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List of works by Mark Hindell

A Southern Indian Ocean database of hydrographic profiles obtained with instrumented elephant seals

scientific article

A continuous-time state-space model for rapid quality control of argos locations from animal-borne tags

scientific article published on 17 July 2020

A new method to quantify within dive foraging behaviour in marine predators

scientific article

A prediction and imputation method for marine animal movement data

scientific article

A preliminary investigation of the effect of repeated pedestrian approaches to Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii)

A quantitative analysis linking seabird mortality and marine debris ingestion

journal article from 'Scientific Reports' published in 2019

A quantitative, hierarchical approach for detecting drift dives and tracking buoyancy changes in southern elephant seals

scientific article published on 20 June 2019

A standardisation framework for bio‐logging data to advance ecological research and conservation

scientific article

A validated approach for supervised dive classification in diving vertebrates

scientific article published in 2008

Age and Reproductive Maturity of New Zealand Fur Seals (Arctocephalus forsteri) in Southern Australia


Age estimation in a long-lived seabird (Ardenna tenuirostris) using DNA methylation-based biomarkers

scientific article published on 06 February 2019

Age-related shifts in the diet composition of southern elephant seals expand overall foraging niche


Age-specific cost of first reproduction in female southern elephant seals

scientific article (publication date: May 2014)

An assessment of the audibility of sound from human transport by breeding Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii)

Animal welfare and conservation, the debate we must have: A response to Draper and Bekoff (2012)


Animal welfare and decision making in wildlife research


Antarctic Bottom Water production by intense sea-ice formation in the Cape Darnley polynya


Antarctic Bottom Water production from the Vincennes Bay Polynya, East Antarctica


Assessing the importance of net colour as a seabird bycatch mitigation measure in gillnet fishing

Assessment of scale-dependent foraging behaviour in southern elephant seals incorporating the vertical dimension: a development of the First Passage Time method.

scientific article

At-sea distribution and habitat use in king penguins at sub-Antarctic Marion Island

scientific article

Bayesian estimation of animal movement from archival and satellite tags

scientific article (publication date: 2009)

Behavioral responses of New Zealand fur seals (Arctophoca australis forsteri) to darting and the effectiveness of midazolam and tiletamine-zolazepam for remote chemical immobilization


Best practice recommendations for the use of external telemetry devices on pinnipeds

scientific article

Beyond big fish: The case for more detailed representations of top predators in marine ecosystem models

scholarly article by Merel Goedegebuure published in September 2017

Big data analyses reveal patterns and drivers of the movements of southern elephant seals

scientific article

Bio-physical characterisation of polynyas as a key foraging habitat for juvenile male southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica

scientific article published on 13 September 2017

Blood fatty acids indicate inter- and intra-annual variation in the diet of Adélie penguins: Comparison with stomach content and stable isotope analysis


Body fat and condition in sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus, from southern Australian waters


Body size shifts and early warning signals precede the historic collapse of whale stocks

scientific article published on 22 June 2017

Bottom-up regulation of a pole-ward migratory predator population

scientific article published on 11 March 2014

Breeding Sites

article published in 2009

Chemical immobilization of adult female Weddell seals with tiletamine and zolazepam: effects of age, condition and stage of lactation

scientific article published on 9 February 2006

Circumpolar habitat use in the southern elephant seal: implications for foraging success and population trajectories


Climate change and Southern Ocean ecosystems I: how changes in physical habitats directly affect marine biota.

scientific article

Climate change impacts on seabirds and marine mammals: The importance of study duration, thermal tolerance and generation time

scientific article published in 2021

Coastal polynyas: Winter oases for subadult southern elephant seals in East Antarctica.

scientific article published on 16 February 2018

Combining DNA and morphological analyses of faecal samples improves insight into trophic interactions: a case study using a generalist predator

scholarly article by Ruth M. Casper et al published 21 June 2007 in Marine Biology

Combining bio-logging and fatty acid signature analysis indicates spatio-temporal variation in the diet of the southern elephant seal, Mirounga leonina


Commercial fishing patterns influence odontocete whale-longline interactions in the Southern Ocean

scientific article published in Scientific Reports

Complex interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of long-term survival trends in southern elephant seals.

