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List of works by Andrew K. Skidmore

3D leaf water content mapping using terrestrial laser scanner backscatter intensity with radiometric correction

50 Years of Cumulative Open-Source Data Confirm Stable and Robust Biodiversity Distribution Patterns for Macrofungi

scientific article published in 2022

A Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Time-Series of Idle Agriculture Lands: A Preliminary Study

A Wavelet-Based Area Parameter for Indirectly Estimating Copper Concentration in Carex Leaves from Canopy Reflectance


A body temperature model for lizards as estimated from the thermal environment


A bootstrap procedure to select hyperspectral wavebands related to tannin content

A common dominant scale emerges from images of diverse satellite platforms using the wavelet transform

A comparison of data sources for creating a long-term time series of daily gridded solar radiation for Europe

article by Jędrzej S. Bojanowski et al published January 2014 in Solar Energy

A comparison of techniques for calculating gradient and aspect from a gridded digital elevation model


A ground‐validated NDVI dataset for monitoring vegetation dynamics and mapping phenology in Fennoscandia and the Kola peninsula


A hierarchical hidden semi-Markov model for modeling mobility data


A high-resolution model of bat diversity and endemism for continental Africa


A hyperspectral band selector for plant species discrimination


A laboratory for conceiving Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs)—The ‘Data pool initiative for the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem’

scientific article published in 2021

A new technique for extracting the red edge position from hyperspectral data: The linear extrapolation method

article by Moses A. Cho & Andrew K. Skidmore published March 2006 in Remote Sensing of Environment

A post-classifier for mangrove mapping using ecological data

scholarly article by Chaichoke Vaiphasa et al published October 2006 in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

A simple terrain relief index for tuning slope-related parameters of LiDAR ground filtering algorithms

A wavelet-based approach to evaluate the roles of structural and functional landscape heterogeneity in animal space use at multiple scales

article by Xinping Ye et al published 22 September 2014 in Ecography

Accumulated effects on landscape pattern by hydroelectric cascade exploitation in the Yellow River basin from 1977 to 2006

article by Wei Ouyang et al published December 2009 in Landscape and Urban Planning

Accurate modelling of canopy traits from seasonal Sentinel-2 imagery based on the vertical distribution of leaf traits

scientific article published on 11 September 2019

Advances in remote sensing of vegetation function and traits

African Elephants Loxodonta africana Amplify Browse Heterogeneity in African Savanna

Allometric equations for estimating the above-ground biomass in tropical lowland Dipterocarp forests


An accurate retrieval of leaf water content from mid to thermal infrared spectra using continuous wavelet analysis

scientific article published on 28 August 2012

An auto-calibration procedure for empirical solar radiation models

Analysis of Sentinel-2 and RapidEye for Retrieval of Leaf Area Index in a Saltmarsh Using a Radiative Transfer Model

scientific article published on 21 March 2019

Applicability of the PROSPECT model for estimating protein and cellulose+lignin in fresh leaves


Assessing MODIS GPP in Non-Forested Biomes in Water Limited Areas Using EC Tower Data

Assessing effect of rainfall on rate of alien shrub expansion in a southern African savanna

Assessing trends and seasonal changes in elephant poaching risk at the small area level using spatio-temporal Bayesian modeling

Assessment of giant panda habitat based on integration of expert system and neural network

scientific article published in March 2006

Author Correction: A global biodiversity observing system to unite monitoring and guide action

scientific article published in 2023

Author Correction: Priority list of biodiversity metrics to observe from space

scientific article published in 2021

Automatic Counting of Large Mammals from Very High Resolution Panchromatic Satellite Imagery

Avoid bias against junior researchers

scientific article published in Nature

Building essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) of species distribution and abundance at a global scale

scientific article

Calibration of solar radiation models for Europe using Meteosat Second Generation and weather station data

scholarly article by Jędrzej S. Bojanowski et al published July 2013 in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

Can nutrient status of four woody plant species be predicted using field spectrometry?


