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List of works by Suzanne Mary Prober

A conceptual model of vegetation dynamics for the unique obligate-seeder eucalypt woodlands of south-western Australia

scientific article published on 23 April 2018

A continental-scale assessment of variability in leaf traits: Within species, across sites and between seasons

scientific article published in 2018

A globally relevant change taxonomy and evidence‐based change framework for land monitoring

scientific article published in 2022

A phylogenetic and allozyme approach to understanding rarity in three ?green ash? eucalypts (Myrtaceae)

scientific article published on 06 January 2005

A plant traits approach to managing legacy species during restoration transitions in temperate eucalypt woodlands

scientific article published in February 2016

A structured approach for building multi‐community State and Transition Models to support conservation planning

scientific article published on 10 July 2024

Abundance of introduced species at home predicts abundance away in herbaceous communities

scientific article published in February 2011

Adaptation services and pathways for the management of temperate montane forests under transformational climate change

scientific article published on 18 June 2016

Addition of multiple limiting resources reduces grassland diversity

scientific article published on 24 August 2016

After the fence: vegetation and topsoil condition in grazed, fenced and benchmark eucalypt woodlands of fragmented agricultural landscapes

scientific article published in 2011

An introduction to the Australian and New Zealand flux tower network – OzFlux


Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition predicts local grassland primary production worldwide

scientific article published in June 2015

Anthropogenic-based regional-scale factors most consistently explain plot-level exotic diversity in grasslands


Application and validation of visual fuel hazard assessments in dry Mediterranean-climate woodlands

scientific article published in 2014

AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora

publication published on 30 September 2021

Australian Aboriginal Peoples' Seasonal Knowledge: a Potential Basis for Shared Understanding in Environmental Management

scientific article published in 2011

Author Correction: Leaf nutrients, not specific leaf area, are consistent indicators of elevated nutrient inputs

scientific article published on 15 May 2020

Author Correction: The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data

scientific article

Author Correction: Widening global variability in grassland biomass since the 1980s

scientific article published in 2024

Belowground Biomass Response to Nutrient Enrichment Depends on Light Limitation Across Globally Distributed Grasslands

scientific article published on 11 March 2019

Benefits of mycorrhizal inoculation to ecological restoration depend on plant functional type, restoration context and time

scientific article published in August 2019

Better planning outcomes require adequate data and ecological understanding to be successful and credible: A reply to Evans et al., 2015

Bioclimatic transect networks: Powerful observatories of ecological change.

scientific article published on 19 May 2017

Biodiversity and agriculture: Production frontiers as a framework for exploring trade-offs and evaluating policy

scientific article published in November 2012

Bridge to the future: Important lessons from 20 years of ecosystem observations made by the OzFlux network

scientific article published on 22 March 2022


scientific article published in June 1992

Carbon uptake and water use in woodlands and forests in southern Australia during an extreme heat wave event in the ‘Angry Summer’ of 2012/2013


Carbon uptake and water use in woodlands and forests in southern Australia during an extreme heat wave event in the “Angry Summer” of 2012/2013


Chaining and Burning Modifies Vegetation Structure, Fuel, and Post-Disturbance Sprouting Capacity

scientific article published in September 2010

Changes in plant species and functional composition with time since fire in two mediterranean climate plant communities

scientific article published on 29 May 2012

Climate adaptation and ecological restoration in eucalypts

scholarly article published 2016

Climate change: a cause for new biodiversity conservation objectives but let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater

scientific article published on 28 March 2011

Climate-adjusted provenancing: a strategy for climate-resilient ecological restoration


Combating ecosystem collapse from the tropics to the Antarctic

scientific article

Combined Analyses of Phenotype, Genotype and Climate Implicate Local Adaptation as a Driver of Diversity in Eucalyptus microcarpa (Grey Box)

scientific article published on 28 April 2020

Combining asset- and species-led alien plant management priorities in the world’s most intact Mediterranean-climate landscape


