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List of works by Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo

Agrarian archaeology in Early Medieval Europe

scholarly article by Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo published in September 2014

Agrarian archaeology in northern Iberia: Geoarchaeology and early medieval land use

scientific article published in September 2014

An archaeology of “small worlds”: social inequality in early medieval Iberian rural communities

scientific article published on 17 October 2019

Animal husbandry during Early and High Middle Ages in the Basque Country (Spain)


Análisis de las técnicas constructivas medievales de la Valdinievole (Toscana): desde la madera al ladrillo

scientific article

Archaeology of Architecture and Archaeology of houses in Early Medieval Europe

Archaeology of early medieval peasantry in the Basque Country: Landscapes, economic trends and societal change in Álava

scientific article published on 6 October 2020

Archeobiologie e Archeologia Medievale : dall'archeometria all'archeologia ambientale

scientific article published in 2014

Arquitectura doméstica altomedieval en laPenínsula Iberica : reflexiones a partir de las excavaciones arqueológicas de la Catedral de Santa María de Vitoria-Gasteiz, País Vasco

scientific article published in 2001

Book Reviews

Combined GPR and ERT exploratory geophysical survey of the Medieval Village of Pancorbo Castle (Burgos, Spain)


Congreso Internacional Arqueología Postmedieval en Italia. Antecedentes y perspectivas

scientific article

Contribución al estudio de la Arqueología de la Arquitectura

scientific article

Cronotipologia di portali nell'alta Valdinievole : la montagna pesciatina (PT)

scientific article published in 1992

Dating mortars: three medieval Spanish architectures

scientific article published on 30 December 2011

Early and High Medieval ‘Incastellamento’ in Northern Iberia: Fortified Settlements in the Basque Country and Upper Ebro Valley (9th–12th Centuries)

El Reino de los Visigodos y la primera España : el rol de la arqueología en la creación de narrativas legitimadoras

scientific article published in 2019

First Direct Evidence of Agrarian Practices in the Alava Plateau (Northern Iberia) During the Middle Ages Through Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Analyses of Charred Seeds

scientific article published on 28 June 2022

Identidades y ajuares en las necrópolis altomedievales. Estudios isotópicos del cementerio de San Martín de Dulantzi, Álava (siglos VI-X)


L'eccezione che conferma la regola? : incastellamento nella valle dell'Ebro nel X secolo : il castello di Treviño

scientific article published in 2011

La génesis del paisaje medieval en Álava: la formación de la red aldeana

scientific article

La silleria y las técnicas constructivas medievales : historia social y técnica de la producción arquitectónica

scientific article published in 1998

Landscapes of Agricultural Expansion in the Estuaries of the Basque Coast (Sixteenth-Nineteenth Centuries)

scientific article published on 13 April 2022

Long-term construction of vineyard landscapes in the Ebro Valley: The deserted village of Torrentejo (Basque Country, Spain)

scholarly article

Longhouses, house biography and social complexity in Early Medieval North-western Iberia

article published in 2017

Medieval Archaeology in Spain

Medieval deserted villages in Álava (Spain): the Zaballa Project

scientific article published in January 2012

Networks of Peasant Villages between Toledo and Velegia Alabense, Northwestern Spain (V-Xth Centuries)

scientific article published in 2006

Oltre la frammentazione postprocessualista : archeologia agraria nel Nordovest della Spagna

scientific article published in 2014

On the origin of rural landscapes: Looking for physico-chemical fingerprints of historical agricultural practice in the Atlantic Basque Country (N Spain)

scientific article published on 09 May 2019

Palaeodietary reconstruction as an alternative approach to poorly preserved early medieval human bone assemblages: the case of Boadilla (Toledo, Spain)

scientific article published on 10 July 2018

Paleodieta e società rurali altomedievali dei Paesi Baschi alla luce dei marcatori isotopici di C e N (secoli V-XI)

scientific article published in 2012

Riccardo Francovich:

scientific article

State formation in early medieval Castile: craft production and social complexity

Storia e archeologia del castello di Gorfigliano (Minucciano, Lucca) : campagna 1991

scientific article published in 2000

Storia e archeologia di una chiesa rurale nella diocesi medievale di Lucca : San Lorenzo a Cerreto (Pescia PT)

scientific article published in 1996

Strontium isotopes of human remains from the San Martín de Dulantzi graveyard (Alegría-Dulantzi, Álava) and population mobility in the Early Middle Ages


Tendencias y reflexiones sobre la arqueología de los cementerios germánicos

scientific article

Treinta años de arqueología en el noroeste peninsular. La “otra” Arqueología Medieval

article published in 2018

Uncomfortable Memories and Non-Heritages: The Archaeology of Counter-Revolution and the Carlist Wars in the Basque Country

scientific article published on 10 June 2022

¿Excavar en las ciudades o historiar las ciudades? El debate sobre la Arqueología Urbana a la luz de algunas experiencias europeas

scientific article