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List of works by Francesc Maynou

"Once upon a time in the Mediterranean" long term trends of Mediterranean fisheries resources based on fishers' Traditional Ecological Knowledge

scientific article

A bio-economic evaluation of the potential for establishing a commercial fishery on two newly developed stocks: The Ionian red shrimp fishery

article by Jordi Guillen et al published 16 May 2012 in Scientia Marina

A new bioeconomic simulation tool for small scale fisheries based on game theory: GAMEFISTO model


A review of the fisheries biology of the mantis shrimp, Squilla mantis (L., 1758) (Stomatopoda, Squillidae) in the Mediterranean


A small-scale fishery near a rocky littoral marine reserve in the northwestern Mediterranean (Medes Islands) after two decades of fishing prohibition

article by Paloma Martín et al published 14 May 2012 in Scientia Marina

An analysis of fishing gear competition. Catalan fisheries as case studies


Analysis and standardization of landings per unit effort of red shrimp Aristeus antennatus from the trawl fleet of Barcelona (NW Mediterranean)


Analysis of catch per unit effort by multivariate analysis and generalised linear models for deep-water crustacean fisheries off Barcelona (NW Mediterranean)


Application of a bioeconomic model for supporting the management process of the small pelagic fishery in the Veneto Region, northern Adriatic Sea, Italy


Application of a multi-annual generalized depletion model to the assessment of a data-limited coastal fishery in the western Mediterranean

article by Francesc Maynou et al published 8 June 2015 in Scientia Marina

Assessing perceptions: Do Catalan fishermen catch more shrimp on Fridays?

article by F Sardà & Francesc Maynou published June 1998 in Fisheries Research

Assessing the performance of linear geostatistical tools applied to artificial fisheries data

article by Marta Rufino et al published December 2006 in Fisheries Research

Assessment and bioeconomic analysis of the Majorca (NW Mediterranean) trammel net fishery

article by Gorka Merino et al published April 2008 in Aquatic Living Resources

Assessment of the relative catch performance of hake, red mullet and striped red mullet in a modified trawl extension with T90 netting

article by Iván Sola & Francesc Maynou published 6 June 2018 in Scientia Marina

Assessment of the spatial structure and biomass evaluation ofNephrops norvegicus(L.) populations in the northwestern Mediterranean by geostatistics

scientific article published in 1998

Balancing ecology, economy and culture in fisheries policy: Participatory research in the Western Mediterranean demersal fisheries management plan

scientific article published in 2021

Bathymetric changes in the distributions of particulate organic matter and associated fauna along a deep-sea transect down the catalan sea slope (Northwestern Mediterranean)


Biliary fluorescent aromatic compounds (FACs) measured by fixed wavelength fluorescence (FF) in several marine fish species from the NW Mediterranean

scientific article published on 6 August 2009

Bio-economic analysis of the Mar Menor (Murcia, SE Spain) small-scale lagoon fishery


Bioeconomic analysis of the effects of modifying the trawl extension piece with T90 netting

article by Iván Sola & Francesc Maynou published 6 June 2018 in Scientia Marina

Bioeconomic model for a three-zone Marine Protected Area: a case study of Medes Islands (northwest Mediterranean)


Changes in deep-sea fish and crustacean communities at 1000–2200m in the Western Mediterranean after 25years: Relation to hydro-climatic conditions

scholarly article by J.E. Cartes published in March 2015

Changes in the spawning habitat of two small pelagic fish in the Northwestern Mediterranean

scientific article published on 23 December 2019

Characterisation of fish species based on ex-vessel prices and its management implications: An application to the Spanish Mediterranean


Cholinesterases activities and lipid peroxidation levels in muscle from shelf and slope dwelling fish from the NW Mediterranean: its potential use in pollution monitoring.

scientific article published on 16 June 2008

Clues from the recent past to assess recruitment of Mediterranean small pelagic fishes under sea warming scenarios


Combining GIS and GAMs to identify potential habitats of squid Loligo vulgaris in the Northwestern Mediterranean

article by Pilar Sanchez et al published 1 August 2008 in Hydrobiologia

Community structure of bathyal decapod crustaceans off south-west Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean): seasonality and regional patterns in zonation

scholarly article in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vol. 80 no. 5, October 2000

Comparing production biomass ratios of benthos and suprabenthos in macrofaunal marine crustaceans


