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List of works by Sheldon Stone

A Measurement of the Michel Parameters in Leptonic Decays of the Tau

scientific article

A Search for NonresonantB+→h+h−h+Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

A limit on the mass of the ντ

scientific article (publication date: July 1998)

A measurement of

A measurement of

A measurement of the CP asymmetry difference between Λc+ → pK−K+ and pπ−π+ decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 3, March 2018

A measurement of the tau lepton lifetime

A new algorithm for identifying the flavour ofB0smesons at LHCb

A novel LiF radiator for RICH detectors

A precise measurement of the [Formula: see text] meson oscillation frequency

scientific article published on 21 July 2016

A search for exclusive penguin decays of B mesons

A search for the ρ(2.2) in the ϒ region

A study of CP violation in B±→DK± and B±→Dπ± decays with D → K S 0 K ± π ∓ final states

A study of particle spectra and mass distributions in the reaction π+ + p → n (forward) + (2π, 4π, 6π) at 8.4 GeV/c

A study of the Z production cross-section in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7\,\mathrm{TeV} $ using tau final states

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 1, January 2013

A1Production in Charge-Exchange Reactions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Absolute branching fraction measurements for D+ and D0 inclusive semileptonic decays

scientific article

Absolute branching fraction measurements for exclusiveDssemileptonic decays

scholarly article

Absolute branching fraction measurements of exclusive D+ semileptonic decays

scientific article (publication date: 24 October 2005)

Absolute branching fraction measurements of exclusive D0 semileptonic decays

scientific article (publication date: 24 October 2005)

Absolute branching fractions of Cabibbo-suppressedD→KK¯decays

scholarly article

Absolute measurement of hadronic branching fractions of the Ds+ meson

scientific article published on 23 April 2008

Addendum: Observation of double charm production involving open charm in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 7 TeV

article by Roel Aaij et al published March 2014 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Amplitude Analysis of the Decay B[over ¯]^{0}→K_{S}^{0}π^{+}π^{-} and First Observation of the CP Asymmetry in B[over ¯]^{0}→K^{*}(892)^{-}π^{+}

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Amplitude analyses of the decaysχc1→ηπ+π−andχc1→η′π+π−

scholarly article

Amplitude analysis and branching fraction measurement ofB¯s0→J/ψK+K−

scholarly article

Amplitude analysis of B 0 → D ¯ 0 K + π − decays

scientific article

Amplitude analysis of B s 0 → K S 0 K±π∓ decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019 no. 6, June 2019

Amplitude analysis of the 𝐵0(𝑠)→𝐾∗0𝐾⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯∗0 decays and measurement of the branching fraction of the 𝐵0→𝐾∗0𝐾⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯∗0 decay

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019 no. 7, July 2019

Amplitude analysis ofB+→J/ψϕK+decays

scholarly article

Amplitude analysis ofB−→D+π−π−decays

scholarly article

Amplitude analysis ofD0→K+K−π+π−

scholarly article

An investigation ofD+→τ+ν

scholarly article

Analyses ofD+→KS0K+andD+→KS0π+

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Analysis of hadronic transitions in Upsilon (3S) decays.

scientific article published on January 1994

Analysis of the decay D0→K0Sπ0π0

scholarly article

Analysis of the resonant components in B ¯ s 0 → J / ψ π + π −

scientific article (publication date: September 2012)

Analysis of the resonant components inB¯0→J/ψπ+π−

scholarly article

Analysis ofD+→K−π+e+νeandD+→K−π+μ++νμsemileptonic decays

scholarly article

Angular Analysis of D 0 → π + π − μ + μ − and D 0 → K + K − μ + μ − Decays and Search for C P Violation

scientific article published on 3 June 2022

Angular Analysis of the B + → K * + μ + μ − Decay

scientific article published on 22 April 2021

Angular analysis and differential branching fraction of the decay B s 0  → ϕμ + μ −

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 9, September 2015

Angular analysis of charged and neutral B → Kμ + μ − decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 5, May 2014

Angular analysis of the B 0 → K *0 μ + μ − decay using 3 fb−1 of integrated luminosity

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 2, February 2016

Angular analysis of the B0 → K*0e+e− decay in the low-q2 region

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 4, April 2015

Angular moments of the decay Λb0 → Λμ+μ− at low hadronic recoil

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 9, September 2018

Antideuteron production inΥ(nS)decays and the nearby continuum

scholarly article

Antisearch for the glueball candidatefJ(2220)in two-photon interactions

scholarly article

B Meson Decay

B meson decays

article published in 2009

B(Ds+→l+ν) and the Decay ConstantfDs+

B, D and K decays

B0B¯0mixing at theΥ(4S)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters


Bose-Einstein correlations of same-sign charged pions in the forward region in pp collisions at s = 7 $$ \sqrt{s}=7 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 12, December 2017

Bounds on theCPAsymmetry in Like-Sign Dileptons fromB0B¯0Meson Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Bounds on theCPAsymmetry inb→sγDecays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Branching Fraction and Photon Energy Spectrum forb→sγ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Branching Fractions for ψ(2S)-to-J/ψ Transitions

scientific article (publication date: June 2005)

Branching Fractions ofτLeptons to Three Charged Hadrons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Branching fraction and CP asymmetry of the decays B + → K S 0 π + and B + → K S 0 K +

Branching fraction for the doubly-Cabibbo-suppressed decay D + → K + π 0

scientific article (publication date: 10 October 2006)

Branching fractions for transitions ofψ(2S)toJ/ψ

scholarly article

Branching fractions forΥ(3S)→π0hbandψ(2S)→π0hc

scholarly article

Branching fractions forχcJ→pp¯π0,pp¯η, andpp¯ω

scholarly article

Branching ratios ofBmesons toK+,K−, andK0/K¯0

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Branching-fraction measurements ofψ(2S)decay to baryon-antibaryon final states

article by T. K. Pedlar et al published 30 September 2005 in Physical Review D

Bs mixing via ψ∗

CLEO III, a detector to measure rare B decays and CP violation

Cabibbo-suppressed decays ofD+→π+π0,K+K0,K+π0

scholarly article

Central exclusive production of J/ψ and ψ(2S) mesons in pp collisions at s=13$$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 10, October 2018

Charged track multiplicity inBmeson decay

scholarly article

Charged-Particle Multiplicities inB-Meson Decay

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Charged-particle multiplicity distribution inpdinteractions at 300 GeV/c

scholarly article

Charm meson spectra ine+e−annihilation at 10.5 GeV center of mass energy

article by Marina Artuso et al published 6 December 2004 in Physical Review D

Charm production in nonresonante+e−annihilations at√s =10.55 GeV


Charmed Meson Decays

scholarly article published November 1992

Charmed semileptonic B meson decays

article by Sheldon Stone published February 1990 in Nuclear Physics, Section B, Proceedings Supplements

Charmonium Decays of Y(4260), psi(4160), and psi(4040)

scientific article

Charmonium decays toγπ0,γη, andγη′

scholarly article

Comparison of D--> KS0 pi and D--> KL0 pi decay rates.

scientific article

Comparison of particle production in quark and gluon fragmentation ats∼10  GeV

scientific article

Comparison of radiation damage in lead tungstate crystals under pion and gamma irradiation

Conference summary

Confirmation of theY(4260)resonance production in initial state radiation


Constraints on the unitarity triangle angleγfrom Dalitz plot analysis ofB0→DK+π−decays

scientific article

Construction, pattern recognition and performance of the CLEO III LiF-TEA RICH detector

scholarly article by Marina Artuso et al published April 2003 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

Continuum chargedD*spin alignment ats=10.5GeV

scholarly article

Correlated inclusiveΛΛ¯production ine+e−annihilations ats∼10.5GeV

scholarly article

CorrelatedΛc+Λ¯c−production ine+e−annihilations ats∼10.5 GeV

scholarly article

Correlation of beam electron and LED signal losses under irradiation and long-term recovery of lead tungstate crystals

D0Spectrum fromB-Meson Decay

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Dalitz analysis of D0-->K(0)(S)pi(+)pi(-)

scientific article

Dalitz analysis of the decay D 0 → K − π + π 0

scientific article

Dalitz plot analysis of B 0 → D ¯ 0 π + π − decays

scientific article

Dalitz plot analysis of the D + → π − π + π + decay

scientific article

Dalitz plot analysis of the D+ → K−K+K+ decay

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019 no. 4, April 2019

Dalitz plot analysis of theD+→K−π+π+decay

scholarly article

Dalitz plot analysis ofBs0→D¯0K−π+decays

article by Roel Aaij et al published 14 October 2014 in Physical Review D

Dalitz plot analysis ofDs+→K+K−π+

scholarly article

Decay of b -Flavored Hadrons to Single-Muon and Dimuon Final States

scientific article

Decay of theψ(3770)to light hadrons

article by G. S. Adams et al published 18 January 2006 in Physical Review D

Decay ofBMesons into Charged and Neutral Kaons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters


scientific article published in Physical Review Letters


scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Decays of τ leptons to final states containing K0S mesons

scientific article published on 01 June 1996

Design and performance of LED calibration system prototype for the lead tungstate crystal calorimeter

Determination of B(Ds+--> phi pi +) via observation of Ds+--> phil+ nu

scientific article

Determination of the Michel parameters and the τ neutrino helicity in τ decay

scientific article

Determination of the Sign of the Decay Width Difference in theBs0System

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Determination of the X ( 3872 ) Meson Quantum Numbers

scientific article

Determination of the branching fractions of B S 0  → D S ∓ K ∓ and B 0 → D S − K +

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 5, May 2015

Determination of the quark coupling strength |Vub| using baryonic decays

scientific article

Determination of the strong phase in D0-->K+pi- using quantum-correlated measurements.

scientific article published on 4 June 2008

Determination of theB¯→D*lν¯decay width and|Vcb|

scholarly article

Determination of theD0→K+π−relative strong phase using quantum-correlated measurements ine+e−→D0D¯0at CLEO

scientific article

Determination of theD0→K−π+π0andD0→K−π+π+π−coherence factors and average strong-phase differences using quantum-correlated measurements

scholarly article

Determination of γ and−2βsfrom charmless two-body decays of beauty mesons

article by Roel Aaij et al published February 2015 in Physics Letters B

Determination offs/fdfor 7 TeVppCollisions and Measurement of theB0→D−K+Branching Fraction

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Development of a momentum determined electron beam in the 1– range

Dielectron Widths of the Υ(1S,2S,3S) Resonances

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Differential Branching Fraction and Angular Analysis of the DecayB0→K*0μ+μ−

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Differential branching fraction and angular analysis of the B + → K + μ + μ − decay

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 2, February 2013

Differential branching fraction and angular analysis of the decay $ B_s^0 $ → ϕμ + μ −

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 7, July 2013

Differential branching fraction and angular analysis of the decay B 0 → K ∗0 μ + μ −

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 8, August 2013

Differential branching fraction and angular analysis of Λb0 → Λμ+μ− decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 6, June 2015

Differential branching fraction and angular moments analysis of the decay B 0 → K +π− μ + μ − in the K 0,2 ∗ (1430)0 region

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 12, December 2016

Differential branching fractions and isospin asymmetries of B → K (*) μ + μ − decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 6, June 2014

Dimuon production in 15.5-GeV/cπpinteractions and the observation of a low-mass continuum

scholarly article

Ds+ decays to eta pi + and eta ' pi +

scientific article

Ds+ decays to eta rho +, eta ' rho +, and phi rho +

scientific article

Ds+exclusive hadronic decays involvingω

scholarly article

Early Operating Experience with the CLEO Detector

Effective lifetime measurements in theBs0→K+K−,B0→K+π−andBs0→π+K−decays

Erratum to: Differential branching fraction and angular analysis of Λb0 → Λμ+μ− decays

scholarly article

Erratum to: Measurement of CP observables in B± → DK*± decays using two- and four-body D final states

scientific article

Erratum to: Measurement of forward J/ψ production cross-sections in pp collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

scholarly article

Erratum to: Measurement of the CKM angle γ using B± → DK± with D → KS0π+π−, KS0K+K− decays

scholarly article

Erratum to: Measurement of the J/ψ pair production cross-section in pp collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

scholarly article

Erratum to: Measurement of ϒ production in pp collisions at s $$ \sqrt{\mathrm{s}} $$ = 13 TeV

scholarly article

Erratum to: Measurements of prompt charm production cross-sections in pp collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

scholarly article published in Journal of High Energy Physics

Erratum to: Measurements of prompt charm production cross-sections in pp collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

scientific article

Erratum to: Measurements of the S-wave fraction in B 0 → K + π − μ + μ − decays and the B 0 → K ∗(892)0 μ + μ − differential branching fraction

scientific article

Evidence for CP violation in B+ → ppK+ decays

scientific article published on 29 September 2014

Evidence for Exotic Hadron Contributions to Λ_{b}^{0}→J/ψpπ^{-} Decays

scientific article published on 18 August 2016

Evidence for New-Flavor Production at theϒ(4S)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Evidence for charmed baryons inB-meson decay

