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List of works by Bahram Gharabaghi

3D modelling of ice-covered flows in the vicinity of a deep hole in the East Channel of the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T

A Comparative Evaluation of Using Rain Gauge and NEXRAD Radar-Estimated Rainfall Data for Simulating Streamflow

scientific article published in 2022

A generalized linear stochastic model for lake level prediction

scientific article published on 17 March 2020

A methodological approach of predicting threshold channel bank profile by multi-objective evolutionary optimization of ANFIS

A modified FAO evapotranspiration model for refined water budget analysis for Green Roof systems

scientific article published in 2018

A new dust transport approach to quantify anthropogenic sources of atmospheric PM 10 deposition on lakes


A novel risk assessment method for landfill slope failure: Case study application for Bhalswa Dumpsite, India

scientific article

A novel stochastic wastewater quality modeling based on fuzzy techniques

scientific article published on 14 September 2020

A reliable linear method for modeling lake level fluctuations


A reliable linear stochastic daily soil temperature forecast model

article by Mohammad Zeynoddin et al published June 2019 in Soil and Tillage Research

A review of low-grade weirs as an agri-environmental best management practice in the Elginfield Municipal Drain watershed, Ontario, Canada


Abutment scour depth modeling using neuro-fuzzy-embedded techniques

An experimental and modeling study of evapotranspiration from integrated green roof photovoltaic systems

scientific article published in 2020

An integrated framework of Extreme Learning Machines for predicting scour at pile groups in clear water condition

An irrigation management model for a multi-cropping and multi-pattern setting

Applicability of ANSWERS-2000 to Estimate Sediment and Runoff from Canagagigue Creek Watershed in Ontario


Application of SWAT to Meet Water Quality Requirements for Canadian Conditions-A Study in Grand River Watershed


Application of Weather Radar in Estimation of Bulk Atmospheric Deposition of Total Phosphorus Over Lake Simcoe


Applying Upstream Satellite Signals and a 2-D Error Minimization Algorithm to Advance Early Warning and Management of Flood Water Levels and River Discharge

Artificial intelligence models for prediction of the aeration efficiency of the stepped weir

scholarly article by Ahmed A. Sattar et al published March 2019 in Flow Measurement and Instrumentation

Assessment of the Contributions of Traditional Qanats in Sustainable Water Resources Management


Berm design to reduce risks of catastrophic slope failures at solid waste disposal sites.

scientific article

Bromide and lithium transport in soils under long-term cultivation of alfalfa and wheat

CAD-DRASTIC: chloride application density combined with DRASTIC for assessing groundwater vulnerability to road salt application

Calculating the energy consumption of electrocoagulation using a generalized structure group method of data handling integrated with a genetic algorithm and singular value decomposition

article by Hossein Bonakdari et al published 11 November 2018 in Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy

CoBAGNPS: A Toolbox to Estimate Sediment Removal Efficiency of WASCoBs–Pipe Risers and Blind Inlets


Comparing the Performance of SWAT and AnnAGNPS Model in a Watershed in Ontario

Comparison of CANWET and HSPF for water budget and water quality modeling in rural Ontario

Comparison of three models describing bromide transport affected by different soil structure types

article by Azadeh Safadoust et al published 3 August 2015 in Archives for Agronomy and Soil Science

Compost Biofilters For Highway Stormwater Runoff Treatment

article published in 2010

Compost Biofilters for Protection of Environmentally Sensitive Areas Receiving Roadway Runoff

Development of a Management Tool for Vegetative Filter Strips


Development of more accurate discharge coefficient prediction equations for rectangular side weirs using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and generalized group method of data handling


Ecological benefit of the road salt code of practice

Effectiveness of Compost Biofilters in Removal of Sediments from Construction Site Runoff

Effectiveness of Vegetative Filter Strips in Removal of Sediments from Overland Flow

Empirical models for longitudinal dispersion coefficient in natural streams

article published in 2017

Enhanced roadside drainage system for environmentally sensitive areas

scientific article

Entropy-based neural networks model for flow duration curves at ungauged sites

article published in 2015

Erratum for “Municipal Solid Waste Slope Stability Modeling: A Probabilistic Approach” by Ali Jahanfar, Bahram Gharabaghi, Edward A. McBean, and Brajesh K. Dubey

scholarly article published in Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering

Estimating Sediment Yield from Upland and Channel Erosion at A Watershed Scale Using SWAT


