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List of works by Mohamed-Slim Alouini

2.3 Gbit/s underwater wireless optical communications using directly modulated 520 nm laser diode

scientific article published on August 2015

20-meter underwater wireless optical communication link with 1.5 Gbps data rate

scientific article

2D Unitary ESPRIT Based Super-Resolution Channel Estimation for Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO With Hybrid Precoding

3.2 Gigabit-per-second Visible Light Communication Link with InGaN/GaN MQW Micro-photodetector.

scientific article published in February 2018

375-nm ultraviolet-laser based non-line-of-sight underwater optical communication

scientific article published on 01 May 2018

3D Localization for Internet of Underground Things in Oil and Gas Reservoirs

3D Massive MIMO Systems: Modeling and Performance Analysis

4-Gbit/s visible light communication link based on 16-QAM OFDM transmission over remote phosphor-film converted white light by using blue laser diode

scientific article published in December 2015

4.8 Gbit/s 16-QAM-OFDM transmission based on compact 450-nm laser for underwater wireless optical communication

scientific article published on September 2015

71-Mbit/s ultraviolet-B LED communication link based on 8-QAM-OFDM modulation

scientific article published in September 2017

A Blind Antenna Selection Scheme for Single-Cell Uplink Massive MIMO

A Diversity Compression and Combining Technique Based on Channel Shortening for Cooperative Networks

A Framework for Uplink Intercell Interference Modeling with Channel-Based Scheduling

A Fully Distributed Geo-Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks

A Game Theoretic Framework for Green HetNets Using D2D Traffic Offload and Renewable Energy Powered Base Stations

A Game-Theoretic Framework for Network Coding Based Device-to-Device Communications

A Generalized Spatial Correlation Model for 3D MIMO Channels Based on the Fourier Coefficients of Power Spectrums

A Generic Simulation Approach for the Fast and Accurate Estimation of the Outage Probability of Single Hop and Multihop FSO Links Subject to Generalized Pointing Errors

article by Chaouki Ben Issaid et al published October 2017 in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

A Genetic Algorithm for Multiple Relay Selection in Two-Way Relaying Cognitive Radio Networks

A Genetic Algorithm-Based Antenna Selection Approach for Large-but-Finite MIMO Networks

A Hybrid Energy Sharing Framework for Green Cellular Networks

A Lossy Graph Model for Delay Reduction in Generalized Instantly Decodable Network Coding

A Minimum Bit Error-Rate Detector for Amplify and Forward Relaying Systems

A New Formula for the BER of Binary Modulations with Dual-Branch Selection over Generalized-K Composite Fading Channels


A New Relation Between Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency in Wireless Communications Systems

A New Simple Model for Underwater Wireless Optical Channels in the Presence of Air Bubbles

A Novel Energy Harvesting Scheme for Mixed FSO-RF Relaying Systems

scholarly article by Jianchao Chen et al published August 2019 in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

A Novel Error Performance Analysis Methodology for OFDM-IM

scholarly article by Shuping Dang et al published June 2019 in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters

A Novel Mirror-Aided Non-Imaging Receiver for Indoor $2\times 2$ MIMO-Visible Light Communication Systems

scholarly article by Ki-Hong Park et al published September 2017 in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

A Novel Reduced-Complexity Group Detection Structure in MIMO Frequency Selective Fading Channels

A Novel Unified Expression for the Capacity and Bit Error Probability of Wireless Communication Systems over Generalized Fading Channels

A Practical Study of Finger Assignment Schemes in the Soft Handover Region with Multiple Base Stations

A SDP based design of relay precoding for the power minimization of MIMO AF-relay networks

A Simple Evaluation for the Secrecy Outage Probability Over Generalized-K Fading Channels

A Spectrally Efficient Detect-and-Forward Scheme with Two-Tier Adaptive Cooperation

A State-of-the-Art Survey on Multidimensional Scaling Based Localization Techniques

scholarly article by Nasir Saeed et al published 2019 in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials

A Statistical Model of Uplink Inter-Cell Interference with Slow and Fast Power Control Mechanisms

A Stochastic Geometry Model for Multi-Hop Highway Vehicular Communication

A Study of Multi-hop Cooperative Diversity System

A Suboptimal Scheme for Multi-User Scheduling in Gaussian Broadcast Channels

A Time-Varied Probabilistic ON/OFF Switching Algorithm for Cellular Networks

A Unified Framework for the Ergodic Capacity of Spectrum Sharing Cognitive Radio Systems

A Unified MGF-Based Capacity Analysis of Diversity Combiners over Generalized Fading Channels

A Unified Moment-Based Approach for the Evaluation of the Outage Probability With Noise and Interference

A Unified Stochastic Geometry Model for MIMO Cellular Networks With Retransmissions

A Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Channel Model for Blind Corner Scattering Environments

A coalition formation game for transmitter cooperation in OFDMA uplink communications

A fast simulation method for the Log-normal sum distribution using a hazard rate twisting technique

A game theoretic approach to minimize the completion time of network coded cooperative data exchange

A game theoretical approach for cooperative green mobile operators under roaming price consideration

A generalized and parameterized interference model for cognitive radio networks

A graph model for opportunistic network coding

A localized cooperative wideband spectrum sensing for dynamic access of TV bands using RF sensor networks

A low complexity algorithm for multiple relay selection in two-way relaying Cognitive Radio networks

A new simple model for composite fading channels: Second order statistics and channel capacity

A new simple model for land mobile satellite channels: first- and second-order statistics

A novel and unified approach for averaged channel capacity and averaged effective capacity analyses of diversity combining and multihop transmission schemes in flat fading environments

A novel ergodic capacity analysis of diversity combining and multihop transmission systems over generalized composite fading channels


A novel framework on exact average symbol error probabilities of multihop transmission over amplify-and-forward relay fading channels


A novel insight into beaconless geo-routing

A novel mirror diversity receiver for indoor MIMO visible light communication systems

A novel power and offset allocation method for spatial multiplexing MIMO Systems in optical wireless channels

A performance study of two hop transmission in mixed underlay RF and FSO fading channels


A reduced feedback proportional fair multiuser scheduling scheme

A scalable global positioning system-free localization scheme for underwater wireless sensor networks

article published in 2013

A signal combining technique based on channel shortening for cooperative sensor networks

A simple single integral representation of the bivariate Rayleigh distribution

A spatiotemporal model for the LTE uplink: Spatially interacting tandem queues approach

A threshold-based multiple optical signal selection scheme for WDM FSO systems

A thresholding-based antenna switching in MIMO cognitive radio networks with SWIPT-enabled secondary receiver

A unified approach to the performance analysis of digital communication over generalized fading channels

A unified framework for the statistical characterization of the SNR of amplify-and-forward multihop channels

A unified framework to determine the joint statistics of functions of ordered random variables with application to the performance of communication systems over fading channels

A unified simulation approach for the fast outage capacity evaluation over generalized fading channels

A waveform covariancematrix for high SINR and lowside-lobe levels

Accurate Outage Analysis of Incremental Decode-and-Forward Opportunistic Relaying

Accurate Outage Probability Evaluation of Equal Gain Combining Receivers

Accurate performance analysis of opportunistic decode-and-forward relaying

Achievable Capacity of a Spectrum Sharing System over Hyper Fading Channels

Achievable Rate of Multi-relay Cognitive Radio MIMO Channel with Space Alignment

Achievable Rate of Spectrum Sharing Cognitive Radio Multiple-Antenna Channels

Achievable Rate of Spectrum Sharing Cognitive Radio Systems Over Fading Channels at Low-Power Regime

Achievable Rate of a Cognitive MIMO Multiple Access Channel With Multi-Secondary Users

Achievable Rates of Cognitive Radio Networks Using Multi-Layer Coding with Limited CSI

Achievable Rates of Multi-Carrier Modulation Schemes for Bandlimited IM/DD Systems

scholarly article by Sana Mazahir et al published March 2019 in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

Achievable Rates of Secure Transmission in Gaussian MISO Channel With Imperfect Main Channel Estimation


Achievable Rates of Secure Transmission in Gaussian MISO Channel with Imperfect Main Channel Estimation


Achievable Rates of UAV-Relayed Cooperative Cognitive Radio MIMO Systems

Achievable rate of cognitive radio spectrum sharing MIMO channel with space alignment and interference temperature precoding

Achieving energy efficiency in LTE with joint D2D communications and green networking techniques

Adaptive Discrete Rate and Power Transmission for Spectrum Sharing Systems


Adaptive Interference-Aware Multichannel Assignment for Shared Overloaded Small-Cell Access Points Under Limited Feedback

Adaptive Modulation with Diversity Combining Based on Output-Threshold MRC

Adaptive Single-Antenna Transmit Selection with Interference Suppression

Adaptive Space–Time Coding Using ARQ

Adaptive Transmission Schemes for MISO Spectrum Sharing Systems: Tradeoffs and Performance Analysis

Adaptive co-channel interference cancelation for power-limited applications

Adaptive modulation and combining for bandwidth and power efficient communication over fading channels

Adaptive modulation with best user selection over non-identical Nakagami fading channels

Adaptive rake combining in the soft handover region

Adaptive rate transmission for spectrum sharing system with quantized channel state information


Adaptive transmission schemes for MISO spectrum sharing systems


Adaptive transmit selection with interference suppression

Aerial Data Aggregation in IoT Networks: Hovering & Traveling Time Dilemma

Aeronautical Data Aggregation and Field Estimation in IoT Networks: Hovering and Traveling Time Dilemma of UAVs

Alternate MIMO AF Relaying Networks With Interference Alignment: Spectral Efficient Protocol and Linear Filter Design

Alternate MIMO relaying with three AF relays using interference alignment

Alternate Transmission Relaying Based on Interference Alignment in 3-Relay Half-Duplex MIMO Systems

Alternate transmission with half-duplex relaying in MIMO interference relay networks


An Active 3-Dimensional Localization Scheme for Femtocell Subscribers Using E-UTRAN

An Efficient Multi-Carrier Position-Based Packet Forwarding Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

An Efficient Simulation Scheme of the Outage Probability with Co-Channel Interference

An Exact Closed-Form Expression for the BER of Binary Modulations with Dual-Branch Selection over Generalized-K Fading

An Experimental Study of FSO Link Performance in Desert Environment

An Improved Accurate Solver for the Time-Dependent RTE in Underwater Optical Wireless Communications

An Improved Hazard Rate Twisting Approach for the Statistic of the Sum of Subexponential Variates

An MGF-Based Unified Framework to Determine the Joint Statistics of Partial Sums of Ordered Random Variables

An MGF-Based Unified Framework to Determine the Joint Statistics of Partial Sums of Ordered i.n.d. Random Variables