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Evidence for decays ofhcto multipion final states

scholarly article

Evidence for penguin-diagram decays: First observation of B → K * (892)γ

scientific article

Evidence for the F Meson at 1970 MeV

scientific article

Evidence for the Rare Decay Σ^{+}→pμ^{+}μ^{-}

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Evidence for the Strangeness-Changing Weak Decay Ξ_{b}^{-}→Λ_{b}^{0}π^{-}.

scientific article published on 11 December 2015

Evidence for the decay $ \mathrm{B}_{\mathrm{c}}^{+}\to {{\mathrm{J}} \left/ {{\uppsi\;3{\uppi^{+}}2{\uppi^{-}}}} \right.} $

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 5, May 2014

Evidence for the decay B 0 → J / ψ ω and measurement of the relative branching fractions of B s 0 meson decays to J / ψ η and J / ψ η ′

Evidence for the decay B S 0 → K ¯ ∗ 0 μ + μ − $$ {B}_S^0\to {\overline{K}}^{\ast 0}{\mu}^{+}{\mu}^{-} $$

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 7, July 2018

Evidence for the decay D0-->K(-)pi(+)pi(-)e(+)nu(e).

scientific article published on 5 November 2007

Evidence for the decay X ( 3872 ) → ψ ( 2 S ) γ

Evidence for the decayD0→K+π−π+π−

scholarly article

Evidence for the two-body charmless baryonic decay B + → p Λ ¯ $$ {B}^{+}\to p\overline{\varLambda} $$

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 4, April 2017

Evidence for 𝜂𝑐(1𝑆)𝜋−ηc(1S)π− resonance in 𝐵0→𝜂𝑐(1𝑆)𝐾+𝜋−B0→ηc(1S)K+π− decays

scientific article published in 2018

Evidence forCPViolation in Time-IntegratedD0→h−h+Decay Rates

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Evidence of New States Decaying into Ξ c * π

scientific article

Evidence of New States Decaying into Ξ c * π

scientific article (publication date: 7 May 2001)

Exclusive and inclusive decays ofBmesons intoDsmesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Exclusive decays and masses of theBmesons

scientific article published on 01 September 1987

Exclusive radiative Υ(1S) decays

scientific article published on 01 August 1986

Exclusive χ(2P) production in ϒ(3S) decay

ExclusiveJ/ψ and ψ(2S) production inppcollisions at $\protect \sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV

Exotics: Heavy pentaquarks and tetraquarks

Expected accuracy in a measurement of the CKM angle α using a Dalitz plot analysis of B 0 → ρπ decays in the BTeV project

Experimental Investigation of the Two-Photon Widths of theχc0and theχc2Mesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Experimental Status of B Physics

Experimental limits on weak annihilation contributions to decays

scientific article

Experimental results in heavy flavor physics

Experimental study ofχb(2P)→ππχb(1P)

article by C. Cawlfield et al published 19 January 2006 in Physical Review D

Experimental tests of lepton universality in τ decay

scientific article


article published in 2000

Factorization test usingB¯0→D*+π−and an estimate offDsusingB→DDs−

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First Evidence for the Decay B s 0 → μ + μ −

scientific article

First Evidence of DirectCPViolation in Charmless Two-Body Decays ofBs0Mesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First Experimental Study of Photon Polarization in Radiative B_{s}^{0} Decays

scientific article published on 9 January 2017

First Measurement of Charm Production in its Fixed-Target Configuration at the LHC

article by Roel Aaij et al published 5 April 2019 in Physical Review Letters

First Measurement of the B → π ℓ ν and B → ρ ( ω ) ℓ ν Branching Fractions

scientific article

First Observation of τ → 3 π η ν τ and τ → f 1 π ν τ Decays

scientific article

First Observation of C P Violation in the Decays of B s 0 Mesons

scientific article (publication date: May 2013)

First Observation of D^{0}-D[over ¯]^{0} Oscillations in D^{0}→K^{+}π^{-}π^{+}π^{-} Decays and Measurement of the Associated Coherence Parameters

scientific article published on 17 June 2016

First Observation of InclusiveBDecays to the Charmed Strange BaryonsΞc0andΞc+

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First Observation of a Baryonic B c + Decay

scientific article

First Observation of a Baryonic B_{s}^{0} Decay

scientific article published on 25 July 2017

First Observation of the Cabibbo Suppressed Decay B + → D ¯ 0 K +

scientific article

First Observation of the Decay B 0 → D * + D * −

scientific article

First Observation of the Decay τ − → K * − η ν τ

scientific article

First Observation of the Decay τ − → K − η ν τ

scientific article

First Observation of the DecayBc+→J/ψπ+π−π+

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First Observation of the Decays B 0 → D * − p p ¯ π + and B 0 → D * − p n ¯

scientific article (publication date: 26 March 2001)

First Observation of the DecaysB¯0→D+K−π+π−andB−→D0K−π+π−

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First Observation of the Doubly Charmed Baryon Decay Ξcc++→Ξc+π+

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First Observation of the Rare Purely Baryonic Decay B^{0}→pp[over ¯].

scientific article published on 4 December 2017

First Observations of ϒ ( 1 S ) → γ π + π − and ϒ ( 1 S ) → γ π 0 π 0

scientific article

First Search for the Flavor Changing Neutral Current DecayD0→γγ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First Search forCPViolation in Tau Lepton Decay

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First evidence for the annihilation decay mode 𝐵+→𝐷+𝑠𝜙

article by Roel Aaij et al published February 2013 in Journal of High Energy Physics

First evidence for the two-body charmless baryonic decay $ {B^0}\to p\overline{p} $

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 10, October 2013

First measurement of Γ ( D * + ) and precision measurement of m D * + − m D 0

scientific article

First measurement of gamma(D*(+)).

scientific article published on 28 November 2001

First measurement of the CP-violating phase in Bs(0) → ϕϕ decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First measurement of the CP-violating phase ϕ s d d ¯ $$ {\phi}_s^{d\overline{d}} $$ in Bs0 → (K+π−)(K−π+) decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 3, March 2018

First measurement of the charge asymmetry in beauty-quark pair production.

scientific article

First measurement of the differential branching fraction and CP asymmetry of the B ± → π ± μ + μ − decay

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 10, October 2015

First measurement of the form factors in the decays D0 → ρ- e+ ν(e) and D+ → ρ0 e+ ν(e).

scientific article published on 26 March 2013

First measurement of the rate for the inclusive radiative penguin decay b-->s gamma

scientific article

First measurement of time-dependent CP violation in $ B_s^0\to {K^{+}}{K^{-}} $ decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 10, October 2013

First model-independent determination of the relative strong phase betweenD0andD¯0→KS0π+π−and its impact on the CKM angleγ/ϕ3measurement

scholarly article

First observation and Dalitz analysis of the D0-->K(0)Setapi(0) decay

scientific article

First observation and amplitude analysis of theB−→D+K−π−decay


First observation and measurement of the branching fraction for the decay B s 0  → D s ∗ ∓ K ±

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 6, June 2015

First observation of B 0 → D * 0 π + π + π − π − decays

scientific article

First observation of B s 0 → J / ψ f 0 ( 980 ) decays

article by Roel Aaij et al published April 2011 in Physics Letters B

First observation of B ¯ s 0 → D s 2 ⁎ + X μ − ν ¯ decays

article by Roel Aaij et al published March 2011 in Physics Letters B

First observation of B ¯ → D ( * ) ρ ′ − , ρ ′ − → ω π −

scientific article (publication date: 18 September 2001)

First observation of B+ → Ds+K+K− decays and a search for B+ → Ds+ϕ decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 1, January 2018

First observation of a Υ ( 1 D ) state

scientific article

First observation of exclusiveχcJdecays to two charged and two neutral hadrons

scholarly article

First observation of forwardZ→bb¯production in pp collisions ats=8 TeV

First observation of inclusive ψ production in ψ decays

article by R. Fulton et al published July 1989 in Physics Letters B

First observation of the decay $ B_c^{+}\to {J \left/ {{\psi {K^{+}}}} \right.} $

article by Roel Aaij et al published September 2013 in Journal of High Energy Physics

First observation of the decay $ B_s^0\to \phi \overline{K}{*^0} $

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 11, November 2013

First observation of the decay B + → π + μ + μ −

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 no. 12, December 2012

First observation of the decay B --> J/psistraight phiK

scientific article (publication date: 14 February 2000)

First observation of the decay B s 0  → K S 0 K ∗(892)0 at LHCb

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 1, January 2016

First observation of the decay B s 0 → K ⁎ 0 K ¯ ⁎ 0

article by Roel Aaij et al published March 2012 in Physics Letters B

First observation of the decay B ¯ s 0 → D 0 K ⁎ 0 and a measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B ( B ¯ s 0 → D 0 K ⁎ 0 ) B ( B ¯ 0 → D 0 ρ 0 )

First observation of the decay Bs2*(5840)(0)→B*+ K- and studies of excited Bs(0) mesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First observation of the decay D 0 → K − π + μ + μ − in the ρ 0 – ω region of the dimuon mass spectrum

First observation of the decay Ds+-->pn

scientific article (publication date: 7 May 2008)

First observation of the decay Xi +c--> Xi 0e+ nu e and an estimate of the Xi +c/ Xi 0c lifetime ratio

scientific article

First observation of the decaysB¯(s)0→Ds+K−π+π−andB¯s0→Ds1(2536)+π−

scholarly article

First observation of the exclusive decays Λ c + → Λ π + π + π − π 0 and Λ c + → Λ ω π +

scientific article

First observation of the rareB+→D+K+π−decay

scholarly article

First observation of the sigma(*+)(c) baryon and a new measurement of the sigma(*+)(c) mass

scientific article (publication date: 12 February 2001)

First observation of top quark production in the forward region

scientific article published on 8 September 2015

First observation ofB¯0→J/ψK+K−and search forB¯0→J/ψϕdecays

scholarly article

First observations of the rare decays B + → K + π + π − μ + μ − and B +→ ϕK + μ + μ −

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 10, October 2014

First observations ofB¯s0→D+D−,Ds+D−andD0D¯0decays

scholarly article

First study of the CP-violating phase and decay-width difference in Bs0→ψ(2S)ϕ decays

Flavor-Specific InclusiveBDecays to Charm

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Form Factor Ratio Measurement inΛc+→Λe+νe

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Forward low-mass enhancement inpp¯seen in reactions inπ−d→(ns)pp¯nandπ−d→(ps)pp¯π−

scholarly article

Forward production of Υ mesons in pp collisions at s = 7 $$ \sqrt{s}=7 $$ and 8 TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 11, November 2015

Further Search for the Two-Photon Production of the Glueball CandidatefJ(2220)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Further experimental studies of two-body radiativeΥdecays

scholarly article

Hadronic Mass Moments in Inclusive SemileptonicBMeson Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Hadronic structure in the decayτ−→ντπ−π0π0and the sign of the tau neutrino helicity

scholarly article

Hadronic structure in the decayτ−→π−π0ντ

scholarly article

Hadronic transitionsΥ(2S)→Υ(1S)

scholarly article

Heavy quark decay

High-statistics study ofϒ(2S)→π+π−ϒ(1S)

scholarly article

Higher-order multipole amplitudes in charmonium radiative transitions

scholarly article

Hyperon Production ine+e−Interactions in the Upsilon Region

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Implications of LHCb measurements and future prospects

scholarly article published in European Physical Journal C in April 2013

Improved Measurement of the Form Factors in the DecayΛc+→Λe+νe

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Improved Measurement of|Vcb|UsingB¯→D*ℓν¯Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Improved Upper Limits on the Flavor-Changing Neutral Current DecaysB→Kℓ+ℓ−andB→K*(892)ℓ+ℓ−

scientific article (publication date: 15 October 2001)

