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List of works by James Graham-Campbell

A Catalogue of the Anglo-Saxon Ornamental Metalwork, 700-1100, in the Department of Antiquities, Ashmolean Museum. By David Hinton. 28 X 22 cm. xii + 81 pp., 20 pls., 40 figs. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. Price £9.50

book review published in 1974

A Lost Reliquary Casket from Gwytherin, North Wales

A Pictish ‘serpent’ incised slab from Jarlshof, Shetland

scientific article published in November 2019

A Viking Age Gold Hoard from Ireland

A bronze ‘thistle-brooch’ of Viking-age date from near Kinlochleven, Argyllshire

scholarly article by James Graham-Campbell published in January 1983

A fragmentary bronze strap-end of the Viking period from the Udal, North Uist, Inverness-shire

article published in 1973

A ninth-century silver strap-end from the Cathedral Close, Exeter

scholarly article published in 1983

A pair of inscribed Anglo-Saxon hooked tags from the Rome (Forum) 1883 hoard

A viking-age harness-bow fragment from Cliffe, N. Yorkshire

article published in 1998


chapter published in 2007 in The Archaeology of Medieval Europe: Vol. 1

Alumni Reflections

scientific article

An Anglo-Saxon ornamental silver strip from the Cuerdale hoard

article published in 1970

An Anglo-Scandinavian ornamented knife from Canterbury, Kent

article published in 1978

Bossed Penannular Brooches: a Review of Recent Research

scientific article published in January 1975

Bossed penannular brooches reconsidered

scholarly article by James Graham-Campbell published in January 1976

Die Wlkingerzeit Golands I: Abbildungen der Grabfunde. (Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien) By Lena Thunmark-Nylén. 23.5 x 30.5 cm. 396 pp. including 511 illustrated objects. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1996

book review published in 1999

Dinas Powys metalwork and the dating of enamelled zoomorphic penannular brooches

article published in 1991

Early Christian, Viking and Romanesque Art: Motif-Pieces from Ireland (University of Stockholm, Theses and Papers in North-European Archaeology, 7). By Uaininn O'Meadhra. 30 x 21 cm. 270 pp. including numerous plates and figures.

book review published in 1982

Economy, Society and Warfare Among the Britons and Saxons. By Leslie Alcock. 25× 18 cm. Pp. x + 343, ill. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1987. ISBN 0-7083-0963-1. £35

Helgö Revisited: a new look at the excavated evidence for Helgö, central Sweden. By Helen Clarke and Kristina Lamm. 300mm. Pp xii + 134, many b&w and col ills, plans, tables. Verein zur Förderung des Archäologischen Landesmuseums e.V. Schloss Got


chapter published in 2007 in The Archaeology of Medieval Europe: Vol. 1

Janet Backhouse. D. H. Turner & Leslie Webster (ed.). The golden age of Anglo-Saxon art. London: British Museum Publications, 1984. 216 pp., 300 colour & B/W illus. £10 paperback.David M. Wilson. Anglo-Saxon art from the seventh century to the Norma


encyclopedia article

Julian D. Richards. English Heritage book of Viking Age England. 144 pages, 84 figures. 11 colour plates. 1991 London: Batsford: ISBN 0-7134-6519-0 hardback £25; ISBN 0-7134-6520-4 paperback £13.99

Life, death and memory

chapter published in 2007 in The Archaeology of Medieval Europe: Vol. 1

Lindholm Hoje. Graopladsen (Nordiske Fortidsminder, 2). By Thorkild Ramskou. 30 x 1.5 cm. 199 pp., 412 figs., numerous plans. Oldskriftselskab, 1976. Das wikingerzeitliche Griibeifeld von Thumby-Bienebek (Kr. Rendsburg-Eckenforde).

book review published in 1979

Material culture and daily life

chapter published in 2007 in The Archaeology of Medieval Europe: Vol. 1

On the Witham Bowl

scientific article published in September 2004


encyclopedia article

Ossianic gold: an enhanced object biography of a Viking Age or Late Norse finger-ring from the Isle of Jura in the collection of Glasgow Museums

scientific article published on 21 November 2018

Ovala spannbucklor: En studie av vikingatida standardsmycken med utgangspunkt fran Bjorko-fynden. By Ingmar Jansson. 2I x 30 cm. 238 pp., 142 figs. Uppsala: Uppsala University Institute of North European Archaeology

book review published in 1989

Pictish and Norse finds from the Brough of Birsay 1934-74 (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Monograph Series, 1). By C. L. Curle. 21 X 30cm. 141 pp., 61 figs. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1982

book review published in 1984

R. Bruce-Mitford: The Sutton Hoo ship-burial, Vol. 2. London: British Museum Publications, 1978. 678 pp., 24 col.pls., 443 figs., 36 tables. £ 50.00

R. Bruce-Mitford: The Sutton Hoo shipburial, Vol. I. London: British Museum Publications, 1975. 832 pp., 13 colour pls., 524 figs., 37 tables, 12 pls. and cards (in map pocket). £45