An MGF-based capacity analysis of equal gain combining over fading channels

An Overview of Physical Layer Security in Wireless Communication Systems With CSIT Uncertainty

An RSS based location estimation technique for cognitive relay networks

An Ultra-Low-Latency Geo-Routing Scheme for Team-Based Unmanned Vehicular Applications

An exact power series formula of the outage probability with noise and interference over generalized fading channels


Analysis and Design of Generalized BICM-T System

Analysis and compensation of I/Q imbalance in amplify-and-forward cooperative systems

Analysis of fog effects on terrestrial Free Space optical communication links

Analytical Bounds on the Area Spectral Efficiency of Uplink Heterogeneous Networks Over Generalized Fading Channels

Analytical Derivation of the Inverse Moments of One-Sided Correlated Gram Matrices With Applications

Analytical Evaluation of Adaptive-Modulation-Based Opportunistic Cognitive Radio in Nakagami-$m$ Fading Channels

Analytical Modeling of Mode Selection and Power Control for Underlay D2D Communication in Cellular Networks

Analytical upper bound on optimum joint decoding capacity of Wyner GCMAC using hadamard inequality

scholarly article published November 2011

Antenna Selection for Full-Duplex MIMO Two-Way Communication Systems

Antenna subset selection at multi-antenna relay with adaptive modulation

Area green efficiency (AGE) of two tier heterogeneous cellular networks

Asymmetric Hardware Distortions in Receive Diversity Systems: Outage Performance Analysis

Asymmetric Modulation for Hardware Impaired Systems—Error Probability Analysis and Receiver Design

scholarly article by Sidrah Javed et al published March 2019 in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

Asymptotic Analysis for Nakagami-m Fading Channels with Relay Selection

Asymptotic Analysis of RZF Over Double Scattering Channels With MMSE Estimation

scholarly article by Qurrat-Ul-Ain Nadeem et al published May 2019 in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

Asymptotic Analysis of Regularized Zero-Forcing in Double Scattering Channels

Asymptotic Ergodic Capacity Analysis of Composite Lognormal Shadowed Channels

Asymptotic Performance Analysis of Generalized User Selection for Interference-Limited Multiuser Secondary Networks

Asymptotic Performance Analysis of Two-Way Relaying FSO Networks With Nonzero Boresight Pointing Errors Over Double-Generalized Gamma Fading Channels

Asymptotic Performance Analysis of the $k$ th Best Link Selection Over Wireless Fading Channels: An Extreme Value Theory Approach

Asymptotic Performance of Linear Discriminant Analysis with Random Projections

Asymptotic SER Performance Comparison of MPSK and MDPSK in Wireless Fading Channels

Asymptotic analysis of RZF in large-scale MU-MIMO systems over Rician channels

Asymptotic performance of regularized quadratic discriminant analysis based classifiers

article published in 2017

Average Bit Error Probability of Binary Coherent Signaling over Generalized Fading Channels Subject to Additive Generalized Gaussian Noise

article by H. Soury et al published June 2012 in IEEE Communications Letters

Average Performance of Minimum Estimation and Combining Generalized Selection Combining in Cellular Systems

Average bit-error probability performance for optimum diversity combining of noncoherent FSK over rayleigh fading channels

Average error rate of NCFSK with multi-branch post-detection switched diversity

Average level crossing rate and average outage duration of generalized selection combining

Average probability of packet error with diversity reception over arbitrarily correlated fading channels

BER analysis of regularized least squares for BPSK recovery

scholarly article published March 2017

BER and Optimal Power Allocation for Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Using Pilot-Aided Maximum Likelihood Estimation

article by Kezhi Wang et al published October 2014 in IEEE Transactions on Communications

BER of Subcarrier MPSK and MDPSK Systems in Atmospheric Turbulence

BER of subcarrier MPSK/MDPSK modulated OWC systems in Gamma-Gamma turbulence

BICM-Based Cooperative Communication Systems with Relay Selection: Constellation and Multiplexer Design

Bandwidth and power allocation for two-way relaying in overlay cognitive radio systems

Bandwidth enhancement of wireless optical communication link using a near-infrared laser over turbid underwater channel

Bandwidth-Efficient-Power-Greedy Joint Adaptive Modulation and Diversity Combining

Base Station Ordering for Emergency Call Localization in Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks

Beaconless Georouting Under The Spotlight: Practical Link Models and Application Scenarios

Best relay selection using SNR and interference quotient for underlay cognitive networks

Bit Error-Rate Minimizing Detector for Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Systems Using Generalized Gaussian Kernel

Blind Cooperative Diversity Using Distributed Space-Time Coding in Block Fading Channels

Blind Cooperative Routing for Scalable and Energy-Efficient Internet of Things

Blind adaptive modulation systems for wireless channels with binary feedback

article published in 2007

Blind cooperative diversity with multiple relays


Capacity Analysis of a Multiuser Mixed RF/FSO

Capacity Bounds and High-SNR Capacity of MIMO Intensity-Modulation Optical Channels

Capacity Bounds for kth Best Path Selection over Generalized Fading Channels

Capacity Bounds for the Gaussian IM-DD Optical Multiple-Access Channel

Capacity analysis of spectrum sharing spatial multiplexing MIMO systems

Capacity bounds for parallel IM-DD optical wireless channels

Capacity bounds for the 2-user Gaussian IM-DD optical multiple-access channel

Capacity gains of buffer-aided moving relays

Capacity limits of spectrum-sharing systems over hyper-fading channels

Capacity of Cognitive Radio under imperfect secondary and cross link Channel State Information

Capacity of MIMO channels in the presence of co-channel interference

Capacity of spectrum sharing Cognitive Radio systems over Nakagami fading channels at low SNR

Cardinality Estimation Algorithm in Large-Scale Anonymous Wireless Sensor Networks

Cascaded FSO-VLC Communication System

scholarly article published December 2017

Certain Computations Involving Complex Gaussian Matrices with Applications to the Performance Analysis of MIMO Systems

Channel Access Delay and Buffer Distribution of Two-User Opportunistic Scheduling Schemes in Wireless Networks

Channel allocation and rate adaptation for relayed transmission over correlated fading channels


Channel modeling and performance evaluation of FSO communication systems in fog

Closed form fourier-based transmit beamforming for MIMO radar

Closed-form formulas for the outage probability of wireless communication systems with a minimum signal power constraint


Closed-form solution to directly design face waveforms for beampatterns using planar array

Closed-form solution to directly design frequency modulated waveforms for beampatterns

Cluster Formation and Joint Power-Bandwidth Allocation for Imperfect NOMA in DL-HetNets

Cluster-based spectrum sensing for cognitive radios with imperfect channel to cluster-head

Codebook-based interference alignment for uplink MIMO interference channels

Cognitive Radio Networks with Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding and Multiuser Diversity

Cognitive interference modeling with applications in power and admission control

Cognitive relaying and power allocation under channel state uncertainties

Cognitive two-way relay beamforming: Design with resilience to channel state uncertainties

Collaborative Multi-Layer Network Coding in Hybrid Cellular Cognitive Radio Networks

Collaborative multi-layer network coding for cellular cognitive radio networks

Collaborative spectrum sensing based on the ratio between largest eigenvalue and Geometric mean of eigenvalues

Communicating Using Spatial Mode Multiplexing: Potentials, Challenges and Perspectives

scholarly article by Abderrahmen Trichili et al published 2019 in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials

Communication through Breath: Aerosol Transmission

scholarly article by Maryam Khalid et al published February 2019 in IEEE Communications Magazine

Compact mmWave FMCW radar: Implementation and performance analysis

scholarly article by Seifallah Jardak et al published February 2019 in IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine

Comparison of Low-Complexity Diversity Schemes for Dual-Hop AF Relaying Systems

Comparison of Relaying Strategies for Cooperative Diversity Systems with Adaptive Modulation

Comparisons of Receive Array Interference Reduction Techniques Under Erroneous Generalized Transmit Beamforming

Completion time reduction in instantly decodable network coding through decoding delay control

Compression and Combining Based on Channel Shortening and Reduced-Rank Techniques for Cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks

Consumption Factor Optimization for Multihop Relaying Over Nakagami- $m$ Fading Channels

Convergence and Fluctuations of Regularized Tyler Estimators

Cooperative Handover Management in Dense Cellular Networks

Cooperative Spectrum Sensing over Non-Identical Nakagami Fading Channels

Cooperative ad hoc networks for energy and delay efficient content distribution with fast channel variations

Cooperative decoding in femtocell networks: Performance-complexity tradeoff

Cooperative jamming power control to enhance secrecy communications of AF Relaying systems for Rayleigh fading channel

Cooperative relay-based multicasting for energy and delay minimization

Coordinated Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request

Coordinated SLNR Based Precoding in Large-Scale Heterogeneous Networks

Coordinated Scheduling and Power Control in Cloud-Radio Access Networks

Coordinated scheduling for the downlink of cloud radio-access networks

Correction to "Multiuser Switched Diversity Scheduling Systems with Per-User Threshold" [May 10 1321-1326]

scholarly article published in IEEE Transactions on Communications

Cost-effective backhaul design using hybrid radio/free-space optical technology

Cost-effective hybrid RF/FSO backhaul solution for next generation wireless systems

Coverage maximization for a poisson field of drone cells

Cross Layer Analysis of P2MP Hybrid FSO/RF Network

DC-Bias Allocation in Cooperative VLC Networks via Joint Information and Energy Transfer

scholarly article published December 2018

DC-Bias and Power Allocation in Cooperative VLC Networks for Joint Information and Energy Transfer

scholarly article by Mohanad Obeed et al published 2019 in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

DFT-Based Closed-Form Covariance Matrix and Direct Waveforms Design for MIMO Radar to Achieve Desired Beampatterns

Data-Oriented Transmission in Future Wireless Systems: Toward Trustworthy Support of Advanced Internet of Things

Decentralized Group Sparse Beamforming for Multi-Cloud Radio Access Networks

Decentralized SINR Balancing in Cognitive Radio Networks

Decode and Zero-Forcing Forward Relaying with Relay Selection in Cognitive Radio Systems

Decoding-Delay-Controlled Completion Time Reduction in Instantly Decodable Network Coding

Degrees-of-Freedom of the MIMO Three-Way Channel With Node-Intermittency

Delay Performance of a Broadcast Spectrum Sharing Network in Nakagami- $m$ Fading

Delay Reduction for Instantly Decodable Network Coding in Persistent Channels With Feedback Imperfections

Delay Reduction in Persistent Erasure Channels for Generalized Instantly Decodable Network Coding

Delay analysis of a point-to-multipoint spectrum sharing network with CSI based power allocation

Delay efficient cooperation in public safety vehicular networks using LTE and IEEE 802.11p

Delay reduction in lossy intermittent feedback for generalized instantly decodable network coding