Canopy chlorophyll content retrieved from time series remote sensing data as a proxy for detecting bark beetle infestation

scientific article published on 04 May 2021

Canopy foliar nitrogen retrieved from airborne hyperspectral imagery by correcting for canopy structure effects

Canopy leaf water content estimated using terrestrial LiDAR


Capturing the fugitive: Applying remote sensing to terrestrial animal distribution and diversity

Change detection in animal movement using discrete wavelet analysis


Changes in plant defense chemistry (pyrrolizidine alkaloids) revealed through high-resolution spectroscopy


Changes in thermal infrared spectra of plants caused by temperature and water stress

scientific article published in January 2016

Characterizing the spatial distribution of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in fragmented forest landscapes

Chemical variation in Jacobaea vulgaris is influenced by the interaction of season and vegetation successional stage

scientific article published on 9 January 2014

Classification of kangaroo habitat distribution using three GIS models

Classifying Eucalyptus forest vegetation data: a comparison of techniques

Climate and land use changes will degrade the distribution of Rhododendrons in China


Climatic niche breadth can explain variation in geographical range size of alpine and subalpine plants


Collinearity: a review of methods to deal with it and a simulation study evaluating their performance


Comment on "The global tree restoration potential"

scientific article published on 01 November 2019

Comment on D. Loschky and W. Wilcox’s “Demographic Transition: A Forcing Model”

scientific article published on 01 May 1975

Comparative Evaluation of Algorithms for Leaf Area Index Estimation from Digital Hemispherical Photography through Virtual Forests

scientific article published on 23 August 2021

Comparative analysis of different retrieval methods for mapping grassland leaf area index using airborne imaging spectroscopy


Comparing accuracy assessments to infer superiority of image classification methods

Comparing direct image and wavelet transform-based approaches to analysing remote sensing imagery for predicting wildlife distribution

Comparison of MODIS and Landsat TM5 images for mapping tempo–spatial dynamics of Secchi disk depths in Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve, China


Comparison of extrapolation and interpolation methods for estimating daily photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)


Complementarity of Two Rice Mapping Approaches: Characterizing Strata Mapped by Hypertemporal MODIS and Rice Paddy Identification Using Multitemporal SAR

Concurrent monitoring of vessels and water turbidity enhances the strength of evidence in remotely sensed dredging impact assessment

scientific article published on 17 May 2007

Connecting infrared spectra with plant traits to identify species


Continuum removed band depth analysis for detecting the effects of natural gas, methane and ethane on maize reflectance


Corresponding mitochondrial DNA and niche divergence for crested newt candidate species

scientific article

Corrigendum to “Comparative analysis of different uni- and multi-variate methods for estimation of vegetation water content using hyper-spectral measurements” [Int. J. Appl. Earth Observ. Geoinform. 26 (2014) 1–11]

scholarly article published in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Corrigendum to “Coupling socio-economic factors and eco-hydrological processes using a cascade-modeling approach” [J. Hydrol. 518 (Part A) (2014) 49–59]

scientific article

Coupling socio-economic factors and eco-hydrological processes using a cascade-modeling approach


Decline of traditional rice farming constrains the recovery of the endangered Asian crested ibis (Nipponia nippon)

scientific article published on 8 April 2015

Derivation of the red edge index using the MERIS standard band setting

article by J. G. P. W. Clevers et al published January 2002 in International Journal of Remote Sensing

Detecting long-duration cloud contamination in hyper-temporal NDVI imagery

Diet selection of African elephant over time shows changing optimization currency

article by Y. Pretorius et al published 24 April 2012 in Oikos

Differentiation of plant age in grasses using remote sensing


Digital Earth 2020: towards the vision for the next decade

article by Max Craglia et al published January 2012 in International Journal of Digital Earth

Discrepancy or error in forest type classification

Discriminating sodium concentration in a mixed grass species environment of the Kruger National Park using field spectrometry

Discriminating tropical grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) canopies grown under different nitrogen treatments using spectroradiometry

article published in 2003

Displaying remotely sensed vegetation dynamics along natural gradients for ecological studies


Dry season mapping of savanna forage quality, using the hyperspectral Carnegie Airborne Observatory sensor

scientific article published in 2011

Earth observation as a tool for tracking progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Effect of slope on treetop detection using a LiDAR Canopy Height Model


Effects of Canopy Structural Variables on Retrieval of Leaf Dry Matter Content and Specific Leaf Area From Remotely Sensed Data

Effects of fire and herbivory on the stability of savanna ecosystems


Effects of plant phenology and solar radiation on seasonal movement of golden takin in the Qinling Mountains, China

scientific article published in 2010

Elephant distribution around a volcanic shield dominated by a mosaic of forest and savanna (Marsabit, Kenya)

scholarly article by Shadrack M. Ngene et al published June 2009 in African Journal of Ecology

Elephant movement closely tracks precipitation-driven vegetation dynamics in a Kenyan forest-savanna landscape

scientific article

Elephant poaching risk assessed using spatial and non-spatial Bayesian models

scientific article published in 2016

Elephant response to spatial heterogeneity in a savanna landscape of northern Tanzania


