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List of works by Ki-Hong Park

2.3 Gbit/s underwater wireless optical communications using directly modulated 520 nm laser diode

scientific article published on August 2015

20-meter underwater wireless optical communication link with 1.5 Gbps data rate

scientific article

A Generic Simulation Approach for the Fast and Accurate Estimation of the Outage Probability of Single Hop and Multihop FSO Links Subject to Generalized Pointing Errors

article by Chaouki Ben Issaid et al published October 2017 in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

A Novel Mirror-Aided Non-Imaging Receiver for Indoor $2\times 2$ MIMO-Visible Light Communication Systems

scholarly article by Ki-Hong Park et al published September 2017 in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

A SDP based design of relay precoding for the power minimization of MIMO AF-relay networks

A novel mirror diversity receiver for indoor MIMO visible light communication systems

A novel power and offset allocation method for spatial multiplexing MIMO Systems in optical wireless channels

Alternate MIMO AF Relaying Networks With Interference Alignment: Spectral Efficient Protocol and Linear Filter Design

Alternate MIMO relaying with three AF relays using interference alignment

Alternate Transmission Relaying Based on Interference Alignment in 3-Relay Half-Duplex MIMO Systems

Alternate transmission with half-duplex relaying in MIMO interference relay networks


An Improved Accurate Solver for the Time-Dependent RTE in Underwater Optical Wireless Communications

BER analysis of multi-hop heterodyne FSO systems with fixed gain relays over general Malaga turbulence channels

Bandwidth enhancement of wireless optical communication link using a near-infrared laser over turbid underwater channel

Bit error rate analysis of free-space optical communication over general Malaga turbulence channels with pointing error

Codebook-based interference alignment for uplink MIMO interference channels

Communicating Using Spatial Mode Multiplexing: Potentials, Challenges and Perspectives

scholarly article by Abderrahmen Trichili et al published 2019 in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials

Compression and Combining Based on Channel Shortening and Reduced-Rank Techniques for Cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks

Cooperative jamming power control to enhance secrecy communications of AF Relaying systems for Rayleigh fading channel

Decode and Zero-Forcing Forward Relaying with Relay Selection in Cognitive Radio Systems

Design and Deployment of Mobile FSO Communication System

Error Rate Analysis of Amplitude-Coherent Detection over Rician Fading Channels with Receiver Diversity

Fast Outage Probability Simulation for FSO Links with a Generalized Pointing Error Model

Free-space optical channel characterization and experimental validation in a coastal environment

Free-space optical channel characterization in a coastal environment

Indoor Localization Using Three Dimensional Multi-PDs Receiver Based on RSS

Interference alignment for degrees of freedom improvement in 3-relay half-duplex systems

Linear Transceiver Design for Nonorthogonal Amplify-and-Forward Protocol Using a Bit Error Rate Criterion

Low Complexity Non-Iterative Coordinated Beamforming in 2-User Broadcast Channels

Low Complexity Transmit Antenna Selection with Power Balancing in OFDM Systems

Near-Infrared Wireless Optical Communication with Particulates In-Suspension over the Underwater Channel

Near-Optimal Downlink Precoding for Two-Tier Priority-Based Wireless Networks

Near-optimal Downlink precoding of a MISO system for a secondary network under the SINR constraints of a primary network

On Secrecy Performance of Mixed RF-FSO Systems

On Secure NOMA Systems With Transmit Antenna Selection Schemes

On the Diversity Enhancement and Power Balancing of Per-Subcarrier Transmit Antenna Selection in OFDM Systems

On the Jamming Power Allocation for Secure Amplify-and-Forward Relaying via Cooperative Jamming

On the Power and Offset Allocation for Rate Adaptation of Spatial Multiplexing in Optical Wireless MIMO Channels

On the Use of a Direct Radiative Transfer Equation Solver for Path Loss Calculation in Underwater Optical Wireless Channels

On the achievable degrees of freedom of alternate MIMO relaying with multiple AF relays

On the power and offset allocation for rate adaptation of spatial multiplexing in optical wireless MIMO channels

Optimal linear detectors for nonorthogonal amplify-and-forward protocol

Optimal linear precoding for indoor visible light communication system

Optimization of an Angle-Aided Mirror Diversity Receiver for Indoor MIMO-VLC Systems

Performance Analysis of Multi-Hop Heterodyne FSO Systems over Malaga Turbulent Channels with Pointing Error Using Mixture Gamma Distribution

Performance Evaluation of Underwater Wireless Optical Communications Links in the Presence of Different Air Bubble Populations

Performance analysis of subcarrier intensity modulation using rectangular QAM over Malaga turbulence channels with integer and non-integerβ

Performance comparison of binary modulation schemes for visible light communication

Precoded generalized space shift keying for indoor visible light communications

Robust Transceivers Design for Multi-Stream Multi-User MIMO Visible Light Communication

scholarly article by Houssem Sifaou et al published 2017 in IEEE Access

Secrecy Outage of Max–Min TAS Scheme in MIMO-NOMA Systems

Secrecy performance analysis of SIMO underlay cognitive radio systems with outdated CSI

Secure amplify-and-forward untrusted relaying networks using cooperative jamming and zero-forcing cancelation

The Meta Distributions of Secrecy Rate for the Downlink NOMA Systems

scientific article published in 2021

Throughput Maximization for Cognitive Radio Networks Using Active Cooperation and Superposition Coding

Ultrawide Bandwidth Receiver Based on a Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Distribution

Underwater wireless optical communications: From system-level demonstrations to channel modelling

article published in 2017

Visible light communication using DC-biased optical filter bank multi-carrier modulation