Delay reduction in multi-hop device-to-device communication using network coding

Delay-Limited Capacity in the Low Power Regime

Delay-limited capacity of fading multiple access and broadcast channels in the low power regime

Delay-sensitive content distribution via peer-to-peer collaboration in public safety vehicular ad-hoc networks

Dense D2D-Connection Establishment via Caching in Small-Cell Networks

Design of 5G Full Dimension Massive MIMO Systems

Detection and localization of multiple short range targets using FMCW radar signal

Digital Communication over Fading Channels

scholarly article published 5 November 2004

Discrete rate and variable power adaptation for underlay cognitive networks

Discrete rate resource allocation for OFDMA cognitive radio systems with location information

Distributed Estimation Based on Observations Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks

Distributed Hybrid Scheduling in Multi-Cloud Networks Using Conflict Graphs

Distributed Optimization of a Multisubchannel Ad Hoc Cognitive Radio Network

Distributed Robust Power Minimization for the Downlink of Multi-Cloud Radio Access Networks

Distributed Role Selection With ANC and TDBC Protocols in Two-Way Relaying Systems

Distributed User Clustering and Resource Allocation for Imperfect NOMA in Heterogeneous Networks

scholarly article by Abdulkadir Celik et al published 2019 in IEEE Transactions on Communications

Distributed cloud association in downlink multicloud radio access networks

Diversity Combining with Up-Link Power Control

Diversity Order Results for MIMO Optical Wireless Communications

Diversity combining with up-link power control

Downlink Error Rates of Half-Duplex Users in Full-Duplex Networks Over a Laplacian Inter-User Interference Limited and EGK Fading

Downlink resource allocation for multichannel TDMA visible light communications

Dual Branch Transmit Switch-and-Stay Diversity for Underlay Cognitive Networks

Dual-Hop FSO Transmission Systems Over Gamma–Gamma Turbulence With Pointing Errors


Dual-Hop VLC/RF Transmission System with Energy Harvesting Relay under Delay Constraint

Dual-hop amplify-and-forward cooperative relaying in the presence of Tx and Rx in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance

Dynamic Downlink Spectrum Access for D2D-Enabled Heterogeneous Networks

Dynamic spectrum management in green cognitive radio cellular networks

ECG-based machine-learning algorithms for heartbeat classification

scientific article published on 21 September 2021

Effect of Primary User Traffic on Sensing-Throughput Tradeoff for Cognitive Radios

Effect of RF Interference on the Security-Reliability Tradeoff Analysis of Multiuser Mixed RF/FSO Relay Networks With Power Allocation

Effect of dust storms on FSO communications links

scholarly article published December 2016

Effect of the primary user traffic on cognitive relaying with adaptive transmission


Effect of threshold quantization in opportunistic splitting algorithm

Effective Capacity for Renewal Service Processes With Applications to HARQ Systems

scholarly article by Zheng Shi et al published September 2019 in IEEE Transactions on Communications

Effective Capacity of Correlated MISO Channels

Effective capacity of Nakagami-m fading channels with full channel state information in the low power regime

Effective information rates of single-carrier and multi-carrier modulation schemes for bandwidth constrained IM/DD systems

scholarly article published May 2017

Effects of Post and Early Selection on SEC Based Transmit Diversity Systems with Linear Power Loading

Efficient Cooperative Protocols for Full-Duplex Relaying Over Nakagami- $m$ Fading Channels

Efficient Incremental Relaying for Packet Transmission Over Fading Channels


Efficient Simulation of the Outage Probability of Multihop Systems

Efficient Sphere Detector Algorithm for Massive MIMO Using GPU Hardware Accelerator

Efficient Weibull channel model for salinity induced turbulent underwater wireless optical communications

Efficient incremental relaying

Efficient multiple antenna-relay selection algorithms for MIMO unidirectional-bidirectional cognitive relay networks

Efficient power allocation for fixed-gain amplify-and-forward relaying in rayleigh fading

Efficient scheduling request algorithm for opportunistic wireless access

Elevation Beamforming with Full Dimension MIMO Architectures in 5G Systems: A Tutorial

scholarly article by Qurrat-Ul-Ain Nadeem et al published 2019 in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials

Empirical results for wideband multidimensional spectrum usage

End-to-end Performance Analysis of Delay-sensitive Multi-relay Networks

Energy Consumption for Adaptive Transmission Over Fading Channels: A Statistical Characterization

Energy Harvesting Hybrid Acoustic-Optical Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks Localization.

scientific article published on 26 December 2017

Energy Management Optimization for Cellular Networks Under Renewable Energy Generation Uncertainty

Energy Sharing Framework for Microgrid-Powered Cellular Base Stations

Energy and spectral efficiency analysis for selective ARQ multi-channel systems

Energy efficiency for cloud-radio access networks with imperfect channel state information

Energy efficient design for MIMO two-way AF multiple relay networks

Energy scope of handoff strategies in macro-femtocell environments

Energy-Aware Sensor Networks via Sensor Selection and Power Allocation

article published in 2017

Energy-Efficient Optimization for HARQ Schemes Over Time-Correlated Fading Channels

Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for Cognitive MIMO Channels

Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for Fixed-Gain Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks with Partial Channel State Information

article published in 2012

Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for MIMO-SVD Systems

Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for UAV Cognitive Radio Systems

Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for Underlay Cognitive Radio Systems

Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Phantom Cellular Networks With Imperfect CSI

Energy-efficient communication for user-relay aided cellular networks with OFDMA

Energy-efficient cooperative protocols for full-duplex relay channels

Energy-efficient power allocation of two-hop cooperative systems with imperfect channel estimation

article published in 2015

Energy-efficient power control for OFDMA cellular networks

Energy-efficient relay selection and optimal power allocation for performance-constrained dual-hop variable-gain AF relaying

scholarly article published December 2013

Energy-efficient two-hop LTE resource allocation in high speed trains with moving relays

Energy-harvesting in cooperative AF relaying networks over log-normal fading channels

Enhanced Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing With Subcarrier Number Modulation

scholarly article by Shuping Dang et al published October 2019 in IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Enhancing Physical Layer Security of Multiuser SIMO Mixed RF/FSO Relay Networks with Multi-Eavesdroppers

Enhancing the Efficiency of Constrained Dual-Hop Variable-Gain AF Relaying Under Nakagami- $m$ Fading

article by Ammar Zafar et al published July 2014 in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

Ergodic Capacity Analysis of Free-Space Optical Links With Nonzero Boresight Pointing Errors

article published in 2015

Ergodic Capacity Analysis of Satellite Communication Systems With SAG-FSO/SH-FSO/RF Transmission

scientific article published in 2022

Ergodic Capacity Analysis of UAV-Based FSO Links Over Foggy Channels

scientific article published in 2022

Ergodic Capacity Under Power Adaption Over Fisher–Snedecor ${\mathcal{F}}$ Fading Channels

Ergodic Capacity of Cognitive Radio Under Imperfect Channel-State Information

Ergodic Rate Analysis of Cooperative Ambient Backscatter Communication

scientific article published in 2019

Ergodic Secret Message Capacity of the Wiretap Channel with Finite-Rate Feedback

Error Rate Analysis of Amplitude-Coherent Detection over Rician Fading Channels with Receiver Diversity

Error Rates of M-PAM and M-QAM in Generalized Fading and Generalized Gaussian Noise Environments

Error performance analysis in K-tier uplink cellular networks using a stochastic geometric approach

Error performance analysis in downlink cellular networks with interference management

Error rates of a full-duplex system over EGK fading channels subject to laplacian interference

scholarly article published May 2017

Error-Rate Performance Analysis of Incremental Decode-and-Forward Opportunistic Relaying

Error-rate performance analysis of incremental decode-and-forward opportunistic relaying

Error-rate performance analysis of opportunistic regenerative relaying

Exact BER computation of generalized hierarchical PSK constellations

Exact Capture Probability Analysis of GSC Receivers over Rayleigh Fading Channel

Exact Performance Analysis of MIMO Cognitive Radio Systems Using Transmit Antenna Selection

article published in 2014

Exact Performance of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios with Quantized Information under Imperfect Reporting Channels

Exact capacity analysis of multihop transmission over amplify-and-forward relay fading channels


Exact capture probability analysis of GSC receivers over i.n.d. Rayleigh fading channels

Exact closed form expressions for outage probability of GSC receivers over Rayleigh fading channel subject to self-interference

scholarly article published November 2010

Exact closed-form expression for the inverse moments of one-sided correlated Gram matrices

Exact outage analysis of incremental decode-and-forward opportunistic relaying

Exact performance analysis of decode-and-forward opportunistic relaying

Exact symbol error probability of square M-QAM signaling over generalized fading channels subject to additive generalized Gaussian noise

scholarly article published July 2013

Experimental demonstration of outdoor 2.2 Tbps super-channel FSO transmission system


Exploiting Multi-User Diversity and Multi-Hop Diversity in Dual-Hop Broadcast Channels

Extended Delivery Time Analysis for Cognitive Packet Transmission With Application to Secondary Queuing Analysis


Extended Delivery Time Analysis for Secondary Packet Transmission With Adaptive Modulation Under Interweave Cognitive Implementation


Extended Delivery Time Analysis of Cognitive Data Transmission Over Multiple Primary Channels

FSO-Based Vertical Backhaul/Fronthaul Framework for 5G+ Wireless Networks

Fairness-Aware Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for AF Co-Operative OFDMA Networks

Fast Outage Probability Simulation for FSO Links with a Generalized Pointing Error Model

Feedback error compensation for joint adaptive modulation and diversity combining

Finger Assignment Schemes for RAKE Receivers with Multi-Way Soft Handover

Finger Management Schemes for Minimum Call Drop in the Soft Handover Region

Finger Replacement Schemes for RAKE Reception in the Soft Handover Region with Multiple Base Stations

Finger management schemes for RAKE receivers with a minimum call drop criterion

First Mile Challenges for Large-Scale IoT

Flexible Design for α-Duplex Communications in Multi-Tier Cellular Networks

Flexible Design of Millimeter-Wave Cache Enabled Fog Networks

Flexible Proportional-Rate Scheduling for OFDMA System

Fluctuations of the SNR at the output of the MVDR with regularized Tyler estimators

scholarly article by Khalil Elkhalil et al published June 2017 in Signal Processing

Fourier-Based Transmit Beampattern Design Using MIMO Radar

Free-Space Optical Communications: Capacity Bounds, Approximations, and a New Sphere-Packing Perspective

Free-space optical channel characterization and experimental validation in a coastal environment

Free-space optical channel characterization in a coastal environment

Front-end intelligence for large-scale application-oriented internet-of-things

Full-Duplex Relaying With Improper Gaussian Signaling Over Nakagami- $m$ Fading Channels