Elephants move faster in small fragments of low productivity in Amboseli ecosystems: Kenya

scholarly article by Tawanda Gara et al published 13 July 2016 in Geocarto International

Enhancement of area-specific land-use objectives for land development


Environmental factors influencing bird species diversity in Kenya

scholarly article by Boniface O. Oindo et al published September 2001 in African Journal of Ecology

Environmental parameters linked to the last migratory stage of barnacle geese en route to their breeding sites

Environmental science: Agree on biodiversity metrics to track from space

scientific article published on July 2015

Erratum to “Capturing the fugitive: Applying remote sensing to terrestrial animal distribution and diversity” [Int. J. Appl. Earth Observ. Geoinform. 9 (2007) 1–20]

scholarly article published in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Estimating Community-Level Plant Functional Traits in a Species-Rich Alpine Meadow Using UAV Image Spectroscopy

scientific article published in 2022

Estimating fresh grass/herb biomass from HYMAP data using the red edge position


Estimating land-surface temperature under clouds using MSG/SEVIRI observations


Estimating leaf functional traits by inversion of PROSPECT: Assessing leaf dry matter content and specific leaf area in mixed mountainous forest


Estimating temporal independence of radio-telemetry data on animal activity

scientific article

Estimating tropical forest biomass more accurately by integrating ALOS PALSAR and Landsat-7 ETM+ data


Estimating tropical pasture quality at canopy level using band depth analysis with continuum removal in the visible domain


Estimation of grassland biomass and nitrogen using MERIS data

Estimation of green grass/herb biomass from airborne hyperspectral imagery using spectral indices and partial least squares regression

article by Moses A. Cho et al published December 2007 in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Estimation of leaf water content from far infrared (2.5–14 µm) spectra using continuous wavelet analysis

article published in 2012

Estimation of regeneration coverage in a temperate forest by 3D segmentation using airborne laser scanning data

Estimation of vegetation LAI from hyperspectral reflectance data: Effects of soil type and plant architecture


European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus, L.) green attack affects foliar reflectance and biochemical properties

Eutrophication of mangroves linked to depletion of foliar and soil base cations.

scientific article

Evaluating Different Methods for Grass Nutrient Estimation from Canopy Hyperspectral Reflectance

Evaluating Prediction Models for Mapping Canopy Chlorophyll Content Across Biomes

scientific article published on 02 June 2020

Evaluating the performance of PROSPECT in the retrieval of leaf traits across canopy throughout the growing season

scientific article published on 05 July 2019

Evaluation of MODIS Spectral Indices for Monitoring Hydrological Dynamics of a Small, Seasonally-Flooded Wetland in Southern Spain


Evaluation of three proposed indices for the retrieval of leaf water content from the mid-wave infrared (2–6μm) spectra

scholarly article by Saleem Ullah et al published April 2013 in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

Evidence-based alignment of conservation policies with remote sensing-enabled essential biodiversity variables

scientific article published in 2021

Expansion of traditional land-use and deforestation: a case study of an adat forest in the Kandilo Subwatershed, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

scholarly article by Hunggul Y. S. H. Nugroho et al published 24 June 2017 in Journal of Forestry Research

Expert system for modelling stopover site selection by barnacle geese

scientific article published in 2017

Exploring spectral discrimination of grass species in African rangelands


Exploring the possibility of estimating the aboveground biomass of Vallisneria spiralis L. using Landsat TM image in Dahuchi, Jiangxi Province, China


Exploring various spectral regions for estimating chlorophyll from ASD leaf reflectance using prospect radiative transfer model


Fine-scale spatial distribution of plants and resources on a sandy soil in the Sahel

article published in 2002

Finessing atlas data for species distribution models


Foliar and woody materials discriminated using terrestrial LiDAR in a mixed natural forest

Forage quality of savannas — Simultaneously mapping foliar protein and polyphenols for trees and grass using hyperspectral imagery

scientific article published in 2010

Framing the concept of satellite remote sensing essential biodiversity variables: challenges and future directions


Free satellite data key to conservation

scientific article published on 01 July 2018

Frequent burning promotes invasions of alien plants into a mesic African savanna




Generating Pit-free Canopy Height Models from Airborne Lidar

article by Anahita Khosravipour et al published 1 September 2014 in Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing

Generating spike-free digital surface models using LiDAR raw point clouds: A new approach for forestry applications

scholarly article by Anahita Khosravipour et al published October 2016 in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Geospatial analysis of species, biodiversity and landscapes: introduction to the second special issue on spatial ecology


