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List of works by Desmond Bonney

A. R. H. Baker & R. A. Butlin (eds.): Studies of field systems in the British Isles. Cambridge: University Press, 1973. 728 pp., 87 figs., 14 tables. £11.00


Early boundaries and estates in southern England

chapter published in 1979

Hamshill Ditches, Barford St. Martin

article published in 1967

Iron Age and Romano-British settlement sites in Wiltshire: some geographical considerations

article published in 1968

Megaliths near Stonehenge

article published in 1982

Pagan Saxon Burials and Boundaries in Wiltshire

article published in 1966

Pagan Saxon burials at Amesbury

article published in 1983

Prehistoric England, by J. G. D. Clark. Pp. 200, 50 pls., 36 line illustrations. Batsford, 1963. 5s.

book review published in 1964


scientific article published on January 1970

Reviews of Books

The Domesday Geography of South-West England, edited by H. C. Darby and R. Welldon Finn. Pp. 469, 95 figs. Cambridge University Press, 1967, 6 guineas.

book review published in 1968

The Uses of Air Photography, edited by J. K. S. St. Joseph. Pp. 166, 84 pls., 5 figs. John Baker, 1966. 65s.

book review published in WANHM in 1967

The Victoria History of the County of Wiltshire, Vol. IX. The Hundred of Kingsbridge. Edited by Elizabeth Crittall. 12 × 8½. Pp. xx + 220 + 20 pls. + 11 maps and plans. London: Oxford University Press, for the Institute of Historical Research, 1970

Two tenth-century Wiltshire charters concerning lands at Avon and at Collingbourne

article published in 1969