Improved measurement of B(D+ --> mu+nu) and the pseudoscalar decay constant fD+

scientific article

Improved measurement of Vub with inclusive semileptonic B decays

scientific article

Improved measurement of absolute branching fraction ofDs+→τ+ντ

scholarly article

Improved measurement of absolute hadronic branching fractions of theDs+meson

scholarly article

Improved measurement of branching fractions for ππ transitions among Υ(nS) states

scholarly article

Improved measurement of the pseudoscalar decay constantfDs

scholarly article

Improved measurements ofDmeson semileptonic decays toπandKmesons

scholarly article

Improved upper limit on flavor-changing neutral-current decays of thebquark

scientific article published on 01 June 1987

Inclusive ChargedD*Production ine+e−Annihilations atW=10.4GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Inclusive Decay ofBMesons into ChargedD*

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Inclusive W and Z production in the forward region at $ \sqrt {s} = 7\,{\text{TeV}} $

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 no. 6, June 2012

Inclusive and exclusive decays ofBmesons to final states including charm and charmonium mesons

scientific article published on 01 January 1992

Inclusive decaysB→DXandB→D*X

scholarly article

Inclusive hadron yields fromDs+decays

scholarly article

Inclusive radiativeJ/ψdecays

scientific article

Inclusive radiativeψ(2S)decays

scholarly article

InclusiveB-meson decays into charm

scientific article published on 01 January 1987

Inclusiveη′production from theΥ(1S)

scholarly article

Inclusiveφproduction inB-meson decay

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

InclusiveχbJ(nP)decays toD0X

scholarly article

Investigation of SemileptonicBMeson Decays top-Wave Charm Mesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Isospin mass splittings from precision measurements ofD*-Dmass differences

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

J/ψ and ψ(2S) Radiative Transitions to ηc

scientific article published on 5 January 2009

LED monitoring system for the BTeV lead tungstate crystal calorimeter prototype

LHCb Collaboration

LHCb Collaboration

LHCb Collaboration

Lambda production in Kp collisions at 13 GeV/c

Lepton asymmetry measurements inB¯→D*l−ν¯land implications forV-Aand the form factors

scientific article published on 01 February 1993

Leptonic and Semileptonic Decays from CLEO-c

Leptonic branching ratio of theϒ(2S)

scholarly article

Lifetime differences, directCPviolation, and partial widths inD0meson decays toK+K−andπ+π−

article by S. E. Csorna et al published 18 April 2002 in Physical Review D

Limit on the Two-Photon Production of the Glueball Candidate f J ( 2220 ) at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring

scientific article

Limit on the mass of the tau neutrino

scientific article

Limit on the tau neutrino mass

scientific article

Limit on the tau neutrino mass from τ − → π − π + π − π 0 ν τ

scientific article

Limit on theb→uCoupling from SemileptonicBDecay

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Limits on Flavor Changing Neutral Currents inD0Meson Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Limits on neutral Higgs boson production in the forward region in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

scholarly article by Roel Aaij et al published May 2013 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Limits on neutralDmixing in semileptonic decays

article by C. Cawlfield et al published 1 April 2005 in Physical Review D

Limits on rare exclusive decays of B mesons

Limits onB0B¯0mixing and &

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Luminosity measurement with the CLEO II detector


Measurement of $${\Upsilon } $$ Υ production in $${{\mathrm {p}}} {{\mathrm {p}}} $$ p p collisions at $${\sqrt{s}} =2.76{\mathrm {\,TeV}} $$ s = 2.76 TeV

Measurement of Absolute Hadronic Branching Fractions of D Mesons and e + e − → D D ¯ Cross Sections at E c . m . = 3773 MeV

scientific article

Measurement of Angular and CP Asymmetries in D0→π+π−μ+μ− and D0→K+K−μ+μ− Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of Antiproton Production in p−He Collisions at sNN=110  GeV

scientific article published on 29 November 2018

Measurement of B 0 ,Bs0, B + andΛb0production asymmetries in 7 and 8 TeV proton–proton collisions

Measurement of B meson production cross-sections in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 8, August 2013

Measurement of B → ρ l ν decay and | V ub |

scientific article (publication date: 7 February 2000)

Measurement of B(Λc+→pK-π+)

scholarly article

Measurement of B(Υ(5S)→B(*)s¯¯¯B(*)s) using ϕ mesons

article by G. S. Huang et al published 9 January 2007 in Physical Review D

Measurement of B+, B0 and Λb0 production in pPb collisions at sNN=8.16  TeV

journal article; published 2019-03-27

Measurement of B_{s}^{0} and D_{s}^{-} Meson Lifetimes

scientific article published on 8 September 2017

Measurement of Bc+ Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at √[s]=8  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of B→Ds(*)+D*(*) branching fractions

scholarly article

Measurement of CP Violation in B0→J/ψK{S}^{0} Decays

scientific article

Measurement of CP Violation in B^{0}→D^{+}D^{-} Decays

scientific article published on 23 December 2016

Measurement of CP asymmetries and polarisation fractions in B s 0 → K ∗ 0 K ¯ ∗ 0 $$ {B}_s^0\to {K}^{\ast 0}{\overline{K}}^{\ast 0} $$ decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 7, July 2015

Measurement of CP asymmetries in D ± → η ′ π ± andDs±→η′π±decays

Measurement of CP asymmetries in the decays B 0 → K *0 μ + μ − and B + → K + μ + μ −

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 9, September 2014

Measurement of CP asymmetries in two-body B(s)0 -meson decays to charged pions and kaons

scholarly article

Measurement of CP asymmetry in B s 0  → D s ∓ K ± decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 11, November 2014

Measurement of CP asymmetry in Bs0 → Ds∓K± decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 3, March 2018

Measurement of CP asymmetry in D 0 → K − K + and D 0 → π − π + decays

scientific article published in July 2014

Measurement of CP asymmetry in D 0 → K − K + decays

Measurement of CP observables in B 0 → DK ∗0 with D →K + K −

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 3, March 2013

Measurement of CP observables in B ± → D (⁎) K ± and B ± → D (⁎) π ± decays

Measurement of CP observables in B ± → DK ± and B ± → Dπ ± with two- and four-body D decays

Measurement of CP observables in B± → DK*± decays using two- and four-body D final states

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 11, November 2017

Measurement of CP violation and constraints on the CKM angle γ inB±→DK±withD→KS0π+π−decays

Measurement of CP violation in B0 → D∓π± decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 6, June 2018

Measurement of CP violation in B0 → J/ψKS0 and B0 → ψ(2S)KS0 decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 11, November 2017

Measurement of CP violation in the phase space of B± → K+ K- π± and B± → π+ π- π± decays

scientific article published on 7 January 2014

Measurement of CP violation in the phase space of B±→K± π+ π- and B±→K± K+ K- decays.

scientific article published on 3 September 2013

Measurement of CP violation parameters and polarisation fractions in B s 0 → J / ψ K ¯ ∗ 0 $$ {\mathrm{B}}_{\mathrm{s}}^0\to \mathrm{J}/\psi {\overline{\mathrm{K}}}^{\ast 0} $$ decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 11, November 2015

Measurement of Cabibbo-suppressed decays of the tau lepton

scientific article

Measurement of Charge Asymmetries in Charmless HadronicBMeson Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of Charm Meson Lifetimes

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of D0-D0 mixing parameters and search for CP violation using D0 → K+ π- decays

scientific article (publication date: 18 December 2013)

Measurement of Ds decay modes

Measurement of Ds± production asymmetry in pp collisions at s = 7 $$ \sqrt{s}=7 $$ and 8 TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 8, August 2018

Measurement of J/Ψ production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV


Measurement of J/ψ polarization in pp collisions at [Formula: see text].

scientific article

Measurement of J/ψ production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=2.76\;\mathrm{TeV}$

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 2, February 2013

Measurement of V 0 production ratios in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 0.9 $ and 7 TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011 no. 8, August 2011

Measurement of Z → τ +τ − production in proton-proton collisions at s = 8 $$ \sqrt{\mathrm{s}}=8 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 9, September 2018

Measurement of [Formula: see text] polarisation in [Formula: see text] collisions at [Formula: see text] = 7 TeV.

scientific article

Measurement of absolute branching fractions of inclusive semileptonic decays of charm and charmed-strange mesons

article by D. M. Asner et al published 16 March 2010 in Physical Review D

Measurement of absolute hadronic branching fractions ofDmesons ande+e−→DD¯cross sections at theψ(3770)

article by S. Dobbs et al published 28 December 2007 in Physical Review D

Measurement of b-hadron branching fractions for two-body decays into charmless charged hadrons

article by Roel Aaij et al published October 2012 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Measurement of b-hadron masses

Measurement of baryon production inB-meson decay


Measurement of branching fractions of charmless four-body Λb0 and Ξb0 decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 2, February 2018

Measurement of charged particle multiplicities and densities in [Formula: see text] collisions at [Formula: see text]TeV in the forward region

scientific article

Measurement of charged particle multiplicities in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} =7~\mbox{TeV}$ in the forward region

Measurement of charm production cross sections in e+e− annihilation at energies between 3.97 and 4.26 GeV


Measurement of exclusive D meson decays to η and η' final states and SU(3) amplitude analysis

scholarly article

Measurement of exclusive baryon-antibaryon decays ofχcJmesons

scientific article

Measurement of exclusive Λ c decays with a Σ + in the final state

scientific article

Measurement of exclusiveBdecays to final states containing a charmed baryon

article by S. A. Dytman et al published 27 November 2002 in Physical Review D

Measurement of form-factor-independent observables in the decay B0→K(*0)μ(+)μ(-).

scientific article

Measurement of forward J/ψ production cross-sections in pp collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 10, October 2015

Measurement of forward W and Z boson production in association with jets in proton-proton collisions at s = 8 $$ \sqrt{s}=8 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 5, May 2016

Measurement of forward W and Z boson production in pp collisions at s = 8 $$ \sqrt{s}=8 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 1, January 2016

Measurement of forward W → eν production in pp collisions at s = 8 $$ \sqrt{s}=8 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 10, October 2016

Measurement of forward Z → e+e− production at s = 8 $$ \sqrt{s}=8 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 5, May 2015

Measurement of forward top pair production in the dilepton channel in pp collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 8, August 2018

Measurement of forwardtt‾,W+bb¯andW+cc¯production in pp collisions ats=8 TeV

Measurement of inclusive production of η , η ′ and ϕ mesons in D 0 , D + and D s + decays

scientific article

Measurement of indirect CP asymmetries in D0 → K−K+ and D0 → π−π+ decays using semileptonic B decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 4, April 2015

Measurement of interference between electromagnetic and strong amplitudes inψ(2S)decays to two pseudoscalar mesons

scholarly article

Measurement of interferingK*+K−andK*−K+amplitudes in the decayD0→K+K−π0

scientific article

Measurement of lepton momentum moments in the decayB¯→Xlν¯and determination of the heavy quark expansion parameters and|Vcb|

scholarly article

Measurement of mixing and CP violation parameters in two-body charm decays

article by Roel Aaij et al published April 2012 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Measurement of polarization amplitudes and CP asymmetries in B 0 → ϕK *(892)0

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 5, May 2014

Measurement of prominent eta-decay branching fractions

scientific article (publication date: 18 September 2007)

Measurement of prompt hadron production ratios in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 0.9\mbox{ and }7~\mathrm{TeV}$

Measurement of relative branching fractions of B decays to ψ(2S) and J/ψ mesons.

scientific article

Measurement of resonant andCPcomponents inB¯s0→J/ψπ+π−decays

scholarly article

Measurement of the B 0 – B ¯ 0 oscillation frequency Δ m d with the decays B 0 → D − π + and B 0 → J / ψ K ⁎ 0

Measurement of the B 0 → K ∗0 e + e − branching fraction at low dilepton mass

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 5, May 2013

Measurement of the B s 0  → ϕϕ branching fraction and search for the decay B 0 → ϕϕ

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 10, October 2015

Measurement of the B s 0 – B ¯ s 0 oscillation frequency Δ m s in B s 0 → D s − ( 3 ) π decays

Measurement of the B s 0 → J / ψ K S 0 branching fraction

Measurement of the B ± production cross-section in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} $ = 7 TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 no. 4, April 2012

Measurement of the B_{s}^{0}→μ^{+}μ^{-} Branching Fraction and Effective Lifetime and Search for B^{0}→μ^{+}μ^{-} Decays

scientific article published on 11 May 2017

Measurement of the Branching Ratio ofϒ(3S)→π+π−ϒ(1S)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Branching ofϒ(2S)→π+π−+ϒ(1S)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Bs(0) → Ds-Ds+ and Bs(0) → D-Ds+ effective lifetimes

scientific article published on 19 March 2014

Measurement of the Bs(0)→μ+ μ- branching fraction and search for B(0)→μ+ μ- decays at the LHCb experiment.