Reflections on the Viking-Age silver hoard from Croydon, Surrey

chapter published in 2000

Review article: The archaeology of Anglian and Anglo-Scandinavian York: progress to publication

scientific article published on 30 January 2007

Reviews of books


encyclopedia article

Some neglected Viking-age silver hoards from near Athlone and Co Cork

scientific article published in January 1986

Some new and neglected finds of 9th century Anglo-Saxon ornamental metalwork [hooked tags and strap-ends in silver or copper alloy, Trewhiddle style]

article published in 1982

Stave Churches and Viking Ships. By Else Christie Kielland. 27 x 22 em. 120 pp., 44 figs., 29 pls, Oslo: Dreyers Forlag A/S, 1981

book review published in 1983

Technology, craft and industry

chapter published in 2007 in The Archaeology of Medieval Europe: Vol. 1

The 'Cooper' Silver Thistle-Brooch, and its probably discovery in the Townland of Tiratick, County Sligo

article published in 2016

The 9th-century Anglo-Saxon Horn-mount from Burghead, Morayshire, Scotland

scientific article published in January 1973

The Archaeology of Late Celtic Britain and Ireland, c. 400-1 200 A.D. By Lloyd Laing. 24 x 16 cm. xxvii + 451 pp., 32 pIs., 151 figs. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1975. Price, hardback £11; University Paperback £4.50.

book review published in 1975

The Archaeology of York. Vol. 17. The Small Finds. Fasc.3. Anglo-Scandinavian Finds from Lloyds Bank, Pavement, and Other Sites. By Arthur MacGregor. 24 × 18.5 cm. Pp. 118 + 6 pls. + 80 figs. London: Council for British Archaeology, for the York Arc

The Bristol conference, 1978

report published in 1978

The Cambridge conference, 1981

report published in 1981

The Cuerdale Hoard and Related Viking Age Silver and Gold, from Britain and Ireland in the British Museum

book published in 2011

The Gold Finger-Ring from a Burial in St. Aldate's Street, Oxford

scientific article published in 1988

The Inscriptions of Early Medieval Brittany

book published in 2000

The Kilkenny conference, 1982

report published in 1982

The Mästermyr Find: a Viking Age Tool Chest from Gotland. By Greta Arwidsson and Gösta Berg. 30 × 21 cm. Pp. 96, 32 pls. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell for the Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, 1983. ISBN 91-7402-129-X. Sw. kr

The Newcastle upon Tyne conference, 1980

report published in 1980

The Northern Isles

The Oban conference, 1977


The Poitiers Conference, 1979

report published in 1979

The Scandinavian Viking-Age burials of England: some problems of interpretation

article published in 1980

The archaeology of the ‘Great Army’ (865–79)

chapter published in 2004

The display of secular power

chapter published in 2007 in The Archaeology of Medieval Europe: Vol. 1

The dual economy of the Danelaw

article published in 2001

The scientific examination of a fragment of a silver bossed brooch from Cuerdale, Lancashire, England

scientific article published in January 1976

The ‘William Allen Box’: a Victorian Gentleman's Collection of Antiquities and Curios


Thorleif Sjövold: The Iron Age settlement of Arctic Norway. Vol. II: Late Iron Age. Oslo: Norwegian Universities Press, 1974. Tromsö Museums Skrifter Vol. X, 2. 408 pp., 76 pls., 22 figs. NKr. 78

Two 9th-century Anglo-Saxon Strap-Ends from East Sussex

article published in 1988

Two new 9th-Century Anglo-Saxon Strap-Ends from East Sussex

Unusual Roman Iron Age burials on the Links of Pierowall, Westray, Orkney


encyclopedia article

Vendel Period Studies. Edited by J. P. Lamm and H.-Å. Nordström. 24 × 16 cm. Pp. 191, many ills. Stockholm: The Museum of National Antiquities (Studies, 2), 1983. ISBN 0-7134-1582-7. £20.00

Viking Age gold and silver from Irish crannogs and other watery places

article published in 2009

Viking Artefacts: A Select Catalogue

book published in 1980

Viking art

encyclopedia article

Viking-Age Coinage in the Northern Lands. Edited by M. A. S. Blackburn and D. M. Metcalf. 21 x 30 cm. 568 pp., many figs. Oxford: Brit. Archaeol. Rep. Int. Ser. 122, 1981. Price £22.00

book review published in 1986

Vikingatida dosspannen - teknisk stratigrafi och verkstadsgruppering (Uppsala University Institute of North European Archaeology Archaeological Studies 4). By Lena Thunmark-Nylen.

book review published in 1986

Vikings in Scotland: An Archaeological Survey

book published in 1998

Western British, Irish and Later Anglo-Saxon

scientific article published in January 1975

Western British, Irish and Later Anglo-Saxon

scientific article published in January 1976

Western British, Irish and Later Anglo-Saxon

scientific article published in January 1977

Western British, Irish and Later Anglo-Saxon

scientific article published in January 1978