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List of works by Ubaldo Bottigli

A 50 Microns Granularity Monolithic Ge Target

A completely automated CAD system for mass detection in a large mammographic database.

scientific article published in August 2006

A measurement of the b baryon lifetime

A new fast and programmable trigger logic

A precise determination of the number of families with light neutrinos and of the Z boson partial widths

article by D. Decamp et al published February 1990 in Physics Letters B

A precise measurement of the τ lepton lifetime

A precise measurement of ΓZ→bb/ΓZ→hadrons

A search for new quarks and leptons from Z0 decay at LEP

article by D. Decamp et al published March 1990 in Physics Letters B

A search for pair-produced charged Higgs bosons in Z0 decays

scholarly article by D. Decamp et al published May 1990 in Physics Letters B

A set of drift chambers built for the FRAMM-NA1 spectrometer

A study of Bose-Einstein correlations ine + e − annihilation at 91 GeV

scientific article published in 1992

A study of production in semileptonic B decay

An investigation into intermittency

scientific article published in 1992

An investigation of Bd0 and Bs0 oscillation

An upper limit for the τ neutrino mass from τ → 5π(π0)ντ decays

Autoradiography with silicon strip detectors

Characterization of the response of a double side mu -strip silicon detector to X-rays in the diagnostic energy range

Charged particle pair production associated with a lepton pair in Z decays. indication of an excess in the tau channel

Comparison of two portable solid state detectors with an improved collimation and alignment device for mammographic x-ray spectroscopy.

scientific article published in September 2006

Construction and performance of two multicell Cherenkov counters used in FRAMM-NA1 spectrometer

Correlation between hydroperoxide-induced chemiluminescence of the heart and its function

scientific article published on 01 April 1983

Correlation measurements in Z→τ+τ− and the τ neutrino helicity

Deconvolution by finite-size-source effects of x-ray phase-contrast images

scientific article

Determination of the leptonic branching ratios of the Z

article by D. Decamp et al published January 1990 in Physics Letters B

Determination of the number of light neutrino species

article by D. DeCamp et al published November 1989 in Physics Letters B

Diagnostic performance of radiologists with and without different CAD systems for mammography

Direct analysis of molybdenum target generated x-ray spectra with a portable device.

scientific article

Distributed medical images analysis on a Grid infrastructure

scholarly article by Roberto Bellotti et al published March 2007 in Future Generation Computer Systems

Double diffractive cross-section measurement in the forward region at the LHC.

scientific article published on 26 December 2013

Evidence for b baryons in Z decays

Evidence for non-exponential elastic proton–proton differential cross-section at low | t | ands=8TeVby TOTEM

Evidence for the triple-gluon vertex from measurements of the QCD colour factors in Z decay into four jets

FLUXEN portable equipment for direct X-ray spectra measurements

First measurement of the BS meson mass


First x-ray images with a double-sided microstrips silicon crystal. A novel detector for digital radiography?

scientific article published on May 1992

Gallium arsenide pixel detectors for medical imaging

scholarly article by C. Da Via et al published August 1997 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

Hadron showers in an iron-streamer tube sampling calorimeter

Heavy flavour production and decay with prompt leptons in the ALEPH detector

scientific article published in 1994

Heavy flavour production in Z decays

Improved measurements of electroweak parameters fromZ decays into fermion pairs

scientific article published in 1992

Inclusive π±, K± and (p,p¯) differential cross-sections at the Z resonance

scientific article published in 1995

K0 production in one-prong τ decays

LHC optics measurement with proton tracks detected by the Roman pots of the TOTEM experiment

Luminosity-independent measurement of the proton-proton total cross section at √s=8 TeV.

scientific article published on 3 July 2013

MAGIC-5: an Italian mammographic database of digitised images for research.

scientific article published on 06 June 2008

Measurement of B- mixing at the Z

Measurement of Tau branching ratios

scientific article published in 1992

Measurement of charge asymmetry in hadronic Z decays

Measurement of electroweak parameters fromZ decays into fermion pairs

scientific article published in 1990

Measurement of isolated photon production in hadronic Z decays

Measurement of mixing at the Z using a jet-charge method

Measurement of prompt photon production in hadronicZ decays

scientific article published in 1993

Measurement of pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles in proton–proton collisions at $$\sqrt{s} = 8$$ s = 8 TeV by the CMS and TOTEM experiments


Measurement of the B hadron lifetime

Measurement of the absolute luminosity with the ALEPH detector

scientific article published in 1992

Measurement of the and B− meson lifetimes

Measurement of the b hadron lifetime with the dipole method

Measurement of the branching ratio and an upper limit on

Measurement of the charged particle multiplicity distribution in hadronic Z decays

