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List of works by Alan Neil Andersen

A Classification of Australian Ant Communities, Based on Functional Groups Which Parallel Plant Life-Forms in Relation to Stress and Disturbance

scientific article (publication date: 1995)

A global database of ant species abundances

scientific article

A new species of Epopostruma (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from monsoonal Australia

scholarly article published in 2021

Andromonoecy in Four Australian Species of Leptospermum


Ant Communities in the Gulf Region of Australia Semiarid Tropics - Species Composition, Patterns of Organization, and Biogeography


Ant Diversity and Distribution along Elevation Gradients in the Australian Wet Tropics: The Importance of Seasonal Moisture Stability

scientific article

Ant biodiversity and its environmental predictors in the North Kimberley region of Australia’s seasonal tropics


Ant community responses to experimental fire and logging in a eucalypt forest of south-eastern Australia


Ant community structure along an extended rain forest–savanna gradient in tropical Australia


Anthropogenic disturbance reduces seed-dispersal services for myrmecochorous plants in the Brazilian Caatinga

scientific article

Ants as Indicators of Restoration Success at a Uranium Mine in Tropical Australia


Ants as bioindicators of habitat disturbance: validation of the functional group model for Australia's humid tropics

Ants as ecological indicators of rainforest restoration: Community convergence and the development of an Ant Forest Indicator Index in the Australian wet tropics

scientific article published on 12 September 2017

Ants as indicators of minesite restoration: community recovery at one of eight rehabilitation sites in central Queensland

scientific article published in 2003

Arthropod responses to experimental fire regimes in an Australian tropical savannah: ordinal-level analysis


Australian ant research: fabulous fauna, functional groups, pharmaceuticals, and the Fatherhood


Bioclimatic transect networks: Powerful observatories of ecological change.

scientific article published on 19 May 2017

Biodiversity consequences of land-use change and forest disturbance in the Amazon: A multi-scale assessment using ant communities

article published in 2016

Biodiversity impacts of an invasive grass: ant community responses to Cenchrus ciliaris in arid Australia


Biodiversity responses to vegetation structure in a fragmented landscape: ant communities in a peri-urban coastal dune system


Biodiversity surrogacy: indicator taxa as predictors of total species richness in Brazilian Atlantic forest and Caatinga


Biogeography of the ant fauna of the Tiwi Islands, in northern Australia's monsoonal tropics


Biome Awareness Disparity is BAD for tropical ecosystem conservation and restoration

scientific article

Book Review

Breaking out of biogeographical modules: range expansion and taxon cycles in the hyperdiverse ant genus Pheidole

scientific article

Burning for biodiversity: highly resilient ant communities respond only to strongly contrasting fire regimes in Australia's seasonal tropics


Canopy and litter ant assemblages share similar climate-species density relationships

scientific article

Climate mediates the effects of disturbance on ant assemblage structure

scientific article published in June 2015

Climatic drivers of hemispheric asymmetry in global patterns of ant species richness

scientific article

Common names for Australian ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)


Conservation status of ants in an iconic region of monsoonal Australia: levels of endemism and responses to fire in the eastern Kimberley


Conservation value of low fire frequency in tropical savannas: Ants in monsoonal northern Australia


Constraint and competition in assemblages: a cross-continental and modeling approach for ants

scientific article published on 8 March 2005

Contrasting fire-related resilience of ecologically dominant ants in tropical savannas of northern Australia


Contrasting rainforest and savanna ant faunas in monsoonal northern Australia: a rainforest patch in a tropical savanna landscape


Cooperation Between Dealate Queens During Colony Foundation in the Green Tree Ant, Oecophylla Smaragdina

scientific article published in 1989

Correlates of grass-species composition in a savanna woodland in northern Australia


Dispersal distance as a benefit of myrmecochory

scientific article

Disturbance Winners or Losers? Plants Bearing Extrafloral Nectaries in Brazilian Caatinga


Diversity and biogeography of a species-rich ant fauna of the Australian seasonal tropics

scientific article published on 15 September 2016

Diversity, Biogeography and Community Ecology of Ants: Introduction to the Special Issue

scientific article published in 2021

Diversity, Seasonality and Community Organization of Ants at Adjacent Heath and Woodland Sites in Southeastern Australia


Do tropical savanna skink assemblages show a short-term response to low-intensity fire?

