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List of works by Dinesh Manocha

3D Reconstruction in the Presence of Glass and Mirrors by Acoustic and Visual Fusion

scientific article published on 6 July 2017


A Simple Algorithm for Complete Motion Planning of Translating Polyhedral Robots

A Simple Algorithm for Complete Motion Planning of Translating Polyhedral Robots

A Simple Path Non-existence Algorithm Using C-Obstacle Query

article published in Understanding Complex Systems

A fast n-dimensional ray-shooting algorithm for grasping force optimization

A hybrid approach for complete motion planning

scholarly article published October 2007

A hybrid approach for simulating human motion in constrained environments

article by Jia Pan et al published 2010 in Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds

A statistical similarity measure for aggregate crowd dynamics


A walking pattern generator for biped robots on uneven terrains

AADS: Augmented autonomous driving simulation using data-driven algorithms

scientific article published on 27 March 2019

ACSEE: Antagonistic Crowd Simulation Model With Emotional Contagion and Evolutionary Game Theory

scientific article published in 2022

AD-Frustum: adaptive frustum tracing for interactive sound propagation

scientific article published in November 2008

Accurate Minkowski sum approximation of polyhedral models

Accurate minkowski sum approximation of polyhedral models

Acoustic Classification and Optimization for Multi-Modal Rendering of Real-World Scenes

scientific article published on 9 February 2017

Acoustic pulse propagation in an urban environment using a three-dimensional numerical simulation

scientific article published on June 2014

Adjacency-based culling for continuous collision detection

Algebraic algorithms for structure determination in biological chemistry

scholarly article by Ioannis Z. Emiris et al published 2005 in International Journal of Quantum Chemistry

Algorithmic issues in modeling motion

Algorithms for Intersecting Parametric and Algebraic Curves II: Multiple Intersections

scholarly article by Dinesh Manocha & James Demmel published March 1995 in Graphical Models

Algorithms for intersecting parametric and algebraic curves I: simple intersections

scholarly article by Dinesh Manocha & James Demmel published 1 January 1994 in ACM Transactions on Graphics

An efficient GPU-based time domain solver for the acoustic wave equation

An efficient retraction-based RRT planner

Aural Proxies and Directionally-Varying Reverberation for Interactive Sound Propagation in Virtual Environments

scientific article published on April 1, 2013

Bi-level Locality Sensitive Hashing for k-Nearest Neighbor Computation

Building robust dynamical simulation systems

C 2 A: Controlled conservative advancement for continuous collision detection of polygonal models


CC shadow volumes

CCQ: Efficient Local Planning Using Connection Collision Query

Cache-Efficient Layouts of Bounding Volume Hierarchies

article by Sung-Eui Yoon et al published September 2006 in Computer Graphics Forum: the international journal of the Eurographics Association

Cache-efficient numerical algorithms using graphics hardware

Cache-oblivious mesh layouts


Collision-free and smooth trajectory computation in cluttered environments


Compressed Coverage Masks for Path Rendering on Mobile GPUs

scientific article published on 12 January 2016

Constrained Motion Interpolation with Distance Constraints

article by Liangjun Zhang et al published 2009 in Springer tracts in advanced robotics

Constraint-Based Motion Planning of Deformable Robots

Constraint-based model synthesis


Constraint-based motion synthesis for deformable models


Continuous collision detection for non-rigid contact computations using local advancement

Continuous model synthesis


Continuous penalty forces

Continuous penetration depth

Crowd simulation using Discrete Choice Model

Cutting-Edge Computing: Using New Commodity Architectures

D-Plan: Efficient Collision-Free Path Computation for Part Removal and Disassembly