scientific article

Measurement of the Bs0→J/ψη lifetime

Measurement of the B¯(s)(0) effective lifetime in the J/ψf0(980) final state.

scientific article published on 9 October 2012

Measurement of the B¯s⁰ meson lifetime in Ds⁺π⁻ decays

scientific article published on 24 October 2014

Measurement of the B± production asymmetry and the CP asymmetry in B±→J/ψK± decays

scholarly article

Measurement of the B± production cross-section in pp collisions at s = 7 $$ \sqrt{s}=7 $$ and 13 TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 12, December 2017

Measurement of the CKM angle γ from a combination of B ± → D h ± analyses

Measurement of the CKM angle γ from a combination of LHCb results

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 12, December 2016

Measurement of the CKM angle γ using B 0 → DK *0 with D → K S 0 π + π − decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 8, August 2016

Measurement of the CKM angle γ using B ± → DK ± with D → K S 0 π + π −, K S 0 K + K − decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 10, October 2014

Measurement of the CKM angle γ using B± → DK± with D → KS0π+π−, KS0K+K− decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 8, August 2018

Measurement of the CP -violating phase β inB0→J/ψπ+π−decays and limits on penguin effects

Measurement of the CP -violating phaseϕsinB¯s0→J/ψπ+π−decays

Measurement of the CP Asymmetry in B0s−¯B0s Mixing

scientific article published on 5 August 2016

Measurement of the CP Violation Parameter A_{Γ} in D^{0}→K^{+}K^{-} and D^{0}→π^{+}π^{-} Decays

scientific article published on 28 June 2017

Measurement of the CP asymmetry in B(+)→K(+)μ(+)μ(-) decays.

scientific article published on 7 October 2013

Measurement of the CP asymmetry in B− → Ds−D0 and B− → D−D0 decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 5, May 2018

Measurement of the CP violating phase ϕ s in B ¯ s 0 → J / ψ f 0 ( 980 )

Measurement of the CP-violating phase ϕ s in B ¯ s 0 → J / ψ π + π − decays

Measurement of the CP-violating phase ϕs in Bs(0)→Ds(+)Ds(-) decays

scientific article published on 20 November 2014

Measurement of the Charged-Particle Multiplicity in pp Collisions at 102GeVc

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Charm-Mixing Parameter yCP

scientific article published on 8 January 2019

Measurement of the D s + − D s − production asymmetry in 7 TeV pp collisions

Measurement of the D ± production asymmetry in 7 TeV pp collisions

Measurement of the D0, D+ and Ds+ meson lifetimes at √s = 10.58 GeV

Measurement of the Decay Amplitudes and Branching Fractions ofB→J/ψK*andB→J/ψKDecays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Decay Constant fD+s Using D+s→l+ν

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Difference of Time-Integrated CP Asymmetries in D^{0}→K^{-}K^{+} and D^{0}→π^{-}π^{+} Decays

scientific article published on 9 May 2016

Measurement of the Direct Photon Spectrum from theϒ(1S)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Form Factors forB¯0→D*+ℓ−ν¯

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the J/ψ pair production cross-section in pp collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 6, June 2017

Measurement of the Leptonic Branching Ratios of theϒ(1S),ϒ(2S), andϒ(3S)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Lifetime of the Doubly Charmed Baryon Ξ_{cc}^{++}

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Muonic Branching Fractions of the Narrow Upsilon Resonances

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Ratio of Branching Fractions B(B_{c}^{+}→J/ψτ^{+}ν_{τ})/B(B_{c}^{+}→J/ψμ^{+}ν_{μ}).

scientific article

Measurement of the Ratio of the B^{0}→D^{*-}τ^{+}ν_{τ} and B^{0}→D^{*-}μ^{+}ν_{μ} Branching Fractions Using Three-Prong τ-Lepton Decays

scientific article

Measurement of the Relative Branching Fraction ofϒ(4S)to Charged and NeutralB-Meson Pairs

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Y(nS) polarizations in pp collisions at s = 7 $$ \sqrt{s}=7 $$ and 8 TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 12, December 2017

Measurement of the Z+b-jet cross-section in pp collisions at 𝑠√ = 7 TeV in the forward region

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 1, January 2015

Measurement of the [Formula: see text] meson lifetime using [Formula: see text] decays

scientific article

Measurement of the [Formula: see text] production cross-section in proton-proton collisions via the decay [Formula: see text].

scientific article published on 4 July 2015

Measurement of the absolute branching fraction of Ds+ --> tau+ nutau decay.

scientific article published on 21 April 2008

Measurement of the b-Quark Production Cross Section in 7 and 13 TeV pp Collisions

scientific article published on 3 February 2017

Measurement of the branching fraction and $$C\!P$$ C P asymmetry in $${{{B} ^+}} \!\rightarrow {{J /\psi }} {{\rho } ^+} $$ B + → J / ψ ρ + decays

Measurement of the branching fraction for Ds− → Φπ−

Measurement of the branching fraction for γ (1S) → τ+τ−

Measurement of the branching fraction forD+→K−π+π+

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the branching fraction ratioB(Bc+→ψ(2S)π+)/B(Bc+→J/ψπ+)

scholarly article

Measurement of the branching fractions forJ/ψ→ℓ+ℓ−

article by Z. Li et al published 22 June 2005 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the branching fractions of the decays D+ → K−K+K+, D+ → π−π+K+ and D s +  → π−K+K+

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019 no. 3, March 2019

Measurement of the branching fractions of the decaysBs0→D¯0K−π+andB0→D¯0K+π−

scholarly article

Measurement of the branching fractions ofΛc+→pK¯n(π)

scholarly article

Measurement of the branching fractionscrB(τ−→h−→π0ντ)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the branching ratios for the decays ofDs+toηπ+,η′π+,ηρ+,andη′ρ+

scholarly article

Measurement of the charge asymmetry in B ± → ϕ K ± and search for B ± → ϕ π ± decays

Measurement of the charge asymmetry inB→K*(892)±π∓

scholarly article

Measurement of the cross section for γγ→ pp ¯

scientific article

Measurement of the cross-section for Z → e+e- production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 2, February 2013

Measurement of the cross-section ratio σ ( χ c 2 ) / σ ( χ c 1 ) for prompt χ c production at s = 7 TeV

Measurement of the decay asymmetry parameters in Λc+ → Λπ+ and Λc+ → Σ+π0

Measurement of the decay asymmetry parameters inΞc0→Ξ−π+

scholarly article

Measurement of the decay rate of Ξc0→pK-K-π+ relative to Ξc0→Ξ-π+

scholarly article

Measurement of the decayτ−→π−π+π−2π0ντ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the differential branching fraction of the decay Λ b 0 → Λ μ + μ −

Measurement of the direct photon momentum spectrum in Υ ( 1 S ) , Υ ( 2 S ) , and Υ ( 3 S ) decays

scientific article (publication date: 14 July 2006)

Measurement of the direct photon spectrum inΥ(1S)decays

scholarly article

Measurement of the effective B s 0 → J / ψ K S 0 lifetime

Measurement of the effective B s 0 → K + K − lifetime

Measurement of the effective Bs0->K+K- lifetime

scientific article

Measurement of the eta-meson mass using psi(2S) --> etaJ/psi

scientific article (publication date: 18 September 2007)

Measurement of the exclusive Υ production cross-section in pp collisions at s = 7 $$ \sqrt{s}=7 $$ TeV and 8 TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 9, September 2015

Measurement of the flavour-specific CP-violating asymmetry a sl s in B s 0 decays

Measurement of the forward W boson cross-section in pp collisions at s = 7 $$ \sqrt{s}=7 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 12, December 2014

Measurement of the forward Z boson production cross-section in pp collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 9, September 2016

Measurement of the forward Z boson production cross-section in pp collisions at s = 7 $$ \sqrt{s}=7 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 8, August 2015

Measurement of the forward energy flow in pp collisions at [Formula: see text]

scientific article

Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry in Z/γ∗ → μ + μ − decays and determination of the effective weak mixing angle

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 11, November 2015

Measurement of the fraction of Υ (1S) originating from χb(1P) decays in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7\,TeV $

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 no. 11, November 2012

Measurement of the fragmentation fraction ratio f s /f d and its dependence on B meson kinematics

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 4, April 2013

Measurement of the inclusive ϕ cross-section in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

Measurement of the inelastic pp cross-section at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 6, June 2018

Measurement of the inelastic pp cross-section at a centre-of-mass energy of 𝑠√ = 7 TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 2, February 2015

Measurement of the isospin asymmetry in B → K(*)μ+μ− decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 no. 7, July 2012

Measurement of the isospin mass splitting Ξ+cΞ0c

Measurement of the lifetime of theBc+meson using theBc+→J/ψπ+decay mode

article published in 2015

Measurement of the mass and lifetime of theΩb−baryon

scholarly article

Measurement of the mass and production rate of Ξb− baryons

journal article; published 2019-03-22

Measurement of the mass splittings between thebb¯χb,J(1P)states

scholarly article

Measurement of the masses and widths of theΣc++andΣc0charmed baryons

article by Marina Artuso et al published 8 March 2002 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the muonic branching fractions of the Υ(1S) and Υ(3S)

scientific article published on 01 June 1989

Measurement of the phase difference between short- and long-distance amplitudes in the [Formula: see text] decay

scientific article published on 16 March 2017

Measurement of the polarization amplitudes and triple product asymmetries in the B s 0 → ϕ ϕ decay

Measurement of the polarization amplitudes inB0→J/ψK*(892)0decays

scholarly article

Measurement of the product branching fractionB(c→ΘcX)×B(Θc→ΛX)

scholarly article

Measurement of the properties of the Ξ b ∗ 0 baryon

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 5, May 2016

Measurement of the pseudoscalar decay constantfDsusingDs+→τ+ν,τ+→ρ+ν¯decays

scholarly article

Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B ( B 0 → K ⁎ 0 γ ) / B ( B s 0 → ϕ γ ) and the direct CP asymmetry in B 0 → K ⁎ 0 γ

Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B(B[over ¯]^{0}→D^{*+}τ^{-}ν[over ¯]_{τ})/B(B[over ¯]^{0}→D^{*+}μ^{-}ν[over ¯]_{μ}).

scientific article published on 9 September 2015

Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions and difference in CP asymmetries of the decays B + → J/ψπ + and B + → J/ψK +

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 3, March 2017

Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions of the decays Λ b 0  → ψ(2S)Λ and Λ b 0  → J/ψΛ

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019 no. 3, March 2019

Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions of theΥ(4S)to charged and neutralBmesons

scholarly article

Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions ℬ B c + → J / ψ K + / ℬ B c + → J / ψ π + $$ \mathrm{\mathcal{B}}\left({\mathrm{B}}_{\mathrm{c}}^{+}\to \mathrm{J}/{\uppsi \mathrm{K}}^{+}\right)/\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}\left({\mathrm{B}}_{\math

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 9, September 2016

Measurement of the ratio of branching fractionsB(B0→K*0γ)/B(Bs0→ϕγ)

scholarly article

Measurement of the ratio of branching fractionsB(D0→π−e+νe)/B(D0→K−e+νe)

scientific article published on 01 September 1995

Measurement of the ratio of prompt chi_c to production J/Psi in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV

scientific article

Measurement of the ratio ofBc+branching fractions toJ/ψπ+andJ/ψμ+νμfinal states

scholarly article

Measurement of the ratioB(D0→K*−e+νe)B(D0→K−e+νe)

scientific article published on 01 December 1991

Measurement of the ratios of form factors in the decay Ds+ → φe+ve

Measurement of the relative B−→D0/D*0/D**0μ−ν¯μ branching fractions using B− mesons from B¯s2*0 decays

journal article; published 2019-05-31

Measurement of the relative rate of prompt χ c0, χ c1 and χ c2 production at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 10, October 2013

Measurement of the resonant andCPcomponents inB¯0→J/ψπ+π−decays

scholarly article

Measurement of the semileptonic CP asymmetry in B0-B[over ¯]0 mixing

scientific article (publication date: 2015)

Measurement of the shape of the Λb0→Λc+μ−ν¯μ differential decay rate

scholarly article

Measurement of the tau lepton lifetime

Measurement of the tau lifetime

scientific article published on 01 August 1987

Measurement of the time-dependent CP asymmetries in B s 0  → J/ψK S 0

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 6, June 2015

Measurement of the time-dependent CP asymmetry in B 0 → J / ψ K S 0 decays

Measurement of the time-integrated CP asymmetry in D 0 → K S 0 K S 0 decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 10, October 2015