Coviability analysis of Western Mediterranean fisheries under MSY scenarios for 2020

article by Francesc Maynou published 16 April 2014 in I C E S Journal of Marine Science

Critical assessment of the current understanding/ knowledge of the framework of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Seas

article by Paolo Sartor et al published 30 March 2014 in Scientia Marina

Depicting the novel Eastern Mediterranean food web: a stable isotopes study following Lessepsian fish invasion

Diel rhythms in shallow Mediterranean rocky-reef fishes: a chronobiological approach with the help of trained volunteers

article by Ernesto Azzurro et al published 25 September 2012 in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

Diet and feeding strategies of mesopelagic fishes in the western Mediterranean

Driftnet fishing and biodiversity conservation: the case study of the large-scale Moroccan driftnet fleet operating in the Alboran Sea (SW Mediterranean)

Ecological importance of survival of unwanted invertebrates discarded in different NW Mediterranean trawl fisheries

scholarly article by Montserrat Demestre published in November 2018

Ecology of megabenthic bivalve communities from sandy beaches on the south coast of Portugal


Effects of no-take area size and age of marine protected areas on fisheries yields: a meta-analytical approach

article by Frédéric Vandeperre et al published 22 December 2010 in Fish and Fisheries

Effects of trawling on fish and invertebrates from deep-sea coral facies of Isidella elongata in the western Mediterranean

scholarly article in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vol. 92 no. 7, October 2011

Enhancing onboard post-catch vitality of discard Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) for more sustainable Mediterranean trawl fishery

scientific article published in 2022

Environmental causes of the fluctuations of red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus) landings in the Catalan Sea

article by Francesc Maynou published June 2008 in Journal of Marine Systems

Estimating trends of population decline in long-lived marine species in the Mediterranean Sea based on fishers' perceptions

scientific article

European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) landings and environmental conditions on the Catalan Coast (NW Mediterranean) during 2000–2005

article published in 2008

European hake ( Merluccius merluccius ) assessment based on size frequencies and basic biological parameters in the SW Mediterranean

External morphology explains the success of biological invasions

scientific article

First record of Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Percnidae) from Egyptian waters


Fisheries management scenarios: trade-offs between economic and biological objectives

article by C. D. Maravelias et al published 30 April 2014 in Fisheries Management and Ecology

Fishing tactics dynamics of a Mediterranean small-scale coastal fishery


Fistularia commersonii in the Mediterranean Sea: invasion history and distribution modeling based on presence-only records


Future distribution of early life stages of small pelagic fishes in the northwestern Mediterranean

scientific article published in 2020

Geometric morphology as an alternative for measuring the diversity of fish assemblages

scientific article published in 2013

Geostatistical analysis of densities of Liocarcinus depurator (Brachyura: Portunidae) on the western Mediterranean from 1994 to 2003

scientific article published in 2006

Habitat influence in the morphological diversity of coastal fish assemblages

scholarly article by Marc Farré published in May 2015

Hepatic biomarkers of xenobiotic metabolism in eighteen marine fish from NW Mediterranean shelf and slope waters in relation to some of their biological and ecological variables

scientific article published on 23 May 2010

How relevant are recreational fisheries? Motivation and activity of resident and tourist anglers in Majorca

scholarly article by Beatriz Morales-Nin et al published April 2015 in Fisheries Research

Importance of temporal and spatial factors in the ex-vessel price formation for red shrimp and management implications

Improving the performance of a Mediterranean demersal fishery toward economic objectives beyond MSY

article by Gorka Merino et al published January 2015 in Fisheries Research

Influence of environmental factors on commercial trawl catches of Nephrops norvegicus (L.)

scientific article published in 2001

Influence of environmental variables on the spatio-temporal dynamics of bentho-pelagic assemblages in the middle slope of the Balearic Basin (NW Mediterranean)


Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Mediterranean deep-sea shrimp landings

Influence of trawl type on the composition and diversity of deep benthopelagic fish and decapod assemblages off the Catalan coasts (western Mediterranean)


Linking trawl fleet dynamics and the spatial distribution of exploited species can help to avoid unwanted catches: the case of the NW Mediterranean fishing grounds

scholarly article by Alfredo Garcia-de-Vinuesa published in November 2018

Long-term changes in the abundance and deepening of the deep-sea shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea in the Balearic Basin: Relationships with hydrographic changes at the Levantine Intermediate Water


Long-term changes in the composition and diversity of deep-slope megabenthos and trophic webs off Catalonia (western Mediterranean): Are trends related to climatic oscillations?