DGaze: CNN-Based Gaze Prediction in Dynamic Scenes

scientific article published on 13 February 2020

DiFi: Fast 3D Distance Field Computation Using Graphics Hardware

Diffraction Kernels for Interactive Sound Propagation in Dynamic Environments

scientific article published in April 2018

Digital Geometry Processing with Topological Guarantees

Direct-to-indirect acoustic radiance transfer

scientific article published in February 2012

Directing crowd simulations using navigation fields

scientific article

ESOLID—a system for exact boundary evaluation

Editing smoke animation using a deforming grid


Effects of virtual acoustics on dynamic auditory distance perception

scientific article published in April 2017

Efficient Boundary Extraction of BSP Solids Based on Clipping Operations.

scientific article published on 10 April 2012

Efficient Cell Labelling and Path Non-existence Computation using C-obstacle Query

Efficient Computation of A Simplified Medial Axis

Efficient Motion Planning of Highly Articulated Chains using Physics-based Sampling

Efficient and accurate B-rep generation of low degree sculptured solids using exact arithmetic: II—computation

Efficient and accurate B-rep generation of low degree sculptured solids using exact arithmetic: I—representations

Efficient and exact manipulation of algebraic points and curves

scholarly article by J Keyser et al published September 2000 in Computer Aided Design

Efficient distance computation in configuration space

Efficient finite-edge diffraction using conservative from-region visibility

Efficient inverse kinematics for general 6R manipulators

Efficient nearest-neighbor computation for GPU-based motion planning

Efficient relational database management using graphics processors

Efficient simplex computation for fixture layout design

Efficient simplex computation for fixture layout design

Exact computation of the medial axis of a polyhedron

Example-based curve synthesis

article by Paul Merrell & Dinesh Manocha published August 2010 in Computers & Graphics

FCL: A general purpose library for collision and proximity queries

FVA: Modeling Perceived Friendliness of Virtual Agents Using Movement Characteristics

scientific article published on 12 August 2019



Fast BVH Construction on GPUs

Fast C-obstacle query computation for motion planning

Fast Continuous Collision Detection for Articulated Models


Fast GPU-based locality sensitive hashing for k-nearest neighbor computation

Fast Penetration Depth Estimation Using Rasterization Hardware and Hierarchical Refinement

Fast and Accurate Geometric Sound Propagation Using Visibility Computations

Fast and Bounded Probabilistic Collision Detection for High-DOF Trajectory Planning in Dynamic Environments

Fast and Exact Continuous Collision Detection with Bernstein Sign Classification

scientific article

Fast and approximate stream mining of quantiles and frequencies using graphics processors

Fast and reliable collision culling using graphics hardware

scientific article published in March 2006

Fast and reliable collision culling using graphics hardware

Fast and reliable collision detection using graphics processors

Fast collision detection between massive models using dynamic simplification

Fast collision detection for deformable models using representative-triangles

Fast continuous collision detection among deformable models using graphics processors

Fast continuous collision detection using deforming non-penetration filters

Fast interference detection between geometric models

Fast proximity computation among deformable models using discrete Voronoi diagrams

Fast proximity computation among deformable models using discrete voronoi diagrams

Fast swept volume approximation of complex polyhedral models

FastV: From-point Visibility Culling on Complex Models

Feature-sensitive subdivision and isosurface reconstruction

GPU accelerated convex hull computation

article published in 2012

GPU-Based Parallel Collision Detection for Real-Time Motion Planning

GPU-based offset surface computation using point samples

GPU-based parallel collision detection for fast motion planning


General-purpose computations using graphics processors

Generalized penetration depth computation

Generalized velocity obstacles

Generating pedestrian trajectories consistent with the fundamental diagram based on physiological and psychological factors

scientific article

Geometric methods for multi-agent collision avoidance

Global vector field computation for feedback motion planning

article published in 2009

Guest Editorial Solid and Physical Modeling

Guided Multiview Ray Tracing for Fast Auralization

scientific article published on 26 January 2012

HART: A Hybrid Architecture for Ray Tracing Animated Scenes.