Full-Duplex opportunistic relay selection in future spectrum-sharing networks

Full-diversity partial interference cancellation for multi-user wireless relaying networks

Full-duplex relaying under I/Q imbalance using improper Gaussian signaling

Fully Joint Diversity Combining, Adaptive Modulation, and Power Control

Fundamental Limits of Parallel Optical Wireless Channels: Capacity Results and Outage Formulation

Further Results on Extended Delivery Time for Secondary Packet Transmission



Generalised two target localisation using passive monopulse radar

Generalized BICM-T transceivers: Constellation and multiplexer design

Generalized Beamspace Modulation using Multiplexing for mmWave MIMO

Generalized Eigenvalue Based Spectrum Sensing

Generalized location-based resource allocation for OFDMA cognitive radio systems

Generalized routing protocols for multihop relay networks

Generating correlated QPSK waveforms by exploiting real gaussian random variables

Generation of Correlated Finite Alphabet Waveforms Using Gaussian Random Variables

Green Networking in Cellular HetNets: A Unified Radio Resource Management Framework With Base Station ON/OFF Switching

Green Virtualization for Multiple Collaborative Cellular Operators

Green collaboration in cognitive radio cellular networks with roaming and spectrum trading

Green heterogeneous small-cell networks: toward reducing the CO2 emissions of mobile communications industry using uplink power adaptation

Hadamard upper bound on optimum joint decoding capacity of Wyner Gaussian cellular MAC

Handover Management in 5G and Beyond: A Topology Aware Skipping Approach

Handover management in dense cellular networks: A stochastic geometry approach

Harvesting full-duplex rate gains in cellular networks with half-duplex user terminals

Heterogeneous LTE/802.11a mobile relays for data rate enhancement and energy-efficiency in high speed trains

Heterogeneous next-generation wireless network interference model-and its applications

High SNR BER Comparison of Coherent and Differentially Coherent Modulation Schemes in Lognormal Fading Channels

Higher order capacity statistics of multi-hop transmission systems over Rayleigh fading channels


Hybrid Radio/Free-Space Optical Design for Next Generation Backhaul Systems

Hybrid Scheduling/Signal-Level Coordination in the Downlink of Multi-Cloud Radio-Access Networks

Identifying structured light modes in a desert environment using machine learning algorithms

scientific article published on 01 March 2020

Impact of Co-Channel Interference on the Outage Performance Under Multiple Type II Relay Environments

Impact of Co-Channel Interference on the Performance of Adaptive Generalized Transmit Beamforming

Impact of I/Q imbalance on the performance of two-way CSI-assisted AF relaying

Impact of Improper Gaussian Signaling on the Achievable Rate of Overlay Cognitive Radio

Impact of Interference on the Performance of Selection Based Parallel Multiuser Scheduling

Impact of Pointing Errors on the Performance of Mixed RF/FSO Dual-Hop Transmission Systems


Impact of Primary User Traffic on Adaptive Transmission for Cognitive Radio with Partial Relay Selection


Impact of Self-Interference on the Performance of Joint Partial RAKE Receiver and Adaptive Modulation

Impact of User Identities and Access Conditions on Downlink Performance in Closed Small-Cell Networks

Impact of co-channel interference on the performance of adaptive non-ideal generalized transmit diversity

Impact of improper Gaussian signaling on hardware impaired systems

Impact of interference on the performance of selection based parallel multiuser scheduling

Imperfect generalized transmit beamforming with co-channel interference cancelation

Improper Gaussian signaling in full-duplex relay channels with residual self-interference

Improved Interference-Free Channel Allocation in Coordinated Multiuser Multiantenna Open-Access Small Cells

Improving Throughput of Single-Relay DF Channel Using Linear Constellation Precoding

Improving the Processing Power Efficiency of Minimum Selection GSC with Adaptive Modulation and Post-Combining Power Control

Improving the throughput of cognitive radio networks using the broadcast approach

In-Band $\alpha $ -Duplex Scheme for Cellular Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach

In-Band Full-Duplex Communications for Cellular Networks with Partial Uplink/Downlink Overlap

Indoor Localization Using Three Dimensional Multi-PDs Receiver Based on RSS

Information Theoretical Limits of Free-Space Optical Links

Information-Theoretic Analysis of OFDM With Subcarrier Number Modulation

scientific article published in 2021

Instantly decodable network coding for real-time device-to-device communications

Interfacing of Molecular Communication System With Various Communication Systems Over Internet of Every Nano Things

scientific article published in 2023

Interference Management in Full-Duplex Cellular Networks With Partial Spectrum Overlap

Interference Mitigation via Rate-Splitting and Common Message Decoding in Cloud Radio Access Networks

Interference Statistics and Capacity Analysis for Uplink Transmission in Two-Tier Small Cell Networks: A Geometric Probability Approach


Interference Suppression Capabilities of Smart Cognitive-Femto Networks (SCFN)

Interference alignment for degrees of freedom improvement in 3-relay half-duplex systems

Interference management with partial uplink/downlink spectrum overlap

Interference mitigation enhancement of switched-based scheme in over-loaded femtocells

Interference-Aware Random Beam Selection for Spectrum Sharing Systems

Interference-Limited Mixed MUD-RF/FSO Two-Way Cooperative Networks Over Double Generalized Gamma Turbulence Channels

Interference-aware random beam selection schemes for spectrum sharing systems

Interweave Cognitive Radio with Improper Gaussian Signaling

Investigation and Demonstration of High Speed Full-Optical Hybrid FSO/Fiber Communication System Under Light Sand Storm Condition

article by Maged Abdullah Esmail et al published February 2017 in IEEE Photonics Journal

Iterative Group Splitting Algorithm for Opportunistic Scheduling Systems

Iterative Relay Scheduling With Hybrid ARQ Under Multiple User Equipment (Type II) Relay Environments

Joint Adaptive Combining and Multiuser Down-Link Scheduling

Joint Adaptive Modulation and Combining for Hybrid FSO/RF Systems

Joint Adaptive Modulation and Diversity Combining with Feedback Error Compensation

Joint Adaptive Modulation, Diversity Combining, and Power Control for Downlink Transmission in Two-cell Wireless Networks


Joint Adaptive Modulation, Diversity Combining, and Power Control for Uplink Transmission in Two-cell Wireless Networks


Joint Adaptive Transmission and Combining with Optimized Rate and Power Allocation


Joint Bandwidth and Power Allocation for MIMO Two-Way Relays-Assisted Overlay Cognitive Radio Systems

Joint Hybrid Backhaul and Access Links Design in Cloud-Radio Access Networks

Joint Load Balancing and Power Allocation for Hybrid VLC/RF Networks

Joint MS-GSC combining and down-link multiuser diversity scheduling

Joint MS-GSC combining and multi-user high speed data scheduling

Joint Opportunistic Beam and Spectrum Selection Schemes for Spectrum Sharing Systems With Limited Feedback

Joint Optimization of Power Allocation and Load Balancing for Hybrid VLC/RF Networks

Joint Preprocesser-Based Detector for Cooperative Networks with Limited Hardware Processing Capability

Joint Scheduling and Beamforming via Cloud-Radio Access Networks Coordination

Joint Scheduling and Power Adaptation in NOMA-Based Fog-Radio Access Networks

Joint Secrecy for D2D Communications Underlying Cellular Networks

Joint Statistics of Partial Sums of Ordered Exponential Variates and Performance of GSC RAKE Receivers over Rayleigh Fading Channel

Joint Switched Multi-Spectrum and Transmit Antenna Diversity for Spectrum Sharing Systems

Joint Switched Transmit Diversity and Adaptive Modulation in Spectrum Sharing Systems

Joint Trajectory and Precoding Optimization for UAV-Assisted NOMA Networks

Joint adaptive modulation and diversity combining with feedback error compensation

Joint interference management and resource allocation for device-to-device (D2D) communications underlying downlink/uplink decoupled (DUDe) heterogeneous networks

Joint multiuser switched diversity and adaptive modulation schemes for spectrum sharing systems

Joint opportunistic scheduling and network coding for bidirectional relay channel

article published in 2013

Joint pricing and resource allocation for OFDMA-based cognitive radio systems

Joint random beam and spectrum selection for spectrum sharing systems with partial channel state information

Joint scheduling for dual-hop block-fading broadcast channels

Joint sub-carrier pairing and resource allocation for cognitive networks with adaptive relaying

Largest eigenvalue of complex wishart matrices and performance analysis of MIMO MRC systems

Latency in Downlink Cellular Networks with Random Scheduling

Learn-As-You-Fly: A Distributed Algorithm for Joint 3D Placement and User Association in Multi-UAVs Networks

article by Hajar El Hammouti et al published 2019 in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

Level Crossing Rate and Average Outage Duration of Free Space Optical Links

Level crossing rate over multiple independent random processes: an extension of the applicability of the rice formula


LightFD: A Lightweight Flow Detection Mechanism for Traffic Grooming in Optical Wireless DCNs

Limits on the Capacity of In-Band Full Duplex Communication in Uplink Cellular Networks

Line-of-Sight and Pilot Contamination Effects on Correlated Multi-Cell Massive MIMO Systems

scholarly article published December 2018

Linear Transceiver Design for Nonorthogonal Amplify-and-Forward Protocol Using a Bit Error Rate Criterion

Load-aware modeling for uplink cellular networks in a multi-channel environment

Local mean signal estimation over Nakagami-m fading channels

Localized Power Control for Multihop Large-Scale Internet of Things

Location-based resource allocation for OFDMA cognitive radio systems

Low Complexity Cooperative Communication with Switched Relay Selection and Adaptive Modulation

Low Complexity Detectors for Cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks

Low Complexity Non-Iterative Coordinated Beamforming in 2-User Broadcast Channels

Low Complexity Parameter Estimation For Off-the-Grid Targets

Low Complexity Transmit Antenna Selection with Power Balancing in OFDM Systems

Low SNR Capacity for MIMO Rician and Rayleigh-Product Fading Channels with Single Co-channel Interferer and Noise

Low SNR Capacity of FSO Links over Gamma-Gamma Atmospheric Turbulence Channels

Low complexity algorithms to independently and jointly estimate the location and range of targets using FMCW


Low complexity joint estimation of reflection coefficient, spatial location, and Doppler shift for MIMO-radar by exploiting 2D-FFT


Low complexity receiver design for MIMO-radar

Low complexity transmit antenna selection with power balancing in OFDM systems

Low-Complexity Combining Schemes in Dual-Hop AF Relaying Systems

Low-Complexity Full-Rate Transmission Scheme With Full Diversity for Two-Path Relay Networks


Low-Complexity Interference-Free Downlink Channel Assignment with Improved Performance in Coordinated Small Cells

Low-Complexity Scheduling and Power Adaptation for Coordinated Cloud-Radio Access Networks