scientific article

Concentrations of organochlorines in sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) from Southern Australian waters

scientific article published in March 2004

Contrasting behavior between two populations of an ice-obligate predator in East Antarctica

scientific article published on 20 December 2016

Contrasting responses to a climate regime change by sympatric, ice-dependent predators

scientific article

Convergence of marine megafauna movement patterns in coastal and open oceans.

scientific article published on 26 February 2018

Correction: Return Customers: Foraging Site Fidelity and the Effect of Environmental Variability in Wide-Ranging Antarctic Fur Seals

scientific article published on 6 June 2017

DNA methylation levels in candidate genes associated with chronological age in mammals are not conserved in a long-lived seabird.

scientific article published on 7 December 2017

Decadal changes in blood δ13C values, at-sea distribution, and weaning mass of southern elephant seals from Kerguelen Islands

scientific article published on 19 August 2020

Decadal changes in habitat characteristics influence population trajectories of southern elephant seals

scientific article

Defining Southern Ocean fronts and their influence on biological and physical processes in a changing climate

scientific article published on 24 February 2020

Depletion of deep marine food patches forces divers to give up early.

scientific article

Detecting prey from DNA in predator scats: A comparison with morphological analysis, using Arctocephalus seals fed a known diet


Determining feeding events and prey encounter rates in a southern elephant seal: a method using swim speed and stomach temperature


Developing priority variables (“ecosystem Essential Ocean Variables” — eEOVs) for observing dynamics and change in Southern Ocean ecosystems

scholarly article by Andrew J. Constable published in September 2016

Developments in Tagging Technology and Their Contributions to the Protection of Marine Species at Risk

Diet estimation based on an integrated mixed prey feeding experiment using Arctocephalus seals

article by Ruth M. Casper et al published January 2006 in Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology

Differential mobilization of blubber fatty acids in lactating Weddell seals: evidence for selective use.

scientific article published in September 2008

Disentangling the Influence of Three Major Threats on the Demography of an Albatross Community

scientific article published on 23 February 2021

Dispersal of female southern elephant seals and their prey consumption during the austral summer: relevance to management and oceanographic zones


Dive behaviour, foraging locations, and maternal-attendance patterns of Australian fur seals ( Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus )


Dive characteristics can predict foraging success in Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) as validated by animal-borne video

scientific article published on 12 February 2016

Drift dives by male New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri)


Drinking behaviour and water turnover rates of Antarctic fur seal pups: implications for the estimation of milk intake by isotopic dilution

scientific article published in June 2002


scientific article published in October 1997

Ecological drivers of marine debris ingestion in Procellariiform Seabirds

scientific article published in Scientific Reports

Ecology of Weddell seals during winter: Influence of environmental parameters on their foraging behaviour


Effects of capture stress on free-ranging, reproductively active male Weddell seals.

scientific article published on 5 January 2010

Elephant Seals


Enhancing the use of Argos satellite data for home range and long distance migration studies of marine animals.

scientific article

Environmental and physiological determinants of successful foraging by naive southern elephant seal pups during their first trip to sea


Environmental influences on foraging effort, success and efficiency in female Australian fur seals

scientific article published on 19 October 2020

Environmental influences on tooth growth in sperm whales from southern Australia


Estimates of the Southern Ocean general circulation improved by animal-borne instruments


Estimating resource acquisition and at-sea body condition of a marine predator.

scientific article

Estimating trans-seasonal variability in water column biomass for a highly migratory, deep diving predator

scientific article

Evidence for a widely expanded humpback whale calving range along the Western Australian coast


Feast or famine: evidence for mixed capital–income breeding strategies in Weddell seals


Feeding ecology of wild migratory tunas revealed by archival tag records of visceral warming.

scientific article published on 22 July 2008

Finding mesopelagic prey in a changing Southern Ocean

scientific article published on 12 December 2019

Finding our way: On the sharing and reuse of animal telemetry data in Australasia

scientific article

Five decades on: Use of historical weaning size data reveals that a decrease in maternal foraging success underpins the long-term decline in population of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)

scientific article (publication date: 2017)