Combining community-level spatial modelling and expert knowledge to inform climate adaptation in temperate grassy eucalypt woodlands and related grasslands

scholarly article by Suzanne Mary Prober et al published 22 March 2012 in Biodiversity and Conservation

Comment on "Worldwide evidence of a unimodal relationship between productivity and plant species richness"

scientific article published in Science

Competing drivers lead to non-linear native–exotic relationships in endangered temperate grassy woodlands

Compositional variation in grassland plant communities

scientific article published in 2023

Conservation of the Grassy White Box Woodlands: Effects of Remnant Population Size on Genetic Diversity in the Allotetraploid Herb Microseris lanceolata

scientific article published in December 1998

Conservation of the Grassy White Box Woodlands: Population Genetics and Fragmentation of Eucalyptus albens

scientific article published in December 1994

Conservation of the Grassy White Box Woodlands: Rangewide Floristic Variation and Implications for Reserve Design

scientific article published in 1996

Conservation of the Grassy White Box Woodlands: Relative Contributions of Size and Disturbance to Floristic Composition and Diversity of Remnants


Consistent responses of soil microbial communities to elevated nutrient inputs in grasslands across the globe

scientific article published in September 2015

Continental-scale syntheses of Australian pyromes - misclassification of south-western eucalypt woodlands misinforms management

scientific article published on 9 January 2016

Contrasting changes in vegetation structure and diversity with time since fire in two Australian Mediterranean-climate plant communities

scientific article published on 27 April 2011

Contribution of Species and Functional Richness to Carbon Storage in Yate Woodland Restoration

scientific article published on 22 June 2022

Contribution of species and functional richness to carbon storage in eucalypt woodland restoration

scientific article published in 2022

Determining reference conditions for management and restoration of temperate grassy woodlands: relationships among trees, topsoils and understorey flora in little-grazed remnants

scientific article published in 2002

Directional Selection on Tree Seedling Traits Driven by Experimental Drought Differs Between Mesic and Dry Populations

scientific article published on 07 December 2021

Ecological control of exotic annuals in native C3 grass swards

scientific article published on 23 July 2018

Ecological interactions among microbial functional guilds in the plant-soil system and implications for ecosystem function

scientific article published in 2022

Effectiveness of repeated autumn and spring fires for understorey restoration in weed-invaded temperate eucalypt woodlands

scientific article published in October 2009

Effects of fire frequency and mowing on a temperate, derived grassland soil in south-eastern Australia

scientific article published in 2008

Enhancing biodiversity persistence in intensively used agricultural landscapes: A synthesis of 30 years of research in the Western Australian wheatbelt


Enhancing soil biophysical condition for climate-resilient restoration in mesic woodlands

scientific article published in 2014

Environmental influences on the distribution of the rare Eucalyptus paliformis and the common E. fraxinoides

scientific article published in March 1992

Establishment of native grasses and their impact on exotic annuals in degraded box gum woodlands

scientific article published on 28 February 2017

Estimating fire interval bounds using vital attributes: implications of uncertainty and among-population variability.

scientific article

Estimating the time since fire of long-unburnt Eucalyptus salubris (Myrtaceae) stands in the Great Western Woodlands

scientific article published in 2013

Eutrophication weakens stabilizing effects of diversity in natural grasslands

scientific article published on 16 February 2014

Evidence for adaptation and acclimation in a widespread eucalypt of semi-arid Australia


Evidence of genomic adaptation to climate in Eucalyptus microcarpa: Implications for adaptive potential to projected climate change.

scientific article

Evolutionary history of grazing and resources determine herbivore exclusion effects on plant diversity

scientific article published in 2022

Examining the evidence for decoupling between photosynthesis and transpiration during heat extremes

scientific article published on 26 February 2019

Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally

scientific article published on 8 January 2024

Facilitating adaptation of biodiversity to climate change: a conceptual framework applied to the world’s largest Mediterranean-climate woodland


