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List of works by Kathrin Wimmer

Angle-integrated measurements of the 26Al (d, n)27Si reaction cross section: a probe of spectroscopic factors and astrophysical resonance strengths

Are There Signatures of Harmonic Oscillator Shells Far from Stability? First Spectroscopy of ^{110}Zr

scientific article published on 18 January 2017

Axial and triaxial degrees of freedom in 72Zn

Characterization of the low-lying0+and2+states inNi68viaβdecay of the low-spinCo68isomer

scholarly article

Collectivity in A ∼ 70 nuclei studied via lifetime measurements in 70Br and 68,70Se

scientific article

Collectivity in the light radon nuclei measured directly via Coulomb excitation

scholarly article

Correlations in intermediate energy two-proton removal reactions

scientific article published on 16 November 2012

Corrigendum to: “Shape dynamics in neutron-rich Kr isotopes: Coulomb excitation of 92Kr, 94Kr and 96Kr” [Nucl. Phys. A 899 (2013) 1–28]

scholarly article published in Nuclear Physics A

Coulomb excitation of 107Sn

Coulomb excitation of107In

scholarly article

Coulomb excitation of29,30Na: Mapping the borders of the island of inversion

scholarly article

Deformation and mixing of coexisting shapes in neutron-deficient polonium isotopes

scholarly article

Determination of theB(E3, 0+→ 3−)-excitation strength in octupole-correlated nuclei nearA≈ 224 by the means of Coulomb excitation at REX-ISOLDE

Determining the rp-process flow through 56Ni: resonances in 57Cu(p,γ)58Zn identified with GRETINA.

scientific article published on 14 July 2014

Direct Lifetime Measurements of the Excited States in (72)Ni

scientific article published on 22 March 2016

Discovery of the Shape Coexisting 0^{+} State in 32Mg by a Two Neutron Transfer Reaction

scientific article published on 13 December 2010

Do nuclei go pear-shaped? Coulomb excitation of220Rn and224Ra at REX-ISOLDE (CERN)

Erratum: Evidence for a Smooth Onset of Deformation in the Neutron-Rich Kr Isotopes [Phys. Rev. Lett.108, 062701 (2012)]

scholarly article published in Physical Review Letters

Erratum: Evidence for a Smooth Onset of Deformation in the Neutron-Rich Kr Isotopes [Phys. Rev. Lett.108, 062701 (2012)]

scholarly article published in Physical Review Letters

Evidence for a Smooth Onset of Deformation in the Neutron-Rich Kr Isotopes

scientific article published on 10 February 2012

Evolution of collectivity in 72Kr: evidence for rapid shape transition

scientific article published on 10 April 2014

Excitation strengths in109Sn: Single-neutron and collective excitations near100Sn

scholarly article

Excited states of the 150Pm odd-odd nucleus

scholarly article

Experimental study of bound states in12Be through low-energy11Be(d,p)-transfer reactions

scholarly article

Gamma Decay of Unbound Neutron-Hole States in ^{133}Sn.

scientific article published on 17 May 2017

Gamow-Teller decay population of64Ni levels in the decay of1+64Co

scholarly article

Improving the 33S(p,γ)34Cl Reaction Rate for Models of Classical Nova Explosions

Improving the P30(p,γ)S31 rate in oxygen-neon novae: Constraints on Jπ values for proton-threshold states in S31

Inelastic scattering of neutron-rich Ni and Zn isotopes off a proton target

scholarly article

Isomeric Character of the Lowest Observed 4^{+} State in ^{44}S.

scientific article published on 31 January 2017

Isospin Symmetry at High Spin Studied via Nucleon Knockout from Isomeric States.

scientific article published on 15 August 2016

Isotopic 32 S/ 33 S ratio as a diagnostic of presolar grains from novae

Isγ-Ray Emission from Novae Affected by Interference Effects in theF18(p,α)O15Reaction?

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Low-energy Coulomb excitation of 62Fe and 62Mn following in-beam decay of 62Mn

Low-lying structure and shape evolution in neutron-rich Se isotopes

scholarly article

Mass Measurement of 56Sc Reveals a Small A = 56 Odd-Even Mass Staggering, Implying a Cooler Accreted Neutron Star Crust

scientific article published on 16 October 2015

Mass measurements demonstrate a strong N=28 shell gap in argon

scientific article published on 15 January 2015

Measurement of key resonance states for theP30(p,γ)S31reaction rate, and the production of intermediate-mass elements in nova explosions

Microscopic structure of coexisting 0+ states in Ni68 probed via two-neutron transfer

scientific article

Mirror energy differences at large isospin studied through direct two-nucleon knockout

scientific article published on 16 August 2013

NewCl34proton-threshold states and the thermonuclearS33(p,γ)Cl34rate in ONe novae

scientific article

Nuclear astrophysics with radioactive ions at FAIR


Nuclear structure towards N = 40 60Ca: in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of 58,60Ti

scientific article published on 21 March 2014

Positive parity states inPb208excited by the proton decay of the isobaric analog intruder resonancej15/2inBi209

Production of 26Al in stellar hydrogen-burning environments: Spectroscopic properties of states in 27Si

scientific article

Quadrupole Collectivity in Neutron-Rich Fe and Cr Isotopes

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Quadrupole transition strength in the (74)Ni nucleus and core polarization effects in the neutron-rich Ni isotopes.

scientific article published on 28 October 2014

Recoil distance method lifetime measurement of the 21+ state in Sr94 and implications for the structure of neutron-rich Sr isotopes

scholarly article

Shape Evolution in Neutron-Rich Krypton Isotopes Beyond N=60: First Spectroscopy of ^{98,100}Kr

scientific article published on 14 June 2017

Shape coexistence near neutron number N=20: first identification of the E0 decay from the deformed first excited Jpi=0+ state in 30Mg

scientific article published on 30 June 2009

Shape dynamics in neutron-rich Kr isotopes: Coulomb excitation of 92Kr, 94Kr and 96Kr

Shell evolution beyond Z = 28 and N = 50: Spectroscopy of 81,82,83,84 Zn

Signatures of triaxiality in low-spin spectra of 86Ge

Single-neutron orbits near 78 Ni: Spectroscopy of theN=49isotope 79 Zn

Spectroscopy and lifetime measurements inGe66,Se69, andGa65using fragmentation reactions

scientific article

Spectroscopy of 19Ne for the thermonuclear 15O(α,γ)19Ne and 18F(p,α)15O reaction rates

scholarly article

Spectroscopy ofAr46by the(t,p)two-neutron transfer reaction

scholarly article

Strength of theER=127keV,Al26(p,γ)Si27resonance

scholarly article

Structure ofSn107studied through single-neutron knockout reactions

scientific article

Studies of pear-shaped nuclei using accelerated radioactive beams

scientific article

Study of bound states in 10Be by one neutron removal reactions of 11Be

The Miniball spectrometer

Transfer Reactions on Neutron-rich Nuclei at REX-ISOLDE

Triaxiality of neutron-rich Ge84,86,88 from low-energy nuclear spectra

scholarly article

Two-Proton Radioactivity of ^{67}Kr.

scientific article published on 14 October 2016

β+ Gamow-Teller transition strengths from 46Ti and stellar electron-capture rates.

scientific article published on 25 June 2014

βdecay of61Mn to levels in61Fe

scholarly article

β− decay study of the Mn66−Fe66−Co66−Ni66 decay chain

journal article; published 2018-12-28