Geospatial tools address emerging issues in spatial ecology: a review and commentary on the Special Issue


Giant Panda Movements in Foping Nature Reserve, China


Global Terrestrial Ecosystem Observations: Why, Where, What and How?

scholarly article published 25 November 2016

Harmonizing Forest Conservation Policies with Essential Biodiversity Variables Incorporating Remote Sensing and Environmental DNA Technologies

scientific article published in 2022

Heavy metal pollution at mine sites estimated from reflectance spectroscopy following correction for skewed data

scientific article published on 11 June 2019

Heavy metal-induced stress in rice crops detected using multi-temporal Sentinel-2 satellite images

scientific article published on 05 May 2018

How do two giant panda populations adapt to their habitats in the Qinling and Qionglai Mountains, China

scientific article published on 15 August 2014

How future climate and tree distribution changes shape the biodiversity of macrofungi across Europe

scientific article published in 2023

Hyper-temporal SPOT-NDVI dataset parameterization captures species distributions


Hyper-temporal remote sensing helps in relating epiphyllous liverworts and evergreen forests

Hyperspectral analysis of mangrove foliar chemistry using PLSR and support vector regression


Hyperspectral band depth analysis for a better estimation of grass biomass (Cenchrus ciliaris) measured under controlled laboratory conditions


Hyperspectral indices for detecting changes in canopy reflectance as a result of underground natural gas leakage

Hyperspectral predictors for monitoring biomass production in Mediterranean mountain grasslands: Majella National Park, Italy


Hyperspectral reflectance of leaves and flowers of an outbreak species discriminates season and successional stage of vegetation


Identification of Griffon Vulture's Flight Types Using High-Resolution Tracking Data.

scientific article

Identifying habitat patches and potential ecological corridors for remnant Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus japonicus) populations in Japan

article by Tomoko Doko et al published February 2011 in Ecological Modelling

Identifying leaf traits that signal stress in TIR spectra

Identifying plant species using mid-wave infrared (2.5–6μm) and thermal infrared (8–14μm) emissivity spectra


Identifying rice stress on a regional scale from multi-temporal satellite images using a Bayesian method

scientific article published on 22 January 2019

Identifying transit corridors for elephant using a long time-series

Imaging Spectrometry and Vegetation Science


Impact of Vertical Canopy Position on Leaf Spectral Properties and Traits across Multiple Species

Impact of solid shrimp pond waste materials on mangrove growth and mortality: a case study from Pak Phanang, Thailand

scholarly article by C. Vaiphasa et al published October 2007 in Hydrobiologia

Impacts of future climate and land cover changes on threatened mammals in the semi-arid Chinese Altai Mountains

scientific article

Important LiDAR metrics for discriminating forest tree species in Central Europe

Improved monitoring of vegetation dynamics at very high latitudes: A new method using MODIS NDVI


Improved understorey bamboo cover mapping using a novel hybrid neural network and expert system

Improving leaf area index (LAI) estimation by correcting for clumping and woody effects using terrestrial laser scanning

scientific article published in 2018

Indirect remote sensing of a cryptic forest understorey invasive species


Inducing condensed tannin production in Colophospermum mopane: Absence of response to soil N and P fertility and physical damage


Integrating conventional classifiers with a GIS expert system to increase the accuracy of invasive species mapping


Integration of Landsat-8 Thermal and Visible-Short Wave Infrared Data for Improving Prediction Accuracy of Forest Leaf Area Index

scientific article published on 18 February 2019

Integration of classification methods for improvement of land-cover map accuracy

article by Xue-Hua Liu et al published July 2002 in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Integration of multi-sensor data to assess grassland dynamics in a Yellow River sub-watershed


Interannual variability of NDVI and bird species diversity in Kenya

scholarly article by Boniface O Oindo et al published January 2000 in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Interannual variability of NDVI and species richness in Kenya


Inversion of a radiative transfer model for estimating vegetation LAI and chlorophyll in a heterogeneous grassland


Joint effects of habitat heterogeneity and species' life-history traits on population dynamics in spatially structured landscapes

scientific article

LAI and chlorophyll estimation for a heterogeneous grassland using hyperspectral measurements


LaHMa: a landscape heterogeneity mapping method using hyper-temporal datasets

Large off-nadir scan angle of airborne LiDAR can severely affect the estimates of forest structure metrics


Leaf Area Index derivation from hyperspectral vegetation indicesand the red edge position

Leaf Nitrogen Content Indirectly Estimated by Leaf Traits Derived From the PROSPECT Model


