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List of works by Philippe Sarrazin

Athletes' perceptions of role ambiguity and coaching competency in sport teams: a multilevel analysis

scientific article published on 01 June 2012

Attentes de motivation et comportements différenciés de l'enseignant d’éducation physique et sportive à l'égard de ses élèves : une étude en contexte naturel d'enseignement

Can Sex-Undifferentiated Teacher Expectations Mask an Influence of Sex Stereotypes?�Alternative Forms of Sex Bias in Teacher Expectations


Caractéristiques psychosociales des adolescents non pratiquants sportifs

Coaches’ perceptions of French sports clubs: Health-promotion activities, aims and coach motivation


Comparing the objective motivational climate created by grassroots soccer coaches in England, Greece and France


Culture and achievement motivation in sport: A qualitative comparative study between Maghrebian and European French adolescents


Development of scales to measure perceived physical education class climate: a cross-national project.

scientific article published in September 1995

Development of sex stereotypes relative to sport competence and value during adolescence


Do compensatory health beliefs predict behavioural intention in a multiple health behaviour change context? Evidence in individuals with cardiovascular diseases?

scientific article published on 11 August 2019

Evidence of subliminally primed motivational orientations: the effects of unconscious motivational processes on the performance of a new motor task.

scientific article published in October 2009

Exerted effort and performance in climbing among boys: the influence of achievement goals, perceived ability, and task difficulty

scientific article published in December 2002

Explanatory style and resilience after sports failure

Goal orientations and conceptions of the nature of sport ability in children: A social cognitive approach

How impulsivity shapes the interplay of impulsive and reflective processes involved in objective physical activity

How perceived autonomy support and controlling coach behaviors are related to well- and ill-being in elite soccer players: A within-person changes and between-person differences analysis

How to increase academic performance in children with oppositional defiant disorder? An implicit theory effect

scientific article published on 02 February 2010

Impulsive approach tendencies towards physical activity and sedentary behaviors, but not reflective intentions, prospectively predict non-exercise activity thermogenesis

scientific article

Initial psychometric testing of the coach-adapted version of the empowering and disempowering motivational climate questionnaire: A Bayesian approach

scientific article published on 04 February 2020

Interventions promoting physical activity among obese populations: a meta-analysis considering global effect, long-term maintenance, physical activity indicators and dose characteristics.

scientific article published on 04 April 2011

Investigating Physiological and Self-Reported Mediators of Stereotype Lift Effects on a Motor Task

Le questionnaire de surentraînement de la Société française de médecine du sport : reproductibilité à court terme

Les chiens font-ils des chats ? Une revue de littérature sur le rôle des parents dans la socialisation de leur enfant pour le sport

Les pratiques sportives des adolescents : une différenciation selon le genre

Motivation and dropout in female handballers: a 21-month prospective study

article by Philippe Sarrazin et al published 2002 in European Journal of Social Psychology

Motivation autodéterminée, perceptions de conflit et d'instrumentalité et assiduité envers la pratique d'une activité physique: une étude prospective sur six mois

article published in 2007

Motivational characteristics of obese adolescents toward physical activity: Contribution of self-determination theory

Motivational interviewing as a way to promote physical activity in obese adolescents: a randomised-controlled trial using self-determination theory as an explanatory framework

scientific article

Note des synthèse [Les connaissances actuelles sur l'effet Pygmalion : processus, poids et modulateurs]

Personal and Situational Factors Influencing Intrinsic Interest of Adolescent Girls in School Physical Education: a structural equation modelling analysis

article by François Cury et al published September 1996 in Educational Psychology

Physiological markers of challenge and threat mediate the effects of performance-based goals on performance

Plus c'est difficile et mieux je réussis ! Étude des liens entre les buts fixés, l'efficacité personnelle et la performance sportive

Predicting persistence or withdrawal in female handballers with social exchange theory

Predictors of situational disengagement in the academic setting: the contribution of grades, perceived competence, and academic motivation

scientific article published on 9 March 2011

Priming motivation through unattended speech

scientific article published on 22 February 2013

Promoting Adolescent health through an intervention aimed at improving the quality of their participation in Physical Activity (PAPA): Background to the project and main trial protocol


Promoting Physical Activity during School Closures Imposed by the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Physical Education Teachers' Behaviors in France, Italy and Turkey

scientific article published on 16 December 2020

Reflective and impulsive processes explain (in)effectiveness of messages promoting physical activity: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 18 August 2014

Relation entre les stéréotypes sexués associés aux pratiques sportives et la motivation autodéterminée des élèves en éducation physique et sportive

Relationships between changes in self-reported physical activity, sedentary behaviour and health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in France and Switzerland

scientific article published on 29 October 2020

Restoration process of the need for autonomy: the early alarm stage

scientific article published in November 2011

Self-belief does make a difference: a reciprocal effects model of the causal ordering of physical self-concept and gymnastics performance.

scientific article published in January 2006

Self-reported and objective physical activity measurement by active youth

Social Antecedents and Consequences of Gender-Sport Stereotypes During Adolescence

scholarly article by Julie Boiché et al published 8 October 2013 in Psychology of Women Quarterly

Stereotype endorsement and perceived ability as mediators of the girls' gender orientation–soccer performance relationship

Subliminal priming of motivational orientation in educational settings: Effect on academic performance moderated by mindfulness

Temptations toward behaviors minimizing energetic costs (BMEC) automatically activate physical activity goals in successful exercisers

The Relationships of Perceived Motivational Climate to Cohesion and Collective Efficacy in Elite Female Teams

The effect of an intervention to improve newly qualified teachers’ interpersonal style, students motivation and psychological need satisfaction in sport-based physical education

The effects of an experimental programme to support students’ autonomy on the overt behaviours of physical education teachers

The effects of persuasive communication and planning on intentions to be more physically active and on physical activity behaviour among low-active adolescents.

scientific article published on 3 February 2015

The influence of sex stereotypes and gender roles on participation and performance in sport and exercise: Review and future directions


The paradoxical effect of controlling context on intrinsic motivation in another activity

The relation between risk perceptions and physical activity among older adults: a prospective study

scientific article

The revised six-factor Sport Motivation Scale (Mallett, Kawabata, Newcombe, Otero-Forero, & Jackson, 2007): Something old, something new, and something borrowed


The trichotomous achievement goal model and intrinsic motivation: a sequential mediational analysis

article published in 2002

Understanding Female Sport Attrition in a Stereotypical Male Sport Within the Framework of Eccles's Expectancy–Value Model

When avoiding failure improves performance: Stereotype threat and the impact of performance goals