Does long-term fire exclusion in an Australian tropical savanna result in a biome shift? A test using the reintroduction of fire


Does resilience to fire confer resilience to grazing in savanna ant communities of Northern Australia?

scientific article published in 2022

Dominance and species co-occurrence in highly diverse ant communities: a test of the interstitial hypothesis and discovery of a three-tiered competition cascade

scientific article

Effect of Long-Term Burning and Mowing Regimes on Ant Communities in a Mesic Grassland

scientific article published in 2023

Effects of fire on grass-layer savanna macroinvertebrates as key food resources for insectivorous vertebrates in northern Australia


Effects of habitat fragmentation on ant richness and functional composition in Brazilian Atlantic forest


Effects of increasing aridity and chronic anthropogenic disturbance on seed dispersal by ants in Brazilian Caatinga

scientific article published on 10 April 2019

Environmental factors influencing the establishment, height and fecundity of the annual grass Sorghum intrans in an Australian tropical savanna


Exploring a new biodiversity frontier: subterranean ants in northern Australia


Faunal standards for the restoration of terrestrial ecosystems: a framework and its application to a high‐profile case study

scientific article published on 17 May 2022

Fire and biodiversity: responses of grass-layer beetles to experimental fire regimes in an Australian tropical savanna


Fire ecology for the 21st century: Conserving biodiversity in the age of megafire

scientific article published on 25 February 2022

Fire frequency and biodiversity conservation in Australian tropical savannas: implications from the Kapalga fire experiment


Fire in the Amazon: impact of experimental fuel addition on responses of ants and their interactions with myrmecochorous seeds

scientific article

Fire resilience of ant assemblages in long-unburnt savanna of northern Australia


Fire tolerance of perennial grass tussocks in a savanna woodland

scientific article published in 2010

Fire-induced forest transition to derived savannas: Cascading effects on ant communities

Foundations for the future: A long-term plan for Australian ecosystem science

scientific article published on 9 September 2014

Global diversity in light of climate change: the case of ants


Habitat fragmentation, EFN-bearing trees and ant communities: Ecological cascades in Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil


Historical biogeography shapes functional ecology: Inter‐continental contrasts in responses of savanna ant communities to stress and disturbance

scientific article published on 15 March 2022

How important is seed predation to recruitment in stable populations of long-lived perennials?

scientific article

Immediate and longer-term effects of fire on seed predation by ants in sclerophyllous vegetation in south-eastern Australia


Immediate effects of Ore on ants in the semi-arid mallee region of north-western Victoria

article published March 1985 in Austral Ecology

Impact of an introduced ant on native rain forest invertebrates:

scholarly article by Benjamin Hoffmann et al published 1999 in Oecologia

Indigenous Wetland Burning: Conserving Natural and Cultural Resources in Australia’s World Heritage-listed Kakadu National Park


Insect Inhabitants of Fruits of Leptospermum, Eucalyptus and Casuarina in Southeastern Australia


Interactions between land use, taxonomic group and aspects and levels of diversity in a Brazilian savanna: Implications for the use of bioindicators

scientific article published in 2022

Invasion impacts on biodiversity: responses of ant communities to infestation by cat’s claw creeper vine, Macfadyena unguis-cati (Bignoniaceae) in subtropical Australia


Invasive ants as back-seat drivers of native ant diversity decline in New Caledonia

Is livestock grazing compatible with biodiversity conservation? Impacts on savanna ant communities in the Australian seasonal tropics


Leaf-cutting ant populations profit from human disturbances in tropical dry forest in Brazil


Limited niche differentiation within remarkable co-occurrences of congeneric species:Monomoriumants in the Australian seasonal tropics


Long-term fire exclusion and ant community structure in an Australian tropical savanna: congruence with vegetation succession


Measuring more of biodiversity: Genus richness as a surrogate for species richness in Australian ant faunas


Meat ants as dominant members of Australian ant communities: an experimental test of their influence on the foraging success and forager abundance of other species

scientific article

Molecular phylogeny of Indo-Pacific carpenter ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae,Camponotus) reveals waves of dispersal and colonization from diverse source areas

scientific article published on 7 November 2014

Multi-century dynamics of ant communities following fire in Mediterranean-climate woodlands: Are changes congruent with vegetation succession?

article published in 2015

Multi-scale ant diversity in savanna woodlands: an intercontinental comparison

article published in 2011

Myrmecochores can target high-quality disperser ants: variation in elaiosome traits and ant preferences for myrmecochorous Euphorbiaceae in Brazilian Caatinga

scientific article

Navigating the mtDNA road map out of the morphological maze: interpreting morphological variation in the diverseMonomorium rothsteini(Forel) complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

scientific article published on 26 December 2013

Neotropical savanna ants show a reversed latitudinal gradient of species richness, with climatic drivers reflecting the forest origin of the fauna

New Caledonia has a depauperate subterranean ant fauna, despite spectacular radiations above ground

Niche differentiation in rainforest ant communities across three continents

scientific article published on 17 July 2019

Not enough niches: non-equilibrial processes promoting species coexistence in diverse ant communities

scientific article published in 2008

Novel 2-ethyl-5-alkylpyrrolidines in the venom of an australian ant of the genusMonomorium


Old‐field restoration improves habitat for ants in a semi‐arid landscape

scientific article published on 08 November 2021

Overview of the Distribution, Habitat Association and Impact of Exotic Ants on Native Ant Communities in New Caledonia

scientific article

Palaeontology., adaptation and community ecology: A response to Walter and Pater son (1994)

scientific article published in 1995

Patch mosaic burning for biodiversity conservation: a critique of the pyrodiversity paradigm

scientific article published in December 2006

Patterns of ant community organization in mesic southeastern Australia


Plant and ant assemblages predicted to decouple under climate change


Plant protection services mediated by extrafloral nectaries decline with aridity but are not influenced by chronic anthropogenic disturbance in Brazilian Caatinga

scientific article published on 11 July 2020

Pre-dispersal seed losses to insects in species of Leptospermum (Myrtaceae)


Prescribed burning: how can it work to conserve the things we value?