Leaf level experiments to discriminate between eucalyptus species using high spectral resolution reflectance data: use of derivatives, ratios and vegetation indices

Leaf to canopy upscaling approach affects the estimation of canopy traits

scientific article published on 30 October 2018

Linking Earth Observation and taxonomic, structural and functional biodiversity: Local to ecosystem perspectives

scientific article (publication date: November 2016)

Linking Remote Sensing and Geodiversity and Their Traits Relevant to Biodiversity—Part I: Soil Characteristics

scientific article published on 11 October 2019

Linking perturbations to temporal changes in diversity, stability, and compositions of neonatal calf gut microbiota: prediction of diarrhea

scientific article published on 22 May 2020

Linking the Remote Sensing of Geodiversity and Traits Relevant to Biodiversity—Part II: Geomorphology, Terrain and Surfaces

scientific article published on 10 November 2020

Long-term vegetation landscape pattern with non-point source nutrient pollution in upper stream of Yellow River basin

article by Wei Ouyang et al published August 2010 in Journal of Hydrology

Low-elevation endemic Rhododendrons in China are highly vulnerable to climate and land use change

scientific article published in 2021

MERIS and the red-edge position

article by Jan Clevers et al published January 2001 in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Machine Learning Using Hyperspectral Data Inaccurately Predicts Plant Traits Under Spatial Dependency


Machine learning methods’ performance in radiative transfer model inversion to retrieve plant traits from Sentinel-2 data of a mixed mountain forest

scientific article published on 15 July 2020

Macroecological conclusions based on IUCN expert maps: A call for caution

scientific article published in 2017

Mapping Canopy Chlorophyll Content in a Temperate Forest Using Airborne Hyperspectral Data

scientific article published on 01 November 2020

Mapping Coastal Vegetation Using an Expert System and Hyperspectral Imagery

Mapping East African tropical forests and woodlands — A comparison of classifiers

Mapping Forest Canopy Height Across Large Areas by Upscaling ALS Estimates with Freely Available Satellite Data


Mapping beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest structure with airborne hyperspectral imagery

article by Moses A. Cho et al published June 2009 in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Mapping forest canopy nitrogen content by inversion of coupled leaf-canopy radiative transfer models from airborne hyperspectral imagery

scholarly article by Zhihui Wang et al published May 2018 in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

Mapping grassland leaf area index with airborne hyperspectral imagery: A comparison study of statistical approaches and inversion of radiative transfer models

Mapping habitat and biological diversity in the Maasai Mara ecosystem

Mapping land cover gradients through analysis of hyper-temporal NDVI imagery

Mapping non-wood forest product (matsutake mushrooms) using logistic regression and a GIS expert system

scientific article published in 2006

Mapping pollination types with remote sensing

Mapping spatio-temporal variation of grassland quantity and quality using MERIS data and the PROSAIL model


Mapping the heterogeneity of natural and semi-natural landscapes

Mapping the relative abundance of soil microbiome biodiversity from eDNA and remote sensing

scientific article published in 2022

Measuring the Insecurity Index of species in networks of protected areas using species distribution modeling and fuzzy logic: The case of raptors in Andalusia


Measuring the response of canopy emissivity spectra to leaf area index variation using thermal hyperspectral data


Merging Double Sampling with Remote Sensing for a Rapid Estimation of Fuelwood

Migration Patterns of Two Endangered Sympatric Species from a Remote Sensing Perspective


Migratory herbivorous waterfowl track satellite-derived green wave index

scientific article

Modeling movement, distributions, diversity, and disturbance: introduction to the fifth special issue on spatial ecology

scientific article published in 2020

Modelling topographic variation in solar radiation in a GIS environment


Monitoring biodiversity change through effective global coordination

article by Laetitia M. Navarro et al published December 2017 in Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability

Monitoring change in the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation cover in an African savanna

Multi-scale comparison of topographic complexity indices in relation to plant species richness


Narrow band vegetation indices overcome the saturation problem in biomass estimation

Neural Networks, Multitemporal Landsat Thematic Mapper Data and Topographic Data to Classify Forest Damages in the Czech Republic

scholarly article by J. Ardö et al published September 1997 in Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing

New vegetation type map of India prepared using satellite remote sensing: Comparison with global vegetation maps and utilities

article by P.S. Roy et al published July 2015 in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Next-generation Digital Earth

scientific article (publication date: 10 July 2012)

Night-day speed ratio of elephants as indicator of poaching levels

article by Festus W. Ihwagi et al published January 2018 in Ecological Indicators