Fire does not facilitate invasion by alien annual grasses in an infertile Australian agricultural landscape

scientific article published on 18 August 2010

Fire frequency regulates tussock grass composition, structure and resilience in endangered temperate woodlands

scientific article published in November 2007

Fire-mediated habitat change regulates woodland bird species and functional group occurrence

scientific article published on 27 September 2019

Floristic diversity in fire‐sensitive eucalypt woodlands shows a ‘U’‐shaped relationship with time since fire

scientific article published on 19 July 2013

Frequent fire promotes diversity and cover of biological soil crusts in a derived temperate grassland

scientific article

Genome-wide scans detect adaptation to aridity in a widespread forest tree species

scientific article published on May 2014

Genome-wide scans reveal cryptic population structure in a dry-adapted eucalypt

Genomic Scans across Three Eucalypts Suggest that Adaptation to Aridity is a Genome-Wide Phenomenon.

scientific article published on February 2017

Global impacts of fertilization and herbivore removal on soil net nitrogen mineralization are modulated by local climate and soil properties

scientific article published on 12 August 2020

Global meta‐analysis reveals incomplete recovery of soil conditions and invertebrate assemblages after ecological restoration in agricultural landscapes

scientific article published on 18 February 2021

Globally consistent response of plant microbiome diversity across hosts and continents to soil nutrients and herbivores

scientific article published on 14 June 2023

Grassland productivity limited by multiple nutrients

scientific article published on 6 July 2015

Herbivores and nutrients control grassland plant diversity via light limitation

scientific article published on 9 March 2014

Herbivory and eutrophication mediate grassland plant nutrient responses across a global climatic gradient.

scientific article published on 31 March 2018

Home is where the heart is: The potential impacts of climate change on germination capacity of three woodland forbs

conference paper

How well do revegetation plantings capture genetic diversity?

scientific article published on 16 October 2019

Identifying ecological barriers to restoration in temperate grassy woodlands: soil changes associated with different degradation states

scientific article published in 2002

Implications of high species turnover on the south-western Australian sandplains

scientific article

In the Hot Seat: Behavioral Change and Old-Growth Trees Underpin an Australian Songbird’s Response to Extreme Heat

scientific article published on 04 March 2022

Increasing effects of chronic nutrient enrichment on plant diversity loss and ecosystem productivity over time

scientific article published on 15 October 2020

Informing climate adaptation pathways in multi-use woodland landscapes using the values-rules-knowledge framework

scientific article published in April 2017

Integrative modelling reveals mechanisms linking productivity and plant species richness

scientific article published on 13 January 2016

Intra‐specific variation and climate differentially shape the thermal germination niches of three co‐occurring woodland forbs

scientific article published in 2024

Keystone Perennial Grassland Species Control Soil Nitrogen Flows

scientific article published on 8 February 2021

Land surface phenology retrievals for arid and semi-arid ecosystems

Landscape genomics reveals altered genome wide diversity within revegetated stands of Eucalyptus microcarpa (Grey Box).

scientific article published on 21 July 2016

Landscape genomics reveals signals of climate adaptation and a cryptic lineage in Arthropodium fimbriatum

scientific article published in 2023

Larger plants promote a greater diversity of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria associated with an Australian endemic legume


Leaf Economic and Hydraulic Traits Signal Disparate Climate Adaptation Patterns in Two Co-Occurring Woodland Eucalypts

scientific article published on 15 July 2022

Leaf nutrients, not specific leaf area, are consistent indicators of elevated nutrient inputs

scientific article published on 04 February 2019

Linear infrastructure impacts on landscape hydrology.

scientific article published on 3 November 2017

Lines in the sand: quantifying the cumulative development footprint in the world’s largest remaining temperate woodland

scientific article published on 23 August 2017

Linking leaf economic and hydraulic traits with early-age growth performance and survival of Eucalyptus pauciflora

scientific article published in 2022

Local loss and spatial homogenization of plant diversity reduce ecosystem multifunctionality

scientific article published on 4 December 2017

Management legacies shape decadal-scale responses of plant diversity to experimental disturbance regimes in fragmented grassy woodlands

scientific article published on 6 March 2013

Mapping risk to plant populations from short fire intervals via relationships between maturation period and environmental productivity

scientific article published on 03 March 2022

Maximizing retention of native biodiversity in Australian agricultural landscapes—The 10:20:40:30 guidelines


