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List of works by Roberto Lemus-Mondaca

Changes of quality characteristics of pepino fruit (Solanum muricatum Ait) during convective drying

Dehydration ofStevia rebaudiana Bertoni Leaves: Kinetics, Modeling and Energy Features

Effect of air drying temperature on the quality of rehydrated dried red bell pepper (var. Lamuyo)

article by A. Vega-Gálvez et al published March 2008 in Journal of Food Engineering

Effect of drying process assisted by high-pressure impregnation on protein quality and digestibility in red abalone (Haliotis rufescens).

scientific article

Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on rheological and thermophysical properties of murtilla (Ugni molinae Turcz) berries

scientific article published on 11 June 2016

Effect of high hydrostatic pressure treatment on physical parameters, ultrastructure and shelf life of pre- and post-rigor mortis palm ruff (Seriolella violacea) under chilled storage

scientific article published on 14 March 2018

Effect of temperature and air velocity on drying kinetics, antioxidant capacity, total phenolic content, colour, texture and microstructure of apple (var. Granny Smith) slices

scientific article published on 25 October 2011

Influence of air-drying temperature on drying kinetics, colour, firmness and biochemical characteristics of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fillets

scientific article published on 31 January 2013

Influence of drying temperature on dietary fibre, rehydration properties, texture and microstructure of Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.).

scientific article published on 28 December 2013

Influence of process temperature on drying kinetics, physicochemical properties and antioxidant capacity of the olive-waste cake.

scientific article

Stevia rebaudiana Leaves: Effect of Drying Process Temperature on Bioactive Components, Antioxidant Capacity and Natural Sweeteners
