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List of works by Andrew J. King

A Role for Auditory Corticothalamic Feedback in the Perception of Complex Sounds

scientific article

A dynamic network model of temporal receptive fields in primary auditory cortex.

scientific article

A monaural space map in the guinea-pig superior colliculus

scientific article published in March 1985

A multiple-plane approach to measure the structural properties of functionally active regions in the human cortex

scientific article

Acoustic factors govern developmental sharpening of spatial tuning in the auditory cortex

scientific article published in September 2003

Across-species differences in pitch perception are consistent with differences in cochlear filtering

scientific article published on 15 March 2019

Adaptation to stimulus statistics in the perception and neural representation of auditory space

scientific article

Adaptive reweighting of auditory localization cues in response to chronic unilateral earplugging in humans

scientific article

Adaptive suppression of subordinate reproduction in cooperative mammals.

scientific article

An investigation of the role of auditory cortex in sound localization using muscimol-releasing Elvax

scientific article

Andrew J. King

scientific article published in September 2013

Auditory Neuroscience: Balancing Excitation and Inhibition during Development

scientific article published on September 28, 2010

Auditory cortex represents both pitch judgments and the corresponding acoustic cues

scientific article

Auditory cortex: representation through sparsification?

scientific article

Auditory gap-in-noise detection behavior in ferrets and humans

scientific article

Auditory learning as a cause and treatment of central dysfunction

scientific article published in July 2001

Auditory neuroscience: a time for coincidence?

scientific article published in October 2004

Auditory neuroscience: activating the cortex without sound

scientific article

Auditory neuroscience: filling in the gaps

scientific article published in September 2007

Auditory neuroscience: neuronal sensitivity in humans

scientific article published in May 2008

Auditory neuroscience: temporal anticipation enhances cortical processing.

scientific article

Auditory perception: The near and far of sound localization.

scientific article

Auditory perception: hearing the texture of sounds

scientific article

Auditory plasticity: vocal output shapes auditory cortex

scientific article

Auditory system: A neural substrate for frequency selectivity?

scientific article published on January 1, 1998

Behavioral sensitivity to broadband binaural localization cues in the ferret

scientific article

Behavioral training promotes multiple adaptive processes following acute hearing loss.

scientific article

Behavioural benefits of multisensory processing in ferrets.

scientific article

Behavioural sensitivity to binaural spatial cues in ferrets: evidence for plasticity in the duplex theory of sound localization

scientific article

Bilateral cochlear implantation in the ferret: a novel animal model for behavioral studies.

scientific article

Binaural sensitivity changes between cortical on and off responses.

scientific article

Binaural-level functions in ferret auditory cortex: evidence for a continuous distribution of response properties

scientific article published in March 2006

Brief sounds evoke prolonged responses in anesthetized ferret auditory cortex

scientific article

Cells responsive to free-field auditory stimuli in guinea-pig superior colliculus: distribution and response properties

scientific article published in September 1983

Changes induced in the representation of auditory space in the superior colliculus by rearing ferrets with binocular eyelid suture

scientific article published in January 1993

Chronic detachable headphones for acoustic stimulation in freely moving animals

scientific article

Coding the temporal structure of sounds in auditory cortex.

scientific article published in November 2001

Complementary adaptive processes contribute to the developmental plasticity of spatial hearing

scientific article

Complexity of frequency receptive fields predicts tonotopic variability across species

scientific article published on 18 May 2020

Constructing noise-invariant representations of sound in the auditory pathway.

scientific article

Context-specific reweighting of auditory spatial cues following altered experience during development

scientific article

Contrast gain control in auditory cortex

scientific article

Coordinating different sensory inputs during development. Focus on "Early experience determines how the senses will interact".

scientific article published on 25 October 2006

Cortical cholinergic input is required for normal auditory perception and experience-dependent plasticity in adult ferrets

scientific article

Cortical encoding of pitch: recent results and open questions

scientific article

Cortical modulation of auditory processing in the midbrain

scientific article published on January 3, 2013

Cortical processing of complex sound: a way forward?

