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List of works by Donald Scavia

A comparison of the formulation for eddy diffusion in two one-dimensional stratification models

A method for parameter sensitivity analysis in differential equation models


A multi-model approach to evaluating target phosphorus loads for Lake Erie


A scenario and forecast model for Gulf of Mexico hypoxic area and volume

scientific article published on 4 September 2013

A simple 1-dimensional, climate based dissolved oxygen model for the central basin of Lake Erie


A simple model for forecasting the effects of nitrogen loads on Chesapeake Bay hypoxia


A space-time geostatistical model for probabilistic estimation of harmful algal bloom biomass and areal extent

scientific article published on 08 August 2019

Algal Organic Carbon Excretion in Lake Michigan


An ecological model of Lake Ontario


An integrated social and ecological modeling framework—impacts of agricultural conservation practices on water quality

scientific article published in 2014

Analysis of the Chesapeake Bay Hypoxia Regime Shift: Insights from Two Simple Mechanistic Models

Are all data useful? Inferring causality to predict flows across sewer and drainage systems using directed information and boosted regression trees

Assessing and addressing the re-eutrophication of Lake Erie: Central basin hypoxia


Assessing biophysical controls on Gulf of Mexico hypoxia through probabilistic modeling

scientific article published in March 2015

BOOK REVIEW | Muddy Coast Dynamics and Resource Management


Bacterioplankton in Lake Michigan: Dynamics, controls, and significance to carbon flux1


Benefits of using Integrated Assessment to address sustainability challenges

Calculation and use of selectivity coefficients of feeding: Zooplankton grazing

scientific article published in 1979

Calculation of vertical profiles of lake-averaged temperature and diffusivity in Lakes Ontario and Washington


Cattle, Clean Water, and Climate Change: Policy Choices for the Brazilian Agricultural Frontier


Causes of phytoplankton changes in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, during the zebra mussel invasion


Climate Change and Nutrient Loading in the Western Lake Erie Basin: Warming Can Counteract a Wetter Future

scientific article published on 18 June 2019

Climate change as a driver of change in the Great Lakes St. Lawrence River Basin


Climate change impacts on U.S. Coastal and Marine Ecosystems


Coastal eutrophication assessment in the United States

scholarly article by Donald Scavia & Suzanne B. Bricker published 21 April 2006 in Biogeochemistry

Community engagement is critical to achieve a “thriving and prosperous” future for the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River basin


Comparison of Phytoplankton Growth Constructs in the Context of Vertically Segmented Plankton Models

scholarly article published 1983

Comparison of an Ecological Model of Lake Ontario and Phosphorus Loading Models


Comparison of first-order error analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation in time-dependent lake eutrophication models


Correction to Spatial and Temporal Trends in Lake Erie Hypoxia, 1987–2007


Corrigendum to “Recent changes in primary production and phytoplankton in the offshore region of southeastern Lake Michigan” [J. Great Lakes Res. 36 (Supplement 3) (2010) 20–29]


Corrigendum to “Simulating the effect of nutrient reduction on hypoxia in a large lake (Lake Erie, USA-Canada) with a three-dimensional lake model” [J. Great Lakes Res. 42 (2016) 1228-1240]


Developing a Comprehensive Coastal Research Agenda

scientific article published in 1997

Development of a farmer typology of agricultural conservation behavior in the American Corn Belt


Distance-Penalized Active Learning Using Quantile Search

Distribution of labile dissolved organic carbon in Lake Michigan


Dynamics of Lake Michigan Phytoplankton: Mechanisms Controlling Epilimnetic Communities


Dynamics of Lake Michigan Phytoplankton: Primary Production and Growth


Dynamics of Lake Michigan Phytoplankton: Recent Changes in Surface and Deep Communities


Dynamics of Lake Michigan Phytoplankton: the Deep Chlorophyll Layer


Dynamics of Lake Michigan Phytoplankton; Relationship to Nitrogen and Silica Fluxes