Mesoscale structure of microplankton and mesoplankton assemblages under contrasting oceanographic conditions in the Catalan Sea (NW Mediterranean)

scholarly article by Fernando Villate published in November 2014

Modelling catch, effort and price in a juvenile Eledone cirrhosa fishery over a 10-year period

article by Pilar Sánchez et al published July 2004 in Fisheries Research

Muscular cholinesterase activities and lipid peroxidation levels as biomarkers in several Mediterranean marine fish species and their relationship with ecological variables.

scientific article published on 22 December 2009

Nephrops norvegicus population and morphometrical characteristics in relation to substrate heterogeneity

Nile damming as plausible cause of extinction and drop in abundance of deep-sea shrimp in the western Mediterranean over broad spatial scales

article published in 2011

On the economic nature of consumers’ willingness to pay for a selective and sustainable fishery: A comparative empirical study

scholarly article by Laura Onofri published in July 2018

Patchiness and spatial structure of the early developmental stages of clupeiforms in the NW Mediterranean Sea

Patterns of bathymetric distribution among deep-sea fauna at local spatial scale: comparison of mainland vs. insular areas

Patterns of species and functional diversity around a coastal marine reserve: a fisheries perspective


Rebuilding Mediterranean fisheries: a new paradigm for ecological sustainability

article by Francesco Colloca et al published 28 November 2011 in Fish and Fisheries

Reducing discards in trammel net fisheries with simple modifications based on a guarding net and artificial light: contributing to marine biodiversity conservation

article by Pedro Martínez-Baños & Francesc Maynou published 5 June 2018 in Scientia Marina

Regional and temporal changes in bivalve diversity off the south coast of Portugal


Seasonal and spatial variability of hake (Merluccius merluccius L.) recruitment in the NW Mediterranean

Small scale fisheries in Europe: A comparative analysis based on a selection of case studies


Small-scale distribution characteristics of Munida spp. populations (Decapoda: Anomura) off the Catalan coasts (western Mediterranean)

Small-scale fishery in the Balearic Islands (W Mediterranean): A socio-economic approach

article by Francesc Maynou et al published March 2013 in Fisheries Research

Spatial Analysis of Twaite Shad,Alosa fallax (Lacepède, 1803), in the Southern North Sea: Application of Non-Linear Geostatistics as a Tool to Search for Special Areas of Conservation

article published in 2004

Spatial and Environmental Factors Affecting the Distribution of the Main Decapod Crustacean Prey Species in the NW Mediterranean

Spatial assessment of benefits of a coastal Mediterranean Marine Protected Area

Spatial assessment of fishing effort around European marine reserves: Implications for successful fisheries management

scientific article published on 21 September 2008

Spatial management of the European hake Merluccius merluccius fishery in the Catalan Mediterranean: Simulation of management alternatives with the InVEST model

scholarly article by Meryeme Khoukh published in November 2018

The MINOUWApp: a web-based tool in support of by-catch and discards management

scientific article published on 09 November 2020

The distribution of megabenthic, invertebrate epifauna in the Balearic Basin (western Mediterranean) between 400 and 2300 m: Environmental gradients influencing assemblages composition and biomass trends


The effect of methodological options on geostatistical modelling of animal distribution: A case study with Liocarcinus depurator (Crustacea: Brachyura) trawl survey data

The influence of environmental characteristics on fish larvae spatial patterns related to a marine protected area: The Medes islands (NW Mediterranean)

scientific article published in 2011

The role of oceanographic conditions and plankton availability in larval fish assemblages off the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean)

Tracking signals of change in Mediterranean fish diversity based on local ecological knowledge

scientific article

Trophic relationships at intrannual spatial and temporal scales of macro and megafauna around a submarine canyon off the Catalonian coast (western Mediterranean)

Uses of ecosystem services provided by MPAs: How much do they impact the local economy? A southern Europe perspective

scholarly article by Nicolas Roncin et al published December 2008 in Journal for Nature Conservation

Xenobiotic metabolism markers in marine fish with different trophic strategies and their relationship to ecological variables.

scientific article published on 27 July 2008