Estimation of the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor for ungauged streams using Gene Expression Programming and Extreme Learning Machines


Evaluating and Calibrating Reference Evapotranspiration Models Using Water Balance under Hyper-Arid Environment

scholarly article in Water Resources Management, vol. 30 no. 11, June 2016

Evaluation of Nutrient Component of AnnAGNPS Model in a Watershed in Ontario

Evaluation of Stormwater Infrastructure Design Storms Developed Using Partial Duration and Annual Maximum Series Models

article by Sandra Vrban et al published December 2018 in Journal of Hydrologic Engineering

Evaluation of Weather Generator ClimGen for Southern Ontario

Evaluation of air quality zone classification methods based on ambient air concentration exposure.

scientific article published on 14 December 2016

Evaluation of the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index as a Planning and Design Tool for Restoration of Rural Ontario Waterways

Evaluation of the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) for Southern Ontario: Part II. Simulating Long-Term Effects of Nitrogen Management Practices on Crop Yield and Subsurface Drainage Water Quality

Evaluation of the Simplified Dynamic Wave, Diffusion Wave and the Full Dynamic Wave Flood Routing Models

Evaluation of the Thermal Impact of Stormwater Management Ponds

Evapotranspiration models assessment under hyper-arid environment

scholarly article in Arabian Journal of Geosciences, vol. 8 no. 11, April 2015

Event Runoff and Sediment-Yield Neural Network Models for Assessment and Design of Management Practices for Small Agricultural Watersheds

Event-based design tool for construction site erosion and sediment controls


Event-based soil loss models for construction sites

Event-based total suspended sediment particle size distribution model

Evolution of Ontario's Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guidance

Evolutionary Prediction of Biohydrogen Production by Dark Fermentation

Evolutionary design of generalized group method of data handling-type neural network for estimating the hydraulic jump roller length


Extreme Learning Machines in Predicting the Velocity Distribution in Compound Narrow Channels

Forecasting air quality time series using deep learning

scientific article published on 13 April 2018

Forecasting watermain failure using artificial neural network modelling

scholarly article by Ahmad Asnaashari et al published March 2013 in Canadian Water Resources Journal : The Journal of the CWRA/ACRH

GDVFS: A New Toolkit for Analysis and Design of Vegetative Filter Strips Using VFSMOD

Gene expression models for prediction of longitudinal dispersion coefficient in streams


Groundwater chloride response in the Highland Creek watershed due to road salt application: A re-assessment after 20years

Highway runoff quality models for the protection of environmentally sensitive areas

Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm Based on PSOGA for ANFIS Designing in Prediction of No-Deposition Bed Load Sediment Transport in Sewer Pipe

Hydraulic Modeling and Evaluation Equations for the Incipient Motion of Sandbags for Levee Breach Closure Operations

Increased Risks of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks in Northern Ontario due to Climate Change

Integrated Markov chains and uncertainty analysis techniques to more accurately forecast floods using satellite signals

Integrative neural networks models for stream assessment in restoration projects

Investigating the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Precipitation using Entropy Theory

Investigation of a new shock damper system efficiency in reducing water hammer excess pressure due to the sudden closure of a control valve

Investigation of the Tank Model for Urban Storm Water Management

scholarly article published 2017

Land use effects on phosphorus sequestration in soil aggregates in western Iran.

scientific article

Long-term land-use change effects on phosphorus fractionation in Zrêbar Lake margin soils


Mapping air quality zones for coastal urban centers

scientific article published on 20 December 2016

Modeling Blue and Green Water Resources Availability in an Iranian Data Scarce Watershed Using SWAT

Modeling Performance of Sediment Control Wet Ponds at Two Construction Sites in Ontario, Canada


Modelling of three-dimensional flow velocities in a deep hole in the East Channel of the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories

More accurate prediction of the complex velocity field in sewers based on uncertainty analysis using extreme learning machine technique

Municipal Solid Waste Slope Stability Modeling: A Probabilistic Approach

New insights into soil temperature time series modeling: linear or nonlinear?

scholarly article by Hossein Bonakdari et al published 3 March 2018 in Theoretical and Applied Climatology

Novel hybrid linear stochastic with non-linear extreme learning machine methods for forecasting monthly rainfall a tropical climate

scientific article published on 27 May 2018

Optimizing best management practices to control anthropogenic sources of atmospheric phosphorus deposition to inland lakes.