Flexible foraging behaviour in a marine predator, the Masked booby (Sula dactylatra), according to foraging locations and environmental conditions

scientific article published in 2015

Foraging ecology of Gentoo PenguinsPygoscelis papuaat Macquarie Island during the period of chick care

scientific article published in 1996

Foraging habitats of southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, from the Northern Antarctic Peninsula

Foraging parameters influencing the detection and interpretation of area-restricted search behaviour in marine predators: a case study with the masked booby.

scientific article

Foraging strategies of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) in relation to frontal zones and water masses


Foraging strategy switch of a top marine predator according to seasonal resource differences


From high-resolution to low-resolution dive datasets: a new index to quantify the foraging effort of marine predators

scientific article published in 2015

From the forests to teeth: Visual crossdating to refine age estimates in marine mammals


From video recordings to whisker stable isotopes: a critical evaluation of timescale in assessing individual foraging specialisation in Australian fur seals.

scientific article published on 2 August 2015

Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds

Growth of Southern Elephant Seals, Mirounga leonina, during their First Foraging Trip

scientific article published in 1997

Growth of female southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina at Macquarie Island

Habitat model forecasts suggest potential redistribution of marine predators in the southern Indian Ocean

scientific article published in 2021

Habitat modelling of tracking data from multiple marine predators identifies important areas in the Southern Indian Ocean

scientific article published in 2018

Heart Rate, Swimming Speed, and Estimated Oxygen Consumption of a Free‐Ranging Southern Elephant Seal

scientific article published on January 1, 1998

High-resolution movements of critically endangered hawksbill turtles help elucidate conservation requirements in northern Australia


Identifying foraging events in deep diving southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, using acceleration data loggers

article by S. Gallon et al published April 2013 in Deep-Sea Research. Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography

Important marine habitat off east Antarctica revealed by two decades of multi-species predator tracking


Influence of maternal mass and condition on energy transfer in Weddell seals

scientific article published on May 2006

Ingestion of plastic by fish destined for human consumption in remote South Pacific Islands

article published in 2018

Integrative modelling of animal movement: incorporating in situ habitat and behavioural information for a migratory marine predator

scientific article published on 7 November 2012

Intertrip consistency in hunting behavior improves foraging success and efficiency in a marine top predator

scientific article published in 2021

Introduced species and extreme weather as key drivers of reproductive output in three sympatric albatrosses

scientific article published on 18 May 2020

Is plastic ingestion in birds as toxic as we think? Insights from a plastic feeding experiment

scientific article published on 13 February 2019

It’s a girl! A female southern elephant seal born in Western Australia


Juvenile southern elephant seals exhibit seasonal differences in energetic requirements and use of lipids and protein stores

scientific article

Killer whale () interactions with blue-eye trevalla () longline fisheries

scientific article published on 08 August 2018

Known unknowns in an imperfect world: incorporating uncertainty in recruitment estimates using multi-event capture-recapture models

scientific article (publication date: November 2013)


article by Mark A. Hindell & Gerald J. Little published April 1988 in Marine Mammal Science

Long-term breeding phenology shift in royal penguins

scientific article

Long-term stability in the circumpolar foraging range of a Southern Ocean predator between the eras of whaling and rapid climate change

scientific article published in 2023

Longline Fisheries and Foraging Distribution of Flesh-Footed Shearwaters in Eastern Australia


Loyalty pays: potential life history consequences of fidelity to marine foraging regions by southern elephant seals

Managing for change: Using vertebrate at sea habitat use to direct management efforts

scientific article

Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole: A Review of the MEOP Consortium

scientific article published in 2017

Marine Telemetry and the Conservation and Management of Risk to Seal Species in Canada and Australia


Mass cetacean strandings-a plea for empiricism.

scientific article published in April 2006

Measuring Animal Age with DNA Methylation: From Humans to Wild Animals.

scientific article published on 17 August 2017

Mercury and cadmium concentrations in the tissues of three species of southern albatrosses


Metabolic limits on dive duration and swimming speed in the southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina.

scientific article

Migrations and foraging of juvenile southern elephant seals from Macquarie Island within CCAMLR managed areas


Milk consumption, body composition and pre-weaning growth rates of Australian fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) pups


Modelled mid‐trophic pelagic prey fields improve understanding of marine predator foraging behaviour

scientific article published in 2020

Modelling southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina using an individual-based model coupled with a dynamic energy budget

scientific article published on 29 March 2018

Movement responses to environment: fast inference of variation among southern elephant seals with a mixed effects model


