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List of works by Timm Rosburg

Attention effects on sensory gating--intracranial and scalp recordings.

scientific article published on 2 July 2009

Auditory N100 gating in patients with schizophrenia: A systematic meta-analysis

scientific article published on 29 July 2018

Cannabinoids influence lipid-arachidonic acid pathways in schizophrenia.

scientific article published on 21 February 2007

Differentiation of subsequent memory effects between retrieval practice and elaborative study

scientific article published on 24 May 2017

Effect of ketamine on the neuromagnetic mismatch field in healthy humans.

scientific article published in August 2001

Effects of lorazepam on the neuromagnetic mismatch negativity (MMNm) and auditory evoked field component N100m.

scientific article

Electrophysiological correlates of retrieval orientation in reality monitoring.

scientific article published on 29 October 2010

Enlarged gamma band response of neuromagnetic auditory evoked fields in a visually impaired subject

scientific article published on 01 December 1999

Filtering and other methodological issues of auditory N100 gating studies

scientific article published on 22 November 2018

Functional Somatic Syndromes: Skin Temperatures and Activity Measurements Under Ambulatory Conditions

scientific article

Generators of the intracranial P50 response in auditory sensory gating

scientific article

Habituation in the absence of a response decrease?

scientific article published on 2 July 2013

Habituation of the auditory evoked field component N100m and its dependence on stimulus duration.

scientific article published in March 2002

Habituation of the auditory evoked field component N100m in male patients with schizophrenia.

scientific article published in May 2000

Hemispheric differences in frequency dependent dipole orientation of the human auditory evoked field component N100m.

scientific article published on December 1998

Hippocampal event-related potentials to tone duration deviance in a passive oddball paradigm in humans

scientific article

How does testing affect retrieval-related processes? An event-related potential (ERP) study on the short-term effects of repeated retrieval

scientific article published in March 2015

Illusory correlations despite equated category frequencies: A test of the information loss account

scientific article published on 15 June 2018

Impaired niacin sensitivity in acute first-episode but not in multi-episode schizophrenia.

scientific article published in June 2005

Increased calcium-independent phospholipase A2 activity in first but not in multiepisode chronic schizophrenia.

scientific article

Indirect and Neuropsychological Indicators of Pedophilia

scientific article published on 16 June 2020

Internal consistency of dipole localizations for the human movement-evoked magnetic field component 1 (MEF 1)

scientific article published on 01 August 1996

Intracranially recorded memory-related potentials reveal higher posterior than anterior hippocampal involvement in verbal encoding and retrieval.

scientific article published in May 2008

Left hemispheric dipole locations of the neuromagnetic mismatch negativity to frequency, intensity and duration deviants.

scientific article published in March 2003

Left parietal lobe activation to auditory mismatch?

scientific article

Mid-latency auditory-evoked responses and sensory gating in focal epilepsy: a preliminary exploration

scientific article published on 01 January 2006

Neuroticism as a risk factor for child abuse in victims of childhood sexual abuse

scientific article published on 7 April 2017

Neuroticism in child sex offenders and its association with sexual dysfunctions, cognitive distortions, and psychological complaints

scientific article published on 05 June 2017

P300 amplitudes after concussions are usually decreased not increased

scientific article published on 01 July 2019

Perceived fairness of claimants undergoing a work disability evaluation: Development and validation of the Basel Fairness Questionnaire

scientific article published on 17 September 2020

Phase-locking within human mediotemporal lobe predicts memory formation.

scientific article published on 22 July 2008

Potential use of the topical niacin skin test in early psychosis -- a combined approach using optical reflection spectroscopy and a descriptive rating scale.

scientific article published in May 2003

Psychopathy, Neuroticism, and Abusive Behavior in Low Risk Child Sex Offenders

scientific article published on 21 June 2019

Quantification and rejection of ocular artifacts in auditory evoked fields in schizophrenics.

scientific article published in November 1998

Reconstructing the past: The late posterior negativity (LPN) in episodic memory studies

scientific article published on 27 June 2016

Reduced auditory evoked potential component N100 in schizophrenia--a critical review.

scientific article published on 15 October 2008

Resting-state functional connectivity remains unaffected by preceding exposure to aversive visual stimuli.

scientific article published on 22 November 2017

Retrieving self-vocalized information: An event-related potential (ERP) study on the effect of retrieval orientation

scientific article published on 18 November 2014

Sensory gating in epilepsy - effects of the lateralization of hippocampal sclerosis

scientific article published on 01 April 2008

Sensory gating in intracranial recordings--the role of phase locking.

scientific article

Sensory gating in the human hippocampal and rhinal regions: regional differences

scientific article published on 01 January 2008

Short-term habituation of the intracranially recorded auditory evoked potentials P50 and N100.

scientific article published in December 2004

Stimulus duration influences the dipole location shift within the auditory evoked field component N100m.

scientific article published in January 2002

Strategic retrieval and retrieval orientation in reality monitoring studied by event-related potentials (ERPs).

scientific article

Subdural recordings of the mismatch negativity (MMN) in patients with focal epilepsy.

scientific article published on 23 February 2005

The costs of target prioritization and the external requirements for using a recall-to-reject strategy in memory exclusion tasks: a meta-analysis

scientific article

The dipole location shift within the auditory evoked neuromagnetic field components N100m and mismatch negativity (MMNm)

scientific article published on 01 April 2004

The effect of face inversion on intracranial and scalp recordings of event-related potentials

scientific article published on 15 September 2009

The event-related potential component P3a is diminished by identical deviance repetition, but not by non-identical repetitions

scientific article published on 22 March 2018

The influence of age and gender on niacin skin test results - implications for the use as a biochemical marker in schizophrenia.

scientific article published in September 2004

The influence of repetition and famousness on the intracranially recorded temporobasal N200.

scientific article

The response decrease of auditory evoked potentials by repeated stimulation--Is there evidence for an interplay between habituation and sensitization?

scientific article published on 8 May 2015

The role of retrieval mode and retrieval orientation in retrieval practice: insights from comparing recognition memory testing formats and restudying

scientific article published on 28 July 2016

Towards a functional topography of sensory gating areas: invasive P50 recording and electrical stimulation mapping in epilepsy surgery candidates.

scientific article

Transcranial direct current stimulation over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex modulates auditory mismatch negativity.

scientific article published on 11 February 2016

Two P300 generators in the hippocampal formation.

scientific article published in January 2010

When the brain decides: a familiarity-based approach to the recognition heuristic as evidenced by event-related brain potentials

scientific article