Measurement of the time-integrated CP asymmetry in D0 → KS0KS0 decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 11, November 2018

Measurement of the total cross section fore+e−→hadrons ats=10.52GeV

article by R. Ammar et al published 1 February 1998 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the total hadronic cross section in e + e − annihilation below 10.56 GeV

scientific article

Measurement of the Ωc0 Baryon Lifetime

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the χ b (3P) mass and of the relative rate of χ b1(1P) and χ b2(1P) production

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 10, October 2014

Measurement of theB-meson inclusive semileptonic branching fraction and electron-energy moments

scholarly article

Measurement of theB0andB+meson masses fromB0→ψ(′)KS0andB+→ψ(′)K+decays

scholarly article

Measurement of theBSemileptonic Branching Fraction with Lepton Tags

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theBs0→Ds(*)+Ds(*)−branching fractions

scholarly article

Measurement of theBs0→J/ψK¯*0branching fraction and angular amplitudes

scholarly article

Measurement of theB¯0–B0andB¯s0–Bs0production asymmetries in pp collisions ats=7 TeV

Measurement of theB¯→Dlν¯Partial Width and Form Factor Parameters

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theB→DℓνBranching Fractions and Form Factor

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theCP-Violating Phaseϕsin the DecayBs0→J/ψϕ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theCPAsymmetry inB0→K*0μ+μ−Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theD*(2010) branching fractions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theDs+→ηℓ+νandDs+→η′ℓ+νBranching Ratios

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theΛb0,Ξb−, andΩb−Baryon Masses

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theΛc+Lifetime

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theΞb−andΩb−baryon lifetimes

Measurement of theΞc+lifetime

scholarly article

Measurement of theη′-Meson Mass usingJ/ψ→γη′

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of two-photon production of the χ c 2

scientific article

Measurement of upper limits forΥ→γ+Rdecays

scholarly article

Measurement of αS from τ decays

Measurement of γγ widths of charmonium states

scientific article (publication date: June 1990)

Measurement of σ ( p p → b b ¯ X ) at s = 7 TeV in the forward region

Measurement of σtotalin e+e−annihilations below 10.56 GeV

article by Sheldon Stone published 1 May 2008 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Measurement of τ decays involving η mesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of ψ(2S) meson production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7\ \mbox{TeV}$

scientific article (publication date: 2012)

Measurement of ϒ production in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV

article; published in July 2018

Measurement of ϒ production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{\boldsymbol{s}}=\boldsymbol{7}~\mathrm{TeV}$

scientific article (publication date: 2012)

Measurement ofB(B−→D0π−)andB(B0→D+π−)and isospin analysis ofB¯→Dπdecays

scholarly article

Measurement ofB(D+→K¯*0l+νl)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement ofB(D0→K−π+)Using Partial Reconstruction ofB¯→D*+Xℓ−ν¯

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement ofB(Ds+→l+ν)and the decay constantfDS+

scholarly article

Measurement ofB(Ds+→l+ν)and the decay constantfDs+from600  pb−1ofe+e−annihilation data near 4170 MeV

scholarly article

Measurement ofCPviolation and theBs0meson decay width difference withBs0→J/ψK+K−andBs0→J/ψπ+π−decays

scholarly article

Measurement ofCPviolation inBs0→ϕϕdecays

scholarly article

Measurement ofCPviolation parameters inB0→DK*0decays

scholarly article

Measurement ofbhadron production fractions in 7 TeVppcollisions

scholarly article

Measurement ofΓee(J/ψ),Γtot(J/ψ), andΓee[ψ(2S)]/Γee(J/ψ)

scholarly article

Measurements of InclusiveB→ψProduction

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurements of branching fractions for electromagnetic transitions involving theχbJ(1P)states

scholarly article

Measurements of charm fragmentation intoDs*+andDs+ine+e−annihilations ats=10.5 GeV

article by Roy Briere et al published 7 September 2000 in Physical Review D

Measurements of charm mixing and CP violation using D0→K±π∓ decays

article by Roel Aaij et al published 23 March 2017 in Physical Review D

Measurements of exclusive semileptonic decays of D mesons

Measurements of indirect CP asymmetries in D0 → K- K+ and D0 → π- π+ decays

scientific article published on 31 January 2014

Measurements of long-range near-side angular correlations in sNN=5 TeV proton-lead collisions in the forward region

Measurements of prompt charm production cross-sections in pp collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

article by Roel Aaij et al published March 2016 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Measurements of prompt charm production cross-sections in pp collisions at s = 5 $$ \sqrt{s}=5 $$ TeV

article by Roel Aaij et al published June 2017 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Measurements of the B +, B 0, $ B_s^0 $ meson and $ \Lambda_b^0 $ baryon lifetimes

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 4, April 2014

Measurements of the Decaysτ−→h−h+h−ντandτ−→h−h+h−π0ντ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurements of the Exclusive Decays of theϒ(5S)toBMeson Final States and ImprovedBs*Mass Measurement

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurements of the Mass, Total Width, and Two-Photon Partial Width of theηcMeson

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurements of the S-wave fraction in B 0 → K + π − μ + μ − decays and the B 0 → K ∗(892)0 μ + μ − differential branching fraction

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 11, November 2016

Measurements of the branching fractions and helicity amplitudes inB→D*ρdecays

scholarly article

Measurements of the branching fractions andCPasymmetries ofB±→J/ψπ±andB±→ψ(2S)π±decays

scholarly article

Measurements of the branching fractions forB(s)→D(s)πππandΛb0→Λc+πππ

scholarly article

Measurements of the branching fractions of [Formula: see text] decays

scientific article

Measurements of the branching fractions of the decays $ B_s^0 \to D_s^{ \mp }{K^{\pm }} $ and $ B_s^0 \to D_s^{ - }{\pi^{ + }} $

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 no. 6, June 2012

Measurements of the branching fractions of Λc+ → pπ−π+, Λc+ → pK−K+, and Λc+ → pπ−K+

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 3, March 2018

Measurements of the meson-photon transition form factors of light pseudoscalar mesons at large momentum transfer

article by J. Gronberg et al published 1 January 1998 in Physical Review D

Measurements of the Λ b 0 → J / ψ Λ decay amplitudes and the Λ b 0 polarisation in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

Measurements ofBc+Production and Mass with theBc+→J/ψπ+Decay

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurements ofCPviolation in the three-body phase space of charmlessB±decays

scholarly article

Measurements ofDmeson decays to two pseudoscalar mesons

scholarly article

MeasuringB(D+→μ+ν)and the pseudoscalar decay constantfD+

article by G. Bonvicini et al published 17 December 2004 in Physical Review D

Meson decay constants from isospin mass splittings in the quark model


Method of StudyingΛb0Decays with One Missing Particle

Model independent measurement of form factors in the decayD+→K−π+e+νe

scholarly article

Model independent methods for determiningB(Υ(5S)→BS(*)B¯S(*))


Model-Independent Evidence for J/ψp Contributions to Λ_{b}^{0}→J/ψpK^{-} Decays

scientific article published on 18 August 2016

Model-Independent Observation of Exotic Contributions to B^{0}→J/ψK^{+}π^{-} Decays

Model-independent confirmation of theZ(4430)−state

scholarly article

Model-independent determination of the strong-phase difference betweenD0andD¯0→KS,L0h+h−(h=π,K) and its impact on the measurement of the CKM angleγ/ϕ3


Model-independent measurement of mixing parameters in D0 → K S 0 π+π− decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 4, April 2016

Model-independent measurement of the CKM angle γ using B0 → DK∗0 decays with D → K S 0 π + π − and K S 0 K+K−

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 6, June 2016

Model-independent search for CP violation in D 0 → K − K + π − π + and D 0 → π − π + π + π − decays

Moments of theBmeson inclusive semileptonic decay rate using neutrino reconstruction

scholarly article

Monte Carlo studies of a novel LiF radiator for RICH detectors

Near-threshold DD⎯⎯⎯⎯ spectroscopy and observation of a new charmonium state

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019 no. 7, July 2019

New Decay Modes of the Λ c + Charmed Baryon

scientific article

New Measurement ofB→D*πBranching Fractions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

New algorithms for identifying the flavour of [Formula: see text] mesons using pions and protons

scientific article published on 12 April 2017

New limits for neutrinoless tau decays

scholarly article

New measurement of exclusive decays of theχc0andχc2to two-meson final states

scholarly article

New measurement of the masses and widths of theΣc*++andΣc*0charmed baryons

article by S. B. Athar et al published 8 March 2005 in Physical Review D

New measurements of Cabibbo-suppressed decays of mesons with the CLEO-c detector

scientific article (publication date: 28 February 2006)

New measurements ofΥ(1S)decays to charmonium final states

scholarly article

New upper limit on the decayη→e+e−

scholarly article

Observation of $B^{0}_{s}$ – $\overline{B}{}^{0}_{s}$ mixing and measurement of mixing frequencies using semileptonic B decays

Observation of $B_{s}^{0}\to {{K}^{*\pm }}{{K}^{\mp }}$ and evidence for $B_{s}^{0}\to {{K}^{*-}}{{\pi }^{+}}$ decays

Observation of 1(-)0(-) final states from psi(2S) decays and e(+)e(-) annihilation

scientific article (publication date: 13 January 2005)

Observation of B 0 decay to two charmless mesons

scientific article

Observation of B s 0 → χ c 1 ϕ decay and study of B 0 → χ c 1 , 2 K ⁎ 0 decays

Observation of B → φ K and B → φ K *

scientific article

Observation of B(0) --> D0pi(0) and B(0) -->D(*0)pi(0)

scientific article

Observation of B(s)(0) → J/ψ f1(1285) decays and measurement of the f1(1285) mixing angle

scientific article published on 4 March 2014

Observation of B-->K(0)(S)pi(+)pi(-) and Evidence for B-->K(*+/-)pi(-/+)

scientific article

Observation of B-meson semileptonic decays to noncharmed final states

scientific article

Observation of B0→D¯(0)K(+)K(-) and evidence for B(s)(0)→D¯(0)K(+)K(-).

scientific article

Observation of B_{c}^{+}→D^{0}K^{+} Decays

scientific article published on 15 March 2017

Observation of B_{s}^{0}→D[over ¯]^{0}K_{S}^{0} and Evidence for B_{s}^{0}→D[over ¯]^{*}^{0}K_{S}^{0} Decays

scientific article published on 21 April 2016

Observation of Baryons inB-Meson Decay

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of Bc+→J/ψD(*)K(*) decays

scholarly article

Observation of Bs0→D¯*0ϕ and search for B0→D¯0ϕ decays

scholarly article

Observation of CP violation in B ± → D K ± decays

Observation of D 0 → K + π −

scientific article

Observation of D+ --> etae + nue.

scientific article published on 25 February 2009

Observation of D1 (2420)+ and D2∗(2460)+

Observation of D^{0} Meson Decays to π^{+}π^{-}μ^{+}μ^{-} and K^{+}K^{-}μ^{+}μ^{-} Final States

scientific article published on 31 October 2017

Observation of Excited Charmed Baryon States Decaying to Lambda +c pi + pi -

scientific article

Observation of ExcitedΛb0Baryons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of Exclusive B Decays to Final States Containing a Charmed Baryon

scientific article

Observation of Exclusive Decay Modes ofb-Flavored Mesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of Exclusive Two-Body B Decays to Kaons and Pions

scientific article

Observation of Five New Narrow Ω_{c}^{0} States Decaying to Ξ_{c}^{+}K^{-}.

scientific article published on 2 May 2017

Observation of High Momentumη′Production inBDecays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of InclusiveBDecays to the Charmed BaryonsΣc++andΣc0

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of J / ψ -pair production in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

Observation of J/psi-->3gamma.