Low-Overhead Interference Mitigation Scheme for Collaborative Channel Assignment in Overloaded Multiantenna Femtocells

Low-SNR Capacity of Parallel IM-DD Optical Wireless Channels

MGF Approach to the Analysis of Generalized Two-Ray Fading Models

MGF approach to the capacity analysis of Generalized Two-Ray fading models

MIMO Channel Capacity with Full CSI at Low SNR

MIMO Radar Transmit Beampattern Design Without Synthesising the Covariance Matrix

MIMO intensity-modulation channels: Capacity bounds and high SNR characterization

MIMO-Radar Waveform Covariance Matrix for High SINR and Low Side-Lobe Levels

Max-min SINR low complexity transceiver design for single cell massive MIMO

Maximizing Expected Achievable Rates for Block-Fading Buffer-Aided Relay Channels

Maximizing the spectral and energy efficiency of ARQ with a fixed outage probability

Max–Min SINR in Large-Scale Single-Cell MU-MIMO: Asymptotic Analysis and Low-Complexity Transceivers

Mean value-based power allocation and ratio selection for MIMO cognitive radio systems

Minimax Robust Power Split in AF Relays Based on Uncertain Long-Term CSI

Minimax Robust Relay Selection Based on Uncertain Long-Term CSI

Minimizing Symbol Error Rate for Cognitive Relaying with Opportunistic Access

Minimizing the Symbol-Error-Rate for Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Systems Using Evolutionary Algorithms

Minimum Selection GSC with Adaptive Modulation and Post-Combining Power Control

Minimum estimation and combining generalized selection combining (MEC-GSC)

Mobile Ad Hoc Networks in Bandwidth-Demanding Mission-Critical Applications: Practical Implementation Insights

article published in 2017

Mobile relays for enhanced broadband connectivity in high speed train systems

Mobility-Aware Modeling and Analysis of Dense Cellular Networks With $C$ -Plane/ $U$ -Plane Split Architecture


Mobility-Aware User Association in Uplink Cellular Networks

Modeling Cellular Networks With Full-Duplex D2D Communication: A Stochastic Geometry Approach

Modeling Inter-Vehicle Communication in Multi-Lane Highways: A Stochastic Geometry Approach

Modeling and Analysis of Cellular Networks Using Stochastic Geometry: A Tutorial

Modeling and Experimental Study of the Vibration Effects in Urban Free-Space Optical Communication Systems

Modeling cellular networks in fading environments with dominant specular components

Modeling virtualized downlink cellular networks with ultra-dense small cells

scholarly article

Modified Dynamic Decode-and-Forward Relaying Protocol for Type II Relay in LTE-Advanced and Beyond

scientific article

Multi-Destination Cognitive Radio Relay Network with SWIPT and Multiple Primary Receivers

Multi-Flow Carrier Aggregation in Heterogeneous Networks: Cross-Layer Performance Analysis

Multi-Operator Collaboration for Green Cellular Networks under Roaming Price Consideration

Multi-Pair Cognitive Two-Way Relaying and Power Allocation under Imperfect CSI

Multi-User Mixed FSO-RF Systems With Aperture Selection Under Poisson Field Interference

Multi-User Opportunistic Scheduling using Power Controlled Hierarchical Constellations

Multi-branch switched diversity with adaptive switching thresholds

Multi-cell MMSE Combining over Correlated Rician Channels in Massive MIMO Systems

Multi-hop amplify-and-forward relaying cooperation in the presence of I/Q imbalance

Multi-spectrum and transmit-antenna switched diversity schemes for spectrum sharing systems: A performance analysis

Multihop Relaying Over IM/DD FSO Systems With Pointing Errors

Multihop communications over CSI-assisted relay IM/DD FSO systems with pointing errors

Multiple Relay Selection for Delay-Limited Applications

Multiuser Diversity With Adaptive Modulation in Non-Identically Distributed Nakagami Fading Environments

Multiuser Switched Diversity Scheduling Schemes

Multiuser diversity with quantized feedback

Multiuser diversity-enhanced equal access with quantized feedback in multicarrier OFDM systems

Multiuser hybrid switched-selection diversity systems

Multiuser switched diversity scheduling systems with per-user threshold

Multiuser switched scheduling systems with per-user threshold and post-user selection

Narrowband interference parameterization for sparse Bayesian recovery

Near Optimal Power Allocation Algorithm for OFDM-Based Cognitive Using Adaptive Relaying Strategy

Near-Infrared OAM Communication Using 3D-Printed Microscale Spiral Phase Plates

Near-Infrared Wireless Optical Communication with Particulates In-Suspension over the Underwater Channel

Near-Optimal Downlink Precoding for Two-Tier Priority-Based Wireless Networks

Near-optimal Downlink precoding of a MISO system for a secondary network under the SINR constraints of a primary network

Near-optimal power allocation with PSO algorithm for MIMO cognitive networks using multiple AF two-way relays

New Algorithms for Energy-Efficient VLC Networks With User-Centric Cell Formation

article published in 2019

New Closed-Form Results on Ordered Statistics of Partial Sums of Gamma Random Variables and Its Application to Performance Evaluation in the Presence of Nakagami Fading

New Exact and Asymptotic Results of Dual-Branch MRC over Correlated Nakagami-m Fading Channels

New resource allocation scheme for cognitive relay networks with opportunistic access

New results on performance analysis of opportunistic regenerative relaying

New results on the sum of Gamma random variates with application to the performance of wireless communication systems over Nakagami-mfading channels

New results on the sum of two generalized Gaussian random variables

Next-Generation Environment-Aware Cellular Networks: Modern Green Techniques and Implementation Challenges

No Eigenvalues Outside the Limiting Support of Generally Correlated Gaussian Matrices

article by Abla Kammoun & Mohamed-Slim Alouini published July 2016 in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

Non-Coherent Capacity of Secret-Key Agreement with Public Discussion

Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Large-Scale 5G Networks: Interference Aware Design

Noncoherent Capacity of Secret-Key Agreement With Public Discussion

Novel Coherent Receivers for AF Distributed STBC Using Disintegrated Channel Estimation

Novel MGF-based expressions for the average bit error probability of binary signalling over generalized fading channels

Novel Receivers for AF Relaying with Distributed STBC Using Cascaded and Disintegrated Channel Estimation

Novel asymptotic results on the high-order statistics of the channel capacity over generalized fading channels

Novel half-coherent receivers for amplify-and-forward relaying

Novel non-coherent and half-coherent receivers for amplify-and-forward relaying

Novel relations between the ergodic capacity and the average bit error rate

Numerically Stable Evaluation of Moments of Random Gram Matrices With Applications

OAM Mode Selection and Space–Time Coding for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation in FSO Communication

article by El Mehdi Amhoud et al published 2019 in IEEE Access

OPRA Capacity Bounds for Selection Diversity over Generalized Fading Channels

On Alternate Relaying With Improper Gaussian Signaling

On Bit Error Probability and Power Optimization in Multihop Millimeter Wave Relay Systems

On Communications under Stochastic Energy Harvesting with Noisy Channel State Information

On Green Cognitive Radio Cellular Networks: Dynamic Spectrum and Operation Management

On Hybrid Cooperation in Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks

On Lattice Sequential Decoding for the Unconstrained AWGN Channel

On Minimizing the Maximum Broadcast Decoding Delay for Instantly Decodable Network Coding

On Multiple Users Scheduling Using Superposition Coding over Rayleigh Fading Channels

On Multiuser Switched Diversity Transmission for Spectrum Sharing Systems


On Secrecy Outage of Relay Selection in Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks Over Nakagami- $m$ Fading Channels

On Secrecy Performance of Mixed RF-FSO Systems

On Secure NOMA Systems With Transmit Antenna Selection Schemes

On Secure Underlay MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks With Energy Harvesting and Transmit Antenna Selection

On achievable rate of two-way relaying cognitive radio with space alignment

On achievable rates of interference and cognitive channels with a relay

On energy efficient power allocation for power-constrained systems

scholarly article published September 2014

On full duplex Gaussian relay channels with self-interference

On hybrid cooperation in underlay cognitive radio networks

On low-complexity full-diversity detection of multi-user space-time coding

On mode selection and power control for uplink D2D communication in cellular networks

On the Achievable Rate of Hardware-Impaired Transceiver Systems

scientific article

On the Asymptotic Capacity of Dual-Aperture FSO Systems With Generalized Pointing Error Model

On the Average Capacity and Bit Error Probability of Wireless Communication Systems

On the BER and capacity analysis of MIMO MRC systems with channel estimation error

On the Capacity of Cognitive Radio under Limited Channel State Information over Fading Channels

On the Capacity of FSO Links under Lognormal and Rician-Lognormal Turbulences

On the Capacity of Generalized-K Fading Channels

On the Capacity of Multiple Access and Broadcast Fading Channels with Full Channel State Information at Low SNR

On the Capacity of Nakagami-m Fading Channels with Full Channel State Information at Low SNR

On the Capacity of the 2-User IM-DD Optical Broadcast Channel

On the Capacity of the Intensity-Modulation Direct-Detection Optical Broadcast Channel

On the Computation of the Higher Order Statistics of the Channel Capacity for Amplify-and-Forward Multihop Transmission


On the Computation of the Higher-Order Statistics of the Channel Capacity over Generalized Fading Channels

On the Decision Threshold of Eigenvalue Ratio Detector Based on Moments of Joint and Marginal Distributions of Extreme Eigenvalues

On the Diversity Enhancement and Power Balancing of Per-Subcarrier Antenna Selection in OFDM Systems

On the Diversity Enhancement and Power Balancing of Per-Subcarrier Transmit Antenna Selection in OFDM Systems

On the Dual-Decomposition-Based Resource and Power Allocation with Sleeping Strategy for Heterogeneous Networks

On the Efficient Simulation of Outage Probability in a Log-Normal Fading Environment

On the Efficient Simulation of the Distribution of the Sum of Gamma–Gamma Variates With Application to the Outage Probability Evaluation Over Fading Channels

On the Energy Detection of Unknown Signals Over Fading Channels

On the Ergodic Capacity of Dual-Branch Correlated Log-Normal Fading Channels with Applications

On the Ergodic Secret-Key Agreement Over Spatially Correlated Multiple-Antenna Channels With Public Discussion

On the Fast and Precise Evaluation of the Outage Probability of Diversity Receivers Over $\alpha -\mu $ , $\kappa -\mu $ , and $\eta -\mu $ Fading Channels

On the Finite-SNR Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of Zero-Forcing Transmit Scheme under Secrecy Constraint

On the Impact of Closed Access and Users Identities in Spectrum-Shared Overlaid Wireless Networks

On the Jamming Power Allocation for Secure Amplify-and-Forward Relaying via Cooperative Jamming

