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List of works by Donald C. Harris

A "valleriite-type" mineral from Noril'sk, western Siberia

scientific paper

Allargentum, redefined

scientific paper

Arsenohauchecornite and tellurohauchecornite: new minerals in the hauchecornite group

scientific paper

Athabascaite: A new copper selenide mineral from Martin Lake, Saskatchewan

scientific paper

Bambollaite, a new copper telluro-selenide

scientific paper

Frankhawthorneite, Cu2Te6+O4(OH)2, a new mineral species from the Centennial Eureka Mine, Tintic District, Juab County, Utah

scientific article

Langisite, a new mineral, and the rare minerals cobalt pentlandite, ...

scientific paper

Mattagamite and tellurantimony, two new telluride minerals from Mattagami Lake Mine, Matagami area, Quebec

scientific article

Michenerite (PdBiTe) redefined and froodite (PdBi2) confirmed from the Sudbury area

scientific article

Nomenclature of platinum-group-element alloys: review and revision

scientific paper

Paracostibite (CoSbS) and nisbite (NiSb2), new minerals...

scientific paper

Ruthenarsenite and iridarsenite, two new minerals from the territory of Papua and New Guinea and associated irarsite, laurite and cubic iron-bearing platinum

scientific article

Studies of mineral sulpho-salts: XX Berryite, a new species

scientific paper

The new mineral insizwaite (PtBi2) and new data on niggliite (PtSn)

scientific article

The nomenclature of the natural alloys of osmium, iridium and ruthenium based on new compositional data of alloys from world-wide occurrences

scientific paper

Tintinaite, the antimony analogue of kobellite

scientific paper

Vaughanite, TlHgSb4S7, a new mineral from Hemlo, Ontario, Canada

scientific article

Willyamite redefined

scientific paper