the Black Hole Information Loss Paradox

scientific article published on 23 January 2017

Adaptive correction of a tightly focused, high-intensity laser beam by use of a third-harmonic signal generated at an interface

scientific article published in July 2006

Adjusting pulse-front tilt and pulse duration by use of a single-shot autocorrelator

scientific article

Alexandrite-laser-pumped Cr3+:LiSrAlF6.

scientific article

All-reflective high fringe contrast autocorrelator for measurement of ultrabroadband optical pulses

scientific article published in December 2006

Amplification of 1-nsec pulses in Nd:glass followed by compression to 1 psec

scientific article published on 01 June 1988

Amplification of Ultrashort Laser Pulses by Brillouin Backscattering in Plasmas

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Amplification of femtosecond pulses at 10-kHz repetition rates in Ti:Al2O3

scientific article published on 01 April 1993

Amplified spontaneous emission in a Ti:sapphire regenerative amplifier

scientific article published on 01 December 2003

Anomalous Radiative Trapping in Laser Fields of Extreme Intensity

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Attosecond electron bunches

scientific article published on 04 November 2004

Broad-bandwidth pulse amplification to the 10-microJ level in an ytterbium-doped germanosilicate fiber

scientific article published on 01 July 1996

Characteristics of an actively mode-locked 2-psec Ti:sapphire laser operating in the 1-microm wavelength regime

scientific article

Characterization of short-pulse oscillators by means of a high-dynamic-range autocorrelation measurement

scientific article

Charge-transfer-state photoluminescence in asymmetric coupled quantum wells

scientific article published on 01 July 1989

Chirped-pulse amplification of 100-fsec pulses

scientific article published on 01 August 1989

Chirped-pulse amplification of 55-fs pulses at a 1-kHz repetition rate in a Ti:Al2O3 regenerative amplifier

scientific article published on 01 December 1993

Chirped-pulse amplification of ultrashort pulses with a multimode Tm:ZBLAN fiber upconversion amplifier

scientific article published on 01 May 1995

Compact directly diode-pumped femtosecond Nd:glass chirped-pulse-amplification laser system

scientific article

Complete characterization of damage threshold in titanium doped sapphire crystals with nanosecond, picosecond, and femtosecond laser pulses

scholarly article published 5 October 2005

Compression of amplified chirped optical pulses

Compression of amplified chirped optical pulses

second corrected version of scientific article

Demonstration of fiber-laser-produced plasma source and application to efficient extreme UV light generation

scientific article published in September 2006

Design and properties of a coherent amplifying network laser

scientific article published on May 2015

Diode-pumped Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb:KY(WO(4))(2) laser

scientific article

Diode-pumped Nd:glass kilohertz regenerative amplifier for subpicosecond microjoule level pulses

scientific article published in June 1997

Diode-pumped Nd:glass regenerative amplifier for subpicosecond microjoule-level pulses

Directly diode-pumped Yb:KY(WO(4))(2) regenerative amplifiers

scientific article published on 01 May 2002

Directly diode-pumped millijoule subpicosecond Yb:glass regenerative amplifier

scientific article published on 01 July 1999

Dynamics of the intermediate state in nonequilibrium superconductors

scientific article published on 01 April 1986

Electron acceleration and emission in a field of a plane and converging dipole wave of relativistic amplitudes with the radiation reaction force taken into account

Electron acceleration by few-cycle laser pulses with single-wavelength spot size

scientific article

Electron distribution anisotropy in laser-produced plasmas from x-ray line polarization measurements

scientific article published on 01 January 1992

Emission and its back-reaction accompanying electron motion in relativistically strong and QED-strong pulsed laser fields

scientific article

Erratum: ‘‘Picosecond large‐signal switching characteristics of a pseudomorphic AlGaAs/InGaAs modulation‐doped field‐effect transistor’’ [Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 1187 (1992)]


Extreme light

scientific article

Extreme light fields and their fundamental applications

Femtosecond Optical Breakdown in Dielectrics

scientific article

Femtosecond laser: a micromachining system for corneal surgery

scientific article

Femtosecond microscopy of radial energy transport in a micrometer-scale aluminum plasma excited at relativistic intensity

scientific article published on 01 January 2006

Generation and characterization of the highest laser intensities (10(22) W/cm2).

scientific article

Generation of 20-TW pulses of picosecond duration using chirped-pulse amplification in a Nd:glass power chain

scientific article published on 01 February 1991

Generation of 50-TW femtosecond pulses in a Ti:sapphire/Nd:glass chain

scientific article published on 01 February 1993

Generation of hard X-rays using an ultrafast fiber laser system

scientific article published in October 2007

Generation of relativistic intensity pulses at a kilohertz repetition rate

scientific article

Generation of ultrahigh peak power pulses by chirped pulse amplification

High-dynamic-range laser-pulse-contrast measurement with a plasma-shuttered streak camera

scientific article

High-harmonic generation from plasma mirrors at kilohertz repetition rate

scientific article

High-order harmonic generation from solid targets with 2 mJ pulses

scientific article

High-power phosphate-glass laser system: design and performance characteristics

scientific article

Highly efficient relativistic-ion generation in the laser-piston regime

scientific article published on 27 April 2004

Highly efficient second-harmonic generation of ultraintense Nd:glass laser pulses

scientific article

Hole boring in a DT Pellet and Fast-Ion Ignition with Ultraintense Laser Pulses

scientific article published on 14 January 2009

Hybrid grating - prism stretcher - compressor system with cubic phase and wavelength tunability and decreased alignment sensitivity

scientific article published on 01 November 1994

In situ monitoring of second-harmonic generation in human corneas to compensate for femtosecond laser pulse attenuation in keratoplasty

scientific article

Isolated attosecond pulses generated by relativistic effects in a wavelength-cubed focal volume.