On the Low SNR Capacity of MIMO Fading Channels With Imperfect Channel State Information

article published in 2014

On the Low SNR Capacity of Maximum Ratio Combining over Rician Fading Channels with Full Channel State Information

On the Maximum and Minimum of Double Generalized Gamma Variates With Applications to the Performance of Free-Space Optical Communication Systems

On the Meta Distribution of Coverage Probability in Uplink Cellular Networks

On the Optimal Detection and Error Performance Analysis of the Hardware Impaired Systems

On the Outage Performance of Full-Duplex Selective Decode-and-Forward Relaying

On the Performance Analysis of Digital Communications over Weibull-Gamma Channels

On the Performance Analysis of Dual-Hop Mixed FSO/RF Systems

On the Performance Analysis of Hybrid ARQ With Incremental Redundancy and With Code Combining Over Free-Space Optical Channels With Pointing Errors

On the Performance of Arbitrary Transmit Selection for Threshold-Based Receive MRC with and without Co-Channel Interference

On the Performance of Diagonal Lattice Space-Time Codes

On the Performance of Diagonal Lattice Space-Time Codes for the Quasi-Static MIMO Channel

On the Performance of Dual-Hop Systems with Multiple Antennas: Effects of Spatial Correlation, Keyhole, and Co-Channel Interference

On the Performance of Free-Space Optical Communication Systems Over Double Generalized Gamma Channel

On the Performance of HARQ-Based RF-FSO Links

On the Performance of Hybrid ARQ with Incremental Redundancy over Amplify-and-Forward Dual-Hop Relay Networks

On the Performance of Hybrid-ARQ with Incremental Redundancy and with Code Combining over Relay Channels

On the Performance of Millimeter Wave-Based RF-FSO Multi-Hop and Mesh Networks

On the Performance of Mixed RF/FSO Dual-Hop Transmission Systems


On the Performance of Mixed RF/FSO Variable Gain Dual-Hop Transmission Systems with Pointing Errors


On the Performance of Multihop Heterodyne FSO Systems With Pointing Errors

On the Performance of Optical Wireless Links Over Random Foggy Channels

On the Performance of RF-FSO Links with and without Hybrid ARQ

On the Performance of Spectrum Sharing Systems with Multiple Antennas

On the Performance of Spectrum Sharing Systems with Two-Way Relaying and Multiuser Diversity

On the Performance of Transmit Antenna Selection Based on Shadowing Side Information

On the Power and Offset Allocation for Rate Adaptation of Spatial Multiplexing in Optical Wireless MIMO Channels

On the Rate versus Diversity Trade-Off in Multi-Channel Wireless Transmission Systems


On the Required Number of Antennas in a Point-to-Point Large-but-Finite MIMO System

On the Required Number of Antennas in a Point-to-Point Large-but-Finite MIMO System: Outage-Limited Scenario

On the Secrecy Capacity Region of the Block-Fading BCC with Limited CSI Feedback

On the Secrecy Capacity of the Multiple-Antenna Wiretap Channel with Limited CSI Feedback

On the Secrecy Capacity of the Wiretap Channel With Imperfect Main Channel Estimation

On the Sum of Squared eta-µ Random Variates with Application to the Performance of Wireless Communication Systems

On the Use of a Direct Radiative Transfer Equation Solver for Path Loss Calculation in Underwater Optical Wireless Channels

On the achievable degrees of freedom of alternate MIMO relaying with multiple AF relays

On the area spectral efficiency improvement of heterogeneous network by exploiting the integration of macro-femto cellular networks

On the asymptotic ergodic capacity of FSO links with generalized pointing error model

On the capacity of Cognitive Radio under limited channel state information

On the capacity of Rician fading channels with full channel state information at low SNR

On the capacity of generalized-k fading channels

On the capacity of multiaccess fading channels with full channel state information at low power regime

On the capacity of multiple access and broadcast fading Channels with full channel state information at low power regime

On the construction of capacity-achieving lattice Gaussian codes

On the degrees-of-freedom of the MIMO three-way channel with intermittent connectivity

On the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of secret-key agreement over multiple-antenna channels

On the effect of correlated measurements on the performance of distributed estimation

On the efficient simulation of the left-tail of the sum of correlated log-normal variates

On the ergodic capacity of legacy systems in the presence of next generation interference

article published in 2011

On the ergodic secrecy capacity of the wiretap channel under imperfect main channel estimation

On the ergodic secret message capacity of the wiretap channel with finite-rate feedback

On the feedback error compensation for adaptive modulation and coding scheme

On the generalization of the hazard rate twisting-based simulation approach

On the impact of D2D traffic offloading on energy efficiency in green LTE-A HetNets

On the interference rejection capabilities of triangular antenna array for cellular base stations

On the interference suppression capabilities of cognitive enabled femto cellular networks

On the low SNR capacity of MIMO fading channels with imperfect channel state information

On the low SNR capacity of log-normal turbulence channels with full CSI

On the maximum and minimum of two modified Gamma-Gamma variates with applications

article published in 2014

On the mutual information of 3D massive MIMO systems: An asymptotic approach

On the optimum joint decoding capacity of Wyner Circular GCMAC by exploiting Hadamard inequality

On the outage capacity of the block fading channel at low-power regime

On the outage performance of two-way amplify-and-forward relaying with outdated CSI over multiple relay network

On the performance of dual-hop FSO/RF systems

On the performance of free-space optical communication systems with multiuser diversity

On the performance of free-space optical wireless communication systems over double generalized gamma fading channels

On the performance of future full-duplex relay selection networks

On the performance of hybrid RF and RF/FSO dual-hop transmission systems


On the performance of hybrid RF and RF/FSO fixed gain dual-hop transmission systems


On the performance of hybrid line of sight RF and RF-FSO fixed gain dual-hop transmission systems


On the performance of millimeter wave-based RF-FSO links with HARQ feedback

On the performance of multiuser scheduling with post-examining under non-identical fading

On the performance of shared access control strategy for femtocells

article published in 2013

On the performance of two-way multiuser mixed RF/FSO relay networks with opportunistic scheduling & asymmetric channel gains

On the power and offset allocation for rate adaptation of spatial multiplexing in optical wireless MIMO channels

On the scalability of uncoordinated multiple access for the Internet of Things

On the secondary users opportunistic scheduling with reduced feedback

On the secrecy capacity of the MISO wiretap channel under imperfect channel estimation

On the secrecy capacity of the broadcast wiretap channel with imperfect channel state information

On the secrecy capacity of the broadcast wiretap channel with limited CSI feedback

On the space-time correlation of MIMO fading channels in 3D scattering models

On the sum of Gamma-Gamma variates with application to the fast outage probability evaluation over fading channels

On the sum of gamma random variates with application to the performance of maximal ratio combining over Nakagami-m fading channels

On the symbol error rate of M-ary MPSK over generalized fading channels with additive Laplacian noise

On the symmetric α-stable distribution with application to symbol error rate calculations

On the throughput of a relay-assisted cognitive radio MIMO channel with space alignment

On the throughput of cognitive radio MIMO systems assisted with UAV relays

Opportunistic Energy-Aware Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Systems With Imperfect CSI

Opportunistic Fixed Gain Bidirectional Relaying with Outdated CSI

Opportunistic Scheduling in Decentralized OFDM Systems

Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Based on Channel Switching

Opportunistic splitting for scheduling using a score-based approach

Opportunistic transmitter selection for selfless overlay cognitive radios

Optimal Caching in Multicast 5G Networks with Opportunistic Spectrum Access

Optimal Design of Dual-Hop VLC/RF Communication System With Energy Harvesting

Optimal Design of Large Dimensional Adaptive Subspace Detectors

Optimal Design of the Adaptive Normalized Matched Filter Detector Using Regularized Tyler Estimators

Optimal Transmit Power Allocation for MIMO Two-Way Cognitive Relay Networks with Multiple Relays using AF Strategy

Optimal adaptive normalized matched filter for large antenna arrays

Optimal linear detectors for nonorthogonal amplify-and-forward protocol

Optimal linear precoding for indoor visible light communication system

Optimal power allocation of a sensor node under different rate constraints

Optimal power allocation of a single transmitter-multiple receivers channel in a cognitive sensor network

Optimization of an Angle-Aided Mirror Diversity Receiver for Indoor MIMO-VLC Systems

Optimized Beaconless Geo-Routing for Smart Utility Networks

Optimized Energy Procurement for Cellular Networks with Uncertain Renewable Energy Generation

Optimized LTE Cell Planning With Varying Spatial and Temporal User Densities

Optimized LTE Cell Planning for Multiple User Density Subareas Using Meta-Heuristic Algorithms

Optimized Smart Grid Energy Procurement for LTE Networks Using Evolutionary Algorithms

Optimized green operation of LTE networks in the presence of multiple electricity providers

Optimizing Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks with Opportunistic Access

article published in 2012

Optimizing mission critical data dissemination in massive IoT networks

Order Statistics in Wireless Communications

Outage Analysis for Underlay Cognitive Networks Using Incremental Regenerative Relaying

Outage Analysis of Asymmetric RF-FSO Systems

Outage Analysis of Practical FSO/RF Hybrid System With Adaptive Combining

Outage Performance of Decode-and-Forward in Two-Way Relaying With Outdated CSI

Outage Performance of Hybrid FSO/RF System with Low-Complexity Power Adaptation

Outage Performance of Opportunistic Two-Way Amplify-and-Forward Relaying with Outdated Channel State Information

Outage Probability Analysis of FSO Links Over Foggy Channel

Outage Probability of Cooperative Diversity Systems with Opportunistic Relaying Based on Decode-and-Forward Transmission


Outage Probability of Distributed Beamforming with Co-Channel Interference

Outage analysis for underlay relay-assisted cognitive networks

Outage analysis of blind cooperative diversity

Outage analysis of blind cooperative diversity

Outage analysis of opportunistic decode-and-forward relaying

Outage analysis of selective cooperation in underlay cognitive networks with fixed gain relays and primary interference modeling

Outage and SER performance of an opportunistic multi-user underlay cognitive network

Outage and SER performance of spectrum sharing system with TAS/MRC

Outage capacity of multicarrier systems

article published in 2010

Outage performance analysis of underlay cognitive RF and FSO wireless channels

Outage performance of Decode-and-Forward partial selection in Nakagami-m fading channels

article published in 2010

Outage performance of cognitive radio systems with Improper Gaussian signaling

Outage performance of reactive cooperation in Nakagami-m fading channels

Outage performance of two-way DF relaying systems with a new relay selection metric

Outage probability analysis of wireless sensor networks in the presence of channel fading and spatial correlation

Outage probability and spectrum efficiency of cellular mobile radio systems with smart antennas

Outage probability of cooperative diversity systems with opportunistic relaying based on decode-and-forward