scientific article published on March 2015


Heter-Sim: Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems Simulation by Interactive Data-Driven Optimization

scientific article published on 11 October 2019

Hierarchical and Controlled Advancement for Continuous Collision Detection of Rigid and Articulated Models

scientific article published in May 2014

High-performance computing using accelerators

Homotopy-preserving medial axis simplification


ICCD: interactive continuous collision detection between deformable models using connectivity-based culling

scientific article published in July 2009

Improved Dynamic Cardiac Phantom Based on 4D NURBS and Tagged MRI.

scientific article

Incremental algorithms for collision detection between polygonal models

Incremental penetration depth estimation between convex polytopes using dual-space expansion

scientific article published in March 2004

Independent navigation of multiple mobile robots with hybrid reciprocal velocity obstacles

Inferring User Intent using Bayesian Theory of Mind in Shared Avatar-Agent Virtual Environments

scientific article published on 14 February 2019

Interactive Continuous Collision Detection Using Swept Volume for Avatars

Interactive Continuous Collision Detection for Topology Changing Models Using Dynamic Clustering

scientific article published in February 2015

Interactive Crowd-Behavior Learning for Surveillance and Training.

scientific article published in November 2016

Interactive Modeling, Simulation and Control of Large-Scale Crowds and Traffic

Interactive and continuous collision detection for avatars in virtual environments

Interactive collision detection between deformable models using chromatic decomposition

Interactive continuous collision detection between deformable models using connectivity-based culling

Interactive display of large NURBS models

Interactive gpu-based acoustic walkthrough in dynamic scenes

Interactive massive model rendering

Interactive navigation of heterogeneous agents using adaptive roadmaps

scientific article published in January 2009

Interactive navigation of multiple agents in crowded environments

Interactive shadow generation in complex environments

Interactive simulation of dynamic crowd behaviors using general adaptation syndrome theory

Interactive sound propagation using compact acoustic transfer operators

Interactive sound rendering

Interactive sound rendering in complex and dynamic scenes using frustum tracing

scientific article published in November 2007

LQG-obstacles: Feedback control with collision avoidance for mobile robots with motion and sensing uncertainty

LU-GPU: Efficient Algorithms for Solving Dense Linear Systems on Graphics Hardware

scholarly article

Least-effort trajectories lead to emergent crowd behaviors

article by Stephen J. Guy et al published 17 January 2012 in Physical Review E

Logarithmic perspective shadow maps

MCCD: Multi-core collision detection between deformable models using front-based decomposition

Massive model visualization techniques

scholarly article published 2008

Memory---A memory model for scientific algorithms on graphics processors


Memory-Scalable GPU Spatial Hierarchy Construction

scientific article published on 3 June 2010

Model Simplification

Model Synthesis: A General Procedural Modeling Algorithm

scientific article

Modeling Data-Driven Dominance Traits for Virtual Characters using Gait Analysis

scientific article published on 20 November 2019

Motion Planning and Synthesis of Human-Like Characters in Constrained Environments

article by Liangjun Zhang et al published 2009 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Motion planning of human-like robots using constrained coordination

scholarly article published December 2009

Multi-core collision detection between deformable models

Multi-resolution collision handling for cloth-like simulations

article by Nitin Jain et al published 2005 in Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds

MultiPolynomial Resultant Algorithms

scholarly article by Dinesh Manocha & John F. Canny published February 1993 in Journal of Symbolic Computation

Navigating multiple simple-airplanes in 3D workspace

Navigating virtual agents in online virtual worlds

On Computing Reliable Optimal Grasping Forces

Outdoor sound propagation with analytic ray curve tracer and Gaussian beam

scientific article published in March 2017

Partitioning Trimmed Spline Surfaces into NonSelf-Occluding Regions for Visibility Computation

