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List of works by David Malcolm Lewis

(A. R.) Burn Persia and the Greeks : the defence of the West, c. 546–478 B.C. London: Edward Arnold. 1962. Pp. xvi + 586. 15 maps. £2 15s

(B. D.) Meritt The Athenian Year. (Sather Classical Lectures, 32.) Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press (London: Cambridge U.P.). 1961. Pp. viii + 262. £2 8s. 0d

(B.) Hemmerdinger. Essai sur l'histoire du texte de Thucydide. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1955. P. 75. Price not stated

(G. E.) Mylonas Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries. Princeton: University Press (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul). 1962. Pp. xx + 346. 88 illustrations. £3

(G.) Nachtergael Les Galates en Grèce et les Sôtéria de Delphes: recherches d'histoire et d'épigraphie hellénistiques. (Acad. royale de Belgique, mémoires de la classe des lettres, 8°, 2e série, 63, 1.) Brussels: Palais des Académies. 1977.

(J. A. O.) Larsen Greek federal states: their institutions and history. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1968. Pp. xxviii + 537. £4 10s

(K.) Clinton The sacred officials of the Eleusinian mysteries. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, n.s. vol. 64, pt. 3, 1974.) Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society. 1974. Pp. 143, 17 text figs. $12.00

(L. H.) Jeffery The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece. Oxford: the Clarenden Press. 1961. Pp. xx + 416. 72 plates. 1 table. £7 7s

article by D. M. Lewis published November 1963 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

(P.) Ghiron-Bistagne Recherches sur les acteurs dans la Grèce antique. Paris: ‘Les Belles Lettres’. 1976. Pp. xxviii + 404, 153 illus. (1 col.), 7 text figs. Fr. 220

article published in 1978

(P.) Lévèque and (P.) Vidal-Naquet Clisthène l'Athénien. (Annales littéraires de l'université de Besançon, 65). Besançon: Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines. 1964. Pp. 167. 14 text figures. Price not stated

(R.) Stupperich Staatsbegrabnis und Privatgrabmal im klassischen Athen. [Diss.] 2 vols. Münster: The Author. 1977. Pp. ix + [468]. DM 36

(S.V.) Tracy Attic letter-cutters of 229 to 86 BC. Berkeley etc.: U of California P, 1990. Pp. xvi + 291., plates. $45

(T. B. L.) Webster. Art and Literature in Fourth Century Athens. London: Athlone Press, 1956. Pp. xvi + 159, with 16 plates. 25s

article by D. M. Lewis published November 1957 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

(T. L. Shear, Jr.) Kallias of Sphettos and the revolt of Athens in 286 B.C. (Hesperia, supplement 17.) Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 1978. Pp. x + 117, 4 plates. $10.00

(V.) Gabrielsen Remuneration of state officials in fourth-century B.C. Athens. (Odense University Classical Studies, 11.) Odense: University Press. 1981. Pp. 165. D kr. 65

article by D. M. Lewis published November 1982 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

A Note on IG i2 114

A Transfer from Eleusis

Apollo Delios

Bibliography of A. M. Woodward

Bowie on Elegy: A footnote

article published in 1987

Datis the Mede

Double Representation in the Strategia

Further notes on Page, Further Greek Epigrams

Note on the Peace of Nikias

Notes on Attic Inscriptions

On the chronology of the Samian war

Persian gold in Greek international relations

The Athenian Navy in the Classical Period: A Study of Athenian Naval Administration and Military Organization in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C.Boromir Jordan

article by David M. Lewis published January 1978 in Classical Philology

The Athenian tribute-quota lists, 453–450 BC

article published in 1994

The Dedication of Aristokrates

The Deme Ikarion

The Ephebes of Erechtheis, 333/2 B.C. and their dedication

The federal constitution of Keos

Thucydides. Historiae. Ed. C. Hude and O. Luschnat. I, libri i–ii. 2nd ed. (Bibliotheca Teubneriana.) Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. 1960. Pp. xxvi + 213. DM 8.40