Microbial processing of plant remains is co-limited by multiple nutrients in global grasslands

scientific article published on 10 June 2020

Multi-century changes in vegetation structure and fuel availability in fire-sensitive eucalypt woodlands

scientific article published in December 2013

Multi-century dynamics of ant communities following fire in Mediterranean-climate woodlands: Are changes congruent with vegetation succession?

article published in 2015

Multi-century periods since fire in an intact woodland landscape favour bird species declining in an adjacent agricultural region

scientific article published in February 2019

Mustering the power of ecosystems for adaptation to climate change

scientific article published in February 2019

Native forests and climate change: Lessons from eucalypts

scientific article published in 2015

Nature conservation and ecological restoration in a changing climate: what are we aiming for?

scientific article published in 2017

Negative effects of nitrogen override positive effects of phosphorus on grassland legumes worldwide

scientific article published on 06 July 2021

New species and a new hybrid in the Viola hederacea species complex, with notes on Viola hederacea Labill

scholarly article

Ngadju kala: Australian Aboriginal fire knowledge in the Great Western Woodlands

scientific article published on 25 August 2016

Novel model-based clustering reveals ecologically differentiated bacterial genomes across a large climate gradient

scientific article published on 14 October 2019

Nutrient availability controls the impact of mammalian herbivores on soil carbon and nitrogen pools in grasslands

scientific article published on 03 February 2020

Nutrient enrichment increases invertebrate herbivory and pathogen damage in grasslands

scientific article published on 31 October 2021

Nutrient versus seed bank depletion approaches to controlling exotic annuals in threatened Box Gum woodlands

scientific article published on 26 July 2015

Old‐field restoration improves habitat for ants in a semi‐arid landscape

scientific article published on 08 November 2021

Out of the shadows: multiple nutrient limitations drive relationships among biomass, light and plant diversity

scientific article published in September 2017

Phylogenomics shows lignotuber state is taxonomically informative in closely related eucalypts

scientific article published on 23 March 2019

Piecing together our woodlands - Interview with Suzanne Prober

scientific article published in September 2018

Plant diversity predicts beta but not alpha diversity of soil microbes across grasslands worldwide

scientific article published on 28 November 2014

Plant species' origin predicts dominance and response to nutrient enrichment and herbivores in global grasslands

scientific article published on 15 July 2015

Plastic Traits of an Exotic Grass Contribute to Its Abundance but Are Not Always Favourable

scientific article published on April 20, 2012

Plasticity of functional traits varies clinally along a rainfall gradient in Eucalyptus tricarpa.

scientific article

Potential benefits of biodiversity to Australian vegetation projects registered with the Emissions Reduction Fund—is there a carbon‐biodiversity trade‐off?

scientific article published on 18 September 2020

Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness?

scientific article published on 16 October 2013

Preface: OzFlux: a network for the study of ecosystem carbon and water dynamics across Australia and New Zealand


Productivity is a poor predictor of plant species richness

scientific article

Recent climate-driven ecological change across a continent as perceived through local ecological knowledge

scientific article published on 22 November 2019

Recovery of woody but not herbaceous native flora 10 years post old‐field restoration

scientific article published on 03 September 2021

Regional contingencies in the relationship between aboveground biomass and litter in the world's grasslands

scientific article published on 6 February 2013

Relationships among soil fertility, native plant diversity and exotic plant abundance inform restoration of forb-rich eucalypt woodlands

scientific article published on 28 December 2011

Repeatability and Validity of Phenotypic Trait Measurements in Birds

scientific article published on 3 January 2021

Repeated disturbance through chaining and burning differentially affects recruitment among plant functional types in fire-prone heathlands

scientific article published in 2010

Resource heterogeneity and persistence of exotic annuals in long-ungrazed Mediterranean-climate woodlands

scientific article published on 22 May 2011

Response to Comments on "Productivity Is a Poor Predictor of Plant Species Richness"

scientific article published in Science

Restoration of Themeda australis swards suppresses soil nitrate and enhances ecological resistance to invasion by exotic annuals

scientific article published on 27 February 2008

Restoration treatments enhance early establishment of native forbs in a degraded temperate grassy woodland

scientific article published in 2007

Restoring Australia's temperate grasslands and grassy woodlands: integrating function and diversity