scientific article

Observation of J/ψp Resonances Consistent with Pentaquark States in Λ_{b}^{0}→J/ψK^{-}p Decays

scientific article

Observation of J/ψϕ Structures Consistent with Exotic States from Amplitude Analysis of B^{+}→J/ψϕK^{+} Decays

scientific article published on 11 January 2017

Observation of New States Decaying intoΛc+π−π+

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of New Structure in the e + e − Cross Section above the ϒ ( 4 S )

scientific article published on 4 February 1985

Observation of Radiative Decays of theϒ(2S)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of Radiative Leptonic Decay of the Tau Lepton

scientific article

Observation of Thirteen New Exclusive Multibody Hadronic Decays of the ψ ( 2 S )

scientific article

Observation of Three Upsilon States

scientific article

Observation of Two Excited Charmed Baryons Decaying into Λ c + π ±

scientific article

Observation of Two Narrow States Decaying into Ξ c + γ and Ξ c 0 γ

scientific article

Observation of Two Resonances in the Λb0π± Systems and Precise Measurement of Σb± and Σb*± Properties

scientific article published on 11 January 2019

Observation of X(3872) production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7\mbox{~TeV}$

Observation of Z production in proton-lead collisions at LHCb

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 9, September 2014

Observation of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] decays

scientific article published on 06 February 2017

Observation of a Fourth Upsilon State in e + e − Annihilations

scientific article

Observation of a Narrow State Decaying into Ξ c + π −

scientific article

Observation of a New Ξb− Resonance

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of a Resonance inB+→K+μ+μ−Decays at Low Recoil

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of a narrow resonance of mass 2.46 GeV / c 2 decaying to D s * + π 0 and confirmation of the D sJ * ( 2317 ) state

scientific article (publication date: 28 August 2003)

Observation of a new charmed strange meson

scientific article

Observation of an Excited Charmed Baryon Decaying into Ξ c 0 π +

scientific article

Observation of associated production of a Z boson with a D meson in the forward region

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 4, April 2014

Observation of charmless baryonic decays B(s)0→pp¯h+h′−

scholarly article

Observation of charmonium pairs produced exclusively in $pp$ collisions

Observation of chicJ radiative decays to light vector mesons.

scientific article

Observation of double charm production involving open charm in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = {7}\;{\text{TeV}} $

article by Roel Aaij et al published June 2012 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Observation of eta' decays to pi+pi-pi0 and pi+pi-e+e-.

scientific article published on 11 February 2009

Observation of exclusive B --> D(*)K(*-) decays

scientific article (publication date: 26 February 2002)

Observation of new decay modes of the charmed-strange baryon Ξc+

article by K.W. Edwards et al published April 1996 in Physics Letters B

Observation of overlapping spin-1 and spin-3 D0K- resonances at mass 2.86 GeV/c2

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of photon polarization in the b→sγ transition

scientific article published on 22 April 2014

Observation of the Annihilation Decay Mode B^{0}→K^{+}K^{-}.

scientific article published on 21 February 2017

Observation of the B 0 → ρ 0 ρ 0 decay from an amplitude analysis of B 0 → ( π + π − )( π + π − ) decays

Observation of the B s 0  → J/ψK S 0 K ± π ∓ decay

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 7, July 2014

Observation of the B s 0  → J/ψϕϕ decay

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 3, March 2016

Observation of the B(s)(0)→η'η' Decay

scientific article published on 28 July 2015

Observation of the B+→D*−K+π+ decay

scholarly article

Observation of the Dalitz decayDs*+→Ds+e+e−

scholarly article

Observation of the Decay D s + → ω π +

scientific article

Observation of the Decay Λ b 0 → Λ c + τ − ν ¯ τ

scientific article published on 13 May 2022

Observation of the Decay Ξ_{b}^{-}→pK^{-}K^{-}.

scientific article published on 16 February 2017

Observation of the Decays Λ_{b}^{0}→χ_{c1}pK^{-} and Λ_{b}^{0}→χ_{c2}pK^{-}.

scientific article published on 8 August 2017

Observation of the Doubly Charmed Baryon Ξ_{cc}^{++}.

scientific article published on 11 September 2017

Observation of the DsJ(2463) and Confirmation of the D[sub sJ][sup ∗](2317)

Observation of the Hadronic Transitionsχb1,2(2P)→ωΥ(1S)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of the Isospin-Violating DecayDs*+→Ds+π0

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of the P 1 1 state of charmonium

scientific article

Observation of the Radiative DecayD*+→D+γ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of the Resonant Character of the Z ( 4430 ) − State

scientific article

Observation of the charmed baryonΣc+and measurement of the isospin mass splittings of theΣc

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of the charmed strange baryon Xi c0

scientific article

Observation of the decay

Observation of the decay $ B_c^{+} $ → J/ψ K + K − π +

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 11, November 2013

Observation of the decay B s 0  → η c ϕ and evidence for B s 0  → η c π + π −

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 7, July 2017

Observation of the decay B s 0 → D ¯ 0 ϕ

Observation of the decay B ¯ s 0 → χ c 2 K + K − $$ {\overline{B}}_s^0\to {\chi}_{c2}{K}^{+}{K}^{-} $$ in the ϕ mass region

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 8, August 2018

Observation of the decay B(c)(+) → B(s)(0)π+.

scientific article

Observation of the decay Bs0→D¯0K+K−

scholarly article

Observation of the decay Bs0→ϕπ+π− and evidence for B0→ϕπ+π−

scholarly article

Observation of the decay B¯D+0ρ−

scientific article published on 01 May 1985

Observation of the decay Omega(0)(c)-->Omega(-)e(+)nu(e)

scientific article

Observation of the decay Λ b 0  → pK − μ + μ − and a search for CP violation

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 6, June 2017

Observation of the decay Λb0 → ψ(2S)pπ−

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 8, August 2018

Observation of the decay Λb0→Λc+pp‾π−

Observation of the decayBc+→ψ(2S)π+

scholarly article

Observation of the decayB‾s0→ψ(2S)K+π−

Observation of the decayB→FX

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c +  → pϕ

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019 no. 4, April 2019

Observation of the h c ( P 1 1 ) State of Charmonium

scientific article

Observation of the h(c)(1P) Using e+ e- collisions above the DD threshold

scientific article

Observation of the rare Bs0 →µ+µ− decay from the combined analysis of CMS and LHCb data

scientific article

Observation of the suppressed ADS modes B ± → [ π ± K ∓ π + π − ] D K ± and B ± → [ π ± K ∓ π + π − ] D π ±

Observation of the suppressed decay Λ b 0  → pπ − μ + μ −

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 4, April 2017

Observation of the Λ b 0 → J/ψ pπ − decay

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 7, July 2014

Observation of the Λb0→Λϕ decay

Observation of the Ξc+ charmed baryon decays to Σ+K−π+, , and ΛK−π+π+

article by T. Bergfeld et al published January 1996 in Physics Letters B

Observation of theΞb−→J/ψΛK−decay

Observation of theΩc0Charmed Baryon at CLEO

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of two new Ξ(b)(-) baryon resonances

scientific article

Observation of Λ b 0  → ψ(2S)pK− and Λ b 0  → J/ψπ + π −pK− decays and a measurement of the Λ b 0 baryon mass

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 5, May 2016

Observation of Υ ( 3 S ) → τ + τ − and Tests of Lepton Universality in Υ Decays

scientific article (publication date: 29 January 2007)

Observation of Υ(4S) decays into non-BB¯final states containing ψ mesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of η c ′ Production in γ γ Fusion at CLEO

scientific article (publication date: 5 April 2004)

Observation ofA1+,0Production inK+pInteractions at 12.7 GeV/c

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofB+→ωK+and Search for RelatedBDecays Modes

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofBc+→J/ψDs+andBc+→J/ψDs*+decays

scholarly article

Observation ofBsProduction at theΥ(5S)Resonance

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofB¯s0→J/ψf2′(1525)inJ/ψK+K−Final States

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofB→K±π0andB→K0π0, and Evidence forB→π+π−

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofD0−D¯0Oscillations

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofΛc+ decays to Λπ+π0, Σ0π+, Σ0π+π0, and Σ0π−π+π+

Observation ofΥ(2S)→ηΥ(1S)and Search for Related Transitions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofηc(2S)→pp¯and search forX(3872)→pp¯decays

Observation ofχbJ(1P,2P)decays to light hadrons

scholarly article

Observation ofψ(3770)→γχc0

article by R. A. Briere et al published 15 August 2006 in Physical Review D

Observation ofψ(3770)→γχc1→γγJ/ψ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofψ(3770)→ππJ/ψand Measurement ofΓee[ψ(2S)]

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observations of B s 0 → ψ ( 2 S ) η and B ( s ) 0 → ψ ( 2 S ) π + π − decays

Observations of Λ b 0  → ΛK +π− and Λ b 0  → ΛK + K − decays and searches for other Λ b 0 and Ξ b 0 decays to Λh + h′− final states

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 5, May 2016

Opposite-side flavour tagging of B mesons at the LHCb experiment.

scientific article


Particle identification by ionization measurements: Description of the CLEO system

scientific article (publication date: June 1983)

Performance of a gas radiator ring imaging Cherenkov detector using multi-anode photomultiplier tubes

Performance of the CLEO III LiF-TEA ring imaging Cherenkov detector in a high-energy muon beam

article by Marina Artuso et al published March 2000 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

Performance of the CLEO dE/dx system

Photon Transitions inΥ(2S)andΥ(3S)Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Photon transitions in ψ(2S) decays to χcJ(1P) and ηc(1S)

scholarly article

Physics results from RICH detectors

Precise measurement of mixing parameters at the ϒ(4S)

Precise measurements of the properties of the B1(5721)0,+ and B2*(5747)0,+ states and observation of B+,0π−,+ mass structures

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 4, April 2015

Precision Determination of theD0Mass

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Precision Measurement of the Mass of the hc(1P1) State of Charmonium

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Precision Measurements of the Timelike Electromagnetic Form Factors of Pion, Kaon, and Proton

scientific article (publication date: 21 December 2005)

Precision measurement of CP violation in B(S)(0)→J/ΨK+K- decays

scientific article published on 30 January 2015

Precision measurement of D meson mass differences

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 6, June 2013

Precision measurement of energy and position resolutions of the BTeV electromagnetic calorimeter prototype

Precision measurement of the B0s–$\overline{\rm B}{}^0_{\rm s}$ oscillation frequency with the decay B0s→ D−sπ+

Precision measurement of the mass and lifetime of the Ξ(b)(0) baryon

scientific article published on 15 July 2014

Precision measurement of the mass and lifetime of the Ξb⁻ baryon

scientific article published on 9 December 2014

Precision measurement of the ratio of the Λ b 0 to B ¯ 0 lifetimes

Precision measurement of the Λb(0) baryon lifetime

scientific article

Precision measurement of theDs*+-Ds+mass difference

scientific article published on 01 August 1994

Precision measurement ofB(D+→μ+ν)and the pseudoscalar decay constantfD+

article by B. I. Eisenstein et al published 11 September 2008 in Physical Review D

Probing New Top Physics at the LHCb Experiment

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Production and decay of D1 (2420)0 and D2∗ (2460)0


Production and decay of the Ds1 (2536)+


Production of Charmed Mesons ine+e−Annihilation at 10.5 GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Production of Dimuons in 16-GeV/cπpInteractions and the Observation of a Low-Mass Continuum of Unfamiliar Origin

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Production of J/ψ and $ \varUpsilon $ mesons in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=8 $ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 6, June 2013

Production of Low-Masspπ+π−andp¯π+π−States in the Reactionp¯p→p¯pπ+π−at 3-4 GeV/c

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Production of associated Y and open charm hadrons in pp collisions at s = 7 $$ \sqrt{s}=7 $$ and 8 TeV via double parton scattering

article by Roel Aaij et al published July 2016 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Production of η and ω mesons in τ decay and a search for second-class currents

scientific article

Progress on the CLEO II CsI Electromagnetic Calorimeter

Prompt Ks0 production in pp collisions at √s = 0.9 TeV

scientific article (publication date: September 2010)

Prompt and nonprompt J / ψ production and nuclear modification in p Pb collisions atsNN=8.16 TeV

Prompt charm production in pp collisions at √s = 7TeV

scientific article (publication date: June 2013)

Prompt Λ c + production in pPb collisions at s N N = 5.02 $$ \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=5.02 $$ TeV

scientific article published in February 2019

Prospects for B-Physics in the Next Decade

scholarly article published 1997

Prototype studies for the CLEO III RICH

Prototype studies for the CLEO III RICH

Publisher's Note: Observation ofB¯0→D0π0andB¯0→D*0π0[Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 062001 (2002)]

scientific article published on 27 July 2002

Publisher’s Note: Evidence forCPViolation in Time-IntegratedD0→h−h+decay rates [Phys. Rev. Lett.108, 111602 (2012)]