Movement responses to environment: fast inference of variation among southern elephant seals with a mixed effects model

scientific article published on 24 December 2018

Myctobase, a circumpolar database of mesopelagic fishes for new insights into deep pelagic prey fields

scientific article published in 2022

New insights into the cardiorespiratory physiology of weaned southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina).

scientific article published on 8 December 2015

Nonbreeding distribution of flesh-footed shearwaters and the potential for overlap with north Pacific fisheries

article by Tim A. Reid et al published October 2013 in Biological Conservation

Optimizing lifetime reproductive output: Intermittent breeding as a tactic for females in a long-lived, multiparous mammal.

scientific article published on 24 October 2017

Plastic, nutrition and pollution; relationships between ingested plastic and metal concentrations in the livers of two Pachyptila seabirds

scientific article published on 22 October 2020

Pre-partum diet of adult female bearded seals in years of contrasting ice conditions.

scientific article

Predator-derived bioregions in the Southern Ocean: Characteristics, drivers and representation in marine protected areas

scientific article published in August 2022

Predicting feeding success in a migratory predator: integrating telemetry, environment, and modeling techniques

scientific article published in August 2010

Preferred, small-scale foraging areas of two Southern Ocean fur seal species are not determined by habitat characteristics

scientific article published on 11 September 2019

Provisioning in Flesh-footed Shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes): Plastic Foraging Behavior and the Implications for Increased Fishery Interactions

article by Sam J. Thalmann et al published January 2010 in The Auk

Pseudogenes and DNA-based diet analyses: a cautionary tale from a relatively well sampled predator-prey system.

scientific article published on 28 April 2008

Publish or perish: why it?s important to publicise how, and if, research activities affect animals


Putting the behavior into animal movement modeling: Improved activity budgets from use of ancillary tag information.

scientific article published on 20 October 2016

Quantifying the energy stores of capital breeding humpback whales and income breeding sperm whales using historical whaling records

scientific article published on 15 March 2017

Re-examining mortality sources and population trends in a declining seabird: using Bayesian methods to incorporate existing information and new data

scientific article (publication date: 2013)

Refining instrument attachment on phocid seals


Remote sensing of Southern Ocean sea surface temperature: implications for marine biophysical models

scientific article published in 2003

Reply to ‘Whaling catch data are not reliable for analyses of body size shifts’

scientific article published on 01 May 2018

Resource partitioning through oceanic segregation of foraging juvenile southern elephant seals ( Mirounga leonina).

scientific article

Return customers: foraging site fidelity and the effect of environmental variability in wide-ranging antarctic fur seals

scientific article

Scaling laws of marine predator search behaviour

scientific article published in February 2008

Sea temperature variations mediate annual changes in the diet of Australian fur seals in Bass Strait


Seal mothers expend more on offspring under favourable conditions and less when resources are limited

scientific article

Seasonal Meandering of the Polar Front Upstream of the Kerguelen Plateau

scholarly article by Etienne Pauthenet et al published 25 September 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters

Seasonal use of oceanographic and fisheries management zones by juvenile southern elephant seals ( Mirounga leonina ) from Macquarie Island

article by Iain C. Field et al published 1 June 2004 in Polar Biology

Shearwater foraging in the Southern Ocean: the roles of prey availability and winds

scientific article

Shifting trends: detecting environmentally mediated regulation in long-lived marine vertebrates using time-series data

scientific article

Size of marine debris items ingested and retained by petrels

scientific article published on 12 April 2019

Some Life-History Parameters of a Declining Population of Southern Elephant Seals, Mirounga leonina

scientific article published in February 1991

South for the winter? Within-dive foraging effort reveals the trade-offs between divergent foraging strategies in a free-ranging predator


Southern Ocean frontal structure and sea-ice formation rates revealed by elephant seals.

scientific article

Southern Ocean isoscapes derived from a wide-ranging circumpolar marine predator, the Antarctic fur seal

scientific article

Spatially explicit estimates of prey consumption reveal a new krill predator in the Southern Ocean

scientific article (publication date: 2014)