Path Planning among Movable Obstacles: A Probabilistically Complete Approach

Practical logarithmic shadow maps



Psychoacoustic Characterization of Propagation Effects in Virtual Environments

Query Co-Processing on Commodity Hardware


Quick-VDR: out-of-core view-dependent rendering of gigantic models

scientific article published in July 2005

R-LODs: fast LOD-based ray tracing of massive models


RT-DEFORM: Interactive Ray Tracing of Dynamic Scenes using BVHs

Ray tracing dynamic scenes using selective restructuring

Ray-Strips: A Compact Mesh Representation for Interactive Ray Tracing

Reactive deformation roadmaps: motion planning of multiple robots in dynamic environments

Real-Time Massive Model Rendering

Real-time Path Planning for Virtual Agents in Dynamic Environments

Real-time footstep planning for humanoid robots among 3D obstacles using a hybrid bounding box

Real-time interaction with complex models

scientific article published in November 2007

Real-time navigation of independent agents using adaptive roadmaps

Real-time navigation of independent agents using adaptive roadmaps

article published in 2007

Real-time path planning for virtual agents in dynamic environments

Real-time path planning in dynamic virtual environments using multiagent navigation graphs

scientific article

Real-time sound synthesis and propagation for games

Realtime Hand-Object Interaction Using Learned Grasp Space for Virtual Environments

scientific article published on 21 June 2018

Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles for real-time multi-agent navigation

Reciprocal collision avoidance with acceleration-velocity obstacles

Reciprocal n-Body Collision Avoidance

ReduceM: Interactive and Memory Efficient Ray Tracing of Large Models

Reliable sweeps

Retraction-based RRT planner for articulated models

Right of way

SGaze: A Data-Driven Eye-Head Coordination Model for Realtime Gaze Prediction

scientific article published on 18 February 2019


Scene-Aware Audio Rendering via Deep Acoustic Analysis

scientific article published on 13 February 2020

Self-Illusion: A Study on High-Level Cognition of Role-Playing in Immersive Virtual Environments from Non-Human Perspective

scientific article published on 14 December 2020

Simplifying complex environments using incremental textured depth meshes

article published in 2003

Simulating Flying Insects Using Dynamics and Data-Driven Noise Modeling to Generate Diverse Collective Behaviors

scientific article (publication date: 2016)

Simulating heterogeneous crowd behaviors using personality trait theory

Six-Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Rendering Using Incremental and Localized Computations

Smooth and collision-free navigation for multiple robots under differential-drive constraints

Solid and Physical Modeling

Solid and physical modeling

Sounding liquids


Source and listener directivity for interactive wave-based sound propagation

scientific article published in April 2014

Special Issue on Recent Advancements on Industrial Robot Technology

journal article; published in Advanced Robotics in 2016

Spoken language interaction with robots: Recommendations for future research

scientific article published in 2022

SynCoPation: Interactive Synthesis-Coupled Sound Propagation

scientific article published on 18 January 2016

Technology and data-intensive science in the beginning of the 21st century

scientific article

The Hybrid Reciprocal Velocity Obstacle

Topology preserving approximation of free configuration space

Topology preserving surface extraction using adaptive subdivision

Tracing Analytic Ray Curves for Light and Sound Propagation in Non-Linear Media

scientific article published on 17 December 2015

Validation of adaptive rectangular decomposition for three-dimensional wave-based acoustic simulation in architectural models

Velocity-based modeling of physical interactions in multi-agent simulations

Virtual Tawaf: A case study in simulating the behavior of dense, heterogeneous crowds

Virtual cityscapes: recent advances in crowd modeling and traffic simulation

Virtual reality software and technology

scientific article published on 01 September 2015

Virtualized Traffic: Reconstructing Traffic Flows from Discrete Spatio-Temporal Data

Virtualized Traffic: reconstructing traffic flows from discrete spatiotemporal data

scientific article


WAVE: Interactive Wave-based Sound Propagation for Virtual Environments

scientific article published in April 2015

Walk This Way: A Lightweight, Data-Driven Walking Synthesis Algorithm

Wave-based sound propagation in large open scenes using an equivalent source formulation

Way portals

gProximity: Hierarchical GPU-based Operations for Collision and Distance Queries