scientific article published on April 2004

Cortico-Cortical Connectivity Within Ferret Auditory Cortex

scientific article

Crossmodal plasticity and hearing capabilities following blindness

scientific article published on 18 April 2015

Development of contralateral and ipsilateral frequency representations in ferret primary auditory cortex

scientific article published in February 2006

Development of the projection from the nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus to the superior colliculus in the ferret

scientific article

Development, organization and plasticity of auditory circuits: Lessons from a cherished colleague.

scientific article published on 16 August 2018

Developmental plasticity in the visual and auditory representations in the mammalian superior colliculus

scientific article

Developmental plasticity of spatial hearing following asymmetric hearing loss: context-dependent cue integration and its clinical implications

scientific article

Effects of eye position on auditory localization and neural representation of space in superior colliculus of cats

scientific article published on 01 January 1995

Elevated prolactin levels immediately precede decisions to babysit by male meerkat helpers

scientific article

Encoding of virtual acoustic space stimuli by neurons in ferret primary auditory cortex.

scientific article published on 19 January 2005

Encoding stimulus information by spike numbers and mean response time in primary auditory cortex.

scientific article published in October 2005

Focusing attention on sound

scientific article published in August 2010

From outer ear to virtual space

scientific article published on 01 July 1993

Functional Microarchitecture of the Mouse Dorsal Inferior Colliculus Revealed through In Vivo Two-Photon Calcium Imaging

scientific article

Functional organization of ferret auditory cortex

scientific article

Functional topography of converging visual and auditory inputs to neurons in the rat superior colliculus

scientific article published on 30 June 2004

Hearing in noisy environments: noise invariance and contrast gain control.

scientific article

Hearing. Asking the auditory cortex the right question

scientific article published on October 1995

How plastic is spatial hearing?

scientific article published in July 2001

Improved auditory spatial acuity in visually deprived ferrets

scientific article published in November 1999

Incorporating Midbrain Adaptation to Mean Sound Level Improves Models of Auditory Cortical Processing

scientific article

Infanticide by subordinates influences reproductive sharing in cooperatively breeding meerkats

scientific article

Integrating information from different senses in the auditory cortex

scientific article

Interaural timing cues do not contribute to the map of space in the ferret superior colliculus: a virtual acoustic space study

scientific article

Interdependent encoding of pitch, timbre, and spatial location in auditory cortex

scientific article

Large-scale organization of ferret auditory cortex revealed using continuous acquisition of intrinsic optical signals

scientific article published on 19 May 2004

Learning to hear: plasticity of auditory cortical processing

scientific article published on 21 August 2007

Lesions of the auditory cortex impair azimuthal sound localization and its recalibration in ferrets

scientific article

Linear processing of spatial cues in primary auditory cortex

scientific article published in November 2001

Linking GABA and glutamate levels to cognitive skill acquisition during development

scientific article

Measuring the Performance of Neural Models

scientific article

Mistuning detection performance of ferrets in a go/no-go task

scientific article published on June 2016

Modeling individual differences in ferret external ear transfer functions

scientific article published in April 2003

Multiplexed and robust representations of sound features in auditory cortex

scientific article published in October 2011

Multisensory Integration

scientific article published in Science

Multisensory integration: strategies for synchronization

scientific article

Multisensory training improves auditory spatial processing following bilateral cochlear implantation

scientific article

Neural circuits underlying adaptation and learning in the perception of auditory space

scientific article

Neural circuits underlying auditory contrast gain control and their perceptual implications

scientific article published on 16 January 2020

Neural ensemble codes for stimulus periodicity in auditory cortex.

scientific article

Neural plasticity: how the eye tells the brain about sound location

scientific article

Neural processing: the logic of multiplication in single neurons.

scientific article published in August 2001

Physiological and anatomical evidence for multisensory interactions in auditory cortex

scientific article published on 29 November 2006

Physiological and behavioral studies of spatial coding in the auditory cortex

scientific article published on 17 January 2007

Pitch discrimination by ferrets for simple and complex sounds.