Restoring ecological function in temperate grassy woodlands: manipulating soil nutrients, exotic annuals and native perennial grasses through carbon supplements and spring burns


Richness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increases with ecosystem degradation of temperate eucalypt woodlands

scientific article published in 2023

Sensitivity of global soil carbon stocks to combined nutrient enrichment

scientific article published on 18 March 2019

Shifting the conservation paradigm: a synthesis of options for renovating nature under climate change

scientific article published on 15 January 2019

Soil net nitrogen mineralisation across global grasslands

scientific article published on 31 October 2019

Soil nitrate promotes growth of an exotic grass more than native forbs

scientific article published in April 2008

Spatial structuring of arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in benchmark and modified temperate eucalypt woodlands

scientific article

Spatial turnover of multiple ecosystem functions is more associated with plant than soil microbial β‐diversity

scientific article published on 21 July 2021

Spatial variation in avian bill size is associated with temperature extremes in a major radiation of Australian passerines

scholarly article

Species origin affects the rate of response to inter-annual growing season precipitation and nutrient addition in four Australian native grasslands


Spring burns control exotic annual grasses in a temperate grassy woodland

scientific article published in August 2004

Symbiosis limits establishment of legumes outside their native range at a global scale

scientific article published on 07 April 2017

TERN, Australia’s land observatory: addressing the global challenge of forecasting ecosystem responses to climate variability and change

scientific article published on 23 August 2019

Temperature sensitivity of termites determines global wood decay rates

Termite sensitivity to temperature affects global wood decay rates

scientific article published on 23 September 2022

The Australian SuperSite Network: A continental, long-term terrestrial ecosystem observatory

scientific article

The Conservation Genetics of Eucalyptus paliformis L. Johnson et Blaxell and E. parvifolia Cambage, Two Rare Species From South-Eastern Australia

scientific article published in 1990

The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data

scientific article published on 09 July 2020

The Grassy Box Woodlands Conservation Management Network: Picking up the pieces in fragmented woodlands

scientific article published in December 2001

The big ecological questions inhibiting effective environmental management in Australia


Thermal acclimation of leaf photosynthetic traits in an evergreen woodland, consistent with the co-ordination hypothesis

Thermal acclimation of leaf photosynthetic traits in an evergreen woodland, consistent with the coordination hypothesis

scientific article published in 2018

Time since fire and prior fire interval shape woody debris dynamics in obligate‐seeder woodlands

scientific article published in December 2019

Towards climate-resilient restoration in mesic eucalypt woodlands: characterizing topsoil biophysical condition in different degradation states

Tracking tree demography and forest dynamics at scale using remote sensing

scientific article published on 18 October 2024

Under the radar: mitigating enigmatic ecological impacts.

scientific article published on 27 September 2014

Using a Multi-Century Post-Fire Chronosequence to Develop Criteria to Distinguish Prior and Bowman’s (2020) Post-Fire Obligate Coloniser and Fire-Intolerant Flora

scientific article published on 3 September 2020

Using restoration as an experimental framework to test provenancing strategies and climate adaptability

scientific article published in September 2017

Variable seed quality hampers the use of Themeda triandra (Poaceae) for seed production, agriculture, research and restoration: a review

scientific article published in 2024

Vehicle tracks are predator highways in intact landscapes

scientific article published in December 2018

Viola curtisiae, a new rank for a poorly understood species, with notes on V. hederacea subsp. seppeltiana

scholarly article

Viola silicestris, a new species in Viola section Erpetion from Australia

scientific article published on 27 April 2006

Widening global variability in grassland biomass since the 1980s

scientific article published on 5 August 2024