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List of works by Simon Nathan

Age and correlation of late quaternary terraces in the Lower Inangahua Valley, West Coast, South Island, New Zealand


Age of Jackson Formation proves late Cenozoic allochthony in South Westland, New Zealand


Alexander McKay: New Zealand’s first scientific photographer

scholarly article

Analysis of the formation and failure of Ram Creek landslide dam, South Island, New Zealand


Atoms, dinosaurs, & DNA


Classification of granitic rocks: A comment on Mason and Taylor (1987)

article by Simon Nathan published June 1987 in Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand

Cretaceous and lower tertiary stratigraphy of the coastal strip between buttress point and ship creek, South Westland, New Zealand


Cretaceous chronology of the Lower Buller Valley, South Island, New Zealand


Domestic expenditure of the Hector family in the early 1870s

scholarly article

Emplacement of a high-level granitoid complex: the Berlins Porphyry, near Westport, New Zealand


Finding New Zealand’s scientific heritage: from Mātauranga Māori to Augustus Hamilton


Folding and the formation of bedding‐parallel faults on the western limb of Grey Valley Syncline near Blackball, New Zealand


Geochemistry of the Greenland Group (early Ordovician), New Zealand


Geochronological constraints on Cretaceous‐Paleocene volcanism in South Westland, New Zealand

article by Carolyn J. Phillips et al published March 2005 in New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics

Geology and petrology of the Campbell-Aviator divide, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica


Geology and petrology of the Campbell—Aviator Divide, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica

scholarly article by Simon Nathan published in 1968

Inangahua magnetic anomaly, New Zealand


James Hector and the first geological maps of New Zealand


Late quaternary terraces between ship creek and the Whakapohai River, South Westland, New Zealand


Letters to the editor: Stratigraphic classification and nomenclature in Buller and North Westland: Reply

Mr ‘Explorer’ Douglas and the giant geological map of South Westland

Notes from the New Zealand Geological Survey—5: Experimental crystallisation of a lamprophyre glass


Petrology of the Berlins Porphyry: A study of the crystallisation of granitic magma

scholarly article by Simon Nathan published December 1974 in Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand

Pliocene‐Quaternary sedimentation and Alpine Fault related tectonics in the lower Cascade valley, South Westland, New Zealand


Potassium-argon dates from the area between the Priestley and Mariner Glaciers, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica

article by Simon Nathan published September 1971 in New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics

Recent Thermal and Volcanic activity on Mount Melbourne, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica

scholarly article by Simon Nathan published in 1967

Reconnaissance sandstone geochemistry, provenance, and tectonic setting of the lower Paleozoic terranes of the West Coast and Nelson, New Zealand


Regional metamorphism of the Early Palaeozoic Greenland Group, South Westland, New Zealand


Spinel harzburgite xenoliths in alkali basalt and camptonite from North Westland and southeast Nelson, New Zealand


Stratigraphic nomenclature for the cretaceous-lower Quaternary rocks of Buller and North Westland, West Coast, South Island, New Zealand


Stratigraphy, structure, and igneous petrology in the Lower Buller Valley.

1966 master's thesis by Simon Nathan at University of Canterbury

Tertiary rocks near the white creek fault, Upper Buller Gorge, New Zealand


The lessons of history for the future of science

Thermal history analysis by integrated modelling of apatite fission track and vitrinite reflectance data: application to an inverted basin (Buller Coalfield, New Zealand)


Torlesse greywacke and Haast Schist source for Pliocene conglomerates near Reefton, New Zealand


Uplift history of South Westland using the fission-track dating technique

Upper Cenozoic stratigraphy of South Westland, New Zealand


Volcanic history of Macauley Island, Kermadec Ridge, New Zealand


Women in New Zealand geoscience

scholarly article published May 2020