scientific article published on 18 April 2018

Parametric and Non-Parametric Survival Models for “Time to Failure” of Water Pipelines: Case Study

Pollutants Removal by Vegetative Filter Strips Planted with Different Grasses


Predicting Archimedes Screw Generator Power Output Using Artificial Neural Networks


Predicting Breaking Wave Conditions Using Gene Expression Programming


Predicting Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity by Artificial Intelligence and Regression Models

scientific article published in 2013

Predicting fruit and vegetable processing wash-water quality

scientific article published in April 2017

Predicting stable alluvial channel profiles using emotional artificial neural networks

scholarly article by Azadeh Gholami et al published May 2019 in Applied Soft Computing

Predicting the Timing of Water Main Failure Using Artificial Neural Networks

scholarly article by Richard Harvey et al published April 2014 in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Predicting the geometry of regime rivers using M5 model tree, multivariate adaptive regression splines and least square support vector regression methods

article by Saba Shaghaghi et al published 27 November 2018 in International Journal of River Basin Management

Predicting wastewater treatment plant quality parameters using a novel hybrid linear-nonlinear methodology

scientific article published on 05 April 2019

Prediction of Incipient Breaking Wave-Heights Using Artificial Neural Networks and Empirical Relationships

scholarly article by Bryson Robertson et al published December 2015 in Coastal Engineering Journal

Prediction of flow duration curves for ungauged basins

Prediction of wave runup on beaches using Gene-Expression Programming and empirical relationships


Projected climate conditions to 2100 for Regina, Saskatchewan

Protecting Salt Vulnerable Areas Using an Enhanced Roadside Drainage System (ERDS)

scientific article published in 2022

Ranking of Waterways Susceptible to Adverse Stormwater Effects

Reference Time of Concentration Estimation for Ungauged Catchments

Reliable method of determining stable threshold channel shape using experimental and gene expression programming techniques


Remote Sensing Satellite Data Preparation for Simulating and Forecasting River Discharge

Reservoir management under predictable climate variability and change

Reservoir water level forecasting using group method of data handling

article by Amir Hossein Zaji et al published 2 June 2018 in Acta Geophysica

Road Salt Application in Highland Creek Watershed, Toronto, Ontario - Chloride Mass Balance

Road salt application planning tool for winter de-icing operations


Salt vulnerability assessment methodology for municipal supply wells

Scour depth model for grade-control structures

Significance of physical weathering of two-texturally different soils for the saturated transport of Escherichia coli and bromide

scientific article published on 29 May 2012

Soil Aquifer Treatment System Design Equation for Organic Micropollutant Removal

Soil amendments for heavy metals removal from stormwater runoff discharging to environmentally sensitive areas


Spatial variability analysis and mapping of soil physical and chemical attributes in a salt-affected soil

scholarly article in Arabian Journal of Geosciences, vol. 12 no. 3, January 2019

Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Runoff Generation Areas in a Small Agricultural Watershed in Southern Ontario

Spatiotemporal Air Pollution Forecasting in Houston-TX: A Case Study for Ozone Using Deep Graph Neural Networks

scientific article published in 2023

Stable alluvial channel design using evolutionary neural networks

Stream Chloride Monitoring Program of City of Toronto: Implications of Road Salt Application

Survival Rate Analyses of Watermains: A Comparison of Case Studies for Canada and Iran


The Hydraulic Behaviour of Flexible Channel Lining Systems

The optimal dam site selection using a group decision-making method through fuzzy TOPSIS model

Thermal Investigation of Stromwater Management Ponds



Uncertainty analysis of intelligent model of hybrid genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization with ANFIS to predict threshold bank profile shape based on digital laser approach sensing

Uncertainty analysis of shear stress estimation in circular channels by Tsallis entropy

Using Data Mining to Understand Drinking Water Advisories in Small Water Systems: a Case Study of Ontario First Nations Drinking Water Supplies

scholarly article in Water Resources Management, vol. 29 no. 14, August 2015

Using Probabilistic Neural Networks to Analyze First Nations’ Drinking Water Advisory Data

Using the PCSWMM 2010 SRTC Tool to Design a Compost Biofilter for Highway Stormwater Runoff Treatment

Vehicle stacking estimation at signalized intersections with unmanned aerial systems

Wind-Induced Air-Flow Patterns in an Urban Setting: Observations and Numerical Modeling

Within-Storm Rainfall Distribution Effect on Soil Erosion Rate

scholarly article published 2011