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List of works by Fredrik Falkenström

A Buddhist contribution to the psychoanalytic psychology of self

scientific article

A Buddhist contribution to the psychoanalytic psychology of self

A relational perspective on the association between working alliance and treatment outcome

scientific article published on 31 August 2018

Affect-Focused Psychodynamic Internet-Based Therapy for Adolescent Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial

scientific article published on 30 March 2020

Alliance ruptures and repairs in psychotherapy in primary care

scientific article published on 3 May 2016

Alliance-outcome relation and progress feedback: Secondary data analyses of a randomized clinical trial study in China

scientific article published on 03 June 2020

Are therapists uniformly effective across patient outcome domains? A study on therapist effectiveness in two different treatment contexts

scientific article

Attributions and private theories of mental illness among young adults seeking psychiatric treatment in Nairobi: an interpretive phenomenological analysis.

scientific article published in June 2018

Can psychotherapists function as their own controls? Meta-analysis of the crossed therapist design in comparative psychotherapy trials

scientific article

Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Patient Version of the Working Alliance Inventory--Short Form Revised

scientific article published on 29 September 2014

Development and validation of a 6-item working alliance questionnaire for repeated administrations during psychotherapy

scientific article

Differential effects of alliance and techniques on Panic-Specific Reflective Function and misinterpretation of bodily sensations in two treatments for panic

scientific article published on 01 March 2019

Do therapist effects really impact estimates of within-patient mechanisms of change? A Monte Carlo simulation study

scientific article published on 02 June 2020

Does it make a difference to be more "on the same page"? Investigating the role of alliance convergence for outcomes in two different samples

scientific article published on 22 September 2020

Does psychotherapy for young adults in routine practice show similar results as therapy in randomized clinical trials?

scientific article published in March 2010

Dynamic models of individual change in psychotherapy process research

scientific article published on 10 April 2017

Emotional availability in psychotherapy: the usefulness and validity of the emotional availability scales for analyzing the psychotherapeutic relationship

scientific article published on 19 August 2013

How much therapy is enough? Comparing dose-effect and good-enough models in two different settings

scientific article

Improvement of the working alliance in one treatment session predicts improvement of depressive symptoms by the next session

scientific article

Is affect experiencing therapeutic in major depressive disorder? Examining associations between affect experiencing and changes to the alliance and outcome in intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy

scientific article published in June 2017

Mentalization-based therapy adherence and competence stimulates in-session mentalization in psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder with co-morbid substance dependence

scientific article

Mentalizing in young offenders

Multilevel Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Feeling Word Checklist-24.

scientific article

Observing as an Essential Facet of Mindfulness: A Comparison of FFMQ Patterns in Meditating and Non-Meditating Individuals

Patients' affective processes within initial experiential dynamic therapy sessions

scientific article published on 21 November 2016

Psychometric evaluation of the Working Alliance Inventory-Therapist version: Current and new short forms

scientific article published on 17 October 2019

Psychometric properties and validation of the Swedish Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire in a clinical and non-clinical sample among meditators and non-meditators

scientific article published on 27 December 2019

Randomized Trial of Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder in a Community-Based Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic

scientific article published on 31 March 2016

Reflective functioning as predictor of working alliance and outcome in the treatment of depression

scientific article published on 23 November 2015

Reflective functioning in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) – preliminary findings of a comparison between reflective functioning (RF) in general and OCD-specific reflective functioning

Reflective functioning, affect consciousness, and mindfulness: Are these different functions?

Review of organizational effects on the outcome of mental health treatments

scientific article

Secure attachment to therapist, alliance, and outcome in psychoanalytic psychotherapy with young adults

scientific article published on 15 September 2014

Self-analysis and post-termination improvement after psychoanalysis and long-term psychotherapy

scientific article published in January 2007

Studying mindfulness in experienced meditators: A quasi-experimental approach

Sudden gains and large intersession improvements in internet-based psychodynamic treatment (IPDT) for depressed adolescents

scientific article published on 17 August 2020

Symptom-Specific Reflective Functioning: Incorporating Psychoanalytic Measures Into Clinical Trials

scientific article published on 01 December 2009

The Alliance and Rupture Observation Scale (AROS): Development and validation of an alliance and rupture measure for repeated observations within psychotherapy sessions

scientific article published on 15 November 2018

The Psychodynamics of Self-Observation

The Working Alliance: From Global Outcome Prediction to Micro-Analyses of Within-Session Fluctuations

The reciprocal relationship between alliance and early treatment symptoms: A two-stage individual participant data meta-analysis

scientific article published on 01 September 2020

The role of the working alliance in psychological treatment of substance use disorder outpatients

scientific article published on 24 August 2020

Therapeutic alliance predicts symptomatic improvement session by session

scientific article published on 18 March 2013

Treatment of depression with antidepressants is primarily a psychological treatment

scientific article published on 01 September 2008

Using copulas to enable causal inference from nonexperimental data: Tutorial and simulation studies.

scientific article published in 2023

Who benefits the most from cognitive change in cognitive therapy of depression? A study of interpersonal factors

scientific article published on 05 December 2019

Working alliance predicts psychotherapy outcome even while controlling for prior symptom improvement

scientific article published on 5 November 2013

Working alliance predicts symptomatic improvement in public hospital-delivered psychotherapy in Nairobi, Kenya

scientific article published on 15 November 2018

[Treatment of mental health problems needs to be evaluated].

scientific article