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List of works by Jean-Michel Salles

Allocation initiale et marché des permis négociables d’émission de gaz à effet de serre : quelle équité pour favoriser l’acceptabilité ?

scientific article published in 2010

Assessing and mapping global climate regulation service loss induced by Terrestrial Transport Infrastructure construction

Author Correction: High and rising economic costs of biological invasions worldwide

correction of a scholarly article

Biodiversity and food security: from trade-offs to synergies

article published in 2017

Chapitre 9. Non-comparabilité et incommensurabilité Réflexions sur l’évaluation de la nature

Combining direct and indirect impacts to assess ecosystem service loss due to infrastructure construction

scientific article published on 24 January 2015

Dossier « Le réveil du dodo III » - Évaluer la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques : pourquoi, comment et avec quels résultats ?

Ecological economics and scientific controversies. Lessons from some recent policy making in the EEC

scientific article published in 1992

Economic valuation of the vulnerability of world agriculture confronted with pollinator decline

scientific article published in 2009

Gold-rush in a forested El Dorado: deforestation leakages and the need for regional cooperation

High and rising economic costs of biological invasions worldwide

scientific article published on 31 March 2021

Land sparing versus land sharing: an economist’s perspective

Les normes constituent-elles des incitations à innover pour les éco-industries? Une approche en termes de décision

Looking into Pandora’s Box: Ecosystem disservices assessment and correlations with ecosystem services

scholarly article by Carole Sylvie Campagne et al published April 2018 in Ecosystem services

Massive yet grossly underestimated global costs of invasive insects

scientific article (publication date: 4 October 2016)

Moving forward socio-economically focused models of deforestation

scientific article

Questioning emissions-based approaches for the definition of REDD+ deforestation baselines in high forest cover/low deforestation countries

scientific article published on 30 October 2018

Recreation demand analysis of sensitive natural areas from an on-site survey

Rights transfers in Madagascar biodiversity policies: achievements and significance

Régulation de l'activité des délégataires de services de l'eau et de l'assainissement : Qu'avons-nous appris ? Peut-on faire mieux ?

Spatial data infrastructure management: A two-sided market approach for strategic reflections


The Biodiversity Offsetting Dilemma: Between Economic Rationales and Ecological Dynamics

The economic cost of control of the invasive yellow-legged Asian hornet

scientific article

The nature of economic costs of biological invasions

scientific article published in 2022

The seagrass Posidonia oceanica: Ecosystem services identification and economic evaluation of goods and benefits

scientific article

Valuing biodiversity and ecosystem services: Why put economic values on Nature?

scientific article

Valuing the Recreational Services of a Marine and Terrestrial Natural Protected Area: A Travel Cost Analysis of Port-Cros National Park

Virginie Maris, 2014, Nature à vendre – les limites des services écosystémiques Virginie Maris, 2014, Nature à vendre – les limites des services écosystémiques, Éditions Quae, « Sciences en question », 96 p