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List of works by Anthony Shakeshaft

'The lesser of two evils': A qualitative study of staff and client experiences and beliefs about addressing tobacco in addiction treatment settings

scientific article published on 31 August 2015


scientific article published on 01 July 1999

A Systematic Review of Family-Based Interventions Targeting Alcohol Misuse and Their Potential to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harm in Indigenous Communities

scientific article published on May 1, 2012

A bibliometric review of drug and alcohol research focused on Indigenous peoples of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States.

scientific article

A systematic and methodological review of interventions for young people experiencing alcohol‐related harm

scientific article published on May 12, 2011

A systematic review of school-based studies involving alcohol and the community

scientific article published on December 2006

A systematic review of studies evaluating Australian indigenous community development projects: the extent of community participation, their methodological quality and their outcomes

scientific article

A systematic review of work-place interventions for alcohol-related problems

scientific article

Acquisition and Utilization of Information About Alcohol Use in Pregnancy Among Australian Pregnant Women and Service Providers

scientific article published on September 2013

Addressing tobacco in Australian alcohol and other drug treatment settings: a cross-sectional survey of staff attitudes and perceived barriers

scientific article

Alcohol control policies in Indigenous communities: A qualitative study of the perceptions of their effectiveness among service providers, stakeholders and community leaders in Queensland (Australia).

scientific article published on 15 July 2016

Alcohol industry and government revenue derived from underage drinking by Australian adolescents 2005.

scientific article

Alcohol management plans in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) Australian communities in Queensland: community residents have experienced favourable impacts but also suffered unfavourable ones

scientific article

Alcopops, taxation and harm: a segmented time series analysis of emergency department presentations.

scientific article published on 6 May 2015

An empirical approach to selecting community-based alcohol interventions: combining research evidence, rural community views and professional opinion

scientific article

An organisational change intervention for increasing the delivery of smoking cessation support in addiction treatment centres: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 14 June 2016

Applying what works: a systematic search of the transfer and implementation of promising Indigenous Australian health services and programs.

scientific article

Appropriate research designs for evaluating community-level alcohol interventions: what next?

scientific article published on 07 July 2010

Appropriateness of red blood cell transfusions in major urban hospitals and effectiveness of an intervention

scientific article published on October 1, 2001

Assessing reliability of measures using routinely collected data

scientific article published on 4 May 2011

Behavioural alcohol research: new directions or more of the same?

scientific article published on November 1, 1997

Benefit Cost Analysis of Three Skin Cancer Public Education Mass-Media Campaigns Implemented in New South Wales, Australia

scientific article published on 29 January 2016

Brief intervention resource kits for Indigenous Australians: generally evidence-based, but missing important components.

scientific article published on July 2010

Can harms associated with high-intensity drinking be reduced by increasing the price of alcohol?

scientific article

Community-based alcohol counselling: a randomized clinical trial

scientific article published in November 2002

Community-based drug and alcohol counselling: who attends and why?

scientific article published in June 2002

Comparing the cost of alcohol-related traffic crashes in rural and urban environments.

scientific article published on 20 February 2010

Comparison of three methods to assess binge consumption: One‐week retrospective drinking diary, audit, and quantity/frequency

scientific article

Computers in community-based drug and alcohol clinical settings: are they acceptable to respondents?

scientific article published on 01 April 1998

Cost per incident of alcohol-related crime in New South Wales.

scientific article published on 10 May 2012

Cost-effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy expansion strategies in Vietnam

scientific article

Cost-effectiveness of follow-up contact for a postal survey: a randomised controlled trial

scientific article published on October 2010

Determinants of antiretroviral therapy initiation and treatment outcomes for people living with HIV in Vietnam

scientific article published in January 2013

Determinants of virological failure after 1 year's antiretroviral therapy in Vietnamese people with HIV: findings from a retrospective cohort of 13 outpatient clinics in six provinces

scientific article published on 11 March 2014

Developing an alcohol policy assessment toolkit: application in the western Pacific.