Outage probability of dual-hop FSO fixed gain relay transmission systems


Outdoor FSO Communications Under Fog: Attenuation Modeling and Performance Evaluation

Over-Sampling Codebook-Based Hybrid Minimum Sum-Mean-Square-Error Precoding for Millimeter-Wave 3D-MIMO

Overlay Cognitive Radios With Channel-Aware Adaptive Link Selection and Buffer-Aided Relaying

Overlay Spectrum Sharing using Improper Gaussian Signaling

Overlay cognitive radio systems with adaptive two-way relaying

Partial Relay Selection in Underlay Cognitive Networks with Fixed Gain Relays

Partial relay selection based on shadowing side information over generalized composite fading channels

Partially Blind Instantly Decodable Network Codes for Lossy Feedback Environment

Partner Cooperation With Decode-and-Forward: Closed-Form Outage Analysis and Comparison

Per-energy capacity and handoff strategies in macro-femto cells environment

Performance Analysis and Optimization of Millimeter Wave Networks with Dual-Hop Relaying

Performance Analysis of ARQ-Based RF-FSO Links

Performance Analysis of Adaptive Modulation for Cognitive Radios with Opportunistic Access

Performance Analysis of Compact FD-MIMO Antenna Arrays in a Correlated Environment

Performance Analysis of Connectivity and Localization in Multi-Hop Underwater Optical Wireless Sensor Networks

scientific article published in 2019

Performance Analysis of Distributed Beamforming in a Spectrum Sharing System

Performance Analysis of Distributed Beamforming in a Spectrum Sharing System

Performance Analysis of Dual-Hop Underwater Wireless Optical Communication Systems Over Mixture Exponential-Generalized Gamma Turbulence Channels

scientific article published in 2020

Performance Analysis of FSO Links over Unified Gamma-Gamma Turbulence Channels

Performance Analysis of Free-Space Optical Communication Systems With Multiuser Diversity Over Atmospheric Turbulence Channels

Performance Analysis of Free-Space Optical Links Over Málaga ($\mathcal{M} $) Turbulence Channels With Pointing Errors

Performance Analysis of Incremental Relaying Transmission with Adaptive QAM over Nakagami-m Fading Channels


Performance Analysis of Joint Adaptive Modulation and Diversity Combining Over Fading Channels

Performance Analysis of Joint Diversity Combining, Adaptive Modulation, and Power Control Schemes

Performance Analysis of Joint Multi-Branch Switched Diversity and Adaptive Modulation Schemes for Spectrum Sharing Systems

Performance Analysis of Mixed Nakagami- $m$ and Gamma–Gamma Dual-Hop FSO Transmission Systems


Performance Analysis of Multi-Hop Heterodyne FSO Systems over Malaga Turbulent Channels with Pointing Error Using Mixture Gamma Distribution

Performance Analysis of Multiuser Selection Diversity

Performance Analysis of Power-Efficient Adaptive Interference Cancelation in Fading Channels

Performance Analysis of RAKE Receivers with Finger Reassignment

Performance Analysis of RF-FSO Multi-Hop Networks

Performance Analysis of Relay-Assisted All-Optical FSO Networks Over Strong Atmospheric Turbulence Channels With Pointing Errors

Performance Analysis of Single-Photon Avalanche Diode Underwater VLC System Using ARQ

Performance Analysis of Spectrum Sensing with Multiple Status Changes in Primary User Traffic

Performance Analysis of Switch-based Multiuser Scheduling with Adaptive Modulation

Performance Analysis of Switching Based Hybrid FSO/RF Transmission


Performance Analysis of Two-Way Amplify and Forward Relaying with Adaptive Modulation over Multiple Relay Network

Performance Analysis of Underlay Cognitive Multihop Regenerative Relaying Systems with Multiple Primary Receivers

Performance Analysis of a Power Limited Spectrum Sharing System With TAS/MRC

Performance Analysis of a Threshold-Based Parallel Multiple Beam Selection Scheme for WDM FSO Systems

Performance Bounds for Two-Way Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Based on Relay Path Selection

Performance Evaluation of Underwater Wireless Optical Communications Links in the Presence of Different Air Bubble Populations

Performance Improvement of Per-User Threshold Based Multiuser Switched Scheduling System

Performance Improvement of Switched-Based Interference Mitigation for Channel Assignment in Over-Loaded Small-Cell Networks

Performance Limits of Online Energy Harvesting Communications With Noisy Channel State Information at the Transmitter

Performance analysis of AF cooperative systems with HPA nonlinearity in semi-blind relays

Performance analysis of a threshold-based parallel multiple beam selection scheme for WDM-based systems for Gamma-Gamma distributions

Performance analysis of amplify-and-forward two-way relaying with co-channel interference and channel estimation error

Performance analysis of an opportunistic multi-user cognitive network with multiple primary users

Performance analysis of best relay selection scheme for amplify-and-forward cooperative networks in identical Nakagami-m channels

Performance analysis of best relay selection scheme for fixed gain cooperative networks in non-identical Nakagami-m channels

Performance analysis of cognitive multihop relaying with m-QAM detect-and-forward in Nakagami-m fading channels

Performance analysis of coordination strategies in two-tier Heterogeneous Networks

Performance analysis of incremental opportunistic relaying over identically and non-identically distributed cooperative paths

Performance analysis of incremental relaying with relay selection and adaptive modulation over non-identically distributed cooperative paths

Performance analysis of joint adaptive modulation and diversity combining over fading channels

Performance analysis of opportunistic incremental relaying with adaptive modulation over cooperative networks

Performance analysis of opportunistic nonregenerative relaying

Performance analysis of selective cooperation in amplify-and-forward relay networks over identical Nakagami-mchannels

Performance analysis of selective cooperation in underlay cognitive networks over Rayleigh channels

Performance analysis of selective cooperation with fixed gain relays in Nakagami- channels

Performance analysis of selective decode-and-forward multinode incremental relaying with maximal ratio combining

Performance analysis of switch-based multiuser scheduling schemes with adaptive modulation in spectrum sharing systems

Performance analysis of two-way amplify and forward relaying with adaptive modulation

Performance and Delay Analysis of Hybrid ARQ With Incremental Redundancy Over Double Rayleigh Fading Channels

Performance comparison of binary modulation schemes for visible light communication

Performance evaluation of threshold-based power allocation algorithms for down-link switched-based parallel scheduling

Performance limits of energy harvesting communications under imperfect channel state information

Performance of Adaptive MS-GSC in the Presence of Cochannel Interference

scientific article published in July 2011

Performance of Adaptive MS-GSC with Co-Channel Interference

Performance of BICM-Based QAM-SIM OWC Over Gamma-Gamma Turbulence Channels

Performance of BICM-T transceivers over Gaussian mixture noise channels

Performance of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing over Non-Identical Fading Environments

Performance of Equal Gain Combining with Quantized Phases in Rayleigh Fading Channels

Performance of Green LTE Networks Powered by the Smart Grid with Time Varying User Density

Performance of Hard Handoff in 1xEV-DO REV A. Systems with the Presence of Rayleigh and Correlated Lognormal Components

article published in 2008

Performance of an opportunistic multi-user cognitive network with multiple primary users

Performance of equal gain combining for quantized estimates of Rayleigh fading channels


Performance of fading multi-user diversity for underlay cognitive networksy

Performance of generalized selection combining over Weibull fading channels

Performance of hybrid-ARQ with incremental redundancy over relay channels

Performance of relay-assisted soft handover

Performance-complexity tradeoff in sequential decoding for the unconstrained AWGN channel

Physical Layer Security Enhancement in Multiuser Mixed RF/FSO Relay Networks under RF Interference

Physical Layer Security for Cooperative NOMA Systems

Physical Layer Security for Cooperative Relaying Over Generalized- $K$ Fading Channels

Pilot Power Optimization for AF Relaying Using Maximum Likelihood Channel Estimation

scholarly article published September 2014

Polynomial expansion of the precoder for power minimization in large-scale MIMO systems

Postdetection switched combining - A simple diversity scheme with improved BER performance

Power Adaptation Based on Truncated Channel Inversion for Hybrid FSO/RF Transmission With Adaptive Combining


Power Adaptation for Joint Switched Diversity and Adaptive Modulation Schemes in Spectrum Sharing Systems

Power Allocation Strategies for Fixed-Gain Half-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward Relaying in Nakagami-m Fading

Power Control for D2D Underlay Cellular Networks With Channel Uncertainty

Power Control for D2D Underlay Cellular Networks with Imperfect CSI

Power Loading Algorithms for SEC Diversity Schemes

Power Minimization of a Wireless Sensor Node Under Different Rate Constraints

Power allocation and cooperative jamming for enhancing physical layer security in opportunistic relay networks in the presence of interference

Power efficient low complexity precoding for massive MIMO systems

Practical Switching-Based Hybrid FSO/RF Transmission and Its Performance Analysis


Precise outage analysis of mixed RF/unified-FSO DF relaying with HD and 2 IM-DD channel models

Precoded generalized space shift keying for indoor visible light communications

Precoder Design and Power Allocation for MIMO Cognitive Radio Two-Way Relaying Systems

Precoding Design for Single-RF Massive MIMO Systems: A Large System Analysis

Precoding Design of MIMO Amplify-and-Forward Communication System With an Energy Harvesting Relay and Possibly Imperfect CSI

Primary User Localization and Its Error Analysis in 5G Cognitive Radio Networks

scientific article published on 30 April 2019

Prioritizing Data/Energy Thresholding-Based Antenna Switching for SWIPT-Enabled Secondary Receiver in Cognitive Radio Networks

Proactive Spectrum Sharing for SWIPT in MIMO Cognitive Radio Systems Using Antenna Switching Technique

Product of shifted exponential variates and outage capacity of multicarrier systems

Product of the Powers of Generalized Nakagami-m Variates and Performance of Cascaded Fading Channels

Protocol Design and Performance Analysis of Multiuser Mixed RF and Hybrid FSO/RF Relaying With Buffers

Rate Adaptive Hierarchical Modulation-Assisted Two-User Opportunistic Scheduling

Rate Aware Instantly Decodable Network Codes

Rate Maximization in MIMO Decode-and-Forward Communications With an EH Relay and Possibly Imperfect CSI

Rate and Power Allocation for Discrete-Rate Link Adaptation

article published in 2008

Rate-Optimal Multiuser Scheduling with Reduced Feedback Load and Analysis of Delay Effects

Reactive relay selection in underlay cognitive networks with fixed gain relays

Receive Antenna Selection for Underlay Cognitive Radio with Instantaneous Interference Constraint

Reduced complexity FFT-based DOA and DOD estimation for moving target in bistatic MIMO radar

