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List of works by John W. Moreau

Biodegradation of thiocyanate by a native groundwater microbial consortium

scientific article published on 26 March 2019

Biodegradation of thiocyanate by a novel strain of Burkholderia phytofirmans from soil contaminated by gold mine tailings

scientific article published on July 22, 2013

Changes in the deep subsurface microbial biosphere resulting from a field-scale CO2 geosequestration experiment

scientific article

Distribution of iron- and sulfate-reducing bacteria across a coastal acid sulfate soil (CASS) environment: implications for passive bioremediation by tidal inundation

scientific article published on 3 July 2015

Diversity of dissimilatory sulfite reductase genes (dsrAB) in a salt marsh impacted by long-term acid mine drainage

scientific article

Extracellular proteins limit the dispersal of biogenic nanoparticles.

scientific article published in June 2007

Genome-resolved metagenomics of an autotrophic thiocyanate-remediating microbial bioreactor consortium

scientific article published on 23 March 2019

Limisphaera ngatamarikiensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a thermophilic, pink-pigmented coccus isolated from subaqueous mud of a geothermal hotspring

scientific article

Mercury methylation by metabolically versatile and cosmopolitan marine bacteria

scientific article published in 2021

Mercury sources, distribution, and bioavailability in the North Pacific Ocean: Insights from data and models


Metagenomic and lipid analyses reveal a diel cycle in a hypersaline microbial ecosystem

scientific article published on 28 April 2015

Microbial contributions to coupled arsenic and sulfur cycling in the acid-sulfide hot spring Champagne Pool, New Zealand

scientific article

Microbial mercury methylation in Antarctic sea ice.

scientific article published on August 2016

New insights into the genetic and metabolic diversity of thiocyanate-degrading microbial consortia

scientific article published on 23 November 2015

Quantifying Heavy Metals Sequestration by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in an Acid Mine Drainage-Contaminated Natural Wetland

scientific article published on March 12, 2013

Seawater recirculation through subducting sediments sustains a deeply buried population of sulfate-reducing bacteria

scientific article published on 25 November 2018

Subsurface carbon monoxide oxidation capacity revealed through genome-resolved metagenomics of a carboxydotroph

scientific article published on 06 July 2020

The Effect of Natural Organic Matter on Mercury Methylation by Desulfobulbus propionicus 1pr3.

scientific article

The effect of heavy metals on thiocyanate biodegradation by an autotrophic microbial consortium enriched from mine tailings

scientific article published on 02 December 2020

The geomicrobiology of CO2 geosequestration: a focused review on prokaryotic community responses to field-scale CO2 injection.

scientific article published on 09 April 2015

Thermoflavifilum aggregans gen. nov., sp. nov., a thermophilic and slightly halophilic filamentous bacterium from the phylum Bacteroidetes.

scientific article

Thermorudis pharmacophila sp. nov., a novel member of the class Thermomicrobia isolated from geothermal soil, and emended descriptions of Thermomicrobium roseum, Thermomicrobium carboxidum, Thermorudis peleae and Sphaerobacter thermophilus.

scientific article

Thiocyanate adsorption on ferrihydrite and its fate during ferrihydrite transformation to hematite and goethite

scientific article published on 07 October 2014