Dynamics of Lake Michigan Plankton: A Model Evaluation of Nutrient Loading, Competition, and Predation


Ecological Forecasting and the Science of Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay

Effects of Hypoxia on Consumption, Growth, and RNA:DNA Ratios of Young Yellow Perch

article by James J. Roberts et al published November 2011 in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Engaging Stakeholders To Define Feasible and Desirable Agricultural Conservation in Western Lake Erie Watersheds

scientific article published on 23 June 2016

Ensemble modeling informs hypoxia management in the northern Gulf of Mexico

scientific article published on 31 July 2017

Epistemology, Experiments, and Pragmatism


Estuarine classification and response to nitrogen loading: Insights from simple ecological models


Evaluating Causes of Trends in Long-Term Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus Loads to Lake Erie


Evaluating the Impact of Legacy P and Agricultural Conservation Practices on Nutrient Loads from the Maumee River Watershed

scientific article

Examination of Phosphorus Cycling and Control of Phytoplankton Dynamics in Lake Ontario with an Ecological Model


Exploring estuarine eutrophication sensitivity to nutrient loading

article published in 2013

Exploring estuarine nutrient susceptibility

scientific article published in May 2009

Feeding rate of Diaptomus sicilis and its relation to selectivity and effective food concentration in algal mixtures and in Lake Michigan


Forecasting Gulf’s hypoxia: The next 50 years?


Forecasting hypoxia in the Chesapeake Bay and Gulf of Mexico: model accuracy, precision, and sensitivity to ecosystem change


Fostering knowledge networks for climate adaptation

scholarly article by David Bidwell et al published July 2013 in Nature Climate Change

From Picoplankton to Fish: Complex Interactions in the Great Lakes


Gulf of Mexico hypoxia: exploring increasing sensitivity to nitrogen loads

scientific article published in August 2010

How climate controls the flux of nitrogen by the Mississippi River and the development of hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico


Hypoxic volume is more responsive than hypoxic area to nutrient load reductions in the northern Gulf of Mexico – and it matters to fish and fisheries

scientific article

Impact of inertial period internal waves on fixed-depth primary production estimates


Importance of Picoplankton in Lake Superior


Incidental oligotrophication of North American Great Lakes

scientific article

Influence of Salmonine Predation and Weather on Long-Term Water Quality Trends in Lake Michigan


Influence of Sediment on Anthracene Uptake, Depuration, and Biotransformation by the Amphipod Hyalella azteca

Influence of climate and human activities on the relationship between watershed nitrogen input and river export

scientific article

Interacting effects of climate change and agricultural BMPs on nutrient runoff entering Lake Erie


Kinetic examination of nitrogen release by zooplankters1

article by Wayne S. Gardner & Donald Scavia published September 1981 in Limnology and Oceanography

Kinetics of nitrogen and phosphorus release in varying food supplies byDaphnia magna

Lake Michigan lower food web: Long-term observations and Dreissena impact


Lipids and fatty acids of Mysis diluviana in lakes Michigan and Huron, 2008


Living on the Edge: How we converted challenges into profitable opportunities

Long-term and recent changes in southern Lake Michigan water quality with implications for present trophic status


Measuring the ecological significance of microscale nutrient patches

Microbial Response to Amino Acid Additions in Lake Michigan: Grazer Control and Substrate Limitation of Bacterial Populations


Micrograzer Impact and Substrate Limitation of Bacterioplankton in Lake Michigan


Microscale Patchiness of Nutrients in Plankton Communities

scientific article published in Science

Mississippi Basin/Gulf hypoxia action plan sent to Congress


Modeling Lake Erie's hypoxia response to nutrient loads and physical variability


Modeling hypoxia in the Chesapeake Bay: Ensemble estimation using a Bayesian hierarchical model


Modeling hypoxia in the central basin of Lake Erie under potential phosphorus load reduction scenarios


Modeling in Water Management Systems Approach to Water Management Asit K. Biswas

Moving Climate Information off the Shelf: Boundary Chains and the Role of RISAs as Adaptive Organizations