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Publisher’s Note: Improved measurement of the branching fraction and energy spectrum of η′ from Υ(1S) decays [Phys. Rev. D 74, 092006 (2006)]

scholarly article

Publisher’s Note: Measurements of charmless hadronic two-bodyBmeson decays and the ratioB(B→DK)/B(B→Dπ)[Phys. Rev. D68, 052002 (2003)]

scholarly article

Publisher’s Note: Search for the non-D¯¯¯D decay ψ(3770)→K0SK0L [Phys. Rev. D 74, 012005 (2006)]

scholarly article

Publisher’s Note: Searches forCPviolation andππSwave in the Dalitz-plot analysis ofD0→π+π−π0[Phys. Rev. D72, 031102 (2005)]

scholarly article

Quantum numbers of theX(3872)state and orbital angular momentum in itsρ0J/ψdecay

scientific article published on 30 July 2015


Radiative decay modes of theD0meson

scholarly article

Radiative decays of theΥ(1S)to a pair of charged hadrons

article by S. B. Athar et al published 3 February 2006 in Physical Review D

Radiative decays of theΥ(1S)toγπ0π0,γηηandγπ0η

scholarly article

Rate Measurement ofD0→K+π−π0and Constraints onD0−D0¯Mixing

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Recent Results from the Cleo dE/dx System

Resonance structure of τ-→K-π+π-ντ decays

scholarly article

Resonances and CP violation in B s 0 and B ¯ s 0 → J / ψ K + K − $$ {\overline{B}}_s^0\to J/\psi {K}^{+}{K}^{-} $$ decays in the mass region above the ϕ(1020)

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 8, August 2017

Resonant structure ofτ→3ππ0ντandτ→ωπντdecays

scholarly article

Ruling out exotic models of b quark decay

S-waves and the measurement ofCPviolating phases inBsdecays

scholarly article

SEARCH FOR CP VIOLATION VIA $e^ + e^ - \to B^0 \bar B^0 \gamma $

Search for Baryon-Number Violating Ξ_{b}^{0} Oscillations

scientific article published on 3 November 2017

Search for Bc+ decays to the pp‾π+ final state

Search for CP Violation in D_{s}^{+}→K_{S}^{0}π^{+}, D^{+}→K_{S}^{0}K^{+}, and D^{+}→ϕπ^{+} Decays

journal article; published 2019-05-17

Search for CP violation in D + → ϕπ + and $ D_s^{+}\to K_S^0{\pi^{+}} $ decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 6, June 2013

Search for CP violation in D ± → K S 0 K ± and D s ±  → K S 0 π ± decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 10, October 2014

Search for CP violation in D0→KS0π0,D0→π0π0 and D0→KS0KS0 decays

scholarly article

Search for CP violation in the decay D + → π − π + π +

Search for CP violation in the phase space of D 0 → π + π − π + π − decays

Search for CP violation in Λb0→pK− and Λb0→pπ− decays

Search for CP violation inD0→π−π+π0decays with the energy test

Search for CP violation through an amplitude analysis of D0 → K+K−π+π− decays

scientific article published in February 2019

Search for CP violation using T-odd correlations in D 0 → K + K −π+π− decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 10, October 2014

Search for CP violation using triple product asymmetries in Λb0 → pK−π+π−, Λb0 → pK−K+K− and Ξb0 → pK−K−π+ decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 8, August 2018

Search for Charge -2 Mesons in the Reactionπ−d→(ps)X−−pforwardat 13.2 GeV/c

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for CharmlessB→VVDecays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for D ( s ) + → π + μ + μ − and D ( s ) + → π − μ + μ + decays

Search for D 0 − D ¯ 0 mixing in the Dalitz plot analysis of D 0 → K S 0 π + π −

scientific article

Search for Dark Photons Produced in 13 TeV pp Collisions

scientific article published in February 2018

Search for Exclusive Multibody Non-DD¯Decays at theψ(3770)Resonance

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Hidden-Sector Bosons in B(0)→K(*0)μ(+)μ(-) Decays

scientific article published on 16 October 2015

Search for Higgs-like bosons decaying into long-lived exotic particles

scientific article published on 02 December 2016

Search for Inclusiveb→sl+l−

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Lepton Number Violating DecaysB+→π−μ+μ+andB+→K−μ+μ+

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Lepton-Universality Violation in B+→K+ℓ+ℓ− Decays

journal article; published 13 May 2019

Search for Majorana neutrinos in B- → π+ μ- μ- decays

scientific article published on 3 April 2014

Search for Neutrinoless Decays of the Tau Lepton

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for NeutrinolessτDecays Involvingπ0orηMesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Rare and Forbidden DecaysD+→h±e∓e+

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Rare and Forbiddenη′Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for RareB(s)0→μ+μ−μ+μ−Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Structure in the B_{s}^{0}π^{±} Invariant Mass Spectrum

scientific article published on 5 October 2016

Search for Violations of Lorentz Invariance and CPT Symmetry in B_{(s)}^{0} Mixing

scientific article published on 15 June 2016

Search for X(3872) in gammagamma fusion and radiative production at CLEO

scientific article

Search for a dimuon resonance in the ϒ mass region

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 9, September 2018

Search for a neutral Higgs boson in B -meson decay

scientific article

Search for a scalar bottom quark with mass 3.5–4.5 G e V / c 2

scientific article

Search for axion production in ϒ decay

scientific article

Search for backwards-produced exotic meson resonances in 8.4 GeV/c π+p interactions

Search for baryon and lepton number violating decays of theτlepton

scholarly article

Search for baryons in the radiative penguin decayb→sγ

scholarly article

Search for beautiful tetraquarks in the ϒ(1S)μ+μ− invariant-mass spectrum

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 10, October 2018

Search for color-suppressedBhadronic decay processes at theΥ(4S)resonance

article by B. Nemati et al published 1 May 1998 in Physical Review D

Search for decays of neutral beauty mesons into four muons

article by Roel Aaij et al published March 2017 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Search for decays ofB0mesons into pairs of leptons:B0→e+e−,B0→μ+μ−,andB0→e±μ∓

scholarly article

Search for direct CP violation in D 0 → h − h + modes using semileptonic B decays

scientific article published in June 2013

Search for e+e-→Λb0Λ¯b0 near threshold

scholarly article

Search for excited Bc+ states

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 1, January 2018

Search for exclusive b → u transitions in hadronic decays of B mesons involving mesons

Search for exclusive rare baryonic decays ofBmesons

scholarly article

Search for invisible decays of theΥ(1S)resonance

article by P. Rubin et al published 9 February 2007 in Physical Review D

Search for lepton flavor violation in upsilon decays

scientific article

Search for lepton-flavor-violating decays ofBmesons

scholarly article

Search for lepton-flavour-violating decays of Higgs-like bosons

scientific article published in 2018

Search for long-lived heavy charged particles using a ring imaging Cherenkov technique at LHCb

scientific article

Search for long-lived particles decaying to jet pairs

scientific article published on 17 April 2015

Search for long-lived scalar particles in B+→K+χ(μ+μ−) decays

scholarly article

Search for massive long-lived particles decaying semileptonically in the LHCb detector

scientific article

Search for neutrinolessτdecays involving theKS0meson

scholarly article

Search for neutrinolessτdecays:τ→eγandτ→μγ

scholarly article

Search for radiative decays ofΥ(1S)intoηandη′

scholarly article

Search for rare and forbidden decays of charm and charmed-strange mesons to final statesh±e∓e+

article by P. Rubin et al published 22 November 2010 in Physical Review D

Search for the B s 0  → η′ϕ decay

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 5, May 2017

Search for the CP -violating strong decays η → π + π − and η ′ (958)→ π + π −

Search for the Charmless DecaysB→pp¯πandpp¯ππ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for the DecayB¯0→D*0γ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for the Decays B_{s}^{0}→τ^{+}τ^{-} and B^{0}→τ^{+}τ^{-}.

scientific article

Search for the DecaysB0→D(*)+D(*)−

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for the Decayϒ(1S)→γη′

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for the Lepton-Flavor-Violating Decays B0s→τ±μ∓ and B0→τ±μ∓

scientific article

Search for the Lepton-Flavor-Violating DecaysBs0→e±μ∓andB0→e±μ∓

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for the Lepton-Flavor-Violating LeptonicB0→μ±τ∓andB0→e±τ∓

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for the decay B s 0 → D ¯ 0 f 0 980 $$ {B}_s^0\to {\overline{D}}^0{f}_0(980) $$

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 8, August 2015

Search for the decay D 0 → π + π − μ + μ −

Search for the decayB+→D*+KS0

scholarly article

Search for the decayBs0→D*∓π±

scholarly article

Search for the decayB→Ds1+(2536)X

scholarly article

Search for the decayDs+→ωe+ν

scholarly article

Search for the decayJ/ψ→γ+invisible

scholarly article

Search for the decayτ−→4π−3π+(π0)ντ

scholarly article

Search for the doubly charmed baryon $ \Xi_{cc}^{+} $

article by Roel Aaij et al published December 2013 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Search for the familon via B(+/-) --> pi+/-X(0), B(+/-) --> K(+/-)X(0), and B(0) --> K(0)(S)X(0) decays

scientific article (publication date: 11 December 2001)

Search for the lepton flavour violating decay τ − → μ − μ + μ −

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 2, February 2015

Search for the lepton-flavour violating decays B(s)0 → e±μ∓

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 3, March 2018

Search for the rare decay $ K_{\mathrm{S}}^0\to {\mu^{+}}{\mu^{-}} $

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 1, January 2013

Search for the rare decay D 0 → μ + μ −

Search for the rare decay Λc+→pμ+μ−

scholarly article

Search for the rare decays B s 0 → μ + μ − and B 0 → μ + μ −

Search for the rare decays B0s -> µ+µ- and B0 -> µ+µ-

scientific article

Search for the rare decaysB0→J/ψγandBs0→J/ψγ

scholarly article

Search for the suppressed decays B + → K + K + π − and B + → π + π + K −

Search for the Λ b 0  → Λη ′ and Λ b 0  → Λη decays with the LHCb detector

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 9, September 2015

Search for theX(4140)state inB+→J/ψϕK+decays

scholarly article

Search for very light CP-odd Higgs Boson in radiative decays of Upsilon(1S).

scientific article published on 10 October 2008

Search for weakly decaying b -flavored pentaquarks

scholarly article

Search for φ mesons in τ lepton decay

scholarly article

Search forB0→π0π0decay

scholarly article

Search forBc+decays to two charm mesons

article by Roel Aaij et al published May 2018 in Nuclear Physics B

Search forB→p¯e−ν¯eXdecay using a partial reconstruction method

scholarly article

Search forB→μν¯μγandB→eν¯eγ

scholarly article

Search forB→τνandB→Kνν¯

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search forB→ℓν¯ℓ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search forCPViolation inB±→J/ψK±andB±→ψ(2S)K±Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search forCPViolation inτ→KπντDecays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search forCPviolation in the Dalitz-plot analysis ofD±→K+K−π±

article by P. Rubin et al published 9 October 2008 in Physical Review D

Search forCPviolation inD+→K−K+π+decays

scholarly article

Search forCPviolation inD0→KS0π+π−

scholarly article

Search forCPviolation inτ→ππ0ντdecay

scholarly article

Search forD0→p¯e+andD0→pe−

scholarly article

Search forD0−D¯0Mixing

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search forb→utransitions in exclusive hadronicB-meson decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search forη(1475)→KS0K±π∓in two-photon fusion at the CLEO detector at Cornell

scholarly article

Search forψ(2S)→γηc(2S)via fully reconstructedηc(2S)decays

scholarly article

Search forψ(2S)→ηcπ+π−π0

scholarly article

Searches for $ B_{(s)}^0\ \to {J \left/ {{\psi p}} \right.}\overline{p} $ and B + → J/ψ p $ \overline{p} $ π + decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 9, September 2013

Searches for $ \Lambda_b^0 $ and $ \Xi_b^0 $ decays to $ K_{\mathrm{S}}^0p{\pi^{-}} $ and $ K_{\mathrm{S}}^0p{K^{-}} $ final states with first observation of the $ \Lambda_b^0\to K_{\mathrm{S}}^0p{\pi^{-}} $ decay

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 4, April 2014

Searches for Majorana neutrinos inB−decays

scholarly article

Searches for violation of lepton flavour and baryon number in tau lepton decays at LHCb