scientific article

Development of cancer needs questionnaire for parents and carers of adolescents and young adults with cancer

scientific article published on May 2011

Differences in licensee, police and public opinions regarding interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm associated with licensed premises.

scientific article published in April 2009

Disseminating best-evidence health-care to Indigenous health-care settings and programs in Australia: identifying the gaps.

scientific article

Do community characteristics predict alcohol-related crime?

scientific article

Does increasing community and liquor licensees' awareness, police activity, and feedback reduce alcohol-related violent crime? A benefit-cost analysis

scientific article published on 28 October 2013

Epidemiology of alcohol-related burden of disease among Indigenous Australians

scientific article published on July 2010

Estimating the economic costs of skin cancer in New South Wales, Australia

scientific article published on 23 September 2015

Evidence-based alcohol screening and brief intervention in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services: Experiences of health-care providers


Feasibility of a Mobile Health App for Routine Outcome Monitoring and Feedback in Mutual Support Groups Coordinated by SMART Recovery Australia: Protocol for a Pilot Study

scientific article published on 09 July 2020

Forming a national multicentre collaboration to conduct clinical trials: increasing high-quality research in the drug and alcohol field

scientific article published on September 2010

From both sides: Participant and facilitator perceptions of SMART Recovery groups.

scientific article

General practitioners' role in preventive medicine: scenario analysis using alcohol as a case study.

scientific article

Geographic and maternal characteristics associated with alcohol use in pregnancy

scientific article

Here we go again: cider's turn to highlight anomalies in Australia's alcohol taxation system

scientific article published on November 28, 2012

How and when health‐care practitioners in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services deliver alcohol screening and brief intervention, and why they don't: A qualitative study

scientific article published on March 22, 2011

Identifying Aboriginal-specific AUDIT-C and AUDIT-3 cutoff scores for at-risk, high-risk, and likely dependent drinkers using measures of agreement with the 10-item Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test

scientific article

Identifying individual- and population-level characteristics that influence rates of risky alcohol consumption in regional communities

Integrating smoking cessation care in alcohol and other drug treatment settings using an organizational change intervention: a systematic review

scientific article published on 27 July 2018

Is response to price equal for those with higher alcohol consumption?

scientific article published on 19 November 2014

Measuring costs of alcohol harm to others: a review of the literature.

scientific article published on 28 December 2010

Measuring the psychosocial health of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors: a critical review

scientific article

Methodological and statistical considerations in alcohol policy evaluation.

scientific article

Modelling the Costs and Outcomes of Changing Rates of Screening for Alcohol Misuse by GPs in the Australian Context


Onset and trajectory of alcohol and other drug use among Aboriginal men entering a prison treatment program: A qualitative study

scientific article published on 03 August 2020

Patterns of drug use among a sample of drug users and injecting drug users attending a General Practice in Iran

scientific article

Perceptions of substance use, treatment options and training needs among Iranian primary care physicians

scientific article

Preliminary development and psychometric evaluation of an unmet needs measure for adolescents and young adults with cancer: the Cancer Needs Questionnaire - Young People (CNQ-YP).

scientific article published on 30 January 2012

Prevalence and characteristics of patients with risky alcohol consumption presenting to emergency departments in rural Australia

scientific article published on February 14, 2012

Protocol for a systematic review of evaluation research for adults who have participated in the 'SMART recovery' mutual support programme.

scientific article published on 23 May 2016

Psycho-social resilience, vulnerability and suicide prevention: impact evaluation of a mentoring approach to modify suicide risk for remote Indigenous Australian students at boarding school.