Multiple models guide strategies for agricultural nutrient reductions

scientific article published in 2017

NOAA's Ocean Observing Programs

scientific article published in 2003

Nutrient Enrichment Drives Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia


Nutrient loading and meteorological conditions explain interannual variability of hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay

On the practical usefulness of least squares for assessing uncertainty in hydrologic and water quality predictions

article by Dario Del Giudice et al published July 2018 in Environmental Modelling and Software

On the role of bacteria in secondary production


Phosphorus Release Patterns and the Effects of Reproductive Stage and Ecdysis in Daphnia magna

Photosynthetic Characteristics of Phytoplankton Communities in Lakes Huron and Michigan: P-I Parameters and End-Products


Phytoplankton community composition of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, during the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion: A multivariate analysis


Pontoporeia hoyi—a Direct Trophic Link between Spring Diatoms and Fish in Lake Michigan


Predicting the Hypoxic-Volume in Chesapeake Bay with the Streeter-Phelps Model: A Bayesian Approach1


Predicting the response of Gulf of Mexico hypoxia to variations in Mississippi River nitrogen load


Probabilistically assessing the role of nutrient loading in harmful algal bloom formation in western Lake Erie


Quantifying the impacts of stratification and nutrient loading on hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico

scientific article published on May 2012

Reassessing hypoxia forecasts for the Gulf of Mexico

scientific article published in December 2007

Recent changes in primary production and phytoplankton in the offshore region of southeastern Lake Michigan


Record-setting algal bloom in Lake Erie caused by agricultural and meteorological trends consistent with expected future conditions

scientific article

Reducing hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico: Advice from three models


Regulation of Water Quality in Lake Michigan: Report of the Food Web Workshop


Rehabilitation of Lake Ontario: the Role of Nutrient Reduction and Food Web Dynamics

Retrospective analysis of midsummer hypoxic area and volume in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 1985-2011.

scientific article published on 14 August 2013

Scenario analysis: An integrative and effective method for bridging disciplines and achieving a thriving Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin


Scenario-testing of agricultural best management practices in Lake Erie watersheds


Seasonal and interannual effects of hypoxia on fish habitat quality in central Lake Erie


Simulating the effect of nutrient reduction on hypoxia in a large lake (Lake Erie, USA-Canada) with a three-dimensional lake model


Size Structure of Particulate Biogenic Silica in Lake Michigan


Small-scale nutrient patchiness: Some consequences and a new encounter mechanism1

Sources of reactive nitrogen affecting ecosystems in Latin America and the Caribbean: current trends and future perspectives


Spatial and temporal trends in Lake Erie hypoxia, 1987-2007.

scientific article published on 3 January 2013

Spatial distributions of external and internal phosphorus loads in Lake Erie and their impacts on phytoplankton and water quality


Spring Transition Period in Lake Ontario — A Numerical Study of the Causes of the Large Biological and Chemical Gradients


Temporal and spatial dynamics of large lake hypoxia: Integrating statistical and three-dimensional dynamic models to enhance lake management criteria


The Great Lakes Futures Project: Principles and policy recommendations for making the lakes great


The hydrologic model as a source of nutrient loading uncertainty in a future climate

scientific article published in 2020

The use of measurable coefficients in process formulations—zooplankton grazing

scientific article published in 1976

Tracking cyanobacteria blooms: Do different monitoring approaches tell the same story?

scientific article published on 12 October 2016

Trying hard to adapt to a chaotic world: How complex challenges overwhelmed best intentions

Two Electivity Indices for Feeding with Special Reference to Zooplankton Grazing

Using a Bayesian hierarchical model to improve Lake Erie cyanobacteria bloom forecasts


Variance estimates for a dynamic eutrophication model of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron


“Nutrient Inputs to the Laurentian Great Lakes by Source and Watershed Estimated Using SPARROW Watershed Models” by Dale M. Robertson and David A. Saad2