Semileptonic Branching Fractions of Charged and NeutralBMesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Semileptonic decays ofBmesons

scholarly article

Some Aspects of Single-Particle and Two-Particle Inclusive Reactions in12.7−GeVcK+pand7−GeVcπ+pCollisions

scholarly article

Status of construction and first tests of the CLEO III RICH

Strong Constraints on the Rare DecaysBs0→μ+μ−andB0→μ+μ−

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Structure functions in the decayτ∓→π∓π0π0ντ

scholarly article

Studies of D+→{η′,η,ϕ}e+νe

scholarly article

Studies of beauty baryon decays toD0ph−andΛc+h−final states

article by Roel Aaij et al published 13 February 2014 in Physical Review D

Studies of the Cabibbo-suppressed decays D+ → π0ℓ+ν and D+ → ηe+νe

Studies of the decaysB+→pp¯h+and observation ofB+→Λ¯(1520)p

scholarly article

Studies of the decaysD0→KS0K−π+andD0→KS0K+π−

scholarly article

Studies of the resonance structure in D0→𝐾±𝜋±𝜋±𝜋± decays

Studies of the resonance structure inD0→KS0K±π∓decays

scholarly article

Study of $ B_{(s)}^0\to K_{\mathrm{S}}^0{h^{+}}{h^{{\prime -}}} $ decays with first observation of $ B_s^0\to K_{\mathrm{S}}^0{K^{\pm }}{\pi^{\mp }} $ and $ B_s^0\to K_{\mathrm{S}}^0{\pi^{+}}{\pi^{-}} $

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 10, October 2013

Study of 3-prong hadronicτdecays with charged kaons

scholarly article

Study of B → ψϱ

Study of Bc+ decays to the K+K−π+ final state and evidence for the decay Bc+→χc0π+

scholarly article

Study of Beauty Hadron Decays into Pairs of Charm Hadrons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of D J meson decays to D +π−, D 0π+ and D ∗+π− final states in pp collisions

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 9, September 2013

Study of D sJ (*) + mesons decaying to D ∗ + K S 0 and D *0 K + final states

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 2, February 2016

Study of D sJ decays to $ {D^{+}}K_{\mathrm{S}}^0 $ and D 0K+ final states in pp collisions

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 no. 10, October 2012

Study of Exclusive Charmless Semileptonic B Decays and |Vub|

scientific article (publication date: 24 July 2007)

Study of Exclusive RadiativeBMeson Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of J/ψ Production in Jets

scientific article published on 8 May 2017

Study of J/ψ production and cold nuclear matter effects in pPb collisions at $ \sqrt{{{s_{NN }}}} $ = 5 TeV


Study of K∗ production in tau decay

Study of W boson production in association with beauty and charm

article by Roel Aaij et al published 8 September 2015 in Physical Review D

Study of b b ¯ $$ \mathrm{b}\overline{\mathrm{b}} $$ correlations in high energy proton-proton collisions

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 11, November 2017

Study of charmless hadronic B meson decays to pseudoscalar-vector final states

scientific article

Study of charmonium production in $${b} $$ b -hadron decays and first evidence for the decay $${{{B}} ^0_{{s}}} \!\rightarrow \phi \phi \phi $$ B s 0 → ϕ ϕ ϕ

scientific article published on 14 September 2017

Study of continuumD*+spin alignment

scientific article published on 01 August 1991

Study of dipion transitions amongΥ(3S),Υ(2S), andΥ(1S)states

article by Daniel Cronin-Hennessy et al published 4 October 2007 in Physical Review D

Study of exclusive charmless semileptonic B decays and extraction of |Vub| at CLEO

scientific article (publication date: 31 July 2007)

Study of exclusive two-bodyB0meson decays to charmonium

scholarly article

Study of flavor-tagged baryon production inBdecay

scholarly article

Study of forward Z + jet production in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 7 TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 1, January 2014

Study of gluon versus quark fragmentation inΥ→ggγande+e−→qq¯γevents ats=10 GeV

scholarly article

Study of possible scintillation mechanism damage in crystals after pion irradiation

Study of prompt D 0 meson production in pPb collisions at s N N = 5 $$ \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{N}\;\mathrm{N}}}=5 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 10, October 2017

Study of radiation damage in lead tungstate crystals using intense high-energy beams

Study of semileptonic decays ofBmesons to charmed baryons

article by G. Bonvicini et al published 1 June 1998 in Physical Review D

Study of the B0 semileptonic decay spectrum at the ϒ (4S) resonance

Study of the B0 → ρ(770)°K*(892)0 decay with an amplitude analysis of B0 → (π+π−)(K+π−) decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019 no. 5, May 2019

Study of the D 0 p amplitude in Λ b 0  → D 0 pπ − decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 5, May 2017

Study of the DecaysD0→π−e+νe,D0→K−e+νe,D+→π0e+νe, andD+→K¯0e+νe

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of the Decayτ−→2π−π+3π0ντ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of the Semileptonic Charm DecaysD0→π−ℓ+νandD0→K−ℓ+ν

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of the charmless inclusiveB→η′Xdecay

scholarly article

Study of the decay

Study of the decay B¯0→D+l−ν¯

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of the decayB→ψX

scientific article published on 01 December 1986

Study of the decaysB0→D(*)+D(*)−

scholarly article

Study of the decaysD0→KK¯, ππ¯

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of the five-charged-pion decay of the τ lepton

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of the kinematic dependences of Λ b 0 production in pp collisions and a measurement of the Λ b 0  → Λ c + π − branching fraction

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 8, August 2014

Study of the production of and hadrons in pp collisions and first measurement of the branching fraction

article by Roel Aaij et al published January 2016 in Chinese Physics C

Study of the rareBs0and B 0 decays into the π + π − μ + μ − final state

Study of the semileptonic charm decays D0→π−e+νe, D+→π0e+νe, D0→K−e+νe, and D+→¯¯¯¯K0e+νe

article by S. Dobbs et al published 20 June 2008 in Physical Review D

Study of the semileptonic decayDs+→f0(980)e+νand implications forBs0→J/ψf0

scholarly article

Study of theq2dependence ofB→πlνand ofB→ρ(ω)lνand extraction of|Vub|

scholarly article

Study of η − η′ mixing from measurement of B (s) 0  → J/ψη(′) decay rates

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 1, January 2015

Study of τ Decays to Four-Hadron Final States with Kaons

scientific article

Study of τ Decays to Six Pions and a Neutrino

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of χb meson production in pp collisions at s√=7 and 8TeV and observation of the decay χb→Υ(3S)γ

scientific article (publication date: October 2014)

Study of ψ(2S) production and cold nuclear matter effects in pPb collisions at s N N = 5 $$ \sqrt{s_{N\;N}}=5 $$ TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 3, March 2016

Study of ϒ $$ \varUpsilon $$ production and cold nuclear matter effects in pPb collisions at s NN $$ \sqrt{s_{NN}} $$ = 5 TeV

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 7, July 2014

Study of ϒ production in pPb collisions at sNN=8.16$$ \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=8.16 $$ TeV

scientific article published in November 2018

Study ofB0→D*−π+π−π+andB0→D*−K+π−π+decays

scholarly article

Study ofBDecays to Charmonium States:B→ηcKandB→χc0K

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study ofB→ψ(2S)KandB→ψ(2S)K*(892)decays

scholarly article

Study ofB−→DK−π+π−andB−→Dπ−π+π−decays and determination of the CKM angleγ

scholarly article

Study ofCPviolation inB∓→Dh∓(h=K,π) with the modesD→K∓π±π0,D→π+π−π0andD→K+K−π0

scholarly article

Study ofD0decays into final states with aπ0orη

scientific article published on 01 May 1991

Study ofD0→π−e+νe,D+→π0e+νe,D0→K−e+νe, andD+→K¯0e+νein tagged decays of theψ(3770)resonance

article by J. Y. Ge et al published 25 March 2009 in Physical Review D

Study ofΛ0andΛ¯0Final States Produced in 12.7-GeV/cK+pInteractions

scholarly article

Study ofπ+π−transitions from the Υ(3S)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study ofπ+π−transitions from theϒ(3S)and a search for thehb

scientific article published on 01 March 1991

Study ofχc1andχc2meson production inBmeson decays

scholarly article

Study ofψ(2S)decays toγpp¯,π0pp¯, andηpp¯, and search forpp¯threshold enhancements

scholarly article

Suppressed decays of D(s)(+) mesons to two pseudoscalar mesons.

scientific article published on 9 November 2007


Tau Decays into Three Charged Leptons and Two Neutrinos

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Test beam results from the CLEO III LiF-TEA RICH

article by Marina Artuso et al published December 1998 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

Test of lepton flavor universality by the measurement of the B0→D*−τ+ντ branching fraction using three-prong τ decays

scholarly article

Test of lepton universality using b+ → K+ℓ+ℓ- decays

scientific article published on 6 October 2014

Test of lepton universality with B 0 → K *0 ℓ + ℓ − decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 8, August 2017

Tests of Lepton Universality Using B 0 → K S 0 ℓ + ℓ − and B + → K * + ℓ + ℓ − Decays

scholarly article

Tests of cesium iodide crystals for an electromagnetic calorimeter

The BTeV electromagnetic calorimeter

The BTeV program at Fermilab

The CLEO II detector

The CLEO III ring imaging Cherenkov detector

The CLEO RICH detector

The CLEO detector

scientific article (publication date: June 1983)

The CLEO-III ring imaging Cherenkov detector

The Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the BTeV Experiment

The KM Matrix (Experimental)

The LHCb Detector at the LHC

scientific article

The Pressurized dE/dx System in the CLEO Detector at CESR

The Quark Mixing Matrix, Charm Decays and B Decays

scholarly article published January 1989

The discovery of the B mesons

The magnetic distortion calibration system of the LHCb RICH1 detector

The past, present and future for B physics at U.S. e+e− B machines

The ring imaging detector for CLEO III The CLEO III Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector

Three model-dependent estimates ofB(Ds+→φπ+))


Time-dependent Dalitz-plot formalism for B q 0 → J / ψ h + h −

Total cross section for electron-positron annihilation into hadron final states in the upsilon energy region

article by R. Giles et al published 1 April 1984 in Physical Review D

Two-Body B Meson Decays to η and η ′ : Observation of B → η ′ K

scientific article

Two-body B meson decays to eta and eta('): observation of B --> eta K*

scientific article (publication date: 17 July 2000)

Two-body decays ofBmesons

article by R. Giles et al published 1 December 1984 in Physical Review D

Two-photon production of charged pion and kaon pairs

scientific article

Two-photon width of the charmonium state χ c 2

scientific article

Two-photon widths of theχcJstates of charmonium

scholarly article

Unusual decay modes ofD0andD+mesons

scientific article published on 01 December 1991

Update of the search for the neutrinoless decayτ→μγ

scholarly article

Update to Proposal for an Experiment to Measure Mixing, CP Violation and Rare Decays in Charm and Beauty Particle Decays at the Fermilab Collider - BTeV

scholarly article published 1 March 2002

Updated branching fraction measurements of B(s)0 → KS0h+h′ − decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 11, November 2017

Updated determination of D0–D¯0 mixing and CP violation parameters with D0→K+π− decays

scholarly article

Updated measurement of the strong phase inD0→K+π−decay using quantum correlations ine+e−→D0D¯0at CLEO

scholarly article

Updated measurements of absolute D + and D 0 hadronic branching fractions and σ ( e + e − → D D ¯ ) at E cm = 3774 MeV

scientific article

Updated measurements of exclusiveJ/ψ and ψ(2S) production cross-sections inppcollisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV

Upper Limit on Flavor-Changing Neutral-Current Decays of thebQuark

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Upper Limits for the Production of Light Short-Lived Neutral Particles in Radiativeϒdecay

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Upper limits on charm-changing neutral-current interactions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Use ofB→J/ψf0Decays to Discern theqq¯or Tetraquark Nature of Scalar Mesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Wess-Zumino Current and the Structure of the Decayτ−→K−π−K+ντ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

b-quark studies in CESR

Γ(b→ulν)/Γ(b→clν) from the end point of the lepton momentum spectrum in semileptonicBdecay

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Λ Λ ¯ production in two-photon interactions

scientific article

ΛcProduction frome+e−Annihilation in theϒEnergy Region

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Υ dipion transitions at energies near theΥ(4S)

scholarly article


scholarly article

ντhelicity fromh±energy correlations

scholarly article

χ_{c1} and χ_{c2} Resonance Parameters with the Decays χ_{c1,c2}→J/ψμ^{+}μ^{-}.

scientific article published on 28 November 2017

χc0 and χc2 decays into ηη, ηη′, and η′η′ final states

scientific article

χcJdecays toh+h−h0

scholarly article