Rainforest ants of the Tiwi Islands: a remarkable centre of endemism in Australia’s monsoonal tropics


Rates of seed removal by ants at heath and woodland sites in southeastern Australia


Regulation of "momentary" diversity by dominant species in exceptionally rich ant communities of the Australian seasonal tropics

scientific article published on September 1992

Response of ant and terrestrial spider assemblages to pastoral and military land use, and to landscape position, in a tropical savanna woodland in northern Australia


Responses of ant communities to disturbance: five principles for understanding the disturbance dynamics of a globally dominant faunal group


Responses of ants to disturbance in Australia, with particular reference to functional groups


Sampling communities of ground-foraging ants: Pitfall catches compared with quadrat counts in an Australian tropical savanna


Savanna ant species richness is maintained along a bioclimatic gradient of increasing latitude and decreasing rainfall in northern Australia


Savanna burning for biodiversity: Fire management for faunal conservation in Australian tropical savannas


Savanna burning, greenhouse gas emissions and indigenous livelihoods: Introducing the Tiwi Carbon Study

scientific article published in 2012

Savanna burning: the ecology and economy of fire in tropical savannas

scientific article published in 2012

Savanna fires increase rates and distances of seed dispersal by ants

scientific article published on 11 October 2006

Seed selection by an exceptionally rich community of harvester ants in the Australian seasonal tropics


Soil of the nest-mound of the seed-dispersing ant, Aphaenogaster longiceps, enhances seedling growth

scientific article published in 1988

Soil seed banks confer resilience to savanna grass-layer plants during seasonal disturbance


Species diversity and temporal distribution of ants in the semi-arid mallee region of northwestern Victoria

article published June 1983 in Austral Ecology

Systematics of the Monomorium rothsteini Forel species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a problematic ant group in Australia

scientific article (publication date: 10 December 2014)

Taxonomic confusion of two tramp ant species:Iridomyrmex ancepsandOchetellus glaberare really species complexes


The Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Fauna of Holmes Jungle, a Rainforest Patch in the Seasonal Tropics of Australia's Northern Territory


The Benefits of Myrmecochory: A Matter of Stature

The Fire Refuge Value of Patches of a Fire-Sensitive Tree in Fire-prone Savannas:Callitris intratropicain Northern Australia


The Megadiverse Australian Ant Genus Melophorus: Using CO1 Barcoding to Assess Species Richness

article by Alan Neil Andersen et al published 19 December 2016 in Diversity

The ant fauna of Timor and neighbouring islands: potential bridges between the disjunct faunas of South East Asia and Australia


The ant fauna of the remote Mitchell Falls area of tropical north-western Australia: biogeography, environmental relationships and conservation significance


The big ecological questions inhibiting effective environmental management in Australia


The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project

scientific article

The influence of spatial scale on the congruence of classifications circumscribing morphological units of biodiversity

scientific article published in 2008

The rainforest ant fauna of the northern Kimberley region of Western Australia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)


The underestimated biodiversity of tropical grassy biomes

scientific article

The value of ants as early warning bioindicators: responses to pulsed cattle grazing at an Australian arid zone locality


Top-down control of species distributions: feral cats driving the regional extinction of a threatened rodent in northern Australia


Tropical grassy biomes: misunderstood, neglected, and under threat

scientific article

Use of terrestrial invertebrates for biodiversity monitoring in Australian rangelands, with particular reference to ants


Using ants as bioindicators in land management: simplifying assessment of ant community responses


Utilizing Locally Available Bioresources for Powering Remote Indigenous Communities: A Framework and Case Study

scientific article published in 2023

Value of long-term ecological studies


Variation in fire interval sequences has minimal effects on species richness and composition in fire-prone landscapes of south-west Western Australia


Venom alkaloid chemistry of Australian species of the Monomorium rothsteini complex, with particular reference to taxonomic implications

scientific article

Venom alkaloids in Monomorium "rothsteini" Forel repel other ants: is this the secret to success by Monomorium in Australian ant communities?

scientific article published on October 1991

Vertical niche and elevation range size in tropical ants: Implications for climate resilience

scientific article published in 2020

Yellow-meadow ant (Lasius flavus) mound development determines soil properties and growth responses of different plant functional types