Nitrogen detection with hyperspectral normalized ratio indices across multiple plant species


Nitrogen prediction in grasses: effect of bandwidth and plant material state on absorption feature selection


Non-linear partial least square regression increases the estimation accuracy of grass nitrogen and phosphorus using in situ hyperspectral and environmental data

article by Abel Ramoelo et al published August 2013 in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Optimization of wildlife management in a large game reserve through waterpoints manipulation: a bio-economic analysis.

scientific article

Parent material and fire as principle drivers of foliage quality in woody plants


Performance of Landsat TM in ship detection in turbid waters

Photosynthetic bark: Use of chlorophyll absorption continuum index to estimate Boswellia papyrifera bark chlorophyll content


Plant phenolics and absorption features in vegetation reflectance spectra near 1.66μm


Population trends of large non-migratory wild herbivores and livestock in the Masai Mara ecosystem, Kenya, between 1977 and 1997


Potential invasion range of raccoon in Iran under climate change

scientific article published on 20 November 2020

Potential of Sentinel-2 spectral configuration to assess rangeland quality

article by Abel Ramoelo et al published 7 August 2015 in Journal of Applied Remote Sensing

Potential of hyperspectral remote sensing on estimating foliar chemistry and predicting the quality of tea (Camellia sinensis)


Potential solar radiation pattern in relation to the monthly distribution of giant pandas in Foping Nature Reserve, China


Predicting and understanding spatio-temporal dynamics of species recovery: implications for Asian crested ibisNipponia nipponconservation in China


Predicting bushfire activity in Australia from El Nino/Southern Oscillation events


Predicting foliar biochemistry of tea (Camellia sinensis) using reflectance spectra measured at powder, leaf and canopy levels

article by Meng Bian et al published April 2013 in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Predicting micro thermal habitat of lizards in a dynamic thermal environment

scientific article published in 2012

Prednisolone and cefapirin act synergistically in resolving experimental Escherichia coli mastitis.

scientific article

Priority list of biodiversity metrics to observe from space

scientific article

Quantifying the Effects of Normalisation of Airborne LiDAR Intensity on Coniferous Forest Leaf Area Index Estimations

Rapid Sequencing of Multiple RNA Viruses in Their Native Form

scientific article published in 2019

Recovery of woody plant species richness in secondary forests in China: a meta-analysis

scientific article published on 6 September 2017

Red edge shift and biochemical content in grass canopies

article by Onisimo Mutanga & Andrew K. Skidmore published May 2007 in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Reduced dependence of Crested Ibis on winter-flooded rice fields: implications for their conservation

scientific article

Reflectance Spectroscopy of Biochemical Components as Indicators of Tea ( Camellia Sinensis ) Quality

article by Meng Bian et al published 1 December 2010 in Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing

Regional estimation of savanna grass nitrogen using the red-edge band of the spaceborne RapidEye sensor

article by Abel Ramoelo et al published October 2012 in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Relating X-band SAR Backscattering to Leaf Area Index of Rice in Different Phenological Phases

scientific article published on 20 June 2019

Relationship between vegetation growth rates at the onset of the wet season and soil type in the Sahel of Burkina Faso: implications for resource utilisation at large scales

scholarly article by Lalit Kumar et al published March 2002 in Ecological Modelling

Remote Sensing for Biodiversity

Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity—Part III: Traits, Processes and Remote Sensing Characteristics

scientific article published on 10 May 2022

Remote sensing of forage nutrients: Combining ecological and spectral absorption feature data


Remote sensing of soils in a eucalypt forest environment

Remote sensing of the link between arable field and elephant (Loxodonta africana) distribution change along a tsetse eradication gradient in the Zambezi valley, Zimbabwe

scholarly article by Amon Murwira et al published February 2010 in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Remotely sensed digital data in forestry: a review


Remotely sensed estimation of forest canopy density: A comparison of the performance of four methods

Remotely sensed spatial heterogeneity as an exploratory tool for taxonomic and functional diversity study

scientific article published in 2018

Representation of Uncertainty and Integration of PGIS-based Grazing Intensity Maps Using Evidential Belief Functions

Reproductive performance in a select sample of dairy herds

scientific article

Retrieval of Specific Leaf Area From Landsat-8 Surface Reflectance Data Using Statistical and Physical Models

Retrieval of forest leaf functional traits from HySpex imagery using radiative transfer models and continuous wavelet analysis

Retrieval of leaf area index in different plant species using thermal hyperspectral data