scientific article published in February 2016

Randomized Controlled Trial of Mailed Personalized Feedback for Problem Drinkers in the Emergency Department: The Short-Term Impact

scientific article published on 20 October 2011

Randomized Controlled Trial of Mailed Personalized Feedback for Risky Drinkers in the Emergency Department: The Impact on Alcohol Consumption, Alcohol-Related Injuries, and Repeat Emergency Department Presentations

scientific article

Reducing alcohol-related harm: the untapped potential of pre-hospital care workers

scientific article

Riding the rural radio wave: The impact of a community-led drug and alcohol radio advertising campaign in a remote Australian Aboriginal community.

scientific article

Serious adverse events in the Australian National Evaluation of Pharmacotherapies for Opioid Dependence (NEPOD).

scientific article

Smoking Cessation among Low-Socioeconomic Status and Disadvantaged Population Groups: A Systematic Review of Research Output

scientific article

Smoking cessation care provision in Australian alcohol and other drug treatment services: A cross-sectional survey of staff self-reported practices

scientific article published on 7 April 2017

Smoking, nutrition, alcohol and physical activity interventions targeting Indigenous Australians: rigorous evaluations and new directions needed.

scientific article

Structural barriers to timely initiation of antiretroviral treatment in Vietnam: findings from six outpatient clinics

scientific article

Study Protocol--Alcohol Management Plans (AMPs) in remote indigenous communities in Queensland: their impacts on injury, violence, health and social indicators and their cost-effectiveness

scientific article published on 09 January 2014

Systematic review and meta-analyses of strategies targeting alcohol problems in emergency departments: interventions reduce alcohol-related injuries

scientific article published on 08 January 2008

Systematic review of SMART Recovery: Outcomes, process variables, and implications for research.

scientific article

Tailoring a family-based alcohol intervention for Aboriginal Australians, and the experiences and perceptions of health care providers trained in its delivery

scientific article

Tailoring a response to youth binge drinking in an Aboriginal Australian community: a grounded theory study

scientific article

The Feasibility of Embedding Data Collection into the Routine Service Delivery of a Multi-Component Program for High-Risk Young People

scientific article

The acceptability to Aboriginal Australians of a family-based intervention to reduce alcohol-related harms


The consumption of alcohol by Australian adolescents: a comparison of revenue and expenditure


The cost-effectiveness of tailored, postal feedback on general practitioners’ prescribing of pharmacotherapies for alcohol dependence

scientific article published on 22 February 2012

The development and application of a proxy measure of alcohol-related traffic crashes for rural communities

scientific article published on 12 July 2011

The effectiveness of community action in reducing risky alcohol consumption and harm: a cluster randomised controlled trial

scientific article

The efficacy of diversion and aftercare strategies for adult drug-involved offenders: a summary and methodological review of the outcome literature.

scientific article published on July 2007

The impact of a community-based risky drinking intervention (Beat da Binge) on Indigenous young people.

scientific article

The management of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use problems by general practitioners in Australia

scientific article published in November 2005

The multiple baseline design for evaluating population-based research.

scientific article published on August 2007

The potential cost-effectiveness of general practitioner delivered brief intervention for alcohol misuse: Evidence from rural Australia


The prevalence and characteristics of alcohol-related presentations to emergency departments in rural Australia.

scientific article published on 3 September 2010

The quality and effectiveness of interventions that target multiple risk factors among young people: a systematic review

scientific article published on 13 September 2016

The relationship between alcohol consumption and self-reported health status using the EQ5D: evidence from rural Australia

scientific article

The relationship between risky alcohol consumption, crime and traffic accidents in Australian rural communities

scientific article published on 31 October 2009

Tobacco smoking policies in Australian alcohol and other drug treatment services, agreement between staff awareness and the written policy document

scientific article

Training and tailored outreach support to improve alcohol screening and brief intervention in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services

scientific article published on July 10, 2012

Trends in and determinants of loss to follow up and early mortality in a rapid expansion of the antiretroviral treatment program in Vietnam: findings from 13 outpatient clinics

scientific article

Using patient-driven computers to provide cost-effective prevention in primary care: a conceptual framework.

scientific article published in March 2003

Willingness to pay to reduce alcohol-related harm in Australian rural communities
