1948 song
original song by written by Fred Wise (lyrics) and Ben Weisman (music); first recorded by Elvis Presley for his 1958 motion picture "King Creole"
original song written and composed by Ben Weisman, Fred Wise
original song composed by Dorcas Cochran and Kay Twomey, words by Ben Weisman and Fred Wise
original song written and composed by Kay Twomey, Ben Weisman, Fred Wise
original song written and composed by Kay Twomey, Ben Weisman, and Fred Wise
translated song; Norwegian-language version of "Let's Walk That-A-Way", lyrics adapted by Erik Diesen
original song written and composed by Fred Wise, Norman Blagman, and Kay Twomey; first recorded by Elvis Presley
original film song written and composed by Dolores Fuller, Fred Wise, and Ben Weisman; sung by Elvis Presley in the 1961 film "Blue Hawaii"
English adaptation of a German folk song; words and music by Fred Wise, Ben Weisman, Bert Kaempfert, Kay Twomey; first recorded by Elvis Presley
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