Reduced rank adaptive filtering in impulsive noise environments

Reduced-Complexity Adaptive Multi-Channel Assignment for Shared Access Points in Over-Loaded Small-Cell Networks

Reduced-dimension power allocation over clustered channels in cognitive radios system under co-channel interference

Reduction of Buffering Requirements: Another Advantage of Cooperative Transmission


Relay Placement for FSO Multihop DF Systems With Link Obstacles and Infeasible Regions

Relay Selection and Resource Allocation for Two-Way DF-AF Cognitive Radio Networks

Relay selection in underlay cognitive networks with fixed transmission power nodes


Relay selection of nonregenerative secure relay networks

Resilient backhaul network design using hybrid radio/free-space optical technology

Resource Allocation Based Uplink Intercell Interference Model in Multi-Carrier Networks

Resource Allocation and Interference Management for D2D-Enabled DL/UL Decoupled Het-Nets

Resource Allocation for Outdoor Visible Light Communications with Energy Harvesting Capabilities

Resource Allocation for Two Source-Destination Pairs Sharing a Single Relay with a Buffer

Resource allocation for phantom cellular networks: Energy efficiency vs spectral efficiency

Resource allocation for relay assisted cognitive radio networks

Resource allocation in heterogeneous cloud radio access networks: advances and challenges

Robust Transceivers Design for Multi-Stream Multi-User MIMO Visible Light Communication

scholarly article by Houssem Sifaou et al published 2017 in IEEE Access

Robust adaptive subspace detection in impulsive noise

SINR balancing in the downlink of cognitive radio networks with imperfect channel knowledge

SWIPT in Multiuser MIMO Decode-and-Forward Relay Broadcasting Channel with Energy Harvesting Relays

Safeguarding the IoT From Malware Epidemics: A Percolation Theory Approach

scientific article published on 27 October 2020

Scheduling for Dual-Hop Block-Fading Channels with Two Source-User Pairs Sharing One Relay

Secrecy Capacity Analysis Over $\alpha - \mu $ Fading Channels

Secrecy Outage of Max–Min TAS Scheme in MIMO-NOMA Systems

Secrecy performance analysis of SIMO underlay cognitive radio systems with outdated CSI

Secret Key Agreement: Fundamental Limits and Practical Challenges

Secret-Key Agreement With Public Discussion Subject to an Amplitude Constraint

article by Marwen Zorgui et al published June 2016 in IEEE Communications Letters

Secret-key agreement over spatially correlated fast-fading multiple-antenna channels with public discussion

Secret-key agreement over spatially correlated multiple-antenna channels in the low-SNR regime

Secure Broadcasting With Imperfect Channel State Information at the Transmitter

Secure Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of Zero-Forcing Transmit Scheme at Finite-SNR

Secure Multiple-Antenna Block-Fading Wiretap Channels With Limited CSI Feedback

Secure amplify-and-forward untrusted relaying networks using cooperative jamming and zero-forcing cancelation

Security and reliability analysis of diversity combining techniques in SIMO mixed RF/FSO with multiple users

Security-Reliability Trade-Off Analysis for Multiuser SIMO Mixed RF/FSO Relay Networks With Opportunistic User Scheduling

Sequential decoders for large MIMO systems

Service Time Analysis for Secondary Packet Transmission with Adaptive Modulation


Service Time Analysis of Secondary Packet Transmission with Opportunistic Channel Access


Shared access protocol (SAP) in femtocell channel resources for cellular coverage enhancement

Sharing the Licensed Spectrum of Full-Duplex Systems Using Improper Gaussian Signaling

Simple statistical channel model for weak temperature-induced turbulence in underwater wireless optical communication systems.

scientific article published in July 2017

Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer for Decode-and-Forward MIMO Relay Communication Systems

Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer for MIMO Amplify-and-Forward Relay Systems

Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer for spectrum sharing in cognitive radio communication systems

Slow antenna selection and fast link adaptation MIMO systems

Soft Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Performance Under Imperfect and Non Identical Reporting Channels

Space-Time Channel Correlation of MIMO Rayleigh Fading Based on Non-isotropic 3D Scattering

Spatial Correlation Characterization of a Full Dimension Massive MIMO System

Spatial correlation characterization of a uniform circular array in 3D MIMO systems

Spatial correlation in 3D MIMO channels using fourier coefficients of power spectrums

Spatiotemporal Stochastic Modeling of IoT Enabled Cellular Networks: Scalability and Stability Analysis

Special Issue on Adaptive Modulation and Transmission in Wireless Systems


Spectral and energy efficiency analysis of uplink heterogeneous networks with small-cells on edge

Spectrally Efficient Hybrid FSK/QAM with Optimum Bit and Power Loading

Spectrally Efficient Switched Transmit Diversity for Spectrum Sharing Systems

Spectrum sharing opportunities of full-duplex systems using improper Gaussian signaling

Statistical analysis on finger replacement schemes for RAKE receivers in the soft handover region with multiple BSs over i.n.d. fading channels

scientific article

Statistics of $\alpha-\mu$ Random Variables and Their Applications in Wireless Multihop Relaying and Multiple Scattering Channels

Statistics of the uplink co-tier interference in closed access heterogeneous networks

article published in 2013

Stochastic geometry model for multi-channel fog radio access networks

Subcarrier MPSK/MDPSK modulated optical wireless communications in lognormal turbulence

Sum of Ratios of Products for alpha - µ Random Variables in Wireless Multihop Relaying and Multiple Scattering

Sum of Weibull variates and performance of diversity systems

Sum-Rate Enhancement in Multiuser MIMO Decode-and-Forward Relay Broadcasting Channel With Energy Harvesting Relays

Sum-rate analysis of spectrum sharing spatial multiplexing MIMO systems with zero-forcing and multiuser diversity

Superior Coherent Receivers for AF Relaying with Distributed Alamouti Code

Switch Based Opportunistic Spectrum Access for General Primary User Traffic Model

Switch and examine transmit diversity for spectrum sharing systems

Switched diversity strategies for dual-hop relaying systems

Symbiotic Ambient Backscatter Systems: Outage Behavior and Ergodic Capacity

scientific article published in 2022

Symbol Error Rate of MPSK Over EGK Channels Perturbed by a Dominant Additive Laplacian Noise

Terahertz communication: The opportunities of wireless technology beyond 5G

The Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of Secret-Key Agreement Over Multiple Antenna Channels

The Effect of Correlated Observations on the Performance of Distributed Estimation

The Effect of Spatial Interference Correlation and Jamming on Secrecy in Cellular Networks

The Influence of Gaussian Signaling Approximation on Error Performance in Cellular Networks

The Life and Work of Marvin Kenneth Simon

The MISO Wiretap Channel with Noisy Main Channel Estimation in the High Power Regime

The MISO wiretap channel with channel uncertainty: Asymptotic perspectives

The Meta Distributions of Secrecy Rate for the Downlink NOMA Systems

scientific article published in 2021

The capacity of the cascaded fading channel in the low power regime

Threshold-Based Detection for Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Communication Systems with Channel Estimation Error

Threshold-Based Multiple Optical Signal Selection Scheme for Free-Space Optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing Systems

Threshold-based Parallel Multiuser Scheduling

Threshold-based parallel multiuser scheduling

Threshold-based power allocation algorithms for down-link switched-based parallel scheduling

article published in 2007

Throughput Maximization for Cognitive Radio Networks Using Active Cooperation and Superposition Coding

Throughput analysis of point-to-multi-point hybric FSO/RF network

Throughput and Delay Analysis of HARQ With Code Combining Over Double Rayleigh Fading Channels

Throughput maximization for buffer-aided hybrid half-/full-duplex relaying with self-interference

Throughput maximization for cognitive radio networks using active cooperation and superposition coding

Time of arrival based location estimation for cooperative relay networks

Toward Distributed Relay Selection for Opportunistic Amplify-and-Forward Transmission


Tractable Stochastic Geometry Model for IoT Access in LTE Networks

Transmit Antenna Selection Based on Shadowing Side Information

Transmit Antenna Selection for Multi-User Underlay Cognitive Transmission with Zero-Forcing Beamforming


Transmit Antenna Selection for Power Adaptive Underlay Cognitive Radio With Instantaneous Interference Constraint

Transmit Antenna Selection for Underlay Cognitive Radio with Instantaneous Interference Constraint

Transmit Power Minimization and Base Station Planning for High-Speed Trains with Multiple Moving Relays in OFDMA Systems

Transmit power optimization for green multihop relaying over Nakagami-m fading channels

Transmit selection algorithms for imperfect threshold-based receive MRC in the presence of co-channel interference

Transmit selection for imperfect threshold-based receive MRC in Rayleigh fading channels

Two target localization using passive monopulse radar

Two-Way Multiuser Mixed RF/FSO Relaying: Performance Analysis and Power Allocation

Two-user opportunistic scheduling using hierarchical modulations in wireless networks with heterogenous average link gains

Two-way amplify and forward relaying with adaptive modulation

Ultraviolet-to-blue color-converting scintillating-fibers photoreceiver for 375-nm laser-based underwater wireless optical communication

scientific article published on 01 October 2019

Ultrawide Bandwidth Receiver Based on a Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Distribution

Underlay Cognitive Radio Systems With Improper Gaussian Signaling: Outage Performance Analysis

Underlay Spectrum Sharing Techniques With In-Band Full-Duplex Systems Using Improper Gaussian Signaling

Underwater wireless optical communications: From system-level demonstrations to channel modelling

article published in 2017

Unified Importance Sampling Schemes for Efficient Simulation of Outage Capacity Over Generalized Fading Channels

Unified performance analysis of hybrid-ARQ with incremental redundancy over free-space optical channels

Unified performance analysis of mixed line of sight RF-FSO fixed gain dual-hop transmission systems


Unified tractable model for downlink MIMO cellular networks using stochastic geometry

User Cooperation Schemes in the Soft Handover Regions

Velocity-Aware Handover Management in Two-Tier Cellular Networks

Virtualized cognitive network architecture for 5G cellular networks

Visible light communication using DC-biased optical filter bank multi-carrier modulation


WLC10-6: Higher Layer Performance Study of Power-Controlled Hierarchical Constellation-Based Multi-user Opportunistic Scheduling

Weighted-SNR-Based Fair Scheduling for Uplink OFDMA

What does it cost to deliver information using position-based beaconless forwarding protocols?

Wireless Energy Harvesting Using Signals From Multiple Fading Channels

Wireless Energy and Information Transmission in FSO and RF-FSO Links


Wireless Power Transfer in Cooperative DF Relaying Networks with Log-Normal Fading

Wireless Transmission of Big Data: A Transmission Time Analysis Over Fading Channel


Wireless transmission with cooperation on demand for slow and fast fading environments


Worst-case residual clipping noise power model for bit loading in LACO-OFDM