scientific article published in April 2004

Large temporal stretching of ultrashort pulses

scientific article published on 01 March 1992

Limitations on the Attainable Intensity of High Power Lasers

scientific article published on August 18, 2010

Modeling of coherent beam combining from multimillijoule chirped pulse tapered fiber amplifiers

Multikilohertz Ti:A1(2)O(3) amplifier for high-power femtosecond pulses

scientific article

Nearly diffraction-limited laser focal spot obtained by use of an optically addressed light valve in an adaptive-optics loop

scientific article

New horizons for extreme light physics with mega-science project XCELS

Operation of a 1-kHz pulse-pumped Ti:sapphire regenerative amplifier

scientific article published on 01 March 1990

Optics at critical intensity: applications to nanomorphing

scientific article published on 7 April 2004

Optics in the relativistic regime

scientific article

Pair creation in QED-strong pulsed laser fields interacting with electron beams.

scientific article published on 4 November 2010

Photodisruption in the Human Cornea as a Function of Laser Pulse Width

scientific article published on November 1, 1997

Physics. More intense, shorter pulses

scientific article published on 01 January 2011

Picosecond large‐signal switching characteristics of a pseudomorphic AlGaAs/InGaAs modulated doped field effect transistor


Probing Nonperturbative QED with Optimally Focused Laser Pulses

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Production of a high-density and high-temperature plasma with an intense high-contrast subpicosecond laser

scientific article

Pulse compression by use of deformable mirrors

scientific article published in April 1999

Pulse contrast enhancement of high-energy pulses by use of a gas-filled hollow waveguide

scientific article

Quasi-flat-top frequency-doubled Nd:glass laser for pumping of high-power Ti:sapphire amplifiers at a 0.1 Hz repetition rate

scientific article

Quasimonoenergetic electron beams with relativistic energies and ultrashort duration from laser-solid interactions at 0.5 kHz

scientific article published on 01 December 2009

Relativistic generation of isolated attosecond pulses in a lambda 3 focal volume

scientific article published on 12 February 2004

Relativistic hole boring and fast ion ignition with ultra-intense laser pulses

Roadmap on ultrafast optics

Second-harmonic generation and wave-front correction of a terawatt laser system

scientific article

Self-channeling of high-peak-power femtosecond laser pulses in air.

scientific article

Self-focusing, channel formation, and high-energy ion generation in interaction of an intense short laser pulse with a He jet.

scientific article

Shaping of clean, femtosecond pulses at 1.053 microm for chirped-pulse amplification

scientific article published on 01 January 1992

Short-pulse laser absorption in very steep plasma density gradients

scientific article published on 01 February 1989

Single-shot wave-front measurements of high-intensity ultrashort laser pulses with a three-wave interferometer

scientific article

Smart microscope: an adaptive optics learning system for aberration correction in multiphoton confocal microscopy

scientific article

Sub-surface terahertz imaging through uneven surfaces: visualizing Neolithic wall paintings in Çatalhöyük

scientific article published on April 2013

Superresolved femtosecond laser ablation

scientific article

Temporal Characterization of a Self-Modulated Laser Wakefield

scientific article published on 01 December 1996

Temporal control of amplified femtosecond pulses with a deformable mirror in a stretcher

scientific article published on 01 February 2001

Terahertz deconvolution

scientific article published in December 2012

Terahertz time-domain imaging of hidden defects in wooden artworks: application to a Russian icon painting.

scientific article published on February 2014

Terawatt Ti:sapphire laser with a spherical reflective-optic pulse expander

scientific article

Terawatt to petawatt subpicosecond lasers

scientific article

Three-dimensional modeling of CPA to the multimillijoule level in tapered Yb-doped fibers for coherent combining systems

scientific article

Time-resolved kiloelectron-volt spectroscopy of ultrashort plasmas

scientific article published on August 1, 1993

Time-resolved observation of electron-phonon relaxation in copper

scientific article published on 01 March 1987

Ultra-high intensity- 300-TW laser at 0.1 Hz repetition rate.

scientific article

Ultrafast ytterbium-doped bulk lasers and laser amplifiers

Ultrahigh-contrast Ti:sapphire/Nd:glass terawatt laser system

scientific article

Wave-front correction of femtosecond terawatt lasers by deformable mirrors

scientific article

X-ray-line polarization spectroscopy in laser-produced plasmas.

scientific article

Yb:KGd(WO4)2 chirped-pulse regenerative amplifiers

article published in 2002

Étude de la variation de fréquence des lasers à rubis déclenchés

PhD thesis of Gérard Mourou