Retrieval of leaf water content spanning the visible to thermal infrared spectra

Retrieval of vertical leaf water content using terrestrial full-waveform lidar

Retrieving vegetation canopy water content from hyperspectral thermal measurements

scholarly article by Elnaz Neinavaz et al published December 2017 in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

Review of a land use planning programme through the soft systems methodology


Rhododendron diversity patterns and priority conservation areas in China


Satellite- versus temperature-derived green wave indices for predicting the timing of spring migration of avian herbivores


Satellite-based modelling of potential tsetse (Glossina pallidipes) breeding and foraging sites using teneral and non-teneral fly occurrence data

scientific article published on 28 September 2021

Satellite-derived vegetation indices contribute significantly to the prediction of epiphyllous liverworts

scientific article published in 2014

Savanna grass nitrogen to phosphorous ratio estimation using field spectroscopy and the potential for estimation with imaging spectroscopy

Scale of nutrient patchiness mediates resource partitioning between trees and grasses in a semi-arid savanna

scientific article published in 2011

Scaling to the MERIS Resolution: Mapping Accuracy and Spatial Variability

Seasonal Altitudinal Movements of Golden Takin in the Qinling Mountains of China


Selection of HyspIRI optimal band positions for the earth compositional mapping using HyTES data


Selection of imagery data and classifiers for mapping Brazilian semideciduous Atlantic forests


Sensing solutions for collecting spatio-temporal data for wildlife monitoring applications: a review

scientific article

Shrimp pond effluent dominates foliar nitrogen in disturbed mangroves as mapped using hyperspectral imagery.

scientific article published on 5 October 2013

Significant effect of topographic normalization of airborne LiDAR data on the retrieval of plant area index profile in mountainous forests


Simple and robust methods for remote sensing of canopy chlorophyll content: a comparative analysis of hyperspectral data for different types of vegetation

scientific article

Simulation of MERIS data: potentials and limitations for mapping (soil) mineralogy

scholarly article by Freek van der Meer et al published January 1999 in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Smallholder farms as stepping stone corridors for crop-raiding elephant in northern Tanzania: integration of Bayesian expert system and network simulator

scientific article (publication date: March 2014)

Smoothing vegetation spectra with wavelets

Soil N and P affected reflectance signatures of individual Colophospermum mopane leaves

Soil biotic impact on plant species shoot chemistry and hyperspectral reflectance patterns

scientific article

Soil erosion and sediment yield and their relationships with vegetation cover in upper stream of the Yellow River

scientific article published on 11 November 2010

Soil erosion dynamics response to landscape pattern


Soil nutrient status determines how elephant utilize trees and shape environments

scientific article

Space, time, connectivity and conflict in biological landscapes: the fourth special issue on spatial ecology

article by Shawn W. Laffan et al published November 2015 in International Journal of Geographical Information Science

Spatial and spatiotemporal clustering methods for detecting elephant poaching hotspots

article published in 2015

Spatial autocorrelation and the scaling of species–environment relationships

scientific article (publication date: August 2010)

Spatial autocorrelation in predictors reduces the impact of positional uncertainty in occurrence data on species distribution modelling


Spatial distribution of lion kills determined by the water dependency of prey species


Spatial heterogeneity and irreversible vegetation change in semiarid grazing systems

scientific article published on February 2002

Spatial pattern of habitat quality modulates population persistence in fragmented landscapes

scientific article published in 2013

Spatial scale variations in vegetation indices and above-ground biomass estimates: Implications for MERIS


Spatially detailed retrievals of spring phenology from single-season high-resolution image time series


Spatio-temporal dynamics of global H5N1 outbreaks match bird migration patterns.

scientific article

Species distribution and diversity, habitat selection and connectivity: introduction to the Third Special Issue on Spatial Ecology

Specific leaf area estimation from leaf and canopy reflectance through optimization and validation of vegetation indices

scholarly article by Abebe Mohammed Ali et al published April 2017 in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

Spectral discrimination of vegetation types in a coastal wetland

scientific article published in 2003

Spectroscopic determination of leaf traits using infrared spectra

scientific article published on 10 February 2018

Spotting East African mammals in open savannah from space

scientific article


scholarly article by Hunggul Yudono Setio Hadi Nugroho et al published 29 April 2017 in Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research

The Naïve Overfitting Index Selection (NOIS): A new method to optimize model complexity for hyperspectral data

