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List of works by Daniel Apai

3.8um Imaging of 400-600K Brown Dwarfs and Orbital Constraints for WISEP J045853.90+643452.6AB

<tt>Helios-r2</tt>: A New Bayesian, Open-source Retrieval Model for Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanet Atmospheres

scientific article published in 2020

A steeper than linear disk mass-stellar mass scaling relation

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

ACCESS: A Visual toNear-infrared Spectrum of the Hot Jupiter WASP-43b with Evidence of H<sub>2</sub>O, but No Evidence of Na or K

scientific article published on 12 December 2019

ACCESS: Confirmation of No Potassium in the Atmosphere of WASP-31b

scientific article published on 29 October 2020

ACCESS: Confirmation of a Clear Atmosphere for WASP-96b and a Comparison of Light Curve Detrending Techniques

scientific article published in 2022

ACCESS: Tentative detection of H$_2$O in the ground-based optical transmission spectrum of the low-density hot Saturn HATS-5b

scientific article published on 22 September 2022

ALMA Observations of the Young Substellar Binary System 2M1207

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

An ALMA Survey of CO Isotopologue Emission from Protoplanetary Disks in Chamaeleon I

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Cloud Atlas: Variability in and out of the Water Band in the Planetary-mass HD 203030B Points to Cloud Sedimentation in Low-gravity L Dwarfs

scientific article published on 03 October 2019

Discovery of a two-armed spiral structure in the gapped disk around Herbig Ae star HD 100453

scientific article

HST astrometry of the closest brown dwarfs-II. Improved parameters and constraints on a third body

Impact of the Arizona NExSS Winter School on Astrobiology Knowledge and Attitudes.

scientific article

New candidate eruptive young stars in Lynds 1340

Prediction of an Earth-sized Planet Formed in the Habitable Zone of the SPECULOOS-2 System

scientific article published in 2022

RETRACTED: Direct imaging discovery of a Jovian exoplanet within a triple-star system

retracted scientific article

The Exo-Life Finder (ELF) telescope: New strategies for direct detection of exoplanet biosignatures and technosignatures

scientific article published in October 2018

The Exoplanet Population Observation Simulator. I. The Inner Edges of Planetary Systems

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The HST Large Programme on NGC 6752 – II. Multiple populations at the bottom of the main sequence probed in NIR

scientific article

The HST Large Programme on NGC 6752. I. Serendipitous discovery of a dwarf Galaxy in background

The HST large programme on NGC 6752 – III. Detection of the peak of the white dwarf luminosity function

scientific article

The LEECH Exoplanet Imaging Survey: Limits on Planet Occurrence Rates under Conservative Assumptions

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The Near-infrared Transmission Spectra of TRAPPIST-1 Planets b, c, d, e, f, and g and Stellar Contamination in Multi-epoch Transit Spectra

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

VLT/SPHERE Multiwavelength High-contrast Imaging of the HD 115600 Debris Disk: New Constraints on the Dust Geometry and the Presence of Young Giant Planets

scholarly article

Zones, spots, and planetary-scale waves beating in brown dwarf atmospheres

scientific article published on August 2017