Measurement of the forward charged particle pseudorapidity density in pp collisions at $$\sqrt{s} = 8$$ s = 8 TeV using a displaced interaction point

Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry in and

Measurement of the polarization of τ leptons produced in Z decays

Measurement of the production rates of η and η′ in hadronic Z decays

Measurement of the ratio using event shape variables

Measurement of the strong coupling constant using τ decays

Measurement of the strong coupling constant αs from global event-shape variables of hadronic Z decays

Measurement of the tau lepton lifetime

Measurement of the tau polarisation at the Z resonance

scientific article published in 1993

Measurement of αs from the structure of particle clusters produced in hadronic Z decays

Measurement of αs in hadronic Z decays using all-orders resummed predictions

Measurements of mean lifetime and branching fractions of b hadrons decaying to J/ψ

Michel parameters and τ neutrino helicity from decay correlations in Z → τ+τ−

Monte Carlo simulation of the ALEPH hadron prototype calorimeter

Observation of monojet events and tentative interpretation

Observation of the semileptonic decays of BS and Λb hadrons at LEP

One-prong τ decays into charged kaons

Operation of limited streamer tubes with the gas mixture Ar + CO2 + n-pentane

Performance of a limited streamer tube hadron calorimeter

Performance of a medical imaging system for photons in the 60–140 keV energy range

scholarly article by S.R. Amendolia et al published April 2001 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

Performance of the ALEPH detector at LEP


Pion muon identification in the aleph test hadron calorimeter using discriminant analysis

Production and decay of charmed mesons at the Z resonance

article by D. Decamp et al published August 1991 in Physics Letters B

Production of charmed mesons inZ decays

article published March 1994 in European Physical Journal C

Production ofK 0 and Λ in hadronic Z decays

scientific article published in 1994

Properties of hadronic events in e+e− annihilation at

article by D. Decamp et al published January 1990 in Physics Letters B

Properties of hadronicZ decays and test of QCD generators

scientific article published in 1992

Quantitative phase retrieval with picosecond X-ray pulses from the ATF Inverse Compton Scattering source.

scientific article published in January 2011

Search for CP violation in ZmF ττ

Search for CP violation in the decay Z → τ+τ−

Search for a new weakly interacting particle

Search for a non-minimal Higgs boson produced in the reaction

scholarly article by D. Buskulic et al published August 1993 in Physics Letters B

Search for a very light CP-odd neutral Higgs boson of the MSSM

scholarly article by D. Buskulic et al published July 1992 in Physics Letters B

Search for a very light Higgs boson in Z decays

scholarly article by D. Decamp et al published August 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for contact interactions in the reactionse + e −→l + l − ande + e −→γγ

scientific article published in 1993

Search for decays of the Z0 into a photon and a pseudoscalar meson

article by D. Decamp et al published May 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for excited leptons in Z0 decay

article by D. Decamp et al published March 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for excited neutrinos in Z decay

Search for high mass photon pairs in (f= e, μ, τ, v, q) at LEP

Search for neutral Higgs bosons from supersymmetry in Z decays

scholarly article by D. Decamp et al published March 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for neutralino production in Z decays

Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays

Search for supersymmetric particles using acoplanar charged-particle pairs from Z0 decays

article by D. Decamp et al published February 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for the neutral Higgs Boson from Z0 decay in the Higgs mass range between 11 and 24 GeV

scholarly article by D. Decamp et al published May 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for the neutral Higgs boson from Z0 decay

scholarly article by D. Decamp et al published February 1990 in Physics Letters B

Search for the standard model Higgs boson

scholarly article by D. Buskulic et al published August 1993 in Physics Letters B

Search of microcalcification clusters with the CALMA CAD station

Searches for the standard Higgs boson

scholarly article by D. Decamp et al published August 1990 in Physics Letters B

Study of the four-fermion final state at the Z resonance

scientific article published in 1995

Study of the subjet structure of quark and gluon jets

The CALMA project

The TOTEM Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

scientific article

The combined response of the ALEPH electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeter to pions

The gain monitoring system of the Aleph hadron calorimeter

The ϱ radiative decay width: A measurement at 200 GeV

Update of electroweak parameters fromZ decays

scientific article published in 1993

Updated measurement of the average b hadron lifetime

Use of silicon and GaAs pixel detectors for digital autoradiography

Use of the EGS4 Monte Carlo code to evaluate the response of HgI2 and CdTe detectors for photons in the diagnostic energy range

article by M. Conti et al published November 1992 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

X-ray imaging test of a μ-strip silicon detector with a transputer DAQ

article published in 1994

X-ray phase-contrast imaging with an Inverse Compton Scattering source

Z production cross sections and lepton pair forward-backward asymmetries

scientific article published in 1994

Λ c Photoproduction and lifetime measurement

scientific article published in 1987