The critical role of tree species and human disturbance in determining the macrofungal diversity in Europe

scientific article published in 2021

The effectiveness of fuel reduction burning for wildfire mitigation in sclerophyll forests

scientific article published in 2020

The effects of fire and grazing pressure on vegetation cover and small mammal populations in the Maasai Mara National Reserve

scientific article published in 2001

The effects of high soil CO2 concentrations on leaf reflectance of maize plants


The potential of Sentinel-2 spectral configuration to assess rangeland quality

scholarly article published 11 November 2014

The potential of spectral mixture analysis to improve the estimation accuracy of tropical forest biomass

The ranging patterns of elephants in Marsabit protected area, Kenya: the use of satellite-linked GPS collars

scholarly article by Shadrack M. Ngene et al published 30 September 2009 in African Journal of Ecology

The response of elephants to the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation in a Southern African agricultural landscape


The significance of using satellite imagery data only in Ecological Niche Modelling of Iberian herps

scientific article published on 24 December 2012

The spatial scaling of habitat selection by African elephants

scientific article

The ‘Stained Glass Procedure’, a new method to compare classification performance of images acquired with different pixel sizes

Towards global data products of Essential Biodiversity Variables on species traits

article by Daniel Kissling et al published 17 September 2018 in Nature Ecology and Evolution

Towards red‐edge positions less sensitive to canopy biophysical parameters for leaf chlorophyll estimation using properties optique spectrales des feuilles (PROSPECT) and scattering by arbitrarily inclined leaves (SAILH) simulated data

article by M. A. Cho et al published 25 March 2008 in International Journal of Remote Sensing

Tracing glacial refugia of Triturus newts based on mitochondrial DNA phylogeography and species distribution modeling

scientific article (publication date: 2013)

Tree species classification using plant functional traits from LiDAR and hyperspectral data

scientific article published on 30 June 2018

Tropical mangrove species discrimination using hyperspectral data: A laboratory study


Understanding Boswellia papyrifera tree secondary metabolites through bark spectral analysis

Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III: Requirements for a Scalable Multi-Source Forest Health Monitoring Network Based on Data Science Approaches


Understanding and assessing vegetation health by in situ species and remote-sensing approaches

scientific article published in August 2018

Understanding lizard's microhabitat use based on a mechanistic model of behavioral thermoregulation

Understanding the Effects of ALS Pulse Density for Metric Retrieval across Diverse Forest Types


Understanding the effect of landscape fragmentation and vegetation productivity on elephant habitat utilization in Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya

scholarly article by Tawanda Gara et al published 11 July 2016 in African Journal of Ecology

Understory Bamboo Discrimination Using a Winter Image


Ungulate herbivory overrides rainfall impacts on herbaceous regrowth and residual biomass in a key resource area

Use of an expert system to map forest soils from a geographical information system

article by ANDREW K. SKIDMORE et al published January 1991 in International Journal of Geographical Information Science

Use of taxonomy to delineate spatial extent of atlas data for species distribution models


Using Landsat Spectral Indices in Time-Series to Assess Wildfire Disturbance and Recovery

scholarly article by Samuel Hislop et al published 15 March 2018 in Remote Sensing

Using Poaching Levels and Elephant Distribution to Assess the Conservation Efficacy of Private, Communal and Government Land in Northern Kenya

scientific article

Using a genetic algorithm as an optimal band selector in the mid and thermal infrared (2.5-14 μm) to discriminate vegetation species

scientific article published on 27 June 2012

Using discrete-return airborne laser scanning to quantify number of canopy strata across diverse forest types


Variation of leaf angle distribution quantified by terrestrial LiDAR in natural European beech forest

scientific article published on 15 January 2019

Vegetation Indices for Mapping Canopy Foliar Nitrogen in a Mixed Temperate Forest


Vegetation NDVI Linked to Temperature and Precipitation in the Upper Catchments of Yellow River

article by Fanghua Hao et al published 19 November 2011 in Environmental Modeling and Assessment

Vegetation phenology from Sentinel-2 and field cameras for a Dutch barrier island

scholarly article by Anton Vrieling et al published September 2018 in Remote Sensing of Environment

Water and nutrients alter herbaceous competitive effects on tree seedlings in a semi-arid savanna

scientific article published in 2009

Water-removed spectra increase the retrieval accuracy when estimating savanna grass nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations


Where is positional uncertainty a problem for species distribution modelling?


Will the Three Gorges Dam affect the underwater light climate of Vallisneria spiralis L. and food habitat of Siberian crane in Poyang Lake?


Within-patch habitat quality determines the resilience of specialist species in fragmented landscapes


Worsening of tree-related public health issues under climate change

scientific article published on 01 February 2020