Stranded dolphin stomach contents represent the free-ranging population's diet

scientific article published on May 2013

Studying seabird diet through genetic analysis of faeces: a case study on macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus)

scientific article

Taking animal tracking to new depths: synthesizing horizontal--vertical movement relationships for four marine predators

scientific article

Telomeres as age markers in vertebrate molecular ecology.

scientific article published on 14 January 2011

Temporal and spatial variability in stable isotope values on seabird islands: What, where and when to sample

scientific article published in 2022

Temporal variation in Adélie penguin diet at Béchervaise Island, east Antarctica and its relationship to reproductive performance

scholarly article by Louise M Emmerson published in 2009

Temporal variation in the vertical stratification of blubber fatty acids alters diet predictions for lactating Weddell seals


Testing optimal foraging theory models on benthic divers

The Diet of Gentoo Penguins Pygoscelis papua at Macquarie Island: Winter and Early Breeding Season


The Diet of the Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome at Macquarie Island


The Diet of the Royal Penguin Eudyptes schlegeli at Macquarie Island


The age structure and growth of female sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in southern Australian waters


The breeding biology and factors affecting reproductive success in rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome at Macquarie Island

The composition of Australian fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) milk throughout lactation.

scientific article published in September 1999

The cost of a meal: factors influencing prey profitability in Australian fur seals

scientific article published on 08 December 2021

The efficacy of translocating little penguins Eudyptula minor during an oil spill

The individual counts: within sex differences in foraging strategies are as important as sex-specific differences in masked boobiesSula dactylatra

The influence of body size on dive duration of underyearling southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)

The influence of diet on foraging habitat models: a case study using nursing Antarctic fur seals

scientific article published in 2010

The retrospective analysis of Antarctic tracking data project

scientific article published on 18 March 2020

The suppression of Antarctic bottom water formation by melting ice shelves in Prydz Bay

scientific article published on 23 August 2016

Thermohaline structure and water masses in the north of Antarctic Peninsula from data collected in situ by southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)

To breathe or not to breathe: optimal strategies for finding prey in a dark, three-dimensional environment

scientific article published on 01 September 2008

Tracking and data–logging devices attached to elephant seals do not affect individual mass gain or survival

article by Clive R. McMahon et al published June 2008 in Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology

Tracking of marine predators to protect Southern Ocean ecosystems

scientific article published on 18 March 2020

Twilight-free geolocation from noisy light data


Twinning in southern elephant seals: the implications of resource allocation by mothers

Under the sea ice: Exploring the relationship between sea ice and the foraging behaviour of southern elephant seals in East Antarctica


Use of Anthropogenic Sea Floor Structures by Australian Fur Seals: Potential Positive Ecological Impacts of Marine Industrial Development?

scientific article published on July 2015

Using GPS data to evaluate the accuracy of state-space methods for correction of Argos satellite telemetry error

scientific article

Using biometrie measurements to determine gender of Flesh-footed Shearwaters, and their application as a tool in long-line by-catch management and ecological field studies

Variability in sea ice cover and climate elicit sex specific responses in an Antarctic predator.

scientific article published on 24 February 2017

Vertical stratification of fatty acids in the blubber of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina): implications for diet analysis.

scientific article

Vocal traits of hybrid fur seals: intermediate to their parental species


Warm Modified Circumpolar Deep Water Intrusions Drive Ice Shelf Melt and Inhibit Dense Shelf Water Formation in Vincennes Bay, East Antarctica

scientific article published in 2021

Weathering a Dynamic Seascape: Influences of Wind and Rain on a Seabird's Year-Round Activity Budgets

scientific article published on 18 November 2015

When large marine predators feed on fisheries catches: Global patterns of the depredation conflict and directions for coexistence

scientific article published in 2020

Winter distribution and abundance of crabeater seals off George V Land, East Antarctica


Winter habitat predictions of a key Southern Ocean predator, the Antarctic fur seal ( Arctocephalus gazella )


Winter habitat use and foraging behavior of crabeater seals along the Western Antarctic Peninsula


Winter use of sea ice and ocean water mass habitat by southern elephant seals: The length and breadth of the mystery


You are what you eat: describing the foraging ecology of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) using blubber fatty acids

scientific article published in June 2003