scientific article

Pitch perception is adapted to species-specific cochlear filtering

Plasticity in the neural coding of auditory space in the mammalian brain.

scientific article

Plasticity of auditory maps in the brain

scientific article published on January 1, 1991

Plasticity of spatial hearing: behavioural effects of cortical inactivation

scientific article

Recent advances in understanding the auditory cortex

scientific article published on 26 September 2018

Responses of auditory cortex to complex stimuli: functional organization revealed using intrinsic optical signals

scientific article published on 13 February 2008

Responses of neurons in the ferret superior colliculus to the spatial location of tonal stimuli

scientific article published in December 1994

Role of auditory cortex in sound localization in the midsagittal plane

scientific article published on 27 June 2007

Sensory cortex is optimised for prediction of future input

scholarly article published 24 November 2017

Sensory cortex is optimized for prediction of future input

scientific article published on 18 June 2018

Sensory neuroscience: visualizing the auditory cortex.

scientific article published in November 1998

Sensory systems

Signal selection by cortical feedback

scientific article published on February 1997

Silencing cortical activity during sound-localization training impairs auditory perceptual learning

scientific article published on 12 July 2019

Simple transformations capture auditory input to cortex

scientific article published on 23 October 2020

Sound localization behavior in ferrets: comparison of acoustic orientation and approach-to-target responses.

scientific article published on 23 December 2007

Sound localization in a changing world

scientific article published on 27 June 2015

Sources of subcortical projections to the superior colliculus in the ferret

scientific article published in May 1997

Spatial distribution of functional superficial-deep connections in the adult ferret superior colliculus.

scientific article

Specificity of binaural perceptual learning for amplitude modulated tones: a comparison of two training methods

scientific article

Spectral timbre perception in ferrets: Discrimination of artificial vowels under different listening conditions

scientific article published on January 1, 2013

Spectrotemporal Contrast Kernels for Neurons in Primary Auditory Cortex

scientific article published on August 15, 2012

Stimulus-timing-dependent plasticity of cortical frequency representation

scientific article

Stress and the suppression of subordinate reproduction in cooperatively breeding meerkats

scientific article (publication date: 7 August 2006)

Thalamic input to auditory cortex is locally heterogeneous but globally tonotopic

scientific article published on 11 September 2017

The Representation of the Pitch of Vowel Sounds in Ferret Auditory Cortex

The Wellcome Prize Lecture. A map of auditory space in the mammalian brain: neural computation and development

scientific article

The auditory cortex

scientific article published in April 2007

The cholinergic basal forebrain in the ferret and its inputs to the auditory cortex

scientific article

The descending corticocollicular pathway mediates learning-induced auditory plasticity

scientific article

The ferret auditory cortex: descending projections to the inferior colliculus

scientific article published on 31 March 2006

The non-lemniscal auditory cortex in ferrets: convergence of corticotectal inputs in the superior colliculus

scientific article

The precedence effect and its buildup and breakdown in ferrets and humans

scientific article

The representation of auditory space in the mammalian superior colliculus

scientific article published in September 1982

The shape of ears to come: dynamic coding of auditory space

scientific article published in June 2001

The superior colliculus

scientific article published on May 2004

Topographic organization of projection from the parabigeminal nucleus to the superior colliculus in the ferret revealed with fluorescent latex microspheres

scientific article published in December 1996

Topographical projection from the superior colliculus to the nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus in the ferret: convergence of visual and auditory information

scientific article published in December 2000

Training-induced plasticity of auditory localization in adult mammals

scientific article

Unraveling the principles of auditory cortical processing: can we learn from the visual system?

scientific article

Virtual adult ears reveal the roles of acoustical factors and experience in auditory space map development

scientific article

Visual influences on auditory spatial learning

scientific article

Visual influences on ferret auditory cortex

scientific article

Visual sensitivity is a stronger determinant of illusory processes than auditory cue parameters in the sound-induced flash illusion

scientific article

Visual-auditory spatial processing in auditory cortical neurons

scientific article

What happens to your hearing if you are born blind?

scientific article published on January 2014